Star Army

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RP [Ulyshi] Dream Catcher


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
The Devata
Muna 29, 942
15:00 Commonwealth Standard Time

The newlyweds slept in Aashi's quarters aboard the Devata peacefully as the ship made its way back to their new home. The Ulyshi system was to be their paradise.

Ulysses stired from his deep sleep and smiled as Aashi slept in his arms soundly. He kissed the back of her neck gingerly and got out of bed quietly so Aashi could sleep a few extra minutes. He walked into the galley and began to prepare breakfast and make coffee. He also made something for Aashi's familar A as well.

As he was cooking, one of the Ragnarok security team Sgt approached him. "Sir, Commander Kovac is on the line for you." The man reported.

"Thank you Sergeant." Werner replied. He pulled out his comm device and answered the call. "Commander, how my I help you?" Ulysses asked.

"I have a status report for you Captain, are you busy?" Kovac asked.

"No no, go ahead. What do you have to report?" Ulysses replied.

"We retrived your things from 188604, including the molecular furnaces. We also recieved personnel and supplies from Mr. Cyrus. He has given us a full company of soldiers as well as a platoon from the Corp of Engineers as well." He said as he read off on the report while Ulysses continued to cook. "Cyrus has also cut a deal with some local miners and they have finished hollowing out the asteroid for the Anurakti station. Work is underway as we speak. We have been able to set up housing as well as makeshift command center for now while the rest of the facilities are being constructed. Once everything is completed then we will pressurize the interior of the asteroid so that we can work on the ships without having to wear bulky space suits. And finally we might have received a lead on an NVR convoy... I will compile our reports once you and Captain Aashi have returned." He said finsihing.

"Thank you Kovac. We are about a few days or so out. Have the Fenrir ready for combat when we arrive." He ordered.

"Aye aye sir. See you soon." Kovac repiled, cutting the connection.

Aashi had just been waking and entered the kitchen with only a slip on. Her familiar flew ahead and went straightaway to the sink, laying in it.

"Can you—" Aashi yawned, stretching, then went on. "Can you fill that up for her?"

Ulysses smiled warmly. "Good morning dear." He said giving her a peck on the cheek, then moved over to the sink and began to fill it up with water. "Morning my girl." He said softly petting the manta as the sink filled with water. He then moved and poured Aashi a cup of coffee. "Breakfast is almost done."

"Mmmm," Aashi said, still waking up. She sipped her coffee at first, looking around the kitchen and smiling happily. She then gulped at it and felt the hot rush of caffeine fill her. "Thank you, Ulysses."

He smiled warmly. "Anytime Aashi." He said as he finished their breakfast and put some on a plate for her. He also poured out a little bit for A as well. "Here you go." He said handing it to her.

"Apparently Kovac has a lead on a NVR convoy. He is going to brief us once we get back to Anurakti." He informed her.

"I can't wait," Aashi said, growing a little more awake at the prospect.
Ulyshi System
Anurakti Station
Bukor 2, 942
2:00 Commonwealth Standard Time

Aashi and Ulysses stood on the bridge of the Devata as they approached their new station. Ulysses moved to the comms station while Aashi piloted them in. "This is the Devata, we are on approach." Ulysses said to the Anurakti comm officer.

"We read you 5x5 Devata, welcome home. Activating the running lights." As the Anurakti Comm officer closed the connection, several sets of lights illuminated the path into the Asteroid. The airlock was hidden in one of the asteroids massive craters that pock marked its surface.

"Welcome to Anurakti..." Ulysses said softly as the airlock began to cycle open.

Aashi nodded and took the coffee from the console it was sitting on and carried the mug out of the ship and onto the asteroid base. She looked around and the blue ends of her hair fell down well past her waist, moving gently against her dress.

"Looks beautiful, Ulysses."

Ulysses smiled back at her. "I can't wait till she is complete." He replied.

The Devata was cycled through the airlock and was guided into position next to the Fenrir, which was already moored to the makeshift dock. Soon an umbilical tube was attached to the Devata and supplies and new personnel streamed aboard.

Ulysses smiled to Aashi, holding out his hand. "Shall we?" He asked.

Aashi looked at the crowd of people surging into the Devata and looked at Ulysses with wide eyes, "Wha—" she stuttered, "What are they doing? I don't need a new crew." She shook her head, long hair tumbling in front of her as she did. "I don't want one."

Ulysses shook his head and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hey...they aren't here to replace your crew..." He said soflty, wiping the hair out of her eyes. "They are just relieveing the security team."

