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Approved Character Titan


Inactive Member
I plan on finding a plot for this character later and sorting that out with the appropriate GM then.

The character isn't complete but it's complete enough to be submitted (unless it isn't. Then just tell me what needs to be done and I'll do it). As you might see I've also temporarily linked two other characters on the page which I'll work on if this one is approved.

I should also note that I'm not actually sure if Titan is an actual freespacer or not. But when asking other people privately they said that for now I should just put them as that so I did. Inventory & Finance is also incomplete because I'm unsure what sort of inventory is acceptable. That category in particular seems a bit complicated since this is not just a "possibly freespacer" but a (currently) independent one as well.

(Tagged Primitive Polygon because the character is involved with freespacers.)
Thanks for the heads up! Hurm...

Well, they certainly do resemble Freespacer ethics in a lot of ways, notably the hyperactivity and the alien morality, though a couple of small changes may be necessary if you really wanted to do that. For one, Freespacers grow at a slightly accelerated rate, meaning that they'd actually be even younger if they still appeared twelve years old. Secondly, the Freespacers became super best freinds with Nepleslia during and after the genocide, so you might want to explain why the two freethinkers settled with the 'enemy' and not somebody who might actually protect them.

The super soldier thing is fine, mind. A few players have written this kind of character in the past, but this seems like quite a well written one.

If you want to avoid having to read all that stuff about Freespacers, it's possible that they were simply a human clone made by Freespacers from scratch, mind. They tend to mess with genetics quite a bit, so I'm not gonna judge if they are just different... You'd be missing out on some cool Ghost in the Shell-style mind interface stuff, and ridiculous radiation resistance, though. ;I

Hope that's enough information, feel free to ask anything else!

Edit: OH! Forgot the inventory bit. Freespacers salvage (and sometimes accidentally steal) all sorts of junk. I tend to just tell my players "pick 2000KS worth of stuff. As long as they could reasonably have gotten it, it's fine." Obviously it's probably not a good idea to give them stolen or restricted Yamatai technologies if they are serving on a Yamatai ship, so it does depend a little on who they are working with, too.
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Thanks for the heads up! Hurm...

Well, they certainly do resemble Freespacer ethics in a lot of ways, notably the hyperactivity and the alien morality, though a couple of small changes may be necessary if you really wanted to do that. For one, Freespacers grow at a slightly accelerated rate, meaning that they'd actually be even younger if they still appeared twelve years old. Secondly, the Freespacers became super best freinds with Nepleslia during and after the genocide, so you might want to explain why the two freethinkers settled with the 'enemy' and not somebody who might actually protect them.

The super soldier thing is fine, mind. A few players have written this kind of character in the past, but this seems like quite a well written one.

If you want to avoid having to read all that stuff about Freespacers, it's possible that they were simply a human clone made by Freespacers from scratch, mind. They tend to mess with genetics quite a bit, so I'm not gonna judge if they are just different... You'd be missing out on some cool Ghost in the Shell-style mind interface stuff, and ridiculous radiation resistance, though. ;I

Hope that's enough information, feel free to ask anything else!

Edit: OH! Forgot the inventory bit. Freespacers salvage (and sometimes accidentally steal) all sorts of junk. I tend to just tell my players "pick 2000KS worth of stuff. As long as they could reasonably have gotten it, it's fine." Obviously it's probably not a good idea to give them stolen or restricted Yamatai technologies if they are serving on a Yamatai ship, so it does depend a little on who they are working with, too.

Alright, got it. Thanks for being so cooperative. Ive had issues already of people just refusing to be helpful so your effort to point things out that need changing really means a lot.

I'll figure something out involving Nepleslia, and thanks for bringing up that point. I really would like to avoid plot holes wherever possible XD

I think I'd probably want to make Titan a heavily modified human and her parents freespacers. Would it be possible to get radiation resistance that way or would that create a whole other species which would be a pain to put up on the wiki? Then again, it might be a good idea not to give her radiation resistance just so that she has another weakness.

