Hi hi there,
I'd like to work out something that can make it possible for the ArcMark to work in Nepleslia proper. Seeing as it's a new currency, I believe it best to reach out to the appropriate government heads, which is why I am writing to you. I hope that you can find a way to accept this currency amongst your nation, as you already accept my business and let me make rations for your military and also do a bunch of other cool stuff like let me have an Embassy in Funky City. I think that's real neat and want to give back to you.
That's why I propose that if there is ever a food shortage in Nepleslian space, the ArcMark would be worth only half as much as it did in Nepleslia beforehand. After any hypothetical shortage has ended (likely in part due to something I have done to correct it), it will inflate with the market appropriately. Currently one ArcCombo (which is worth one ArcMark) is 8 DA... I am willing to change that just for you and Nepleslia because you all have been so great to me, year after year!
The value of the ArcMark beginning now can be worth something less than what it is currently, in Nepleslia. What do you think is a fair and happy median?
I hope my ability to work with you makes this whole deal easy on the eyes for you, just like the plethora of women I have sent over to entertain you are easy on the eyes... And other parts, of course! They're all dressed in Nepper green, but only barely dressed. I hope you enjoy!!
Signed with love and respect,
Koga Akemi
@Legix @Gunhand4171 @Zack
I'd like to work out something that can make it possible for the ArcMark to work in Nepleslia proper. Seeing as it's a new currency, I believe it best to reach out to the appropriate government heads, which is why I am writing to you. I hope that you can find a way to accept this currency amongst your nation, as you already accept my business and let me make rations for your military and also do a bunch of other cool stuff like let me have an Embassy in Funky City. I think that's real neat and want to give back to you.
That's why I propose that if there is ever a food shortage in Nepleslian space, the ArcMark would be worth only half as much as it did in Nepleslia beforehand. After any hypothetical shortage has ended (likely in part due to something I have done to correct it), it will inflate with the market appropriately. Currently one ArcCombo (which is worth one ArcMark) is 8 DA... I am willing to change that just for you and Nepleslia because you all have been so great to me, year after year!
The value of the ArcMark beginning now can be worth something less than what it is currently, in Nepleslia. What do you think is a fair and happy median?
I hope my ability to work with you makes this whole deal easy on the eyes for you, just like the plethora of women I have sent over to entertain you are easy on the eyes... And other parts, of course! They're all dressed in Nepper green, but only barely dressed. I hope you enjoy!!
Signed with love and respect,
Koga Akemi
@Legix @Gunhand4171 @Zack