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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Im sorry about that. When I type i dont think of what tense i am writing in sometimes i will try to do better in the future.
@NightWolfe I take it you have never been in a situation where you have had your O2 cut off until you almost black out. Trust me... you wouldn't not be so clear headed and coordinated.
He's right, unfortunately. I'm going to have to ask you to simply your actions a bit to better reflect near-asphyxia.

Like I said before, however, don't get discouraged from making mistakes. It's part of the learning experience, and I'm happy to work with you. The main goal here is to have fun.
Actually i have several times, and my reaction was often much more violent that Vel's, but i am not military trained like Vel is. Also Iroma have 1.5 times the lung capacity that other races do, which means that unless he was being choked for 3ish minutes he wouldnt be that out of breath.
I can see your reasoning there, but still, I'd prefer you to at least show that he's been choked, maybe by having him gasp a bit and try to catch his breath while he re-assesses his situation.
Reading it over again i see that i did leave it rather bland on the side of what kind of effects someone that large choking someone would actually have. It will be fixed monumentally.
Also, as a reminder to everyone in general, let's make sure we keep our criticisms constructive. I'm not calling you out specifically Yoshi, I know you meant well. But we want to enjoy ourselves here, and because 80% of communication is nonverbal, it's easy to misconstrue what someone says in a forum post as hostile, even if it was meant lightheartedly. We're here for enjoyment.
I'll give you that.

as for the choke hold it isn't the air and lungs that are the issues per say... it's the fact that the blood vessels in the neck are being blocked and therefore are not able to be bringing the blood and the o2 to the brain as it as needed.

I have been in said choke hold before during training... many times... they like to use me as the "dummy" and pass that when I have asthma attacks I have nearly blacked out from the lack of O2... Nether of these situations were fun in the least... and come june 21 I'll be used again for this year's training... AGAIN!

I apologize if I came across negative, i was just trying to bring across some personal Spencerian and share it.

Not true, I speak this all out loud as I type cause I have to make sure it makes sense... all those time with out O2 may have caused damage
I had forgotten the feel of the lack of blood flow to the brain and was too focused on the lack of air in the lungs.

It only ever happened to me in real fights during which the huge amount of adrenaline are keeping you awake after your air and blood flow has been cut off.. Trust me nothing is worse than your body wanting to pass out but you are too hyped on adrenaline to pass out lol it sucks.
Do you guys have any openings? I'm pondering writing up a character to use in something like this.
Reactions: Wes
Kai, I think we are currently close to capacity, but I'm willing to squeeze one more in if it would be a good addition. If you send me a summary of the kind of character you'd like to play, we can discuss whether or not it would fit within the scope of the plot, and how to work him in.

To the players: From this Friday afternoon until next Monday night (6/2) I'll be away from an Internet connection, though I may be able to receive messages occasionally. With that said, however, I'm waiting on posts from @Gunsight1, @NightWolfe, and @Riko to move forward before then. Also, @Foxtrot 813 , I will post regarding the events aboard the ship when you have Amelia act now that Crash has cut her bonds.
I was unsure whether or not to post, since I think doing that too much before a GM post would be foul-play on my part so it wouldn't leave room to you to reply. Nevertheless, It's posted, though.
I appreciate the foresight, Foxtrot! In this case, there wasn't much for me to respond to, since only a few seconds would have elasped since my last post aboard the ship, and I wanted to make sure Amelia had the chance to do something before I threw another curveball at you. If you're ever unsure in the future, feel free to ask me.
I like how Floodwaters's plot is already so successful that someone might have to start a second similar one just to satisfy player demand. Obviously she's doing it right!
I will be posting tonight. Been super tired / lazy the last couple nights after work
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