Star Army

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The Far East War...


Inactive Member
[This is just an experiment to see if I can get some kind of a plot going and see where it ends up and is about one of my favorite subjects, mercenaries. This plot focuses on the exploits of one particular PMC platoon in typical gung-ho fashion as they fight and die for country and most of all, CASH! Anyone is free to join in and maybe even add to the story if its gets stalled somehow. Now for some back story.]

The year is 2015 and the world has become a most dangerous place. The 21st century was supposed to bring a new era of peace and prosperity but as the war on terror escalated around the world in various police actions and proxy wars, international armies have been growing more and more dependent on the growing tread of outsourcing military contracts to the growing number of highly trained and equipped Private Military Companies from around the world to help provide combat and logistical support.

The number of international terrorist groups have been growing as well and many of them are now seeking weapons of mass destruction to turn the tide in their favor and as a result, The Democratic People's Republic of Korea found itself in a very lucrative position as the number one supplier of nuclear arms. Now filled with trillions of dollars in black market money, the DPRK begin upgrading all of their army, navy, and air force with the latest in Chinese and Russian military technology, vehicles and equipment and soon (for a small country) surpassing China as the dominant superpower in East Asia.

It was only a matter of time when the North Korea's ambitions grew as it began a series of military build ups disguised as military maneuvers and quickly crossed the 38th parallel as well as a full scale surprise invasion of the Japanese west coast backed by nuclear weapons in a straight shot attempt to take Tokyo. The US was quick to respond with a counter offensive of their own and soon war would engulf the whole of Asia. Our story begins with US based Adventure Tactical Solutions inc, one of the many PMCs, contracted by the DoD to provide combat support to US, S. Korean, and JDF forces in repelling the North Korean advances.


Adventure Tactical Solutions Airborne Expeditionary Force on route to the Battle of Tokyo, Day 4

It was quite a sight to behold, over the horizon, a large fleet of C17s, C130s, UH-60s, CH-47s, AH-64s, and V-22s along with fighter escorts of F-16s, F-18s, and F-35s all sporting ATS colors were streaming over Tokyo bay to the outskirts of west Tokyo where the Battle of Tokyo was already well under way between North Korean and US/JDF forces. Corporal Adriana Shepard was gripping her company issued G36 assault rifle tightly against her bulky body armor as the V22 she was on noisily sliced its way threw the air towards its drop zone along with its AH-64 gunship escorts. This would be the 23 year olds first real combat experience after first joining the company and doing nothing but VR sims, that while reproduces dynamic combat situations in every way, doesn't really prepare you for the real thing. Adriana tried to turn around and look out in one of the cockpit windows and then looked around the cramped seating area towards her other squad mates. "Where the hell are we being to sent to now I wonder?"

[EDIT: Fixed a few typos, Im terrible at proofreading.]
[Hmm, may as well, although I should warn you I'm known for my characters strange behaviour. :) ]

“I thought you were telling me, Corporal?” replied Private Freddy Newman leaning over trying to overcome the noise of the rotors, his bulky radio pack giving him away as a radio operator as he readjusted one of the straps. Including the radio he seemed to be carrying twice as much as everyone else, with extra poaches and self made webbing all over his uniform. Fidgeting he scratched his face with his nails, the straggly beginnings of a beard itching.
[That's just fine, I'm just planing this as I go anyway. I feel like this would go a lot more smoother for me if I had at least one or two more players and/or characters, ah well here goes.]

Adriana looked backed at the Private and palmed her face. "Well we certainly aren't heading towards your mother's house! If this is another training mission I'm going to..." She gets interrupted by the intel officer standing over the rest of the fireteam. "Do you have a problem Corporal!? This is the real thing and you will receive your orders once were near the LZ! Got it!" Adriana quickly straighten up in her seat in response. "Sir! Yes Sir!" The rest of the the fire team seems to be having a laugh at her own expense.
[This is a good concept. For my character's appearance and voice, look up Johan Hegg, and then imagine combat gear, and then combine the two images.]

