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OOC The Wayward Discussion

@Syaoran Quinn's got questions, but they're not something he wants to bring up in front of everyone xD So maybe skip to after the meeting and we can go from there?
And don't get me wrong, you know I adore Wayward but most of Nan's questions are mostly tangents and ADD related.
I'm ok with us scooting over towards the planet. Ash honestly doesn't have any other questions : /
I mean, she'd probably ask Janelle some questions once on the planet. But this isn't her first rodeo so.

Anyways, we can probably skip toward everyone getting ready to go down to the surface.
Syaoran said:
Stefan spoke up after Tanja finished. "Now, the atmosphere here is breathable, but due to the moss like nature of the dominant vegetation here, I would like everyone to wear these filter mask, so that they do not breath in possibly toxic spores."

And already we're smarter than the Alien Covenant crew...
I'm sorry! Last week was crazy for me, too (seems to be a trend lately). I will have something posted before mid-day today.
Reactions: Wes
Random thought; Imagine Quinn's eyes' software getting stuck in a boot loop during a tense/critical time... ohboy...
Post up, will try to post more frequently now that everyone is split into groups. However, make sure to keep a location header at the top, it'll be easier for me to notice where you are and I'll be able to respond sooner.
I apologize, I've been bad about posting. I was hoping Whitehart would beat me to it so I'd have more to respond to, but perhaps mine will kick something off.
Reactions: Wes
On one hand I miss The Wayward and Syaoran as a GM and on the other hand, I'm up to my ears elsewhere. Just know I'm thinking of you~!
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