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RP The Phoenix Has Been Extinguished


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 46.8
RP Location
UNN Aylerion
Jun felt the edges of consciousness blur, exhaustion gnawing at him with each passing second. His scrubs were stained with blood, smeared across his body like battle scars, while his double-gloved hands were more blackish green than the blue synthetic material they were meant to be. Sixteen hours under the harsh glow of the surgery module’s lamps had pushed him to the brink, yet he continued without pause. In any ordinary case, the patient would have been left to die, their body restored by the IDE, a process that could reverse even the most catastrophic injuries. But this was no ordinary case.

The red-highlighted text projected from the IDE module to his right continued to flash ominously: "Do Not Restore." The command reflected a decision that left no room for reprieve, a direct order sealing the patient's fate in a way that even modern science could not undo. The weight of that decision hung heavy in the sterile air, reminding Jun that there would be no second chances, no miraculous resets. He was all that stood between life and death now, with exhaustion clawing at his resolve and the stakes higher than ever.

Extensive procedures had been written for this very incident, a possibility he had anticipated ever since the failure to restore his mother, followed by the chaos surrounding that strange, elusive woman—Ves, or whatever her name had been. He struggled to remember it, as she had been part of some delusion, dream, or vision—depending on what people chose to call it that week. Today had not unfolded as planned; he doubted anyone had foreseen such a day. With a heavy sigh, he shook his head, peeling off his blood-soaked gloves, each movement weighed down by fatigue and grief.

Activating the ship's internal communication system, his voice was steady, though drained of emotion, as he spoke. "Medical to Bridge. You’ll need to change the ship’s call sign. The phoenix has been extinguished..." He closed his eyes as he severed the channel, knowing he didn’t need to hear their response. His part was done, though the weight of it clung to him—his father’s blood covered him from nearly head to toe, a stain not just on his body but on his memory. It was a day he would carry with him for the rest of his life, a day etched into the history of the Imperium, perhaps even beyond its borders.

Traditionally, the heir would have been the first to be notified, but Uaeso had made his stance clear—he had no intention of taking the throne. With no other willing child of Tetsuya stepping forward, the burden now fell on Sylix Lunari, the only other member of the family endowed with the celestial mandate. Sylix, one of the political wives of the now-deceased Jol'Aestaesys, would find soon find herself thrust into a position no one had anticipated. Chaos loomed on the horizon, as nothing like this had ever unfolded in the history of their people.

Jun, for his part, felt no regret for having declined the throne long before this tragedy struck. The weight of the crown had never been something he coveted, and now, as the shockwaves of Tetsuya’s death rippled through the Imperium, he felt a strange sense of relief at being removed from the storm that was about to descend. Still, he knew that what lay ahead for Sylix and the Imperium would be unprecedented—an era marked by uncertainty, one that could reshape everything they knew.

Only a select few were privy to Uaeso and the remaining Eitans' plan, and for now, that knowledge would be kept silent, veiled until the reading of their fallen leader's will—a moment that would not come for days. Jun, however, already understood what many did not: his father had made it abundantly clear that the Eitan Ysi was no longer part of the future. That, though, was a concern for another time.

For now, he remained where he was, standing in the crimson pool that had formed beneath the operating table, blood still trickling in slow, relentless streams. The chamber doors were sealed, a silent reminder that he was not allowed to leave, despite every fiber of his being yearning for escape. He stood frozen in that macabre scene, bound by duty and drenched in the weight of what had just occurred, knowing that this was only the beginning of a much darker chapter.

How had it come to this? Jun's mind spun, replaying the events from the beginning of the day, searching for a moment when everything had begun to unravel. It seemed impossible that the morning, with its routine calm, had led to this—a day drenched in blood and irrevocable change. Every detail flickered through his thoughts like a fragmented reel, a series of decisions, words spoken and unspoken, actions taken and avoided.

