Star Army

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RP Tokyo: The Road to Jiyuu is Bordered with Sunflowers


Inactive Member
On: Tokyo

Yaichiro sat in the private room which had been provided by the establishment. It was a hybrid restaurant/inn much like some found traditionally on Yamatai, except that this one had a view of a field of sunflowers between it and some of the ruined skyscrapers of old Tokyo. Still, in spite of this, the city had hope left in it. As for the room, it was a private place for VIPs to discuss matters personal, corporate, and politic. The officer waited for his guest, sipping on some green tea in the interim.

The Taisa's tea had scarcely had time to become cold, before a figure entered that seemed to send the room's temperature up slightly. The Jiyuuian's shoulder length red hair and blue eyes spoke to both strength and wisdom within her soul earned through many trials. She was clothed in a form-fitting ashen bodysuit that accented her modest curves as she moved his way, calling to mind those worn by former Nekovalkyrja, which her smaller stature seemed to match. On top of it rested an old Peacekeeper Jacket that was casually unzipped, and in her off hand was a small datapad.

Mochizuki Shiori reached the table where Yaichiro sat, leaning down slightly as her hand touched the rim of the empty seat across the small private table from him. "This seat taken?" she inquired of the officer with a warm, confident smile.

Yaichiro noted the young woman, and her UOC trappings. Such was a common sight in this part of space. It was a sort of pride which Yaichiro understood. It was regrettable how that pride and potential were manipulated. It could have become so much more. He gave a small smile, blue eyes meeting ice blue, and responded.

"The seat's already yours, Senator Mochizuki. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kage Yaichiro."

Shiori hmm'd softly at his introduction, taking the chair which had been reserved for her. "It's a pleasure indeed, Kage-Taisa. Too long in coming," the Jiyuuian commented, soon resting her elbows on the countertop across from him. Her gaze then drifted to the view of the sunflowers outside amidst the ruins. "I do love what you've done with the place... leave it to a genius like yourself to find such an elegant and yet functional solution to a problem. Truly an inspiration to our people."

"Thank you, and it has been too long in coming. As for the sunflowers, they seemed fitting. Tokyo's original design was similar to a sunflower in structure as well..." The architect of Tokyo spoke, feeling a bit awkward at the praise but not really allowing it to show. "Of course, it's only the first step. There are other areas that need far more treatment...that's one of the reasons that Fabrication Chambers were designed to fit into a SSCC-Medium. I'll need workers in CAMIE or some old non-sapient androids to help there though..."

He started to pour her a bit of tea from the pitcher and offered it to her. "I was hoping to discuss a number of things with you...both in your capacity as a senator and as one who managed MFY's old holdings. Of course, if you have other matters to discuss, business or otherwise, my ears are open."

The Senator took the cup from him with a testing whiff of the mist coming off its surface, followed by pursing her lips to blow it away as she considered his words. "It's strange.. I never really noticed the resemblance of the city's planning until I saw the sunflowers and made the full connection. You were the main architect for it too, weren't you?"

Shiori took a sip before placing the cup back down upon upon the saucer. "Mmm, I figured you would bring up Motoyoshi Fleet Yards, being a former driver of their innovation and major stakeholder. My recent management of what was left of the company was a bit strong-armed and populist, admittedly, but I had to do it before the vultures far more sinister than I came to pick up the scraps that the Mishhu left us."

"I'm not condemning your actions in that regard. Survival requires initiative at times like that. Besides...better to have it in your hands than one of the more malicious rogue Motoyoshi or Tange..." Yaichiro said, understanding the situation. "There is a practical matter regarding MFY assets within the older Tokyo metropolitan area which I need to know, see, I own Tokyo. Almost lock, stock, and barrel. The keyword being almost. I was told that existing business holdings...well, I'll let you see the exact text of the communique so that there is no doubt in the nuances." Yaichiro pulled out a datapad...and handed it to her...showing her a conversation.

"To: Yamatai Department of Lands and Homes
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa, Commandant of Jiyuu Fleet Depot
Topic: Inquiry into Old Tokyo property

I am interested in obtaining the land that comprises the former megacity of Old Tokyo, a.k.a. Furui, and perhaps other surrounding areas that have been irradiated on Jiyuu III. It is my hope to explore measures to clean it up through the use of technology, though it's not something I'm 100% on yet...thus I can't make an outright promise to the army that it'd work, and should take it on as a personal project. Records show that MFY at some point retained ownership of a small piece of it though. I don't know how current this data is.

