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Approved Character [The Wayward] Shadow Wraith

Alright, since I'm making some edits as we go, I'll note any major changes I make, jsut for the sake of clarity.

Removed the "unknown alien hybrid". No question.
Removed the links in Physical Description. Rephrased some of the categories to clarify on grammar.
Rephrasing and editing of personality section, no major changes, just phrasing and order issues.
Removed the old goal #3, no questions on what he is a hybrid of.
MAJOR edits in the history section. Lots of rewriting, and rephrasing, as well as grammar edits.
Lots of editing and rephrasing through all of the skills.
Also redid the finance section to get you ont he right income and type of money.

Only one thing left to ask about. In the creators, you have unknown listed. The Wiki is OOC, not IC, so everything is supposed to be listed there, even if he doesn't know it. If the answer is just a generic cloning company, or some such, let me know, and we can put that, but the answer is never unknown on the wiki.
what generic company though?

edit: I thought I changed it to pure idsol earlier?? gaah i hate my internet some times
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Well if it's gonna be a throw away company you can make it small company that went under, you probably wouldn't have to make a page for the company as long as they didn't do anything significant.
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