He combed through them, trying to pinpoint the precise instant when the course had shifted, when fate had taken this dark turn. But no matter how many times he traced the path, the answer eluded him. It was as though the day had slipped from his control long before he even realized it, cascading toward a tragedy he had been powerless to stop.

Another countdown ticked away in his mind...what came next would shape the future.
The drone watched silently from the other side of the glass, along with two other men-both clad in the hard suits of the Iron Company. The silence seemed to stretch onwards, almost as infinite as the universe itself before a harsh, mechanical voice sounded from the machine's transceiver in the harsh Valhallan language. ("Tetsuya has fallen.") Albert Steiner's monotone was tinged with what seemed to be sadness. The men turned and looked at the small machine. ("What do we do?") One of the men-a Knight Captain by the name of Olaf said-his tone was one of concern. While despite their shared history they were outsiders to the Ysi's political machinations outside of the occasional foray to provide security or subdue some renegade causing trouble, but they all knew that right now the Empire was sitting in the middle of a dangerous vacuum if there was no heir to the Eitan Dynasty-even then there was no guarantee that there would be one that could be considered worthy to the name.

Once again, the drone seemed to simply hover there for a moment-then again, being a universe away could result in some transmission issues. Though in this case...there could be no rash actions.

("Contingency Plan: Full Circle-take the necessary steps.") The men saluted and left, leaving him alone. The death of a ruler, particularly one as strong as Tetsuya was a serious affair-many would likely be jockeying for his position and the potentially ruinous power it held. The company itself was few in number despite its steady recruitment rate, but they would at least try and ensure some measure of stability until the empire sorted itself out.

No matter what came next-they would not abandon their allies-not unless the circumstances were of the most dire
Lynira watched in silence, her void-black hues took in the weight of events that unfolded in front of her. Not only that which was occurring in front of her, but the weight of that which she held secret. What would her role now here be that things had shifted? There was not really much she could do, except for to cover up her sorrow and carry on as she suspected would be asked of her. Whatever that maybe, so many things lay in the balance. So many political shifts were about to occur, as they had been behind the scenes for sometime. A delicate dance of, her eyes blinked sharply as harsh words grated across the quiet room. She cast an observatory glance over to see it was clearly representatives of the Iron Company, oddly though she detected a tinge of sadness.

When the men left, a solitary representative staying behind she dared not move closer. She may not speak their language, but she knew enough to know the identity of who stayed behind. There was not enough stupidity in any universe to raise her to interrupt Albert Steiner, especially not now. Her hands folded in front of her, resting against the materials of her uniform. How severe the regime change would be was up to the unknown. The Jol'Aestaesys very well could up and replace her at a whim, she would serve faithfully until that moment came and she would serve faithfully in whatever role she then found herself in. Her attentions now turned back to Tetsuya as she allowed herself a moment to mourn, a singular tear formed in her mind that would never be seen. As her gaze fell back to Jun she wondered, where would his path lead him now? So many countdowns, so many unknowns.
Naelui stood on the other side of the transparent pane, frozen in disbelief. For several minutes, she wondered if she was trapped in a nightmare. This shouldn’t have happened. The "Do Not Restore" order should never have been allowed—not because she didn’t want to honor her father’s wishes, but because she had already lost too much. Now, she had no living parents. Her hand and forehead pressed against the cold glass as if she could somehow reach through to the bloody corpse on the other side. A wave of sorrow and grief overwhelmed her. This had to be a mistake. This had to be a dream. She couldn’t bear to admit it was real. If only she could rewind time—she would have done everything differently.

"Albert?" she whispered, her voice soft, almost inaudible as she caught a glimpse of his near-translucent reflection in the glass behind her. "Can you get some of your men to clear the wreckage in the launch bay? I expect Sylix is on her way." She barely found the strength to speak, her words carried only by the weight of necessity. She glanced toward Lynira but found herself at a loss for words. How could she speak when she hadn’t yet reconciled the turmoil inside her?

