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Unfortunately, I don't think they need to be exactly to the lines - that can be attributed to scaling effects and the like. Even though they don't match perfectly to the lines, the geometry of the two different models are just too similar.
It is my opinion that the new weapon art is not a copy of Arieg's art due to the many differences between them, and the fact that the original design is heavily influences by real-world guns in the first place.

Additionally, it's generally okay for SARPers to edit each others' contributions (we do this with each others' wiki articles all the time, and it's the same for original art) as long as the edits stay on Star Army (e.g. customizing something doesn't make it yours to use).

That said, it's preferable and best practice to both ask permission and to give any credit due, and part of being respectful to other players is being respectful of their creations and contributions.
So I remember when I first returned to SARP. I was called and art theif and told to present proof that I had obtained permission. I did, but I am still required to show permission.

Arieg clearly did not give permission for do this. Nor according to Arieg did any sort of dialogue take place to begin with.

Last I checked doing this without permission was classified as vandalism and a ban-able offense.
Didn't you just borrow art from other sites?

I made mine/ it is my art. That's why it doesn't look like Arieg's art if you try to exact-match lines and has significant differences. It's not me going to DA and being like "TIME TO BORROW THIS PICTURE FOR MY RP!" and hotlink it.

This isn't the same thing. Please stop trying to slander and make it like I broke rules. You and Arieg keep pushing despite the fact it's not at all wrong. I didn't speak with Arieg because I referenced his art. I didn't tweak/just edit it.
No I asked permission and showed permission.

Arieg showed the comparison.

That's plagiarism. Which is illegal.

No you traced.... at this point I'm beginning to wonder if this is just a troll since you could have made a much better piece with your capabilities.
Though I disagree, I'll respect your decision here on SARP Wes. However, my main concern is how the art community outside of SARP will view this, especially DeviantArt. I do not believe that they will agree with your decision, and I fear that this will negatively impact SARP's image. The last thing I want is to have an artist say to me, "No, I won't work for you since I heard SARP allows plagiarism" or something like that.

That's something that terrifies me.
No you traced.... at this point I'm beginning to wonder if this is just a troll since you could have made a much better piece with your capabilities.
This is your problem. Stop complimenting me after trying to insult me and act like I stole from you.

You've slammed my art in chat many times. You're just pissy because I worked hard to make something using your original art as a reference. I didn't trace a thing.
The using the art, is the part he is angry about.

Do people get permission when they try to recreate the Mona Lisa? A Picasso? A new model for a gun? No.

This is artistically and realistically stupid that you Asteria goons are out in force after Wes ruled in favor WITH SENSIBLE reason. You first started demanding that I credit you, I offered to do it, and then you started to demand and try to cite it as plagiarism. This is clearly a fishing attempt and is totally up your normal alley, guys, but seriously? This is absurd.

I didn't "use" his art. I had it up among OTHER REFERENCES so I could design the ZARCNAM. I didn't trace it. I didn't just copy it and add stuff on. This is just slander and disrespectful. The DA community won't hate us because of me, they'll hate us because you guys are hassling members for making art.

I thought we settled this in chat. Stop carrying out your damned arguments out of endurance ad nauseum when Wes already ruled on this. You're wasting your time and just dragging out the drama.

Stop trying to get the damned last word. You're done. Learn what you can from this, and move on to better things.

Actually it is your problem. You didn't gain ariegs permission to use his work at all. That is wrong.
Sorry Fred.

This just bothers me because the way it was done is wrong. Clearly Arieg has an issues with it and it isn't right that Legix did that to him.
This animosity against Legix is pretty outrageous. He drew a new version of a gun based off of existing art depicting the current version and y'all are ripping him for it. Of course it's going to look similar. But he didn't do anything wrong. Find something more productive to be passionate about.
They don't try to pass it off as their own when they recreate the work.
You didn't even credit Arieg
Clearly, Wes has ruled on this and already said what had to be said.

Knife-twisting is unneccessary. And abhorrent. Totally with Raz on this: stop wasting your time and find better things to do.
Clearly, Wes has ruled on this and already said what had to be said.

Knife-twisting is unneccessary. And abhorrent. Totally with Raz on this: stop wasting your time and find better things to do.
No, this is how they get their way. They're ignoring the fact I've credited Arieg multiple times when discussing it over the last two weeks. They're ignoring the fact I asked Arieg here and in chat to give me his DA so I could credit him there. I even edited the credit ONTO the DeviantArt.

How can I credit him on the wiki that doesn't even have the art uploaded? Like I'm genuinely being harassed by Cadet, Ira, and Arieg because they want to make this into something that can ban me. They're trying to deliberately bully and harass me into a corner. I've never been so angry and upset at SARP than now, precisely because I shouldn't need permission to make art for a gun based off one I liked. This is utterly just sickening and has had me hovering on quitting SARP because of just how terrible this attitude is.
I seem to remember you being upset at people not respecting the work you did. When it's others that same sentiment is absentia?
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