"I don't know if I want them to... What if someone steals her? What if someone messes something up? What if..." Aashi caught her breath, walking back into of the ship. "I don't want to leave the ship, Ulysses."

Ulysses walked back to her and placed his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "Shhh... Look at me Aashi."

Aashi turned her face to look at Ulysses. Her blue eyes were pained as her lips were pressed tightly together.

He looked into her eyes and smiled softly. "Open an empathetic link..." He said softly, his hand moving, and softly cupping her cheek.

She did so and he could feel all of the worry and fear she held over this matter.

Ulysses took the feeling in stride as he knew what was coming. To Aashi, he projected an air of calmness and love for her. A safe harbor in her sea of anguish and fear. "Do you trust me, Aashi?" He asked softly pressing his forehead against hers.

"Yes, yes," Aashi relayed to him. "I do."

He pushed even more calm and love through their link, flooding Aashi with the feelings. "They are here to protect what I love. I love you and A and the Devata. So they are going to defend it for me." He replied softly. "They are here to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you or your ship ever again." He gave her a quick kiss. "And so will I."

"I trust you..." Aashi said, "But I don't trust them."

He nodded softly. "Alright, my love..." He looked up the security chief. "Have every one pull back please. Station 4 guards outside the airlock, but no one is allowed on this ship besides myself or Captain Aashi."

The security chief looked stunned and was about to protest when Ulysses shot him a look that said "try me." The chief cleared his throat and gave the orders, and the personnel exited the ship as quickly as they came. "Alright... They are gone now, but they will guard outside the door. Is that okay?" he asked Aashi softly.

"Mhmmm," Aashi murmured, then hugged Ulysses, saying, "Thank you."

Ulysses returned the hug and kissed the top of her head. "Now let's hurry. We shouldn't leave Kovac waiting." He said offering Aashi his hand.

The two exited the Devata, the ship's FIOMNI locked the door behind them and only Aashi would be able to open it again.

As they walked into the station, there was a flurry of activity as Ragnarock troops and engineers worked quickly to get the station up and running. There were crates of building materials laying around, and liquid allies scurried about assisting with the construction.

Aashi and Werner were escorted through the station to the makeshift CIC, where Kovac was already waiting. "Well if it isn't the newlyweds." Kovac said walking up to them. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the ceremony. Congrats you two." He said with a smile. He then turned to the holotable in the middle of the room and began to pull up the reports they were waiting on.

Aashi watched on with interest as he brought up the reports and keyed in to one, saying, "There... The reports of hostile action being taken against small transport ships passing through trade routes, likely by the NVR. Even if it's not NVR, I wouldn't mind tearing them to shreds and taking all they have to their name."

Ulysses smiled. "Alright then. Our first targets." He said looking to Aashi. "How do you wanna play this?" He asked.

"Bait and tackle," Aashi quipped. "We use one of the traders as bait. Pay them off to carry a cargo we have laced with equipment that sends out the signal far and wide for anyone to pick up on. We'll follow in stealth quietly behind and then the NVR will come calling and that is when we strike them down. Thoughts?"

Ulysses thought for a moment. "That... or we could have the ship loaded down with our soldiers. When they take the bait and take the cargo aboard their ship, our men spring out and begin boarding. We then attack key systems to give our soldiers the best chance at taking the vessel." Ulysses replied.

"I like it, Ulysses," Aashi said, nodding. "Anything else?" She looked up expectantly.

Kovac shook his head. "Negative Captains. Sounds like a solid plan to me. I will get in contact with a merchant vessel and get the Ragnarok soldiers ready." The commander said to the Werners.

Ulysses looked over to Aashi. "I think it would be best if we took the Devata. The Fenrir has no stealth capabilities." He said. "I will come along opperate the tactical station." Ulysses added.

"You can be there for moral support as the Devata has no way to access controls besides for entry ports, Ulysses," Aashi said, trying to hide a look of concern.

Her husband sighed inwardly, but didn't show it. "That's fine. I will coordinate with the Ragnarok assets, as well as fighter support. The Fenrir will deploy 2 flights of fighters to accompany us." He said nodding to Kovac, who quickly gave the order.

"When we strike, it will be devastating," Aashi said with a clenched fist. "For now, we wait, though. Back to the Devata?"

Ulysses nodded. "Let's head back."

"Mhmm!" Aashi said with a nod. "Thank you, Kovac!" She turned on her heeled boot and was out of the impromptu CIC and was walking through the base until back at the Devata's airlock. She sighed as it opened for her and nodded to the guard to leave before looking to Ulysses, a smile on her face.

