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RP: YSS Destiny The 'Scrapers

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Inactive Member
These three enormous towers are the primary place that the enlisted of Star Army and NovaCorp live. They line three side of a square, the fourth which leads onto the detached houses of the officers. The 'Scrapers are giant conicol cones of perfect Iron and plasti-steel, towering up into the air, and possessing more than a hundred stories.

In the centre of the square there is an ornate fountain, a flower bed, and three pannels in the floor where transport modules come out.

(OCC: This is for anything that needs to be in your living accomidations. Not many of you are officers, but their living is here too.)
Kenda gave a nod to the man, and replaced his id's within his bags, and reshuffled them for constant walking instead of step by step in a line. Soon he was off, navigating the massive ship with the help of various maps, until he finally arrived at the block the man had mentioned, the numbers etched into his mind.

He hmm'd for a moment outside the door, and gave a polite knock with a reshuffling of his gear for better weight distribution, hoping to not stand for long.

(moved from 'Finally on the way' thread for clarity)
His knock was met with no responce. However their was a key card stuck to the door. Apparently that would be his means of entering his room, by sliding it through the device at the left of the door.

"There's no one waiting for you in there." The AI's voice came out of nowhere, "It's your room, no-one elses."
Kenda gave a little snort of disproval at the AI's words, and reached for the card, snatching it like he had known it was there from the very first. He slid it through the slot and stepped into his room once the door slid open, letting it close behind him as he looked around.

"Well you can be so confident about it because you know that, the guy told me I would be getting my orders here, thought it was some office." He half-mumbled, though with enough volume that the computer should pick it up. What a way to start off an assignment, defending himself from the AI.
The room was not small, but quite Spartan. The door opened up onto a lounge area, with a plain settee, coffee table and a screen. To the left was a kitchen area, and at the end of the room there where two doors. The one to the left led onto the small bathroom, the one to the right led on to his bedroom.

It was in fact like almost all the other apartments in the 'Scraper, at least the ones that the AI or Ephesus hadn't decided to 'improve'.

(OOC: This is pretty much the template description, do I really have to write it out every time you find your rooms?)

In the middle of the coffee table was a electronic pad, with a red glowing pannel stating 'press me'.
Kenda waited at the door a moment after the quick glance around, waiting for the AI to give him some other snide remark, before starting to explore his new living quarters. After a few minutes he was decently acquainted, and set his bags down near the table, and settled down in front of the screen. It said press me, and so he did.
"Hello Kenda. I've been judging your past, and I think I've found a good job for you. It fits in with your past working in a shop. I, and I have the backing of the Captain and all relative authaurities in this, would like you to work with the office of commerce, dealing with the trade around the Destiny, and even trade agreements with other species we encounter." A tiny version of the AI's buisnessman body sprang out of the pod and recited his message in a highish voice. "Do you want this job?"
Kenda watched little businessman image speak to him until the prepared speach was done, and started to reach down into his bags, taking out some knick-knacks he had taken from his room back home, placing them in some spots nearby as if his hands already knew where to go without his minds help, face showing he was considering the options. After the archaic calculator was placed next to the screen, he leaned over the table and spoke, having killed only a few minutes since the message was spoken. "I accept the job offer, should I arrange for meetings with the people of importance in the commerce of this ship?"
"That would be a good start. You may also want to get aqainted with the Mayor, you're going to be spending quite a lot of time working with him." the AI said, his voice coming from nowhere. "Is there anything to help you?"
Kenda had already started to unpack after he had spoken his reply, placing all of his personal items neatly into drawers, on desks, slowly turning the place into a reasonable facsimile of home. During this, he replied to the AI in an idle tone of voice "Names of all the people that are important to the commerce around here, including the Mayor, I would hate to have to refer to him as that all the time. If you can get it, a short little bio for each would be nice, and job descriptions. In text on the display please, I will read it after I'm done." With that, he continued his organization of his room.
Arriving home, her arms filled with bags of food, Leiko made her way into the kitchen and expediently put the food away, before turning to look at what remained.

Apparently, her purchases had arrived, as there was a small pile of boxes and bags neatly taking up a portion of the floor. After a moment during which she examined their contents, Leiko made her way back to her bedroom, her arms loaded with her change of clothes. After a minute or two, she re-emerged, wearing the slacks and t-shirt she'd purchased earlier, the rest of the clothing either hanging up or on a shelf.

Next she placed the small fountain on the floor below one of the windows, mentally noting that she should, in the near future, buy a table upon which to properly place it. She also took the time to place the pictures around the room, adding a bit of color to the once-drab walls.

Unpacking the eating and cooking ware, she diligently put those away, filing the locations in memory, and beginning to plan her next meal.

