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OOC The Wayward Discussion

@Syaoran It was a very long, very exhausting road to get back. I'll read up on what's gone on tomorrow (today?) and we can figure out how to shove Quinn back in with the gang. Apparently Anna misses him. No surprise there lawl.
Thanks for not forgetting us, Enansel, it means a lot to me that you came back.
@Wes How could I forget Star Army? I was here, for a brief moment in time, since you had SA first running more or less. I'd have to go look to find out when exactly.

@cyborgakadjmoose Thank you <3

Also; Tis good to be back <3
Hello! It's nice to meet you. I think you may have been around when I joined last year. The avatar seems familiar anyway. It should be interesting to see how the new crew members deal with another old hat returning. I think Ametheliana's character will be intimidated and mine will be excited to have a new victim playmate.

Hmm, and it looks like we have a Doctor and a Medic lol. Maybe Brigid could teach Quinn a few things.

I like the quote in your sig btw.
Just a quick post up for the Swordbreaker, will still be trying to do a main GM post Monday or Tuesday
So what's the deal with the anchors, are they like a little handheld device that shoots out a line?
I don't picture it as a line but a very strong grip...but because it takes force and we're in space, the lines used to keep it from jettisoning off were more like guides...kinda like you'd see for structures that are really tall but not stable enough in the wind without something keeping it steady.
Sorry, I did forget to actually describe what they're shooting. The anchors are pneumatic pistons, so heavy metal spikes being rammed into the asteroid. That's why it had to be tied down, cause when it hits it'd just be pushed away in space.
So sorry, somehow every time I get my alerts, I'm half asleep. It must be a time zone thing, but know that I'm super enjoying this mission so far and love posting for it, albeit I do super slowly for whatever reason!
@Syaoran Basically thinking Quinn staid on the ship for (whatever plausible reason in E3), took off to go do something else after E3 (likely having to do with his sister Or just being a vagabond in general as is usual for him), and he could meet Tanja and the new/remaining crew back at the station after E4 if that works? I wouldn't really be sure how to fit him into E4 that wouldn't mess with the current plot trajectory.
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