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Approved Submission U-1b Booster module


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Mecha system
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:u-1b_booster_module#systems_and_statistics

FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) No @Zack
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) no.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) no
Contains New art? (Yes/No) no
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) no

Notes: While the U-1b can be used as both a weapon and propulsion system, for the purposes of loadout creation, it should be treated as a level 11 weapon under the new damage revision.

Note, re-created this from this thread so that it is in the proper forum: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/u-1b-booster-module.44941/#post-320499
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Added a bit of what happens.
If the pilot isn't already dead after five minutes of limit release the gee forces will be too great for the pilots heart to pump oxygen to the brain and they will pass out from oxygen starvation to the brain,
And damage to the ship. You might want to add that because there are things that don't need to rely on that or can handle that. I've said that like 3 times. I think three times. Three times now for sure. I am pretty sure the Neko doesn't require blood to be pumped through the body. Which means that this downside wouldn't apply.
If the pilot isn't already dead after five minutes of limit release the gee forces will be too great for the pilot and they will pass out.

After the limiter is released the heat sinks fold up and allow greater heat venting to prevent damage, however these will also fail after 5 minutes.
I looked it up:

g-force is caused by acceleration and turning, not top speed; just the engines firing to accelerate that much subjects you to the full force and it gets worse if you maneuver. Time has little to do with it. The amount of forces from even a regular jet can prevent blood circulating oxygen to the head almost immediately, particularly if the pilot is in a seated position. The brain and eyes are the most vulnerable parts in the human body to oxygen loss, and being subjected to strong enough forces will cause you to lose vision in about 6 seconds or so, with loss of consciousness possible within about 15. It's not like holding your breath, where your body is still processing oxygen in your lungs and pumping it around your veins in your blood cells. It's preventing all this stuff moving around you entirely.

Four to six minutes of being subjected to the amount of g-forces sufficient to drain oxygen from the head won't cause you to pass out: It will cause permanent brain damage.

g-forces at speeds a fraction of the speed of light will always be insane, and it's best to say that there's some sort of inertia compensation system or the like to prevent g-forces being an issue at all. I'd say go with Edto and limit it to damage to the jet itself.

I would recommend using something like this:

Five minutes of continuous use of the engines with limits released will result in stress to internal components of the engines to breach safety thresholds. This results in a threat of damage to the craft from breach in containment of aetheric energies.

It is recommended that the pilot allow the engines time to cool down between uses of the limit release, as continual bursts will also result in these breaches.

Remember: It's a dick move to have a super mode that can only be used for five minutes, but has nothing stopping you from using it for 4 minutes and 59 seconds, stopping and then starting it again.
The link in the OP gives me a 404.
This might be an older thing, plus I think it got moved after an approval somewhere. This was resubmitted IIRC and it got approved there.
That clears that up!

I thought I had made a grievous error moving it! *wipes sweat off of her brow*
I'm very confused here. This was already approved? What's this thread here for then? Were there changes being made and the article being re-approved?
No, no changes. Reading both threads, this was slipped into this forum so it would be in the right place. Then a player started asking questions and it spiraled a bit.

This submission previously was approved. That approval stands.