Ulysses smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist as they entered the ship again. "Finally. We get to take on the NVR." He said with a grin. "This will be interesting. Wait till they get boarded by a bunch of aliens."

"It will certainly be so," Aashi agreed. "Let's go down to one of the planets in this system while we wait for the transport ship to set sail, yes?"

He smiled. "I would like that. Let's explore our new home system." He replied, taking Aashi's hand and letting her lead him to the bridge.
A Short Time Later

Aashi maneuvered the ship down to the planet and found a meadow in which to land the Devata, gravelectric thrusters engaging minimally in order to slowly ease them onto the grassy area. The landing gear extended and there was a slight movement of the ship as it completely landed on the planet.

"Willing to go explore?" Aashi asked curiously as she got up and put her jacket on over her dress.

Ulysses smiled. "With you? I'd go anywhere." He said, pulling on his trench coat. He moved to the boarding ramp and looked back over his shoulders. "Come on A! Let's go." He said, calling out to the familiar. He looked back over to Aashi again. "Are you ready, Aashi?" He asked.

Aashi nodded and followed him out and soon saw the planet they had chosen for themselves. It was verdant and lush, full of low green plants and tall trees from which vines hung. Around the meadow the Devata was in was a half ring of trees and on the other side of the trees was a hill that Aashi pointed out to Ulysses.

"Let's get a view, huh?" Aashi asked.

Ulysses smirked. "Race you!" He said taking off across the meadow, laughing as he looked back at Aashi. The view was breath taking as he ran through the it and towards the hill. It was all so beautiful.

Aashi giggled as she began to run across the meadow with her familiar flying ahead of her. She felt the wind through her hair, reminding her of the last time she was on a planet for their wedding. A happy smile played on her face as she thought back to it and she sped up to catch up to Ulysses. When they were both at the top of it, she tackled Ulysses, giggling as she jumped with her feet into the air and arms outstretched to ram into him gracefully.

As Ulysses reached the top and looked out, his mouth fell open in awe. The forest stretched out far into the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Then he felt Aashi slam into him and his feet slipped out from under him.

"Aah!" He cried out laughing as Aashi pushed him down onto the ground with Aashi laying on his back. He rolled over and held her to his chest and stared up into her eyes. "This world is beautiful Aashi..." He said with a smile as he rested his head in the grass. "It is so peaceful." He added as he listened to the wildlife all around them.

Aashi looked back to Ulysses' grey eyes and smiled, saying to him as she looked away from him and towards the forest around them, noticing the endless greenery had an excitement to it and seemed more than alive with wildlife and noises of the forest.

"Ulysses, can we build a home here?" Aashi asked him.

He looked up at her and focused on those orbs of sapphire, that enveloped his entire world. "Yes. I will build us a home here. In this very meadow." He said, pulling her down and holding her in his arms.

"I love to think about what we will do here." She rolled into his arms and smiled into his body, rubbing her face against his shoulder as she did. "I want to live with you here forever, Ulysses. Forever and ever until the end of days."

He smiled and kissed her deeply. "Yes, forever and ever." he replied. "I will build you the best home I can, Aashi." He promised her, holding her hands in his own.
Bukor 5, 942
12:00 Commonwealth Standard Time

The intelligence information on the New Veyrin Republic was solid and Ulysses and Aashi were able to move in on them silently in the Devata. The Ragnarok soldiers were loaded aboard a freighter, which was set to travel through the shipping lane soon. The trap was set, now all they could do was wait.

Ulysses paced behind Aashi's chair as he waited for the battle. He wished he could have brought the Fenrir as back up. However, the ship would have gave them away. For now the flight of fighters that was currently hiding with them would have to suffice.

"Your nerves are high, Ulysses," Aashi noted. "Why is that?"

He smiled softly at his wife and leaned over her chair to give her a peck on the cheek. "Preflight jitters is all dear." He replied.

"Well, if that's all, then that's all. I am not going to be worried about anything I don't need to be worried about." Aashi said, "And I would begin to be worried if it was anything besides preflight jitters."

He smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "As long as I have you by my side, we can't fail." He replied smiling.

"I know that for sure!" Aashi told him and put a hand to his on her shoulder, squeezing it. "Thank you for always being by my side." After a moment, she asked, "How goes the Ragnarok soldiers' efforts?"

