Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

RP: Bloody Claws Third Period - Retreat!

Ra-chel sat at her seat in the mess hall, as the others rushed to the windows to watch. She continued to eat her meal. She had seen dozens of Aerial Shows with maneuvers. She cheered Kata'nova and her squadron when they finished their performance amongst the others. Showing her support as she baby sat the young'un of her joint family siblings, getting them enthused about supporting the cause of Neshaten's Freedom to ply the starry void.
Kit'suki sighed , as fun as it was to pick on Bull'a, he wanted to get out and enjoy the day or what was left of it. Heading out to find one of the others, hopefully Ra'chel to apologize if he was able to.

He stopped starring at the incoming specks that slowly began to take shape in the form of fighters piolted by the Youth Corpse . They flew over and performed maneuvers in the sky above as he himself joined others in cheering for a to e before heading to find the café, though he would stop to watch now and again.
As the fighters continued their performance, some of the students went to the café to eat, others stayed to watch the spectacle. Aka' joined the crowd of those heading in for a bit to eat, she wasn't that hungry but watching a performance was better done while having something to eat and drink. She picked herself a salad and some tea, nothing to fancy, and found herself a place to sit outside.

Within a few moments the fighters made their way back down toward the ground, skimming the surface of the water, four of the fighters veered off while one kept going until it disappeared beneath the water. There was chatter amongst the students, some wondering what happened and others asking where the fighter would appear - that answer came a few seconds later when it shot out from the center of the camp - splashing water onto anyone that might be near the central area (which the café wasn't). Then the fighters regrouped, made another sortie over the camp and then went into a hover near the far-side where they began to lower themselves onto a large clear pad that was just big enough for the squadron to land on.

Ra-chel watched portion of the fighter acrobats which she could see through the window. She had finished her meal as was relaxing as she doodled on the paper napkin, her budding idea. She gave a soft smile when the sounds of the fighters landed and once again the silence of nature fell over the surrounding area.
Kit'suki got himself a Sub with two kinds of meat, lettuce and some spicy peppers but nothing too hot. He smiled finding Aka' was already t a table and either sat at her table or one nearby it so he could have a friend to talk about the show with. He chuckled watching the crowd getting sprayed with water. "Glad that's not me, maybe for a summer show but up here in this cold weather I think being warm in doors would do better." He looked about to see if other classmates where herre and did see Ra'chel was there as he tried waving her over, though given their last conversation part of him felt she might not want to talk with them right now.
Ra-chel saw the wave to her from Kit'suki. She shyly returned it, unsure of herself at the moment as she was surprised at him doing so after her blow-up back in the sleeping dorm. She stood up and pocketing the doodled on napkins in her pocket. She went and disposed of her tray and remains of her meal. She ambled over and sat nearby at the same table. Which had a better view of the local area.
Kit'suki was happy to see that Ra'chel was coming over. He had feared she would still be mad at him. "Listen.. I just wanted to say I'm Sorry... I didn't know that was a sore topic for you." He himself knew next to nothign about what had happened but he would take care not to mention the Youth Corup around her. He still had his own dreams and goals and they may lead him down that road with his life.

For now though he was fine being a student studying medicne, anatomy, and psycology all while being a member of the Bloody Claws Class
"Apology accepted. It is. My Joint Sister and me were close. But she went her way as I went my way." Ra-chel spoke as she pulled outthe rumpled doodled on napkins to resume putting her idea down on paper. Then to her laptop at a later time. "What are yuopr dreams of becoming, Kit?"
"My dreams? Well I was hoping to serve some time in the Navy." Kit'suki said. "The thing is, I'm the only Duar in my family. My mother, and Father are both Libas as is my older brother. I know that my mother and father still love me but..." It had been hard growing up in an entire family of Libas. His Grand Father was definatly the most vocal about his misgivings as he was from an older generation. "My family has a long tradition of being involved in the military so I hope to make them proud of me. Still I'm not really the best at fighting. I'm trying to become a Medic, then I can help injured soldiers and maybe one day after that I can work in a hospital as well." He said finishing up his sandwich and then took a drink of his soda.
"Healers are more important that soldiers. For they keep them healthy to fight." Ra-chel smiled at Kit'suki. She returned her attention back to her doodlings and notes on napkins. She began to draw out 'The Bead' as she began to call it mentally, much larger to add in the details of the device.
As Ra'chel and Kit'suki talked, three Youth Corp pilots - ones from the fighters that had just gotten done performing over the camp, walked into the cafeteria, their helmets tucked under their arms. "One's things for sure," one of them spoke up as they were passing the table that Kit'suki and Ra'chel were sitting at. "The F'Bantau hasn't lost the flying skills, despite not being in a cockpit for a long time."

