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Approved Character Ty sibo

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Inactive Member
Name:Ty siboAge:32Sex:maleRace:humanDate of Birth:febuary 3, 2173Homeworld:earthCurrent Residence: none

Marital Status:singleSexuality:straitFamily Status:Father: [gary sibo] – DEAD
Mother: [jane sibo] – DEAD
45% 55%
Allegiances:the uso and the highest paying clientRank:n/aVocational Code:N/AOccupation:mercenaryClass:

Education:highschool with some collageTraining:front line infantry marine

Physical Appearance

Hair Color:blackSkin/Carapace Color:whiteEye Color:blueHeight:6 footWeight:230lbsBuild:muscularAlternative Images:

Mental Profile

Strengths:hes a team player, follows orders, dose not question ordersFlaws:depression , dosnt try to bond with peopleHabits:smoking habit


was a human raised on the citadel by a loving family his mother Jane sibo worked as a
Mp officer were as his father worked as a uso on site engineer
he had a good upbringing and enjoyed his family. since he was young he had always wanted to join in the military and due to such things his fathers best friend would come by ever Sunday to teach him things he new while serving in special forces at the age of 18 he was recruited into the marine corps there he spent 4 years of his life in harsh environments as front line infantry.
on one occasion he was gifted the call-sine reaper for his silent but deadly nature by his CO.
due to being able to drop each target with one shot from his avenger sniper rifle then cleaning up the rest of the enemy's in the outpost using silent take downs

then the war came unfortunately for his father when the hostiles first attacked earth his fathers base got hit there were no survivors
his mother was soon to fallow the same fate with the lose of both his parents and a war raging Ty was deployed and fought them tooth and nail

embracing his call-sine 'reaper' made use of his training and would often count his kills by marking his avenger sniper rifle
after the war was over he decided to leave the uso due to the overwhelming loss of both parents and comrades he had fought alongside after getting honerably discharged he
eventually becoming a wondering merc taking any job he could find being partially dead emotionally helped him deal with his moral choices as a mercenary
Though could still find him working with the uso no problem

Prior Organizations

  • alliance marines second corps -front line soldier
Combat Specialization

Class: Soldier

Style for class
Adrenaline RushRank 4
Disruptor AmmunitionRank 2
Incendiary AmmunitionRank 2
Fragmentation GrenadeRank 4

Fitness (Soldier)Rank 4
hackingRank 3
StealthRank 3
Assault Mastery
Rank 4

Weapon Profiencies

Martial Arts / ProwessCQC
Assault RiflesAR
Heavy PistolsHP
Hand ExplosivesHE


sniper rifle
Upgrades: supresser

Cassiden's Template
Cowboy's Template
I don't mean to sound rude but I think you'll probably be asked to change that template to be the SARP one instead as Skully pointed out it seems like it may be from a different RP or group.

Just another couple of things to point out, im not sure if you've looked at the wiki character creation guides but Earth is not actually a known place in SARP and is generally kept out of RP, there's a few odd spelling/grammatical mistakes which aren't too big of a deal too.

It also again, as Skully said, contains a lot of references to mass effect items, groups and skills? powers? things, but yeah that won't work in SARP either as it's not out material and can have copyright and such. Overall I'd say your best course here would be to redo the character in the SARP template and look for alternative weapons and skills to reference, as well as fixing a couple locations. ^^
We were talking in discord @Esscast but I'll just remind you here that this character needs a bit of a template overhaul. I can work with you on something FOR SURE, just reach out to me
For formatting and layout a good start would be to use the wiki's new character creation form, which will automatically format everything into wiki code.
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:character:ty_sibo <-- Be sure to include the link to the character.

Also added in some stub articles to fill out later --> https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:general_robotics , https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:general_robotics:direct_action_group

The idea is that this will kinda be PsychoPompy. Esscast will use it as his corp to make the stuff he wants going forward. Also, since PsychoPomp is included here we'll need to tag @Ace for some approvals!
Okay it seems like you have this under control, Zack, as a GM that this character will be playing under.
as this character is going to be a part of bravo team, which is a SABER team. I do approve this character for rp play. also as a GM for the 188604 plot.
This application links to multiple unapproved or nonexistent wiki articles. I really think it would be best to have all of those things sorted before allowing this character to join the greater canon world of SARP. This would help prevent problems in the future, problems we have run into multiple times before.

Furthermore he began posting with this character last Wednesday, almost a full week before being given even that passing GM approval from Jack. That's ridiculous.

At the very least he should have his posts removed and it should be made clear he can't post with characters outside of Open RP without getting them properly, fully approved. And not a quick rubber stamp either. I hope @Ametheliana and @Wes take a look at this, and if he's going to be making new companies/organizations, I hope @FrostJaeger has time to take a look at them.

Thank you.
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It’s fine. We have RP going and we may be changing some of the history to better fit what we want to do.
I edited out the red links. @Zack I shouldn't have to make sure you are putting articles in :wip namespaces, but I guess I do. This is a warning to start putting them in :wip every time. It made me happy you did it twice, now do it some more.

He shouldn't work for something that doesn't exist, so right now in canon, it's just Section 6 he works for.

@Esscast be a nice person here! There is no reason to be a rude person, in general, on this site.

I think the issue here is more that he started doing RP without ANY approval whatsoever, and is doing stuff in non open RP without full approval for the character. Everyone is accountable to the same rules. And when someone breaks those rules, they need to be let know, or if need be punished. I don't think punishment is nessecary in this case, however I think it IS important that the rules are made clear so that this sort of thing can be avoided in the future.
This is me saying I have this in hand, and everything is ok. Esscast is working with me directly on the character and the RP.

This stuff has FM approval until it doesn’t.
GMs approve characters in the character approval area. No one else’s input is needed here.
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