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RP: Second Draconian War The Emperor Smiles

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Admiral Princeps Thraven
Posts: 9
(2/3/03 5:21 pm)
Reply The Emperor Smiles The twisting, shifting currents and eddies of the Warp. Half-imagined creatures obscene enough to drive a hardened mind beyond the brink of sanity. Unseen horrors, nightmares and fears given form, and worst of all, the Dark Gods, powerful beyond imagining. All of them wanting one thing more than anything else. The universe of the Materium. Humanities universe. Through this nightmarish reality, a sphere of normality created and sustained by powerful Psykers and 'Reality Emitters', sailed smoothly through the currents of the Immaterium. Warp Technology had advanced to the point where it was much safer, easier, and more predictable than it had ever been before, even more so than during the Dark Age of Technology. The Warp swirled around this bubble, partially formed claws and talons raking at it before dissolving back into the swirling mass, and the majority of the people protected within knew nothing of the mind-shattering terror lurking outside.

Within these defences, one of the most powerful vessels ever constructed by the ADF moved steadily and silently, its weapons dormant. Even here, surrounded by the insanity and horror of the Warp, the vessel was an impressive sight, enough to inspire faith in humanity. Make one believe that perhaps it wasn't all in vain after all. Its almost-sleek hull, proud in the face of the Immaterium. Gun turrets gleaming in the ever shifting light of the Warp, as its engines glowed brightly, pushing the mighty vessel forward, towards its destination - not only in another place, but another universe entirely.

On the bridge of the ship, Flag-Captain Cirrus sat in the broad leather command chair. Apparently, the chair had been salvaged from the bridge wreckage of Thravens former Flagship, the Hyperion. Cirrus could tell it had been, as had several other things he'd seen in his few days aboard. The seat had been modified, and refitted, but it still felt... solid. It had stood the test of centuries, and it felt sturdier than the command seats on the newer vessels. It felt stronger than his own seat aboard his ship, Angel Sword. He smiled slightly, allowing himself to feel proud. this was one assignment he didn't mind. He'd been aboard countless other vessels in the past months, training other crews, lending them the benefit of his years of experience, and he'd hated leaving his own vessel. But this, this was almost a bonus. Almost like recognition of his hard work. Commanding this ship, even for such a brief period, filled him with the kind of pride the Inquisition would execute him for in an instant.

He looked across the bridge, to where Commissar-General Griess stood. Griess had been Fleet Commissar briefly, and had been a ships Commissar for several years before transferring back to the ground forces. This had been partly his idea, which surprised Cirrus. He didn't think the man had it in him. Although, it did seem fitting that he should be the Commissar to accompany the vessel on this first journey, even if he would remain there for no longer than Cirrus himself. A soft chime brought Cirrus' attention to the main view-screen. It was alerting him that within moments they would come into sensor range of the small Outrider class vessel which had brought Baranus to see the Admiral. It was waiting for them.

"Vox Officer, hail the Outrider" said Cirrus. The man nodded, and activated the channel

"Ready Captain" said the Vox Officer moments later

Cirrus smiled at the projection about 2 feet in front of his face. It showed the head and shoulders of L'areth, the Eldar captain of the Outrider. "Captain, we are approaching the exit point. Would you care to join us on our little mission?" he asked. The Outrider had been told to wait here until they arrived, and contact all vessels within range and inform them to keep quiet about their arrival. Similarly, all monitors and sensors, which would have registered the ship as soon as it left dry-dock, were keeping quiet about its arrival. Certain people were seeing to that. The Eldar captain smiled.

"We would like that very much. Outrider assuming dorsal point Captain" the image faded, and the tactical view which replaced it showed the Outrider moving into position directly above the bridge of the ship. Cirrus leaned back into the leather padding of the command seat, as the view-screen changed, alerting the bridge crew they were entering realspace. Cirrus had to admit, he was looking forward to this.


Edited by: Admiral Princeps Thraven at: 2/3/03 5:34:59 pm
Admiral Princeps Thraven
Posts: 18
(2/21/03 9:55 am)
Reply The Emperor Smiles Pt 2 Defence Station Russ, In Orbit Around Ayenee Prime

"Shuttle Lysium, you are cleared for launch. Pleasant journey" came the voice of the stations Launch Control officer. In the cavernous main hangar bay, the armed shuttle Lysium lifted a few metres clear of the deck, and moved steadily towards the gaping mouth of the hangar. The small vessel was shaped much like a tera-drop, its point being the prow of the small ship. Elegant, shimmering Solar Sails extended from the underside of the shuttle as it cleared the bay. The Eldar armed shuttle would need to retract the sails in a matter of minutes, but the pilot was evidently a showman. Waiting outside was an escort suited to the passenger the vessel carried.

