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OOC The Fringe - Discussion


As information, the Veil and the shuttle are docked top-to-top, not side-to-side. Shrie would have had to climb up through the hatch out of the shuttle, and would have descended to the floor in the Veil's central airlock hatch, which would have been the "ceiling" from her original orientation.
Went ok, did well the first two games screwed up big time the last. At my friends house in GA atm will be back at my house in MO on Thursday.

Question though she veil isn't flying now currently is it?
I'm sorry you had a bad last game, but I'm glad you got the opportunity, and I hope you enjoyed yourself at least. :)

Question though she veil isn't flying now currently is it?

I think either your voice-recognition software misunderstood you, or you suddenly developed some form of typing aphasia. LOL

What are you asking me, there?
yes, damn phone... was asking if it was flying but apparently its not... or the KOed captain may be a bit bigger problem.
@Yoerik - the suit in the medbay is 100% depleted. No power of any kind, which means no radio. Please edit your post - you'll have to reply to Six Four using the text pad from before.
Yo, so I am on vacation as of today and will be out of town till the 14th. While away I will have limited internet access and will not be able to post regularly. I will when I can, but will not be back to full posting frequency till the 14th.
I hope you enjoy your vacation! If it becomes necessary, do I have your permission to auto Oreza?

I myself might be out of town for a few days next week, but it isn't set in stone just yet. I should have occasional Internet access enough to be able to keep abreast of what's going on and keep up with slightly reduced posting frequency, but still within the two-day window.

Sienna is not in the "medbay," nor is she visible at all from the main corridor. Until he meets her in person or one of the crew tells him about her, Dylan would have no reason to know she exists yet.


Also, even if he did see her, I see nothing on Dylan's character sheet that would justify him knowing what kind of drug had been used on Sienna merely by looking at her from a distance.

Also, given the distance that Six Four and Dylan were away from the ship at the time when Amelia cut and run, they would not have made it back before the Veil lifted off. My next post will address this.

Please edit your post. Again, in the future, use the wiki article on the Concordia Veil as a point of reference for everything that's on the ship, and if you are ever unclear on something, either jump on the IRC or ask for clarification on this thread. Don't assume.
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I know we have a lot of people out of town and out of pocket for a few days, but I still need posts from people who are available! @ShotJon, @Riko, there are things ready for your reply. @Foxtrot 813, I know Amelia probably has little input right this second, but anything you'd like to post would be appreciated as well, if you would like.

If I haven't given enough information for Shrie or Six Four to respond to, please say so and I'll add it. I will probably not be available in the IRC for the next couple of days yet, but I will be reachable via PM and this board.

I haven't posted so far because It would literally be the same thing I posted before, given how there's nothing really meaningful for my character to do at this juncture. Feel free to move along and auto Amelia if you think there's actually something that she needs to do.
No, that's fine. I knew you'd probably have little of anything new to say just yet, but I didn't want to jump too far ahead before the other two had a chance to have their say.
Apologies from myself as well I apparently had military stuff this weekend so I had an emergency drive back home as well as family in town so I should have a post up later tomorrow