Thank you for the explanation on inventory. I'll be sure to fill that out sooner or later. Whoa whoa whoa! Sorry I just thought of another question about that. How does it work considering that her parents are freespacers? Do they all collectively get 4000KS worth of materials that they share between them (2000KS + 2000KS, because they're both freespacers and Titan gets nothing because shes a child) or should Titan get 2000KS worth of possessions then the other two get that as well?
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Do you think Nepleslia hating child soldiers is enough for them to not go to them? What I'm thinking is that maybe they did try to go to Nepleslia for protection, but Nepleslia outright rejected them because what they were doing was against their morals.
Do you think Nepleslia hating child soldiers is enough for them to not go to them? What I'm thinking is that maybe they did try to go to Nepleslia for protection, but Nepleslia outright rejected them because what they were doing was against their morals.
Nepleslia hates the use of child soldiers. They wouldn't have a problem protecting ex-child soldiers (so long as they were no longer fighting as child soldiers). I'd like to think that they wouldn't just toss the Freespacers to the wind if they sought peace and protection, but they would be opposed to any Freespacer Mothership that enlisted the specific use of organic child soldiers that continued using them.
Nepleslia hates the use of child soldiers. They wouldn't have a problem protecting ex-child soldiers (so long as they were no longer fighting as child soldiers). I'd like to think that they wouldn't just toss the Freespacers to the wind if they sought peace and protection, but they would be opposed to any Freespacer Mothership that enlisted the specific use of organic child soldiers that continued using them.

What if they had a dispute because of this then? Maybe they got protection for a while but the creators wanted to keep training Titan, to which Nepleslia's response was "Sorry, can't protect you anymore. Bye."
No problem. As long as the writing is good, I'm always willing to listen to new ideas!

As for the radiation resistance; As long as you think of another negative aspect, that could balance things out. Freespacers have bad immune systems because radiation kills nearly all the bacteria on their ships, meaning they get sick more easily when landing on planets/foreign vessels. They also physically need at least some radiation on a regular basis, to keep the radiation-eating plankton in their blood alive. Might be over-complicating things to pick and mix positives and negatives, but yeah, it's your character at the end of the day...

The 2000KS is more metaphysical, just representing things that they have found, inherited or repaired themselves. Depends how important the parents are actually going to be, too, I guess. It would certainly believable if they had an Onset Shuttle or even a Porter between them or something, for instance, but it's not like a child would just own one themselves. Running your own little three-man plot inside of another plot is obviously kinda annoying too, so yeah, it's totally about context... It's 2000KS equivalent just because characters should have their own stuff, really. But not like, a fully loaded veteran's arsenal. So it's super bendy, but super contextual.

The Nepleslia accepting them issue; How about the other way around? What if the Nepleslians were a little too interested in Titan's parents research? Surely they don't want clones of their child off fighting a foreign empire's war. Or somebody taking the research and perverting it to create something really horrible. Some spacers do turn insular for these reasons. Big governments with huge black ops budgets are scary. Going into hiding may have been seen as preferable.
As for the radiation resistance; As long as you think of another negative aspect, that could balance things out. Freespacers have bad immune systems because radiation kills nearly all the bacteria on their ships, meaning they get sick more easily when landing on planets/foreign vessels. They also physically need at least some radiation on a regular basis, to keep the radiation-eating plankton in their blood alive. Might be over-complicating things to pick and mix positives and negatives, but yeah, it's your character at the end of the day...

I think I'll just keep her without radiation resistance. Seems much easier and far less complicated. It also seems less justified to give her that ability.

The 2000KS is more metaphysical, just representing things that they have found, inherited or repaired themselves. Depends how important the parents are actually going to be, too, I guess. It would certainly believable if they had an Onset Shuttle or even a Porter between them or something, for instance, but it's not like a child would just own one themselves. Running your own little three-man plot inside of another plot is obviously kinda annoying too, so yeah, it's totally about context... It's 2000KS equivalent just because characters should have their own stuff, really. But not like, a fully loaded veteran's arsenal. So it's super bendy, but super contextual.

Noted. Ill think about it myself at some point.

The Nepleslia accepting them issue; How about the other way around? What if the Nepleslians were a little too interested in Titan's parents research? Surely they don't want clones of their child off fighting a foreign empire's war. Or somebody taking the research and perverting it to create something really horrible. Some spacers do turn insular for these reasons. Big governments with huge black ops budgets are scary. Going into hiding may have been seen as preferable.