Master Sergeant Gunnar Magnusson tipped his head back against the bulkhead of the Osprey. His face, hard and pitted, shielded by a thick, well-kept blonde goatee, turned to gaze upon Newman. The large Nord leaned forward, putting his left arm across his knee. Even sitting leaned forward, the Scandinavian contractor was noticeably larger than any of the other men (or women) on the Osprey. When he spoke, his voice, a deep baritone, seemed to rumble the V-22's carrier compartment itself.

"Briefing said we were dropping near Than Tuk, a small hamlet where a JDF group has been pinned down by advancing North Korean regiments." The Norseman smiled. "We're to drop and repel the North Korean platoons advancing on Than Tuk, and await further orders." Having satisfied himself with the explaination, Magnusson pulled his Heckler & Koch MG4 off his back and looked it over for scuffs and damage before disassembling its components and cleaning it, then putting it back together.
[I have to admit, that's a nice character concept, reminds me of another fictional Scandinavian mercenary I know of but I wasn't expecting a Master Sargent though. If that's the case then I'll just have to make you the team leader :). If I can't get at least one more player in a day or two then I'll just have to make this a three man team. Also thanks for choosing a locale, Ive been wracking my brains for a few hours now trying to think up an LZ somewhere.]

The Intel Officer looked a little annoyed at Magnusson as he tries to steady himself as the Osprey began to experience a little turbulence. "Sargent, you are aware that we DO have standard operating procedures that is to be followed at all times?" Adriana can't help but stare in awe at the giant Norseman, she could tell that he was obviously a veteran of who knows how many wars.

"Are you new with the company too? I don't think I've ever seen you before." She knew that it was only recently that Congress has allowed to exempt US PMCs in allowing them to recruit foreign employees after undergoing extensive background checks. She was just a green recruit from off the streets of New York City when she joined and was contracted with ATS to serve for five years with the possibility of reenlistment.


Adventure Tactical Solutions Airborne Expeditionary Force flying over Tokyo, 1100 hours

By this time the massive air fleet began breaking up and they now began heading towards there respective air drops and landing zones to unload everything needed to wage war from Humvees and Styrker APCs to Bradley IFVs and Abram Main Battle Tanks. Their fighter escorts then proceeded with their missions with A-10 Warthogs moving in search and destroy missions, F-15 Eagles, F-16 Falcons and F-35 Lighting IIs to ensure ATS and its allies maintain Air Superiority, and the F-14 Tomcats and F-18 Hornets patrolling the oceans to wade off any N. Korean naval assets.
“Yeah, but who isn’t new here?” said Newman a smile creeping into his face “Ever since that new bill from congress they’ve been snapping up people from everywhere. Hell, they even let me in.” he said leaning back. Despite his words the former NZDF soldier wasn’t that unlikely a recruit, even if he’d practically been laid off in the face of budget cuts, ATS seemed to grab anyone with any sort of operational experience and with eight months in Afghanistan Newman fit he bill.

[NZDF, often known for being an underfunded and short-on-everything army, ever since Labor got elected they've never recovered. :'( ]
[New Zealand Defense Force? Also, Master, what other Scandinavian merc were you thinking of?]

Magnusson grinned. "Right on the head. I was from Gungnir Private Contracting, Incorporated. It was a smaller PMC based in Denmark that was recently annexed by ATS. Six years of tactical service, back before we had such fancy gadgets as digital simulations. I had service time in Iraq, participated in aid missions to the Sudan and helped stop the rebellion in Colombia and removed President Mugabe from power in 2012." He grimaced, looking at the massive left bicep beneath the sleeve of his brown T-shirt. There was a circular scar there, with pale white skin over it, and jagged edges. It looked like it hadn't healed properly.

"Mugabe's bodyguard. Shot me in the arm with a Tokarev on the way into the president's office. I got even." The Norseman grinned. "Three months later we got annexed as part of a package deal along with Werhner-Krauft Bekämpfung Spezialisten. I was recognized for my tour of duty and promoted to Sergeant, and this is my first time deploying to the Korean conflict."
[The person he reminded me of was Mattias Nilsson from a video game called "Mercenaries" developed by Pandemic Studios. Hes a Swede mercenary who also has a Norse thing going for him.]

