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Approved Submission The Mimicat: Origin Mimic Computer, Feline (and Vulpine)


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
The new product you didn’t know you were waiting on: the Mimicat!
Everything you love about the Mimicom in a smaller, furrier form factor!

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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
General thoughts:

I'd like to see more mention of how you interact with the Mimicat's various computer functions earlier on. There's a mention (and link) to the BANGLE system and a mention of Volumetric Systems further down the page, but without following a link I was left to my imagination. I mostly imagined trying to type on the cat's belly and getting swatted at, if you're wondering.

Capitalization is inconsistent in one or more section headers. I fixed those as I went.

DR tier feels too high to me. DR 1 would still give them protection equivalent to a flak vest or riot armor, which seems pretty strong. If you're set on DR 2 then that's alright.

I don't see mention of the ability to 'recharge' the various HONEY devices on its article. Kai said they could on Discord recently - if possible, could we get that article updated to reflect the recharge functionality? Barring that, a mention of some unique device to the mimicom/mimicat that allows it do to the same would be nice.

All in all, very cool, and I know of at least one corporate CEO who will be buying one. :)
All of those systems are thoroughly detailed on the human Mimicom's page, they're the same system and describing them in detail is kind of redundant.

DR2 is the DR of the X-Type Quantum Computer Module, which is the main system that makes the drone work, as stated in its article.

A HONEY is a generator, I don't know what "recharging" it would mean. It uses water (mostly heavy water) as fuel to charge other things
I think I am just going to remove mention of DR because it is optional for noncombat drones.
I don't have anything against how you've linked things, but the article still needs to stand on its own. I don't expect everything to be laid out at the same level of detail. A casual mention and a reference is fine.

My comments around interacting with the Mimicat's computer functions are suggestions/preferences and a joke that I don't think landed as well as I'd hoped. It's your choice whether you want to address them or not. As a reader, I had questions for longer than I expected and it seemed worth sharing. I'll try to make my suggestions vs requests more clear.

Removing the DR sounds good. Generally, I think it's fine for something to have components that are more durable than the thing they reside in. Black boxes, etc. It makes a lot of sense that it's "brain" would be more durable than the rest of the Mimicat.

The HONEY generator's article doesn't mention water in any capacity other than "about the size of a water bottle." Also, the Mimicom's article makes it clear that the recharge system isn't a standard feature:

"The BURST system also powers a self-refueling function, which uses electrolysis to extract hydrogen from humidity in the air, though it is more effective to make the Mimicom drink in order to electrolyze enough hydrogen to continue functioning. Roughly four liters of water must be drunk in order to completely fill the fuel supply. "

If you'd like to make a brief mention in that area along the lines of, "Like the Mimicom, the Mimicat can recharge itself," or something alone those lines with a link to the Mimicom's article, then I'd say you're good.

Largely minor details all in all. It's a solid article, just a few things that I think would round it out nicely. Sorry if I'm being too pedantic, but I really like it!
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I am starting to think this would better as merely a section in the main Mimic Computer article.
Since this seems to have become an issue lately (As most people simply just figured out how it worked), I've gone and updated the 'Common features' section of the HONEY article to explain that the fuel supply of a HONEY reactor is (in most cases) a removable, re-usable, and refillable container for the reactor's fuel, and that they can be re-filled whilst still mounted, provided a refilling ability has been added (Such as the Mimicom and Mimicat's Electrolysis systems)
If @Kai is ok with just making this a section of the Mimicom article, then I am withdrawing this submission.

I'll do another submission for update to main article.
I do think this can and should be its own article, however, it might help some readers to link specific sections referenced from the Mimicom article, rather than just the entire mimicom article. I could even help with some of those.
I think that a bunch of redundant information and a bunch of things that say "just like the Mimicom" with a link are both bad enough I don't want to do either one.
I just went through the article and linked at least one instance of 'Mimicom' or 'Mimic computer' in each of the sections in question directly to the relevant section of the Mimicom article.

Edit: Most of the information being asked for was either already in the Mimicat article, or was easily found by searching the relevant section of the numerously linked Mimicom article; I simplified that searching a bit by directly linking to specific sections instead of the article at large, also, I added a third, smaller paragraph in the interaction section to explain how to use the computer functions 'manually' as opposed to simply telling the cat to do it (they're smart enough to figure out what you mean, usually)
Alright! For what it's worth, I like it as a separate article - there's a lot of personality in the descriptions that I worry would be lost when making the Mimicat a subsection.

From my end, everything looks good. Just need a Yamatai FM (@Wes or others) to approve it and I'll wrap the submission up on Friday when the 3 day timer expires.

Thank you both for the updates!
It's not really Yamatai, there's just no box for Origin. Kai is the FM.
Origin has no box because it is not a faction. Kai is the manager of Origin, which gets a lot of special treatment as the RP's biggest played corporation, but he is not an FM.

FM approved.
So what box should I check? This wasn't made for Yamatai. It's just a new product Origin is making just because. Should it have been "Independent (outlaws)"?

It says corporations should pick their parent faction, but that isn't actually Yamatai for Origin, is it?
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I think it should be but that may be a point of debate.

So this product isn't going to be sold at all, anywhere? Not in Yamatai or Nepleslia?
I dunno, I'm R&D not marketing!

Officially speaking, Origin Industries is a Multi-National company, however, it was started in Yamatai and its major points of operation are in Yamatai space. That being said, this submission is a product for sale and use anywhere in the Kikyo sector, by nyone, however, Origin does not and will not sell to enemies of state (Such as Kuvexia or the NMX).

With that as the case, the two most prudent options for "FM" approval are to either give Origin its own box for management approval, Or to click every single box and annoy every single FM every time something from Origin gets submitted. There are cases, such as the LSTV and those shuttles I'm developing, where the product is intended for a specific faction and in that case it makes more sense to just select the box for the primary intended faction.