Change terrified the princess, and she could feel that everything was about to change in an avalanche. Her father had not been himself ever since they discovered her mother had already been restored by another party, leaving him unable to restore her himself. And then there was Ves—the illusory dream maiden who complicated things even further. How had she missed that her father was in such torment that he would place a "Do Not Restore" order on his IDE? The entire situation had pushed her through a storm of emotions—anger, sorrow, regret, confusion—all crashing down at once.

Here she was, trapped on a military ship in the outer frontier, with no place to run, no sanctuary to process what had happened in peace. She turned to Lynira and whispered through vesper, her voice carrying a quiet urgency: //"Enjoy the peace, this is the last of it we’re going to have for a long time."//
"They are already en route." The drone transmitted, sending orders and redirecting additional yeomen to assist in the hangar even as he came to float beside them, "You have my utmost sympathies-your father was a great man, and will be sorely missed." Understatement of the millennia right there-the fact he'd held together the empire for the better part of five centuries was impressive beyond all measure. "I do not wish to sound pessimistic, nor to seem as if though it were anticipated," He continued-doing his best to re-route existing planetary and fleet assets in anticipation of the coming storm, "Or that we had a hand in this, but contingencies have been laid for some time for situations such as these."

When you were a mercenary, politics played a big part in your life whether you liked it or not; who was fighting who-force strength of factions in relation to each other, general disposition, whatever plots and power plays were going on in the background, and any number of possible outcomes-you had to ensure if you were on the losing side you could minimize the fallout-or if you won your employer wouldn't stab you in the back out of fear of what you might do...or to simply avoid paying you.

It was a headache and a half. But it ensured you would endure-though normally the Company avoided such things it was not always possible. "My men and I will do what we can to help keep the peace-you have my word." There would be far more tears shed before this was all over, and who knew if the Norians as a whole would survive the potential fragmenting of their empire.

Lynira's eyes drifted as her ears picked up the almost inaudible sound of Naelui's whisper. A look of sorrow befell her, for she could only imagine the turmoil Naelui now endured. In her time serving with Tetsuya she had come to know as much of him as he allowed her to. She was in some measure of sorrow at his loss, though in comparison to that of those now in the room it was but a grain of sand. The princess' vesper reached her, she wordlessly moved to be closer, as some silent measure of comfort. //"We shall approach things as they come."// she vespered, conveying comfort tinged with an understanding of that quiet urgency.


Shock coursed through Naika as she stood behind those gathered, quietly watching the tragedy that unfolded before their eyes. There was not much that had the ability to surprise her these days, this was one of those rare exceptions. After all that had happened she hoped in death that Tetsuya found some measure of peace, though that likelihood was abysmal. Whatever was to come next she knew two things were certain. One, she would remain a loyal loving wife to Uaeso, no matter what life threw at them. The other being their son Arkos, who she wished to be squishy hugging with love right now. This room, was no place for a child.

Naika listened to the ongoing conversation in front of her. It was always a wise plan to have contingencies, there were about a million running through her mind right now. It was what had kept her alive, its what made her good at her job with the Yaducath Intelligence Agency, though she knew when there was a time for an analytical mind and a loving mind. Naika vespered feelings of comfort and support through vesper to Naelui. That she would be there for her sister-in-law when and if she wanted a big hug, or whatever it is she might need.
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Naelui stood quietly, staring through the glass at her father’s lifeless body. The reality of his death hadn’t fully sunk in yet, but deep down, she knew her life would never be the same. She had always been the closest to him, of all his children. They had weathered the storms of Tsenlan together and endured the complicated transition back to the United Norian Imperium. Now, he was gone, and the loss felt unbearable.

She had already lost so much...her mother’s betrayal, the failed attempt to restore her IDE backup, and the fragile remnants of her family slipping further apart. But this... losing her father felt like the final blow. She pressed her hand against the glass, as if somehow, she could reach through to him, to pull him back from the edge of death. The plans he had for a post-Eitan Noria would soon be revealed, and Uaeso would take charge, shaping their Ysi’s future . Albert’s assurances about the Iron Company helping to maintain peace offered some comfort, but only a little. “We can always count on our true allies,” she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. She glanced back toward Jun, who was curled up against the operating table, lost in his own grief. //"...and those things will come."// she uttered back through vesper to Lynira.