"Andrea's green eyes opened wide in surprise. "Wow! Glad to have you on our side then. I hope I'll live long enough to say I've seen the same kind action you did in a few years once all this is over with."

Just then radio chatter over everyone's radio headsets caught their attention from one of the pilots. "Echo, Delta, Tango, Approaching Fire Team Ones LZ, ETA: 7 minutes. Its getting a little choppy out there." The Intel Officer turned to the team. "Alright, As the Sargent had already explained to you, your mission is to seek out and reinforce a pin down JDF squad that has been overrun by NK motorized infantry for as long as possible and await further orders from the field HQ. Sergeant Magnusson will be in overall command of team 1. Your the vanguard for the main force to push the North Koreans out of Japan and back to Pyongyang. Get your gear together and prepare for fast rope descent. Good Luck, were getting paid the big bucks for this one!"

Andrea started to do a double check to make sure all her gear was in order. She was glad ATS spared no expense when it come to equipping their troops. She picked up the Benelli M4 Super 90 Combat Shotgun that was secured in the corner and strapped it to her back. She then tighten the urban camouflaged bandanna over her red dreadlocks that matched the camouflage pattern of the BDU she was wearing and then put her combat helmet on over it and strapped it under her chin. SHe then picked up her Heckler & Koch G36 and turned the safety off and pulled on the extraction bolt so it was ready to fire. "Ready!" She then waited when the Osprey would shortly reached its destination.
[Oh HIM! I thought you meant someone else. Yeah, I've had Mercenaries ever since it came out.]

"Odin velsigne mitt sverd, for jeg løfte min lojalitet i ditt navn, og ingen andre." Gunnar secured his MG4, checked the straps on his belt and made sure the Taurus Raging Bulls strapped to his thighs were securely tied down. He savored the last few moments of quiet before the back door opened and the gunfire and death began. His ancestors would be proud of his performance today, of that much he was sure.
Upon hearing the words ‘fast rope descent’ Newman looked behind him at his heavy radio pack, eyebrow raised “This is going to hurt...” he muttered to himself, turning forward to recheck the straps on the Steyr assault rifle on his chest. He listened as Gunnar seemed to recite some sort of prayer in his own language, giving Newman the distinct impression that the man should be carrying an axe instead of the submachine gun strapped to his chest. Shaking his head to clear the notion donned his helmet over his cap, trying to make sure that the one-size-fits-no-one piece of armour wouldn’t wiggle around on his head, the brim of the cap sticking out from the front of the helmet.

[BTW, NZDF because they're the only ones I know who actually fire people.]
[New Zealand can actually fire people from the military? Like, not dishonorable discharge fire? Like business type, pink slip and all that?]

Gunnar looked over at Newman, smiling a bit. "Aren't you a bit lightweight to be carrying the radio equipment around?" He looked over at the tiedowns for the nylon fast-ropes they would be using to descend to the battle. The fast-rope wouldn't make a tactical advantage for the ATS groups on them; sure they were a fast way to the ground, but if you were in a clear firing line they were a fast way to a body bag as well.
As the Osprey was reaching the outskirts of Than Tuk, the distinctive sound of mass AK-103 and RPG-7V firing with impunity can be heard deep inside the small hamlet. Following standard procedure, one of the Apache escorts increased speed towards the landing zone and circled to ensure that it was clear of enemy presence. The gunner of the Apache then lit up the Apache's M230 chain gun and proceeded to spray saturation fire on anything in the landing area that could contain hostiles from a few traditional Japanese houses to the small two story buildings between the main street.. Satisfied that the area was clear the Apache ceased fire and returned to the rest of the group to complete its escort. 5 minutes later the Osprey finally arrived at its destination and the Osprey adjusted its tilt rotors into VTOL mode to hover in place.

