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Abandoned Character Ti-Mist


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🔰 New Member
This is a robotic character I wanted to create and share with others. This character I was hoping to be the good guy robot, with little human contact, usually a shy sentient robot. But always seems to be the misunderstood hero of the day. There are a few things I didn't add in such as age, and year of birth and such, mainly because this is an unknown traveling character, which has little human contact. If anyone would like to have this character part of their sessions, and such go right ahead.

Race: Si Automata
Name: TI-Mist
Intelligence: Rampant Growth
Born: ¨I didn't know what to put.¨
Occupation: Freelancer mechanic
Metal colors:Black and grey
Gender: Male ¨Assuming due to the deep voice, and to referring itself as a he.¨
Holographic Ai body: A male warrior in destroyed armor.
Allegiance: Supposedly the Yamatai, but still protects the Free Spacers.

Skills: Involves the ability to self repair, learning languages, and computer skills, and being a Si Automata he can also ¨communicate¨ with ships so he can take the wheel and steer.

History: He is a ¨Lone wanderer,¨ who has been travelling through the universe, he is alone due to a disease that is present on the ship. And with age other robots began to rust making him have to move around the ship to repair it, and he also scraps, and tries to build a much more better processor. While stuck on the fleet of ships he lives in he rots away everyday dying with everything he learns about his past creators, ¨Free Spacers.¨ He vowed after learning of what had happened to all of the people on the ship he promised to not allow any other being into the diseased ship.

Relationships: previously his creator, and people he worked with.

Equipment: ¨I made this part of the character mainly because he is a robot, and they come with equipment, although he is humanoid and can use weapons, he still can use tools and weapons he has that is part of his programing.¨ Repair arm(An arm that comes out to self repair.)* Chain gun(attached to his right arm.) Mini computer(left arm only for commands and hacks.)*
*Customized or added equipment that wasn't originally on him.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What plot is this character aimed towards?
I've heard that some characters can have origins outside known space. Freespacers are an established part of the setting, though not all of them are inside it. The Automata they make have the same rights (and virtually the same intelligence) as organic Freespacers, so that most of the Freespacer population can be said to be humanoid robots, though they also have Type IVs and Vs that are less human-like. This character seems to be a Type IV, since he has a body but has upgraded himself beyond human limits.

It seems like he's the last survivor of an ancient Freespacer crew on a derelict ship, but it says he's nominally aligned with Yamatai. Is the idea that a Yamataian ship would make contact with him, and possibly 'rescue' him from the tomb-ship he's guarding?
I´m not sure what plot to do, and thanks for the observation Navian. This is my first character and with rich lore I like to create a cool character with everything figured out. Thanks for the help, please tell me if you have any ideas.
I looked at the plots and saw 188604 might work, but i'm not sure. Is there any plots with conflicts between worlds.
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Oh and yes he is based off of a vi model. I just wonder what plot is best for the character though. And I think I found another plot, the Yss Kaiyo seems pretty good, to see what a peaceful robot will do during times of war and character interaction seems really good. But the only problem is his ship is still tainted with the disease that killed the crew. It would be hard for him to try and go on another ship.
Oh man, I'm sorry this character approval is taking so long.

Ametheliana: I don't think a Freespacer has ever joined the Star Army of Yamatai before, but I'd consider it provided we could make sure there wasn't going to be a problem with military information leaking onto the Polysentience and that he wasn't a safety hazard for fellow crew members as far as disease, fungus, and radiation go.
Okay, once @Sutibun_Serufu can tell me more about the contamination factor mentioned and how we can skirt that issue, I'll bring the Fresspacer FM in to join in on this char application.