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OOC The Wayward Discussion

Well I plan to still look for more people, just wanted to know if you guys wanted to wait before starting.
I would like my character to lose a bit of her access to tech and need to rely on other PCs in order to get to know them. I know that is kind of specific and also not a kind of mission or episode, but hey! haha
I'm actually good with the minimal-tech thing. Will have to think on a new character, but I can whip someone up pretty fast or "re adopt" a previous character of mine from long long ago.
Reactions: Wes
You don't have to make a new character Ena, but if you do want to go ahead. I can set up tis episode though so it has some limitations on tech though. So you guys don't have access to everything.
Sorry for writing so much! I love doing this kind of writing haha. But, honestly, only the last paragraph of my post is important if you want to approach my character. This is Aala Dash!
So, I wanted to clarify, you mentioned in the above post Aala but in your pot on the plot you said Aavi, just curious which you meant @Ametheliana . Not that there is a huge diference, just so I can refer to the right character
My mistake, I changed it to Iromkaunhe, but it's Aala Dash, yeah.
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