She felt a weight settle on her chest as she looked around the room. Soon, the Jol'Aester and her order of protectors would arrive to secure her father’s body, and preparations for a state funeral would begin. The thought of it felt cold and distant. She couldn’t wrap her head around the formality of it everything would move forward without him, how quickly the world would carry on when her own had come to a halt.“No matter how solid the transitional phase is, there will still be those who’ll try to use this tragedy for their own ends,” she said, her voice louder now, carrying across the room to the others. It was a warning, and one she knew she had to voice. Even in her grief, she could sense the shifting tides, the opportunists waiting in the wings.


Uaeso stood in silence, his emotions carefully kept in check as always. He had never been one to speak unnecessarily, only when his words carried weight. His father’s decision to place Sylix Lunari on the throne hadn’t surprised him~Uaeso had no desire to be a political figurehead. His own ambitions didn’t align with sitting on a throne, bound by the endless webs of politics. His eyes drifted to Naika and their son, the two who had anchored him through the worst of times, especially when his father’s mind began to fracture after the incident with his mother and the presence of Ves. They had given him the strength to endure, to remain steady in a world that seemed to constantly shift around him.

As Albert spoke about maintaining peace, Uaeso simply gave a nod. He appreciated the sentiment, though it barely touched him. Over time, the Iron Company had come to feel almost like family. Despite being mercenaries, they had worked to heal worlds scarred by the Craethel War, earning Uaeso’s respect and even his quiet fondness. Still, his face remained unreadable, his thoughts guarded. The future was now in Sylix’s hands, and though Uaeso had no desire for the throne, he knew the weight of responsibility it carried. His mind turned toward what lay ahead, but outwardly, he remained as he always had~ calm, composed, and silent. He considered going down to the launch bay to welcome the new leader, yet he still was standing there.

Imperial Shuttle "Uyfshara"​

On approach to U.N.N Aylerion​

Vaelaris Orinas stepped off the shuttle with quiet authority, his tall, striking figure impossible to overlook. His black hair was perfectly styled, and his piercing blue eyes scanned the hangar with clear dissatisfaction. He had expected more of a welcome~especially as the leader of the Orinas Ysi, one of the Imperium’s most powerful families. Dressed in luxurious robes embroidered with fine details, he wore his wealth and status openly. The jeweled rings on his fingers gleamed under the hangar lights, each a symbol of the vast power he wielded. His family had recently acquired Lux Aurora, solidifying their position as the wealthiest Ysi, and Vaelaris’s influence only grew with his new role as Chancellor of the Athalae Quorum, now the Imperium’s Senate.

"Where can I find your commander?" Vaelaris asked a young deckhand, his voice measured. When told the commander was with the Jol’Aestaesys’s body in the medical bay, he gave a curt nod and gestured for his guards to follow. Annoyed by what he saw as a lack of respect, he moved through the ship with the same cold confidence that had built his family’s fortune. His presence demanded attention, and though those around him didn’t yet know it, Vaelaris’s influence was about to reshape everything. Vaelaris entered the medical bay with his escorts, quietly positioning himself behind the gathered Eitans and high-ranking officials. He remained silent, watching intently, waiting to see if anyone would acknowledge his presence or speak out of turn.
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"Look alive." Steiner transmitted quietly so only Uaeso and Naelui could hear him as the man entered the medbay-he'd been informed of an unexpected arrival but was unsure of who it was-though the embroidery was somewhat familiar, "I believe one of them has already arrived." Just based on the look of the man you could practically smell the politics on him-from his clothes to the rings on his finger-not to mention the escorts. That set off warning bells in his head.

Sending a transmission, he re-routed 2 sqauds; including a pair of Juggernaut configuration Guardians in the event things took a turn for the worse. "State your business." The grandmaster barked.

