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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Just so everyone knows, I'll have a full house of company over the weekend, so my next post may not come until Sunday night or Monday. I'll try to check in at some point before then, but I can't promise anything. Feel free to RP with one another if I don't have a response up by Sunday morning.
As information, the last of my visitors will be leaving tomorrow morning, so my posts will resume then. I enjoyed reading what was posted over the weekend!
I'll have a post up tomorrow, had a busy weekend, restaurant + Bank holiday = Busy busy.
Sorry again for the delay! We're up and running again, and I made one post moments ago. Another one set in Ye Olde Den will follow in a few hours.
Reactions: Wes
I am, some stuff came up over the week and I didn't realize it'd take so long to resolve, I'll have a post up in the next hour or two.
I'd like to remind everyone that the players are expected to post once every two days at minimum to keep up the pace in this plot. I know that Yoshi and Foxtrot were kind of left to their own devices (and you've done a marvelous job so far!), so until I give you something to react to, which I will today, you're more or less stuck. Everyone else, however, please do your best to keep up with the minimum posting frequency. If real life prevents you from doing so, just drop a quick note on here to let everyone know you're delayed. It doesn't have to outline any details you're not comfortable sharing or even be very long, but the courtesy of telling the rest of the group that you haven't abandoned or forgotten them is greatly appreciated.
Reactions: Wes
I hate to do this, but I may need to drop from the role-play, simply for the benefit of everyone else. I didn't realize work would be so time-consuming over the next few months.
In that case, I will assume control of Ravakee temporarily, since he was already introduced to the story, at least until I can push him off and out of the spotlight. If and when you return, the character will be where you left him.

I'm sorry to see you go so soon, but I wish you good luck in your work. I understand that such things have to come first.
@Riko and @Gunsight1 - you can expect to see a post from me early tomorrow morning (Monday). I've had quite the long day and only have enough energy for one post tonight, and the one that requires less effort is the shipboard one. Of course, assuming Foxtrot and/or Yoshi reply to that one between now and then, I'll have a post for them as well.
I humbly apologize (again) for taking this long to get my next post up. One of my little ones came down with something last night, and I only just now got them both settled down for some unsupervised rest.
Thanks a lot for your understanding and again, apologies, it was an unseen predicament.
I have a question, what time are most of you on to do this i dont want to hold people up because its one time where i am at but another where the rest of you are at.
We're spread pretty far across the continental United States, and we operate mostly on single-posts, although a couple of players do write joint posts (roleplaying transcripts worked on concurrently by two players at the same time, edited at the end, and then posted as a single entry) from time to time as the situation warrants. I require players to post on the current thread once every two days at minimum when possible, which is typically plenty of time for everyone to keep up around real life. Of course, things do come up, and I'm happy to accommodate people whose schedules prevent them from posting as often as required so long as they give the group some prior notice.

The short version: don't worry about the time zone difference.

I'll review your character within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you don't mind, please post the link to your wiki article here. That way more eyes can be on it and help you correct any other potential continuity errors or conflicts with established SARP lore. And if anything like that is found, don't take it personally or get discouraged! Fixing those things is easy, especially if you catch them before your character starts to RP.
I am glad to see that you are able to get to my character so quickly I expected it to take a few days. I will indeed take whatever advice I get into consideration when I make edits. (Of which I have no doubt there will be plenty)
Reminder: if your post takes place in a location different from the one immediately preceding it, please be sure to note the new location in a header to avoid any potential confusion.
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