Is there a way I could obtain this land and remaining infrastructure? I suspect property values to be quite low.

I am also interested in other irradiated areas for research as well.

Kage Yaichiro

To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
From: Yamatai Department of Lands and Homes

We will give you the area that formerly was occupied by the city of Tokyo, minus the headquarters of MFY and other businesses that rebuilt there, for free under the following conditions:
  • You be responsible for the radiation cleanup efforts
  • You will build a high-quality memorial to those who died in Tokyo somewhere on the site, and any humanoid remains you find during the rebuilding effort should be buried on the grounds of the memorial

To: Yamatai Department of Lands and Homes
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa, Commandant of Jiyuu Fleet Depot
Topic: Inquiry into Old Tokyo property

Gladly. I'd follow those requirements either way. Thank you for your generosity. "

"I never did find out if MFY 'rebuilt' or simply moved to the new half of the Tokyo Metropolis." Yaichiro said, letting her analyze the full and exact text of the communique. "They withhold it, but then the text implies that the withholding is contingent on if MFY was rebuilt. Did they rebuild the site? Did they abandon it? What is the legal status of the MFY holdings? If it were abandoned and unwanted, I could use it were it vacant. If it were abandoned but wanted, I could work with that too. If it wasn't abandoned and is still being employed, I'd like to coordinate with them to help with the second phase of the cleanup and subsequent rebuild. I could work with the situation whichever way, I just need to know what way to go here."

Yaichiro took another sip of tea before continuing, splitting up the conversation briefly before going to another topic. "Also of note is what isn't shown there. While established businesses have the right to keep their land...homeowners don't. Deeds that bear the seal of the UOC seem to hold no residents and former residents may take issue unless this is handled properly, especially given the history of Yamatai being perceived by some not to care for Jiyuuians. You are the Senator of this planet and the people who have moved to the newer part of Tokyo from the to avoid a scandal and make sure this is handled in a proper way, I need to coordinate with you."

"You're also the most likely person to have access to any surviving records of who owned what in Furui Tokyo. I've contacted Asteria trying to get records of people who left Tokyo for that location and what they owned, but that method is hit and miss at best and requires that I find names to send their way. I may need to reach out to Nepleslia at some point too, but that's entering the realm of unquestionable international diplomacy and has its own issues. At least Asteria has stronger ties to the area..." It was clear that Yaichiro was finding issues rebuilding Tokyo which were not only humanitarian and logistical, but also political in nature. Things which a Senator might be better suited to advise on...

Miss Mochizuki took the datapad in her hand and read through the communiques thoroughly, recalling she herself had had a similar back-and-forth dealings with the agency in her own struggles to kick-start Yamatai's appropriations for resettlement of the refugees on the planet. "The reason such a thing is being withheld from you with such bureaucratic vagaries, Kage-san, is a direct result of what I had done during my political campaign. I led a series of high-profile public volunteer marches with my Heiwa party supporters and directly seized MFY's HQ and also that of Kakutama Heavy Industries. Seeing that such facilities were in still highly irradiated areas, though, it wasn't feasible to restart operations there, and so a portion of the machinery we could salvage was then eventually moved to Atarashi Tokyo's industrial district."

Shiori gave a sigh as she put down the datapad. "With the majority of the UOC's research base in the hands of PHI now, I have little reason to stop you if you wish to take the largely-abandoned facility into your charge. In fact, it might be for the best... it would protect what is left from the occasional looters, and with some 'elbow grease' could even be brought back online to churn out tools to aid the rebuilding process on site. I'm willing to work with you if it will bring us one step closer to a shining Jiyuu once more."

The Senator once more reached for the cup of tea to take a sip, swishing the liquid inside from side to side as Yaichiro mentioned the request for records. "It's been quite an uphill battle, however, trying to get the Yamataian administration to sort out all of the claims to ownership properly. Sometime it's old grudges because of the rebellion that stop it, sometimes outright fraudulent.. finding the real ones from broken families where it can do good isn't as simple as it might seem from first glance. Asteria's fledgling government, while well meaning, is a veritable free-for-all right now and frankly too fractured to worry about many things outside of their own borders."

