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OOC The Wayward Discussion

Sorry about that, I missed the post when doing the read, I made changes to the GM post to reflect Brigid was opening up a hole.
New post is up, but I also want to try and wrap this up in the next couple of post, so you can take a little liberty with your post. We're right at the end.
Okay did something a little tricky here. I started Ep 6 early, so that people who are waiting can get in and play while we try to wrap up EP 5.
I finally made my post. Sorry for the delay!

My holiday craziness has subsided and the last of my houseguests are gone, so you should have my normal allotment of attention from here on out.
Reactions: Wes
Sorry the post is a day late and a little small, with everything going I was having trouble getting a post out.
@Syaoran I will ah, have to apologize for my disappearance. I ended up homeless for the last few months and only now have managed to get myself into housing and finding a job that'd take me. x.x;
Ana isn't that curious of a person. She only had the one question about animal life...but she figured she'd learn better just observing.
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