Adriana would be the first to drop down since she was the closest to the side hatch where they would be repelling down from and Private Jenkins would be the last to follow, Andriana got up to open the hatch in anticipation but moment the hatch opened, she was greeted with the loud sound and felt the powerful wind sheer of the Ospreys propellers as they tried to keep the craft stabilized. Quickly she picked up the large coil of thick nylon rope on the floor and was already tied down from the ceiling and threw the coil out the hatch where it unfurled onto the street below. "GO! GO! GO!" was all the intel officer could say as Andiana gave the rope a few quick tugs to make sure it was secure and when satisfied, slung her G36 to her side and jumped out the side and and slid down with a scream of excitement. "Woo hoo!" When she hit the ground hard after her decent, Maya moved quickly to get out of the way for the next person and got behind the nearest cover as quickly as possible and keeled on one leg with weapons drawn to cover the rest of the team as they made there way down.

[EDit: Forgot to add what happened when she touched down, I was kinda in a hurry when I started to post this, sorry.]
[They try not to but it happened to my uncle, apparently they sort of shuffle you off quietly as possible, they haven’t had to do it for a while though, instead they cut having fighter aircraft. :roll: ]

“Sure you won’t break the rope on the way down, Sergeant?” Newman countered, grabbing the rope and rappelling down before the big Norseman could make a reprisal. Sliding down Newman was just glad he was wearing gloves, feeling the friction heat through them, as his feet hit the ground the weight of the radio held hands with inertia and gravity, the three of them conspiring together as Newman fell flat on his back.

Cursing quietly he rolled and pushed himself up, raising his weapon and running for the nearest cover, just in time to avoid getting flattened by the soldier following him down the rope.
Magnusson shrugged, securing the last few bits of cord before he leapt out of the Osprey and took hold of the fast rope with both hands. Ignoring the jerk that attempted to pull his arms from their sockets and hauling himself tight to the rope using his immense arm strength, Gunnar held tight with his leather gloves as he spun down the long cord and smacked into the ground. He cushioned the impact by bending his knees and kind of leap-frogging out of the way, forward rolling behind a tree stump.

Apparently Than Tuk was a small town; as displayed by Adriana. However, the outer perimeter had a few makeshift defensive barriers put up; sandbag walls reinforced with rusty farming tools (threshers, scythes, hoes, etc.) and barbed wire taken from one of the few cattle enclosures on the outskirts of the town. A few North Korean soldiers had avoided the enfilade provided by the Osprey gunship and were now hiding behind the wall, taking aim at the group.

Gunnar shouted something in Norwegian, levelled his MG4 and let loose with it.
With the rest of the team finally grounded, Private Jenkins was getting ready to make his descent, he slug his Heckler & Koch HK416 and grabbed the rope and slid down to join the rest of team. Suddenly, half way down threw his descent, the loud crack of a rifle round echoed around them at the bullet hit Private Jenkins directly in the throat. Letting go of his grip on the rope to grab the swelling pain now growing in his bleeding neck and yelling in agony, Jenkins fell some 16 feet to the ground below back first and almost breaking every bone in his body.

The hidden shooter continued taking pot shots at the rest of the team that were now hunkered down in what available makeshift cover they can find. Adriana then hit the prone position as flat as she possibly could searching for the unknown shooter. "Sniper! Get down!" Soon the sound of more AK-103 fire could be heard as a pair of NK soldiers hunkered behind a cinderblock wall as they attempted to blindfire on the giant machine gun welding norseman while trying to avoid his suppression fire.


With the last of the team offloaded and the LZ now confirmed to be hot the Osprey broke away the fast rope and proceeded to breakaway from the area to deposit team 2 to their LZ when suddenly the sound of a man portable SAM launching and shreaking towards one of the AH-64s was dead on as it hits the Apache's tail rotor and the now out of control gunship began falling into a tailspin and crashed into a nearby street corner. The Osprey and the other Apache managed to vacate the area and reported their status to the ATS field HQ. "We have an Apache down! Repeat! We have an Apache down!
Magnusson cursed, splitting his gaze between the line of fire the sniper had drawn on him, the fallen Private Jenkins and the floundering Apache, which was now entering a tailspin in a desperate attempt to steady itself.

"Dammit." He sighed to himself, looking back at the fallen ATS private. He was dead already; at least half of his ribs had to be broken, along with his spine, neck, and legs. Plus the amount of blood gurgling out of his neck...

