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Laz Public Network TO: Pisces Station, Concourse D, Ship 14


Inactive Member
I have noticed that in Pisces Station Manifests there is a BellyStabber 2-class ship. I am interested in finding and purchasing this class of vessel, and wonder if it is in serviceable condition and for sale -- and for what price. If not serviceable or for sale, I would hope you could direct me to someone who can hook me up.

I ask that anything illegal be removed beforehand if I did buy it, just to keep things on the up and up, and fill me in on its condition.

Contact information attached
The Bellystabber 2-Class Raider is in fact available, we have removed all cargo illegal or otherwise, to cover the docking charges incurred since the owner abandoned it.

We have taken the liberty of checking the primary systems, and ensuring that they are operating properly. This particular ships was constructed late in YE 24 and is the second version.

Two of the torpedo tubes were modified for concealing contraband.

We are setting the price at 18,000 KS.
Sold, a representative in a maid outfit will come with the payment and buy it within the hour.

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