Her final purchase, the keyboard, had sat beneath the others, as if waiting patiently for her to get to it. After opening the box and quickly setting it up, she stared at the gleaming black and ivory keys, a slight smile gracing her lips, before she made her way into the kitchen, eager to start her dinner. She also looked forward to finishing dinner, so she could take the time to learn the keyboard's intricacies.

Deciding upon a simple stir-fry, she started the rice in the steamer, and began washing and slicing up the vegetables, glad she'd taken the time to skim a few basic recipes during her free time. as everything came together, she grinned at the smell of one of her first cooked meals, pleased at the small but significant success, and added the beef she'd sliced up earlier, enjoying the way it sizzled as it cooked.

Finally, her meal was ready, and Leiko sat down to eat, Silently thanking the Star Army for the bonus that let her stock up and eat so well on her first night. The meal was good, and, eating alone, finished relatively quickly.

She cleaned the plate and utensils, and made her way back to the keyboard, examining it for a moment before turning it on. The indicator glowed that it was ready for use, and she quickly ran her finger over the keys, before depressing one at random. Grinning at the clear, rich note that erupted forth, she scooped up the instruction manual and started reading, the grin she'd worn earlier replaced by a full-blown smile.
She looked straight up, a little tenative of the large building she was to be living in. She didn't exactly like the idea of being so high up in the massive place, but she had no real choice as it was assigned to her. But like always. nothing of these emotions, no doubts or anything surfaced onto her face, nothing but the calm cool expression she had learned to wear, like a mask of sorts for her. With a small sigh, she ventured to one of the three pannels, and closed her eyes as she was taken to her room. She muttered something as she went on her way.

"I hate these things already..."

With another sigh, she opened her eyes. More out of instinct then anything, she reached out and grabbed the key-card, swiping it through the reader, and walking in. As soon as she walked in, she saw that her things had already arrived. A few boxes of clothing, her stereo with her box of classical c.d's beside it, and her rather oversized collection of reading material. Reaching into one of her boxes, she grabbed a change of clothing. After dissapearing into her bedroom for a little, she came back out in a much more relaxing grey sweat suit. Stretching a little, her chest seemed a bit bigger, as she had unwrapped it from the ace bandage she wore. Seeing the button on the coffee table, she walked over and pressed it before going to her boxes, and unpacking her things. Already the first thing she got out was her stereo, and put in a classical c.d., making sure to keep it low so she could hear or pay attention to whatever wanted her to press the button.

"There we go, music always helps to unpack things."

As she started in on the books, she squatted infront of the box, but watched the coffee table to see what would happen
After reading the booklet, Leiko set it aside and positioned herself before the keyboard. With a flick of her wrist, her fingers began dancing over the keys, an exceedingly complex and difficult tune streaming forth as if she'd been possessed by a master of old.

The illusion, however, was shattered as she removed her hands from the keyboard and the song continued to play. With a silly smile she turned the pre-recorded song off and depressed a key, glad to at least be capable of finding middle C with ease.

From there, she quickly played out the chords she knew by heard, before piecing together a slower piece she knew by heart. Nothing as complex as before, but Leiko knew that she was playing it, not some recording, and that made it much more personal. Something to be proud of; and something to enjoy.

As the evening wore on into the night, Leiko stopped mid-song and stood, done for now. Looking at a clock, she realized she'd been playing for a couple hours, and decided that her apartment, furnished now though it may be, was not where she wanted to be.

Coming in, she'd noticed the well-manicured flowerbeds and fountain, and decided that tonight, she'd watch the water flow, and maybe meet some of her future co-workers. Slipping out the door, she silently made her way down to the fountain, and sat on one of the benches nearby, watching the few that passed by and, in their absence, the water that gently burbled through the fountain in a seemingly-endless cycle.
With a swipe of the key card, Masako entered her own spartan apartment with a small frown. The young neko was still trying to get used to having her own room, being so used to communal sleeping quarters with others. Having such a large space, in her opinion, to herself seemed a bit awkward. But she knew she'd eventually get used to it.

Sighing as she sat on one of the drab chairs provided for the apartment, Masako looked around the apartment. She would definitely have to purchase a few necessity for the apartment sooner or later. And most likely learn how to cook for herself too. Personally, she'd rather play her viola or be out in a Powered Armor than learn how to cook, but she had to eat. Eating out everyday wouldn't do her any good. Though she did have the funds to do that for a good long while due to her Destiny payment.

"Oh well...I guess the cooking problem can wait for a while," she mumbled to herself as she moved over to her bedroom. Opening a window, she brought out her viola with a smile. Placing the wooden instrument to her chin, she began to play a gentle melody.
With the twitch of her ears, the soft melody of the Viola floated into her room, though only one of the windows was barely cracked. Walking over to the window, she opened it further. It seemed that nothing was going to happen after pressing the button, so she let out a sigh and leaned on the window sill. The soft melody really was soothing, and the fact that it was from a good classical instrument, instead of one of those damned rock instruments, was all the better for her. She just leaned there for a while, a soft smile on her face as she let herself relax. After a moment, she turned back to her things and sighed again.