"Ya," the other started. "I'm surprised, but glad as well. Of course," the pilot turned toward the windows, looking over the two sitting at the table. "I feel bad that the F'Bantau is being crowded."

The two then started walking away. "That's to be expected, when you go missing for so long...."
Kits'suki was finishing his drink as the piolets form the performance came in to eat as well. He wondered if they were here on retreat as well given that they could have flown back to where they launched from. He ofcourse hadn't really asked Ra'chale about what happened to her sister but he found the conversation they could hear form the near by table inresting. He currenly had Ra'chel nd Aka here he almost wished he had brought one of his notebooks from his bag to the cafeteria so they could go over better tatics and for
Ra-chel ears twitched at the parting comment. She growled a bit, losing her train of thought on her project. She sighed softly realizing she had to come to terms that she would never see her joint family sister again. But she was going to do her part to give those pilots a better chance at being recovered so that their families could lay their worries to rest.

Ra-chel folded the napkin up neatly and placed it in her pocket. She reached for another clean paper napkin and carefully unfolded it to write and doodle on.
Kit'suki looked back at Ra'chel he looked down trying to see what it was she was doodling at the time. "Now that I think about it." He said. "Do we know what our next match is going to be? I know we're here for a break but it might not be too bad to go over things like new forms of training we could try or to stratagize if we know somthing about the next match we'll be going on." he said.
Ra'chel drew spheres and then showing the innards with some sort of micro transmitter inside it. It was schematics for an automated transponder. Only to be done in micro size. Each sphere was independent. Too bad she wasn't in the city. She could scrape up the money to have it built by a backyard tech or one of the students back in school.

She looked up at Kit'suki. "We need to get the basics down first. Teamwork. Buddy system. Then the rest will fall into place." She poke with a smile at Kit'suri.
"Well," Kit'suki said as the menton of Team Work was brought up. I think that's easier said than done with some of our members. It seems like the few students we have that always want to show off seem to always get our team in the most trouble" Bul'a had been knowing for always trying to be the star or even act like somehow he was going t be so impressiv he would take over the team even with out a seince of how to work with others.

"We normally just find somone to team up with and go from there. Maybe we should start looking at everyones strengths and weaknessess and then pair them up with somone they can team up with each match."
Suha'laisne walked into the room and surveyed the area. She spotted two of her class mates. Upon hearing Ra'chel's comment she took the opportunity to speak. She walked up toward them and stopped about 10 feet from them. "That's an interesting suggestion Kit'suki. So wouldn't your proposal mean that you would create teams that would be median rather than optimal? What would be the logic of that?"
Ra-chel looked blankly at the new comer. For a moment she couldn't place the name of the student that was in her class. She would listen since the question was directed at Kit'suki.
"Well" Kit'suki started again after a moment of being surprised at a newcomer to the table. "I'm sure we would all love if the teams we made up were optimal, but we seem to have teamwork issues as well. I was hoping we could create teams that would know how to work well togeather as well as get a close to optimal as we can." He said but then grimaced a bit. "Still I can think of some students that don't get along well with most of the team
Suha'laisne nodded as Kit'suki gave his reply. "Very true, all of what you said. The truth be told, teams with a range of skills. Actually out perform in the long run. Because those who are not as good as the others, have a goal to work for. It is the better recipe for creating a cohesive team. Ego can cause more problems, having a team that is diverse diffuses that problem."

She looked over at Ra'chel, "So, Ra'chel given what Kit'suki said about some students not getting along well. How would you go about dealing with people who don't get along on your team? After all, if you are to succeed here, you are going to need team mates you can trust."