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The Captain's Roast

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The things Alastair asked Sayako to do, of course, only took a few moments of wireless communication. "Thank you for your feedback. The chair is being fabricated now, Belmont-Shōsa. I need to go assist Kōun-Chūi with galley duty. The crew has heard I the two of us are cooking together and are looking forward to it, as always." She bowed, turned, and went almost-directly to the galley. Since a lab coat was as good as an apron, she did not need to change anything. This meant she made it to the galley before Aliset, despite the delay talking to her captain afterwards.

"Kōun-Chūi, Sayako-Shōi reporting for galley duty," she stood upright at crisp attention when Aliset entered. "I have already begun mise-en-place of ingredients and utensils needed."
"Hey, Say," Aliset gave a wave as she approached. "You know you don't have to call me that. I'm off duty. But thanks. I take it the galleymaster took the evening? She could stand for a break... Which means you're galleymaster tonight, Which is good, because I invited our Separa guest to help out. By the way, how do I look?"

She turned, giving a spin that let the scarves hanging around her hip pouch flutter in the air, the back of her shawl lift up to reveal the small of her back, and the curve of her hip flash across the lights. "Not exactly date night apparel, but I'm more concerned on how to become a captain. My career in the Star Army was quiet for the first year or so, and now I'm going to really pick up the pace and hope to earn a ship. If I'm lucky, by the ship's decision. I mean, Koun-Chan's been cryptic as fuck about whether or not I can do it. Aside a few tight lipped pure truth answers, she doesn't talk to me, much. More annoying, she's not been much help with my lessons. But I understand she does not often deal with linguists who cannot simply download the language and then practice. A cultural friction, I think." She had smoothly transitioned into terribly accented Essian at some point.
Alastair intercepted Aerlia while she was on her way to the galley. She was still in uniform, but may not be for too much longer depending on how helping Aliset with optional duties went. When Alastair asked about escorting him to Hanako, Aerlia simply blinked. "Well, Shosa, that is the plan. I assume you have confirmed Hanako is on the planet? Last I heard she was still on Pisces Station." The Separa'Shan's forked tongue flicked out momentarily, "Either way, once this ssship is in port my job will be done for the mossst part. My colleaguesss landssside will take it from there." She looked over Alastair's shoulder, "If that'sss all, I sssaid I'd asssssist the Sssenti. Adieu."

Slithering by, Aerlia came upon the galley. The other two ladies were already in there, and their visitor slipped in with a half-smile. "Greetingsss. What isss it we'll be cooking today? It'sss been a while since I cooked for myssself, essspecially foodsss from outssside Esssssia." The dark-skinned, amber-eyed woman examined their surroundings, taking in the tools and workspace. Her lengthy coils slid through the entryway, piling on top of each other with the light hiss of scales on scales.
Alastair replied, "Ah yes, a work in progress as we dial in for our final destination. Granted I have no say on this since I am not in command of the ship but I picture my XO has it handled." He took a step to the side. "Enjoy your time in the galley." He reached up and ran his hand through his hair. What was meant to be a punishment seemed to have turned into a slumber party in the galley. It would seem even the MPs were not immune to the effects of the Koun crew. He decided to make his way down to the galley to at least make his presence known.


Kamiko Akino was making her final rounds before calling it a night. She checked the logs and seen she had just one task left, confirm final location of Hanako. She had comms patch her into central command. "This is acting captain Kamiko Akino of the YSS Koun. I am requested location details on Ketsurui Hanako. Captain Alastair Belmont has an audience with her."
"Well, ma'am, I was actually planning on modifying some traditional Essian dishes. Problems lie in that I do not know any." Aliset spoke in heavily accented Essian, offering an apologetic smile to Aerlia. "Our lovely science officer, Shoi Sayoko, will be as food artist while I do what I can to learn. I apologize for my accent. I'm aware that I sound like a drunk child with too many wrong words."

She had to blink once or twice, shaking the thought of the Taisa's height and strength being quickly banished from her mind as she moved to acquire a set of chef's whites to cover Aerlia's uniform and keep the stains away from that white panel. In fact, two. Her shawls weren't the advanced synthetic fibers so easily cleaned by a swarm of nanites. No, the leather edged shawl was made of silk, produced by some large arachnids found on Shurista and used mostly as cattle, both for the silk and for the meat. She idly noted in her mind that her clothes would be getting a lot more expensive, aside uniforms, the longer she was away from the flotillas. She only had so many water chits, and the exchange rates between Shuristan water chits and Yamataian KS had not been established. More, she was not receiving the Shuristan UBI out here. While what she was wearing would have seemed casual for any Shuristan civilian, akin to a Nep in jeans and a cheap tee shirt, natural fibers weren't so easy to find, nor as cheap as from a more "advanced" civilization.

Snapping out of her momentary daze, she offered the coat to Aerlia, unpinning her shawl and untying it from her hip to fold neatly on a nearby table, that brooch on top, leaving her silvery shoulders rapidly developing goosebumps as they were exposed to the cold air, and she was suddenly deeply greatful for the sturdy sport bra she wore under her camisole. "Perhaps you can teach me the foods of your home. I will spare you the boring attempts at advancing my career. You have had a long journey. It is time to relax, at least until our skills find more need."
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