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OOC The Soyokaze


Inactive Member
The YSS Soyokaze

The Soyokaze is a Super Eikan Heavy Cruiser, heading out to retake colony worlds captured by the NMX in the war. The main goal is to give combat troop players direct control of their own fire team of npcs, to facilitate game play of a large ground assault with minimal players. With that said, the plot will be player "drama" driven, as in if players are telling good story with their characters and are enjoying themselves, I the gm will sit back and watch, but if things slow down or if there are folks asking for action, we will shift gears and go into action. I want the story to be balanced and players not feel forced into a routine of Combat followed by a short on board cycle followed by more combat. STORY IS EVERYTHING.

We will be operating in the Galatic South West. Rescuing colonies from the NMX and pushing the NMX back out of Yamataian space.

I would like to keep the plot small with a max of 10 players, focus more on the combat classes but really it's up to the players choices of careers.

The player slots that need to be filled:


Slots that we can fill if wanted

Fighter pilot

The ship is a Super Eikan Heavy Cruiser.

it will be bringing along a few tanks, to give heavy support to the ground troops.

The Running themes are but not limited to: Combat, Teamwork, Character Development, Camaraderie, Explosions, DRAMA!

Past that I guess I'm also applying for GM hood?

And well any questions please ask away!
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Heavy Cruiser? Yes! Mine, I'll take one in red! *plants flag in the Ops chair on the bridge*

Count me in dude
I am 100% for another SAoY ship plot. I have some questions though. Mainly: It's been over a year since the end of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. The NMX have left our space and they don't have any holdings, at least on the map, in the southwest (in fact, that area is pretty much solely Yamatai's right now) so I'm wondering how/if it's going to work to have them as the main antagonists.
Have you forgotten already? The whole point of pulling them out was so they could be used as a marauding force that could be brought in for the need of any GM. It's not because they don't have any holdings on the map we don't know of that this cannot change at need.
Aye, Fred be right. Much like with any force that gets routed, you'll always have pockets of resistance here and there, plus planets that may have fallen out of contact from one reason or another (a good excuse could just be that the planet hasn't been able to restore communications or that they have actually done so but have sent false communications, thus throwing off suspicions)

Otherwise, Tanka is already aware that I'll be in his plot. Will be bringing Takeyu over since the man has experience with combat and will be able to help keep the group alive (.... I hope.... :p )
Wes: A. Thanks for the interest. B. As was said i was planing on just using them like Fred had mentioned, as generic antagonists. there will be other enemies. Just the main mission was, in a sense, To Bring the Light Of the Empress To the Worlds. In other words like that Mishu governed planet the Eucharis ran into and Seinna was found on, we will be bringing help and support to the "lost" worlds. Now if bring the light to those worlds means on the front end of an Aether rifle, then so be it.

Abwehran Commander: EXACTLY!!! The Gentle Breeze! Will Fly!

Kyle: Officially I welcome you aboard The Soyokaze!
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So Far we have

a possible from Jimmy
and a possible from Bionicsamurai

Half the player base that I was hoping for, in under 24 hours
We have the green light from the boss man.

So once the rest of the ducks are in a row... (My Trained Geese are working on it) We will start up the first thread mission! Please stand by and have patience. For the epicness this will be takes a bit of a load time.