Thats an interesting solution. Ill wait for @Legix's thoughts if he has any and try to make a decision about it that suits everyone's needs/wants.
I think I'm just going to have it so that the Faulkners (Titan's creators) were protected by Nepleslia for a short period of time. But during that time Titan was bouncing off the walls from severe boredom because every time they tried to train her Nepleslia said no. Then eventually they said back "You know what, we don't want your protection. We're not happy and we don't feel much more safe.", resulting in a complicated relationship between them and the faction.

Legix can say no if he wants but for now that's what I'll be putting on the page until he approves or disapproves of it.
@Primitive Polygon @Legix

I've edited #history, waiting for what you two think.

EDIT: Sorry for the message spam but I just wanted to explain the situation with inventory. I want to have it so that Titan has a "homemade" mech suit so that she can stand a chance in combat, but doing so requires a lot of research and It'll have to be approved separately from what I've been hearing from other people. This is an issue because as far as I know a mech suit would be a HUGELY expensive thing to have. It'd be like having a 2 million dollar military tank in your garage. SOOOO... IDK what to do about that. Should I just enter inventory with what you've suggested, ignoring the mech suit and try to get it approved later?
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Just something you might want to consider: each extra thing for your mecha requires another wiki article. Fulkners making a mecha with amazing powers requires an article for the fulkners, the mecha, and the abilities/gear.

It may be more fun for this to be a one off mech that can’t do a whole lot. That way you’d only need one article for the mecha, and then you can add in articles for all the cool abilities later on when you have time to work on them. You can also always introduce your fulkners group later on.

Just something to consider.

A GM can also just say your stuff is a GM tool so you don’t have to get approval and can just roll with it in the RP but you do want to do a write up at some point.
A GM can also just say your stuff is a GM tool so you don’t have to get approval and can just roll with it in the RP but you do want to do a write up at some point.
I...don’t think that’s how things work, @Zack, as the NTSE isn’t supposed to be bypassed like that; as far as I know, even “GM tools” have to be approved.
Just something you might want to consider: each extra thing for your mecha requires another wiki article. Fulkners making a mecha with amazing powers requires an article for the fulkners, the mecha, and the abilities/gear.

Ive already planned to create pages for each of the Faulkners anyway. But thanks for informing me that I'll have to make a page for each weapon and/or ability as well.

It may be more fun for this to be a one off mech that can’t do a whole lot. That way you’d only need one article for the mecha, and then you can add in articles for all the cool abilities later on when you have time to work on them. You can also always introduce your fulkners group later on.

I'll be fine, thanks. From the moment I decided to use a child as a character in a war setting I knew I'd need to do a lot of work, for the simple reason that the character doesn't make any sense if they're just "wondering the galaxy alone". Though I will definitely keep in mind that for this kind of thing simpler defaults to better.

Just use a pre-existing mecha in the setting?

I've talked to people and they've said that getting approval from someone to use the mech that someone else designed could be difficult because most mechs are designed for specific factions, and as I am well aware of by now, people can be really stingy about that sort of thing. So they suggested that I just go through the hardship of making my own mech, because it would probably make more sense with the plot I have set up and be easier anyway (considering my capabilities and that the alternative is running back and forth between GMs begging to use their mech suits but being told no every time.)

Is it possible to use other weapons, gear and abilities that have already been made to add onto this particular suit? Would that work or would I just essentially be doing the same thing I would be for mech suits (asking a ton of people who are mostly just going to say no) except now for abilities?
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@Lijosu - I know it’s not answering your question, but Origin’s mecha are available to everyone. The only drawback is that you’d have to (ICly, of course) go into debt to initially afford one at character creation, as some of them - though not, if memory serves, all of them - are a bit expensive.

Apologies for the brevity of my reply - am at work atm. >.<
Hmm. Yeah.

My idea for it would be that Titan's mech suit would be made from bits of scrap salvaged from the numerous battles that took place over the years, hens how freespacers would had even gotten their hands on a mech suit anyway (because as I think I might had already mentioned, having a mech suit is sort of like having a 2 million dollar tank just sitting in your garage.)

I guess what I could do is make it so that Titan's mech suit is mostly just for simulation purposes, making it unviable in an actual battle situation (but still deadly).

Frost is right that there are options. Meet us on discord since you joined it recently to get specifics and talk more in-depth.

Can't. Wes banned me.
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