He kissed her cheek again. "I always will be, that is what the rings are for. That I will always be here." He repiled. At her question, he held his free hand up to his ear. "The soldiers are ready and our fighter escort is ready. The cargo ship should be arriving..." with a flash of light, the civilain cargo ship emerged from FTL. "Now..." Ulysses added.

She watched the freighter come out of FTL and nodded slightly at the sight, noticing the way the ships now began to dock together.

"Good..." Aashi murmured.

Several minutes passed, and the freighter undocked and FTLed away again. "They are aboard. Aashi, commence attack. Slephnir flight, begin engagment."

"Roger!" Came Slephnir 1-1's reply. The flight of 12 fighters rocketed away from their hiding spot and fired several anti-ship missiles directly into the communications array of the NVR ship.

"Boarding party, commence attack!" Ulysses ordered as well.

"Aye aye!" Came the Lt. Commander's reply. "Beginning assualt."

The battle had begun.

Aashi smiled giddily. To be back in the seat of action was something she had hoped and wished for a while now. To have it meant everything to her. To have the opportunity to live the life she had used to live was everything she wanted. And, now, she got to do it with the love of her life by her side.

She fired off a salvo of missiles and moved into a position to use her searing wave laser arrays and had them burst out from the Devata in a weaponized flurry of activity.

"This is fun already," she told Ulysses by her side and kissed him on the cheek with a smile.

Ulysses smiled at the kiss and watched as the missiles from the fighters found their mark. The topside of the ship exploded in a fire ball. "Their comms are down; they can't call for help now, Captain Werner." Ulysses said with a smirk. Aashi's missiles flew out and began to be cut down by the enemy CIWS. They were ready for the missiles this time...

Yet several were able to make it past them and hit the portside hull.

"Decting an energy surge. Their shields are up now. Slephinir flight, concentrate on protecting us, we will hit the shield." Ulysses ordered.

Aashi smiled as he said their comms were down and the moniker he had used on her. She quite liked the sound of it and her light blue eyes glittered as she thought on just how exhilarating the event was so far and how much more exhilarating it could get. She let herself get eager to defeat them and began pounding the NVR ship with the power of the Devata.

The weapons of the Devata lit up her hull as the missiles and lasers flew out and towards the enemy. The NVR vessel finally seemed to get its bearings and began coming about towards the Devata's position. "They want to fight." Ulysses said softly. He held a hand up to his ear again. "The boarding party is making their way towards the engineering section now. Once they make it there, then they can shut down the ship." He reported to Aashi.

"Then we just have to hold out until they get there," Aashi said, waiting ten seconds after she had sent out a missile before sending out another, all the while allowing the laser arrays to do their damage. She commanded the ship to release a missile after the time had elapsed and then looked to Ulysses.

Aashi asked, "How are you doing, my dear? Enjoying this as much as I am?"

He smiled warmly and kissed her cheek. "I love to watch the pirate queen work." He replied.

The NVR ship's shields were being slammed with lasers and missile explosions, but they began sending their own weapons against the Devata. "Incoming." Ulysses remarked. "Missiles inbound."

Aashi piloted the ship so that the Devata moved quickly and with haste out of the way of the missiles, barely moving out of the way of the incoming missiles.

"That'll... Do it!" Aashi muttered, steering the ship with some grandeur that her hair was being swept to the side of her body as she moved the other way while the ship lurched.

Ulysses held on tightly to her chair, stumbling slightly as the ship dodged the missiles. "Nice job sweat heart." Ulysses said righting himself.

"Sir, we are almost to engineering!" The away team reported.

"Almost there Aashi. Just a bit more..."

Aashi moved the ship further out of the range of the NVR ship's laser arrays and was at a position where she could more easily dodge if the ship were to send out missile bombardments.

"I'm ready and waiting, Ulysses. I'm ready and waiting..." Aashi murmured.

Several more missiles streaked from the enemy craft. The fighters of Slephnir flight flew out to meet them. The fighters intercepting them incoming swarm. "Status report!" Ulysses ordered.

"Just a second Boss!" The away team commander replied.

A few seconds later all power readings from the ship went cold. "Cease fire Aashi." Ulysses said. "Status?" He asked again.

"We have vented the atmosphere and have taken control of engineering." The away team replied.

Ulysses turned to Aashi. "You did it dear." He said turning to her. "We have a new ship for the cause."

Aashi smiled widely and unplugged from her console to hug Ulysses happily.

"We did it," Aashi said, emphasizing the 'we'. "And it was so much fun to do it, too!"