Another bullet pinged off of the stump in front of him, barely missing the Norseman's left hand and spraying tiny splinters up his arm. A minor annoyance if nothing else. The bullet had carved a furrow that pointed to the northwest, somewhere out in the jungle beyond Than Tuk. The sniper was no doubt well hidden and already on the move if he was any good. Meanwhile, the Apache was still spiralling around the no-man's-land between Magnusson's perimeter around the landing site and the defenses erected around the village, drawing closer to the ground (and a hard landing) by the second. He quickly shot a radio message to the pilot saying that his best bet was to make for the forests to the northeast, where there was a smaller concentration of North Korean soldiers, eject and wait for Magnusson to show up.

He held down the trigger, raking the sandbags with more fire from his MG4 while shouting, "CAN YOU STOP FIRING LONG ENOUGH FOR ME TO THINK!?" The North Koreans assorted behind and around the town dove for cover as tracers whizzed past their heads again.

"Adriana! See if you can head around the village outskirts and get to the jungle to the northwest. That's where the sniper's last shot came from. Newman, you go with her. I'm heading for that Apache. I'll provide suppressing fire until you're clear of my zone, so just keep moving!"
Newman saw what happened to Jenkins “Must have missed the radio.” he thought wondering why he hadn't been hit as he went prone, sticking his head around the corner to lay a few pot shots at the enemy. Getting back behind the corner he put the shortwave receiver to his ear and messaged command “Whiskey fiver-niner to command, engaged by at least one squad with SAM launchers and possible snipers, close air support has pulled out, will update as necessary, out.”
"Adriana! See if you can head around the village outskirts and get to the jungle to the northwest. That's where the sniper's last shot came from. Newman, you go with her.” Magnusson thundered “I'm heading for that Apache. I'll provide suppressing fire until you're clear of my zone, so just keep moving!"

“This is for that rope comment isn’t it!” Newman shouted back, crouched on one knee peering around the corner, ready to follow the corporal. Seeing one enemy soldier stick his head just a little too far out, thinking he was out of Magnusson’s field of fire, Newman took careful aim through his scope and fired a single shot, the helmet flew back as its owner received a major headache and ducked back down, “Maybe that’ll scare ‘em a bit” he thought, smirking with a bit of vengeance.
"No," Magnusson roared, "You're the only other two people on the team! If you can root out that sniper, put him in a pincer and flush him out of the woods, you'll have a better chance of gunning him down than just one of you!" He kept up suppression fire on the sandbags as the sniper's bullet deflected off a nearby tree and almost winged him. Gunnar retreated off the stump and laid prone, reloading his MG4. "When I say go," he said, continuing to reel out the bullets required for the gun, "You run for the mud hut with the clothes-line hanging off it, the one at the far right of the village. That's the general direction of the sniper's last shot. Make it count!"
[So hows my plot development doing so far? Try to be honest.]

After seeing the body of Private Jenkins getting shot and falling out of the Osprey and the destruction of one of there Apaches, Adriana was starting to have a panic attack. As the adrenaline rush began to affect her judgment, she slightly got out of her cover and raised her weapon at the direction she thought the sniper had come from and sprayed and prayed in the direction of the jungle, wasting an entire magazine until it was empty and all she could hear was the rattling of the firing pin trying to look for a new round to fire. Realizing she was empty, she dropped the spent mag and replaced with a fresh one from her LBE and tried to get a hold of herself.

"Adriana! See if you can head around the village outskirts and get to the jungle to the northwest. That's where the sniper's last shot came from. Newman, you go with her. I'm heading for that Apache. I'll provide suppressing fire until you're clear of my zone, so just keep moving!"

"US!?!?" Adriana questioned with some slight shock. She tried to remember her training and changed her answer. "Understood! Newman! Your with me!" She got up into a crouch position, getting ready to push herself into a sprint for the hut when Magnusson gave the signal to go.
[You're not doing too bad; I think I kind of took over there for a bit. Sorry D=]

"Wait..." The firing seemed to dull for a second as both sides frantically scrambled to finish reloading their respective weapons. Magnusson got there first, setting his weapon on a fallen tree trunk nearby.

"Go!" Holding the trigger down, Magnusson roared in delight as his bullets raked down a North Korean soldier, twisting his body around and ripping chunks out of his torso.