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The Great Forum Rescue

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Alright, here's the deal: In less than 50 days, the Star Army's old forum, hosted by ezBoard, will run out of money. It's part of the Star Army philosophy that we should keep our old RP posts forever, but since we have our own forum now, why should we continue putting money into this one we don't use anymore?

Thus, our best option is to make a permanent solution by backing up the old forums and then deleting the board we no longer need. Unfortunately, there is no way to directly access ezBoard's database. Here's where Star Army's strong community comes in. I need volunteers to go to the old forums, copy the topics, and send them to me.

To keep it simple, we're going to want them in text (.txt) files, by forum pages. remember, since they're in chronological order, you'll need to start at the last one and work your way forward as you paste the topics into the text file for that forum page, so things stay in order. Also, put the post's date (it's in the left column under the username at the start of each post in the text file.

The text files should be named archive_[forumname]_p[pagenumber].txt, for example, "archive_yamatai_p1.txt" and so on. Email the archived posts wes@stararmy.com

The posts will eventually be added to the website, either in the form of downloadable printable booklets (ala YSS Ongaku) or as HTML pages (perhaps both). Phase two of this project will archive the archives from this forum, but since we're not on a time limit, we'll wait till this one is done first.

I'm going to try to find a way of rewarding all those to participate.

Forum Moving Assignments:
Volunteer today, and help us preserve Star Army's heritage.
Lin said:
It's certainly easy enough. I'll take any of those.
Alright, you have Yamatai. ^_^

EDIT: That said, Other Planets IC is already done. Have a look at this excerpt and tell me if the formatting is alright?
Er, why are all the lines broken up and spaced out? Other than that, it's fine.
Star Army IC 11&12, probably more later on for me.

I can only do a bit now, but I'll do more this evening.
Zakalwe said:
IC 1&2, probably more later on for me.

I can only do a bit now, but I'll do more this evening.
Which IC Forums? They're all in character...

Done! Yamatai needs only be formatted. And I think that's a trick of Notepad's... I'll fix everything up with OpenOffice tomorrow. Gods know I won't have anything else to do in Medical Anthro.
Please make sure not to send the text all broken up by word wrap.

So far I've got:

Other Starships Page 1 (Broken)
Other Starships Page 2 (Broken)
Star Army Page 12 (Good)
Sypher said:
What you want me to do?

Other Planets IC Forum?
Sure, sounds great.
I will have some time this evening. So give me any of the unassigned and I will get on it.

I've got the Other Planets forum, too, now.
Ralfaris forums 1 and 2 copied and sent.

If you can please give an update on what still needs to be done.

I now have:

Ralfaris (all)
Other Planets
Other Starships (all)
Star Army page 12

I still need all the YSS Yui Archive 2 pages and Star Army pages 1-11, as well as F*nyar.
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