Three squadrons of fighters awaited the shuttle, arranged in a triangle around the hangar mouth. A full squadron of Wraiths, another of Imperial Fury's, and the third Eldar Darkstar fighters. They held the formationas the shuttle began its leisurely, curving path towards the planet. Aboard the shuttle, seated in the lusciously converted transport bay, Admiral-Princeps Thraven gazed quietly out of a porthole overlooking the planetary defences surrounding the planet. From here he could see a handful of the un-manned platforms, Station Russ, and a scattering of military vessels. In the comfortable bay with him sat General Alex Coburn, and Farseer Suriel. The two also looked out of the portholes, until Coburn spoke.

"Damn it's gonna be good to stand on real ground again I can't wait to get back down there" he said, his eyes looking longingly at the planet filling the portholes on his side of the ship. The Generals military greens stood out against the pastel colours of the room, and marked him out amongst the other fleet officers. He fiercely resisted wearing naval uniforms, only giving in on formal occassions. And that was with a lot of complaints "I've lost track of how long it's been"

"Two years, four months, and fifteen days, as of this morning" said Suriel, without looking around. A smile curved his lips "I took the liberty of reviewing your service record, general".

Coburn laughed softly "Well, it seems even longer than that"

Thraven looked away from the porthole, smiling slightly "I know how you feel Alex. It has been a long time for all of us. It will be very good indeed to feel the wind on my face again" he said, taking in the view from the opposite portholes. He frowned slightly "Our course is off. We should be preparing to enter the atmosphere by now" he said, rising to his feet, and heading to the intercom on the wall of the room. Depressing the call button, he speaks "Pilot, is something wrong? Our course appears to be wrong"

"Nothing is wrong Admiral. Please, be seated" came the reply from the pilot. Thraven frowned at the intercom unit. He'd be damned if he'd be put off that easily. Immediately thoughts of a kidnap attempt surged to the front of his mind. Suriel, Coburn and himself. Three of the most powerful people in the Republic, would make a tempting package...

"Sir, there's something here you might want to see" Coburns voice snapped Thravens head around. The General was now looking out of the window on Thravens side of the shuttle, as was Suriel. Thraven dashed to the nearest window, his hand reaching to his belt for a pistol that wasn't there, his mind reaching out to a Titan that wasn't there. Starboard of the vessel, no more than two miles away, a large Warp Rift had opened. Thraven frowned. Why would a Coalition vessel open a Rift so close to the planet? He opened his mouth to ask Suriel, when the vessel reponsible majestically cruised into realspace.

The light from Ayenees sun glinted on the three shining stripes of gold which clashed the side of the vessel. Rows upon row of cannons rotated, assuming 'parade' position. Huge launch bays emerged from the rift, their hatches sealed fro the trip through the Warp. Picked out in silver lettering half amile tall was the name of the vessel. Hyperion. The small Outrider vessel that had brought the Fabricator left the Rift, holding position with the larger ship, like a fish following a shark. The bridge of the vessels emerged, and as the engine cluster emerged, the Rift closed, and the titanic vessel stopped. Thraven looked from Cobrun to Suriel. Coburn grinned from ear to ear, and seemed on the brink of laughter. Suriel smiled broadly, his pale eyes glittering with amusement. Before Thraven could speak, feeling a smile spread on his own lips, the pilots voice came over the intercom.

"My lord, the Hyperion is hailing us. They request contact with you"

"Transfer it through captain" said Thraven, smiling broadly. He turned from the window, and faced the holo-projector that slid soundlessly from the wall. The image of Captain Cirrus shimmered into existence, 7 inches from the tope of his raven-haired head to shining black boots. He wore a broad smile on his face, with his hands clutched behind his back.

"Lord-Admiral, Flag-Captain Cirrus of the Hyperion here. I believe you are expecting us?" he said

Thraven grinned "Correct Captain. However, I was not expecting you for at least another standard month"

"The Emperor smiled upon us, and work was completed ahead of schedule sir. The joint chiefs thought that you may enjoy a surprise sir" replied the captain, still smiling. Coburn laughed loudly

"Hey, you aren't planting this all on us Captain. Besides, I heard it was Sempers idea" he said, slapping the Admirals back.

Thraven shook his head slightly, still smiling "Permission to come aboard Captain?" he said. The image of the captain nodded.

"Granted sir. I will meet you in bay two" With a nod, the image shimmered away, and the projector slid back into the wall, as the shuttle adjusted its course, headed towards the ASC's first Liberator class Attack-Carrier.
(bumped to preserve original chronological order)
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