She gave him a small smile. "I do have some contacts in the Nepleslian military and Jiyuuian diaspora worlds that might come in handy, if you find the need."

Yaichiro seemed pleased with this information and the offer, and there was also a measure of relief in the tone of his response. "I'm grateful for the any assistance you can give, and the properties. I may have some resources, but I am not exactly a career politician -- nor do I have the authority to make a communique regarding Yamataian land to Nepleslia on my own. Even if I did, I can't go making promises yet. Asteria's Jiyuuians are still at least under Yamatai's protection, but those that left for Nepleslia are now foreign nationals."

He finished his tea, before butting the cup down and continuing. "There is another matter of note though...I would like to get workers to help transport radioactive material to mobile processing sites. Of course, they'd pilot machines like CAMIE to avoid contamination. I envision letting people live in new housing in exchange for helping to clear the debris, decontaminate, and reconstruct. A chance to get ahead for the die-hards that want Old Tokyo back or the people that have no other options. Naturally, such a thing requires government support, oversight, and regulation. I'd prefer it all to be above board from the beginning as well. I'd rather not find out that a contractor was sub-contracting unsafely after the fact to line their pockets..."

The redheaded CEO nodded her approval, and gave a sweep of her free hand towards the scene out the window. "I couldn't agree more. A cornerstone of my efforts has been funneling reconstruction funds into my state-run division called Peacekeeper Works, to both provide jobs to the refugee populations and allow them to rebuild their shattered homes and planet. We Jiyuuians are a proud people, who have a long history of building our colonies from the ground up once -- and we can do so again." Shiori sipped the tea once, before continuing. "It would be a simple matter to reassign and recruit some skilled laborers for your cause, and they would have the proper oversight. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at how many diehards there are who don't want to give up on the old megacity just yet."

"Pleased, but perhaps not surprised. I may not be counted among the Jiyuuians, but I'm still among Tokyo's original architects, and formerly of the 5th XF. I could even see that determination back then after they survived Taiie and brought me on. Staying behind in the Empire when the UOC left wasn't easy...but it was necessary. Not everything that happened was as cleanly cut as the populace was led to believe..." Yaichiro said, a tinge of slight bitterness to his voice. There was a story there.

"In any case, I've also invented something called a 'Fabrication Chamber' which can fit on a truck or on the back of a CAMIE...that will help with resource acquisition and detoxing in a big way by converting radioactive materials into other non-radioactive resources. If you can provide people, I can get started all the sooner. The bodies need to be collected, identified their locations found marked, and prepared for burial. Yamatai also wants a memorial for them at the center of the city, which they will have."

Shiori picked up on the bitterness as he spoke of the past, for she knew all too well of the complicated emotions that came with the rise and ignominious fall of the Motoyoshi-led government. "I've been in your shoes as well, Yaichiro... we all had to make difficult choices back then. And endure many hardships for the land we loved and called home. Turning our backs to Yamatai only to have to turn to them groveling two years later was the most difficult moment of my entire existence."

The Jiyuuian politician reached over a few inches and put her hand on top of his fleetingly, reassuring a kindred spirit. "The time spent in the refugee camps taught me that if nothing else we can't ever rely on promises of a lost Prince or an Empress to save us... we have to take up the mantle ourselves and work together for it."

He gave a nod, thankful for the touch of the hand, but spoke carefully. "It is not just was that the UOC was manipulated to demand independence when it did. They were strong...but then the SMX leaked incriminating information on the Elysian Plague of YE 08 to the Nepleslians, who leaked it to us. The consequences of that led directly to Katsuko becoming Empress and leaving the UOC to rule over the Empire while local forces acted. I should have seen a power struggle coming when that one assassination happened..." The officer looked to the politician with focused eyes.

"I can't tell you everything, some of it is still classified as far as I am aware...but be wary of the Tange clan or survivors of it as you conduct your duties. Their role in the split and fall of the UOC is rather...notable. Even more than is typically known. I've seen the consequences of it with my own eyes. You are right about not being able to wait though. Jiyuuian self-sufficiency is a wonderful thing, provided it isn't manipulated by the wrong people again."