Yeoman Sergeant Haelec was double-timing it down the corridor; the grandmaster believed there might be trouble at hand due to the recent arrival-apparently he'd brought armed guards. ("Be ready to breach on the mine or the grandmaster's signal." He said as the two squads took up positions at the opposite ends of the corridor leading to the medibay entrance with the juggernauts ready to charge in if they proved more troublesome than anticipated.

Naika nodded quietly in acknowledgement of Naelui's words, uncertain times were ahead. When an expected party made their entrance her alert was raised. Vaelaris entered that room with about as much grace as a pack of rabid animals. One man needs a horde of guards in a room full of mourners, much less the Jol'Aestaesys' own imperial guard? There was certainly one thing that man did not have, that money could not buy, a set of respectfully dipped diplomatic balls. The way he wore his wealth and status so openly could mean one of two things. That being he was either compensating for a lack of nether region or he intended to wield his little paper trail blackmail to openly subjugate those around him. Whether or not she had anything on him was a different story, its not what you have, its how you use it.

Vaelaris' unannounced arrival with Sylix's guards meant one thing, she was not coming. While one could have expected as much given the circumstances of Sylix's marriage to the late Tetsuya, it was none the less appalling. Naika sent Uaeso feelings of gentle comfort through vesper and let him know that she would follow his lead with this new visitor. Naika knew the weight of what he now bore and we would not bear it alone. If he addressed Vaelaris, she would follow. She shot a vesper to Lynira and Jun, "Stay alert, we have got unexpected company." Her eyes fell to Jun curled up on the other side of the glass, her attentions ripped away when the grandmaster barked at their new arrivals. Inwardly she grimaced, though she was grateful to have him and his people onboard with them. She lightly brushed her hand against Uaeso's as she began to turn and address the escalating situation, Arkos nuzzled into her shoulder.


Though she did not know it at the time, she knew the same things Naelui felt. Opportunists would undoubtedly be swarming in the wings, chomping at the bit in an imminent power shuffle only fools would deny loomed over them. She remained calm as Naelui addressed the room, watching those gathered. It seemed that just as Naelui had finished speaking of those that wished to utilize the tragedy for their own ends, one of those that wished to do just that appeared. An outwardly professional, stone calm demeanor remained on her phase as her thoughts reeled. What in all the abyss of this universe and those beyond had possessed him to come in the stead of the one who should have?

Sylix's marriage to Tetsuya might have been a purely political move, but sending this dolled up banker in her stead was an utterly atrocious move. The most single handedly indelicate way that this situation could have been handled. Her ears twitched slightly as the grandmaster barked, "Oh gods," she thought. She moved to approach Vaelaris, shooting a vesper to Uaeso, Naelui and Naika as she did so "I will greet him to give a few moments to do whatever it is you may want to." As she came to a stop at a respectful distance away from the little shit stick with a delicately crafted tone of respect that was befit of his Chancellorship she spoke, "Chancellor Orinas, what an unexpected surprise." her eyes glanced over to the guards with him. "Pardon my intrusion Chancellor, may I be of any assistance or do you wish to remain undisturbed?" she said in a soft respectful tone, even though she really just wanted to toss him out an airlock.
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Vaelaris’s striking figure commanded the room as he spoke, his dark hair perfectly groomed, and his piercing blue eyes scanning the faces before him with calculated ease. His robes, rich in deep blues and blacks, shimmered with delicate embroidery, each thread a symbol of his immense wealth. The jeweled rings on his fingers caught the light as he moved, understated but unmistakable in their opulence.

"I see word travels faster than a shuttle," he said with a knowing smile after Lynira acknowledged his new title. He had hoped to overhear something interesting before being recognized, but now that the moment had arrived, he knew it was time to reveal his purpose.

