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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

I spoke with him briefly on IRC yesterday, although I was under the impression that he would have a post up by now.
I want to pre-emptively address something here before it has the chance to become an issue, although I'm fairly confident most of the players here are experienced enough in forum-based RP to know better anyhow:

When your character performs a significant action, do not make assumptions about its outcome, especially if it involves another character. This applies whether it's a PC or an NPC. For example, if you wish to have your character attempt an impressive acrobatic maneuver such as jumping from a ledge and catching himself/herself on a windowsill ten feet away, write a post detailing the PC's attempt to do so, and leave it at that; don't finish the post by detailing how the PC snags the windowsill with one hand and does a forward flip into the room, landing on his/her feet. Similarly, if your character attacks another character, don't post anything regarding the result of the attack in any way - the GM will decide that for you, and you can continue from there.

Such interactions between PCs can be handled by each of the players if they so desire, unless the situation warrants GM intervention, like if it was taking place on a collapsing catwalk over a cauldron of molten steel.

If you're ever in doubt about whether or not you need a GM decision, play it safe and ask. It's easier that way, and requires less editing and retconning.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
I was bsing with gunny last night, he wasn't feeling too hot, so he said he would be working on posts across the board today.
I'm sorry to ask, but what actually is a "fringe". Does it mean the same as like edge?
My English is not very good, 'cause I'm from Holland.
I'm sorry to ask, but what actually is a "fringe". Does it mean the same as like edge?
My English is not very good, 'cause I'm from Holland.
Yes. In the case of this RP, the fringe refers to the edge of civilized space, or to the fringes of society...people who live in unconventional ways as outsiders (like pirates).
Never having used parts per million to specifically quantify dust content in the air, I had to do some quick Google searching. LOL

If that is indeed what you're asking about, then I would say if it is greater than 0.1% (or 1000 ppm), it isn't by much. Many of the tunnels may have more, but the bar was trafficked and attended to often enough not to consider it particularly dirty, especially for a place like the Black Moon colony.
Lol. OK well I wanted to check seeing how at less than 1000 ppm the laser from the laiz pistol is actually invisible according to standard specs.
@Yoshi - I apologize for misinterpreting Crash's intentions. I recall us talking on one occasion about the possibility of using the ship's intercom system to passively monitor noise thorughout the vessel, and I guess I unfairly assumed that was your intent.
no sweat, I figured either you read that crash did it, which case oh-well, or you were trying to give me a hand with a clue-by-4. I'm really not going to sweat it at all. ^.^
Harro itsa me ShotJon. I shall be joining you guys here when Floods says it is time. I am looking forward for some nice RP with all of you and bring in this train-wreck of a character.
Shottys in the house uh ho.... lol jk.

Though before I make my post are we indeed following heir cowboy? cause with what Sienna/Fw indicated we intended too and hadn't started yet.
@Yoshi - just FYI, I haven't forgotten about Crash's discrete message to Sienna's PHC. She didn't hear the notification over the insanity in the bar, and she hasn't yet thought to check it.
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