"I can do this later...I wanna get outside for a little while."

With that, she went back in to change back into her Hakama, sliding the sword in at her side, and placing the pistol on her other side. With a stretch, she made her way outside, plastering the cold mask of a emotionless expression back onto her face. She had spotted a garden of sorts from her room window, and on the way in. So she wanted to go explore for a little, and maybe get a eye on her new neighboors. As she finally got outside, she found her way to a small bench, and relaxed against it. It was again in the small garden, and as she reached to her side, she pulled out a book from the special pocket she had had sewn into her Hakama.

"I think I'm going to like it here. Good place to relax and read."

With that, she buried herself back into her romance novel, flipping the page when it was needed.
*This is the place?*

Tom Freeman stood in the center square of the living quarters, baffled by the amount of care put into the flower beds and fountain. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a slip of paper on which he scribbled his apartment number down.

*Am I lost?*

Nope. The scribbled text read right smack dab in the middle of the first 'Scraper. Well, that was just peachy keen! Tom quickly took one of the transports up to his building and headed toward his room. The sheer size of the complex was somewhat disorienting, and would've been rather intimidating to Tom, if not for his overly-excited state.

Tom's hand quivered as he took the keycard from the door and slid it through the entry device. SWOOSH! The door opened.

*Oh. My. God.*

*This. Is. Going. To. Rock. My. Face. Off!*

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Tom's cheerful cry rang down the hall as he lept into his room, throwing his duffle bag nowhere in particular.

"Freakin' SWEET!"

Besides the clean furniture,, the place was totally decked out. The Star Army gave quite a few perks.

And imagine... All this can be yours if you only lay down your life for the cause.

The thought seared his mind for the briefest of moments before Tom brushed it away. Pish posh. Better to be blown up on a kickin' rad spaceship than die from the plague or planetary bombardment. And if the worst were to happen, Tom'd at least have a hell of a time!

Returning to his duffle bag, Tom dug out his clothes and personal belongings, put them away, then put his favorite jazz album into his stereo.

The Geshrin's body moved rhythmically to the music as he glided through the apartment.

There was definately gonna be a party tonight.
Kenda finally finished organizing his room, and was about to reach over to the screen to start reading up on his new business contacts...when he saw the message about the required attendance conference, and gave quite a string of curses. He slipped back into his shoes and came out of his room at a decent hussle, trying to straighten his uniform at the same time as he made his way to the transportation system, hoping he wouldn't be too late to that damn thing.
Miro gazed down the hallway as the doors of his elevator opened. As he expected...they were long. He trudged down the hallway to his room which, as he expected, was one of the last ones. Miro scolded himself for being right about it, but what else could he expect. Once he exited his tram, he was redirected to a transport to these enormous buildings, all while carrying his luggage around...he couldn't think of a better way to top off the day. Miro slid his keycard through the scanner, heaved a deep sigh, and dropped the duffel quickly onto the floor.

Miro was impressed his surroundings. Although quite plain, it was still in much better condition than his home on Yamatai. The kitchen was functional, and from what Miro could make out of the bedroom from the lounge, the quarters were quite homely. After discovering the kitchen cabinets to be empty, he reminded himself to find a market later. He wanted to un-pack and organize before anything else...but one look at the duffel changed his mind, and he settled for sorting onto the coffee table.

"First thing's first..." Miro sighed as he kneeled down and unzipped his bag.

The first thing he pulled from the duffels confines was a large, gray rectangular box. As he placed it gently onto the table, Miro lifted the lid to check the contents. The container was a toolbox filled with, what else, various tools for various circumstances, each one polished and new in its own niche. The box itself looked, and was, quite heavy. Miro shook his head as he closed it, chuckling to himself as he scooted it over to the other side of the coffee table.

"...why did I bring his thing? Sheesh..." he whispered, rubbing his shoulder.

As he did, Miro's eye caught a the glare of the glowing red panel. He mouthed out the words silently, and looked around his room, expected it to be some sort of prank. Realizing where he was, he shook his head again, hesitated a moment, and gently pressed it.
Nothing happened when he pressed the button, apart from a beeping noise.

(OCC: The button was there for one, I repeat one, person, and it is not there for the majority of people. If you want to request what you are doing and so forth, ask the AI.)
Roken sat on his bed with a pack of ice on the back of his head, he didnt know who hit him from behind but he would find out later and it was a good thing the damaged to his cyber-eyes were not to bad, things might turn out better nextime but every time he would make an attempt to find his CO someting would happen on the ship, for now all roken cared about was getting some rest.

(OOC: Sorry if im throwing the story off ill try to keep up with the pace)
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