Shiori's positive countenance became more drawn as he recounted the tale of the schism. "The Motoyoshi Bakufu and their Blackcoat ilk were a stain on the politics of the cluster from the beginning, using whatever murderous tools they had at their disposal to further their sinister designs. The way I and other former Nekovalkyrja of the Fifth Fleet were used in their schemes, playing right into the hands of the Mishhuvurthyar war against Yamatai... it was shameful."

There was a twinge of anger welling up within her as her voice became stronger. "Even now, several years later, I have to fight the tide of opinion, the rumors started by political rivals that I actually secretly might be an agent of the Tange. Yet, I was an integral part of the Peacekeeper military faction that fought their sleeper agents who actually tried to interfere with our logistics teams evacuating Tokyo safely! I couldn't believe such a traitorous act at first... but now I know the truth."

Finally, the Senator sighed, still holding his hand much firmer this time. "It's unfortunate I have to hide it, for the Jiyuuian morale and galactic trust likely could not endure if news of such a grand betrayal became public knowledge. Even if it was all a political game long ago... the desire for peace and self-determination Prime Minister Ayana and others kindled in Jiyuu is very real, and our exile has only made it stronger. Rebuilding is a price we pay for the past sins, but I can promise you I will do everything in my power to keep us from being naive tools of monsters again."

Yaichiro listened carefully, hearing this statement and giving a nod. "That aligns with what I know. I'm glad to hear that my warning was unneeded and that you're already well aware of their crimes. I don't blame Katsuko for any of that. I was by her side for a good part of it and know that she's not responsible. She was just...outmaneuvered. And now some Jiyuuians are out to make Asteria while others here have to rebuild their own lives. I thank you for that promise."

Shiori tried to bring her thoughts to more positive things once more. "And I thank you for your service, Yaichiro-taisa. You have always stood for what is right and saw things through, even if it was difficult. That's why the Star Army trusts you with such an important posting, and your company also thrives because of that tenacity." There was now a more fitting smile creeping to her lips. "I think we have a lot in common, you and I..."

Yaichiro smiled softly, acknowledging that. "You're welcome. I guess the problem is that what's 'right' is open to the interpretation of the society in question. I'm not sure the Jiyuuians at large would agree with you. Still, I thank you for the vote of confidence. Reconciling 'right' and 'good' isn't always easy. As for always seeing things through, I can't make that claim. I try though. There are several times I've had to stop and rest."

"The court of public opinion is often cruel and fickle. But Jiyuu needed a leader, and I stepped up knowing all that," replied the fiery-haired businesswoman, weariness showing if only for a moment. "It's a hard life with so much to be done, and I need my rest too now and then."

Shiori then gave a sly grin, a bit of her Nekovalkyrja nature showing through the facade of a proper Senator. "These meetings don't always have to be all about work. How about next time we take a little break together, and mix some business with pleasure? I've got some great private beach front properties... and some sun would do you good."

Yaichiro blinked briefly, before nodding gently in response. "That sounds very nice, Senator. Of course, you'll have to let me know what you want to be called and where. I try to be respectful of titles, sometimes to a fault. Also, beachfront property is nice. You're fortunate there. I'll have to keep some for myself in Tokyo." He accepted her offer, knowing what that grin meant. He'd seen it on Neko before...

"Please, call me Shiori," replied the Jiyuuian as her smile gradually faded, running a hand through her short hair for a moment, before starting to arise from the little table with a view and collect her effects. "Unfortunately, 'Senator' Mochizuki has to meet with some constituents in a few moments... though I do look forward to seeing you again soon, Yaichiro-san, and hearing of your progress." She seemed to see fit to take her own liberties with using his given name instead of a title, at least here, behind closed doors.

He didn't seem to mind in the least, the worry of titles and nomenclature being rather one way with him. "Thank you. I look forward to it too, and will keep you posted. Good luck with the meeting!" The officer offered, hoping that the woman would be a solid ally and perhaps friend. There was no reason for her not to be though. They both wanted the same thing for these lands.

After she left, he stared out at the sunflowers, and pondered how best to conduct his next move...