As Albert Steiner demanded he state his business, Vaelaris’s expression remained calm, his tone measured and diplomatic, yet laced with a confidence that came from his carefully crafted position of power. "I am here by the order of her majesty. The Jol'Aester regrets her absence...she has other commitments on the home world," he announced, the faint smile lingering on his lips. He knew the absurdity of it~Sylix, the Jol'Aester, absent at her husband’s death for some so-called ‘more important matter.’ It was all politics, and Vaelaris had played it masterfully. He hated the bitch personally but she had a use for now.

Despite the smile and formal words, he couldn’t help but privately disdain Sylix’s arrogance. Even with all the power he had schemed to acquire, he thought her absence was a glaring display of vanity.


Naelui’s hand flew to her mouth, unable to stifle the gasp that escaped as Vaelaris spoke. It took a moment for his words to fully register, and when they did, her hand dropped, leaving her lips parted in silent shock. She had been prepared to say something, but the audacity of the Jol'Aester sending him instead left her momentarily speechless. Was this the beginning of a deeper unraveling?

She knew Vaelaris too well~his reputation for a silver tongue was well-earned, but to her, it was forked like a serpent’s. The man held too much power now, controlling the very institutions meant to keep the likes of him in check, including the Gilmar Bank and Lux Aurora. The idea made her skin crawl. Naelui’s mouth closed slowly, still unsure of how to respond. She glanced at her brother Uaeso and Naika, searching their faces as if silently asking the question she couldn’t bring herself to speak: Is this how it starts?


Uaeso stood tall and composed in his crisp U.N.N. uniform, the sharp lines of his attire reflecting his disciplined, commanding presence. His posture was impeccable, as he stood next to his wife, Naika, and their son, Arkos. As Vaelaris entered the room, Uaeso turned to face him, his eyes narrowing slightly. He could sense his sister Naelui’s discomfort, a tension mirrored on the faces of nearly everyone present. He took in Vaelaris with a measured look, unimpressed by the man’s wealth or power. Uaeso had never cared much for such things; his mind was focused on securing a future for his son, Arkos, though even that future felt uncertain in light of Sylix’s priorities. The blatant disregard for their father’s death rankled him deeply, and he couldn’t hide his disdain.

When Vaelaris finally announced the obvious, Uaeso scoffed audibly. "It must be a very important matter for her not to be here?" he remarked, the sarcasm clear in his voice. After a few awkward moments of silence, Uaeso gestured toward the door leading to the operating theater, silently signaling to Vaelaris’s guards that they could proceed. Even in the absence of the Jol'Aester, the grim reality of his father’s death remained unchanged. Uaeso watched as the honor guards made their way into the chamber, his mind already bracing for the challenges that lay ahead.


Jun sat in the chaos of the operating room, his bloodied surgical gloves a stark contrast against the sterile white of his medical attire. The room was a mess, a grim reminder of the futile attempts to save his father. As the honor guards began wrapping his father’s body, Jun, still kneeling beside the table, looked up at them, his voice tight with exhaustion and grief. "I trust they will clean him up and have him in pristine condition before he is laid in state in the capital?" he asked, trying to maintain some sense of control. "I can send a few of his dress uniforms~~..."

Before he could finish, one of the guards interrupted him coldly. "The morticians will do their job, but your father won’t lie in state in the capital. Per the Jol'Aester's orders, we’re taking him to Lorenz."

Jun shot up from the floor, shock and fury overtaking him. His face paled as the guard's words sunk in. "What in Morggaho’s name? You’re joking, right? He’s the Jol'Aestaesys! He should rest in the grand tomb with Caecyan and the others~" His outrage burst forth, disbelief etched across his face. Without thinking, he grabbed at the wrapping material in the guard’s hands, his movements frantic and desperate. "I will handle this. You can take the body when I’m finished," he snapped, determined to preserve his father’s dignity, if nothing else. Though Lorenz was one of the core worlds, it was no place for the Jol'Aestaesys to be laid to rest. Jun’s eyes darted to the others in the room, searching their faces for support, or perhaps just understanding, as he hurriedly began preparing the body for transport.