He returned the hug and gave her a quick kiss. "There is nothing we can't do..." He added. "I'll call in the engineers to get her up and running again. We will need to hurry before the NVR figure out what happened."

"Do that," Aashi said to Ulysses. "I'll get the Devata to a secure location and in route to Anurakti."

"Aye aye." He said breaking their hug and stepping over to the comms station. "This is the Devata, Anurakti Actual do you read?"

"Copy Devata, read you 5/5 go ahead." Kovac reported.

"Target ship apprehended, send in the Fenrir and Ragnarok Engineers." Ulysses ordered.

"Roger. Fenrir enroute." Kovac replied, terminating the link.

"Cavalry is on the way." Ulysses said, looking back to Aashi.

"Do you want to head to the planet Luftschloss?"

Ulysses smiled. "Sounds like a great plan, the Ragnarok boys have things from here." He replied, walking back over to stand by Aashi's side.

Aashi pushed out an arm from where she was to hold his hand in hers and wondered what she had ever done before meeting him. It seemed like a far off dream to her and she reflected little on the time before they had met and married. All of that was like a past life she didn't keep as close to her heart as she kept this life she had now with him.

"What do you think we should do with the planet? Have the Ragnarok boys set up a base there and build something grand for us to live in or keep it all to ourselves and you can build a small little house for us to call our own?" Aashi asked.

Ulysses took her hand and gave it a squeeze, feeling her wedding band rubbing against his own. He knelt down beside her. "I think we should let Ragnarok set up something on Luftschloss. They could probably build a home better than I could as well." He teased. "But why don't we plan out what we want?" He asked, bringing her hand up to his lips to plant a kiss.

Aashi smiled and her eyes sparkled as if they were pools of water in the sunlight as he kissed her hand and she nodded as she looked at him.

She said, "You set in motion those plans and I'll set up the structure to be built. Any ideas?"

Ulysses looked thoughtful for a moment, and then his sliver eyes sparkled with an idea. He quickly pulled out his datapad and began imputing the designs. After he finished he passed it to her.

The house was a two story blockly building with an overhanging balcony, multiple glass walls and, for Aashi, an infinity pool for her to swim in.

"What do you think?" He asked as she looked over the plans.

"I think it looks glorious, Ulysses!" Aashi exclaimed, a brighter smile on her face than there had been before. "Absolutely beautiful. And Ragnarok can build this?"

"Of course they will. We just need to pay them for a private project..." He said, already wiring the plans and funds to the Ragnarok Engineers back at Anurakti.

"Then that's what we'll do, my husband. That's what we'll do, then," Aashi told him as she rested her head on him.
Several hours later

The ships had been transported back to their hidden base in the asteroid field, and the Werners had gone back to Luftschloss to watch the Ragnarok personnel work on their new home. The Engineers told Ulysses that it should be done in only a few days, with the molecular furnaces. Ulysses and Aashi sat on the little hill, watching the crews begin their work, while A circled the couple happily.

"Have you ever wondered if it's luck or something like luck that brought us to the place we are now, Ulysses?" Aashi asked her husband.

Ulysses wrapped an arm around Aashi's shoulders and pulled her in close to him. "I think so. I think I am the luckiest man alive." He said softly, looking down into her crystal blue eyes.

Aashi smiled into his chest and wondered what made them so lucky, then.

"Do you ever wonder where luck comes from?" she asked him.

He looked curious for a moment. "Now that you mention it..." He replied now looking deep in thought. He laid down on his back and stared up at the sky. "I am not sure... I don't believe I deserved the luck I have been given... Nothing I have ever done or will compare to it..." He said looking up at her.

"That is nice to hear, Ulysses," Aashi told him. "I sometimes wonder where my luck in finding you in my life came from. There has always been a great deal of hard work to get what I get. Treasure does not come with a price. But you... Love. It's different somehow."

Ulysses smiled and pulled Aashi down with him. "It is... from the very first time I met you... I knew there was something there..." He said looking back up at the sky. He then smirked and closed his eyes. "Remember when I first tried to give you the promise ring?" He asked.

"I do, indeed," Aashi said, a small smile on her lips now as she looked at him. "But I know you're going to remind me."

He looked over and smiled. "I decided I was going to suprise you after you finished your day's work and I set up flowers and junk on the Pumpkin Eater. The biggest suprise of all was the promise ring I hid in the ring on your bar." He said recapping the story. "And when I professed my love for you, you said and I quote. 'but it is that I cannot see myself loving another. I cannot see myself being with another. It has never happened and I don't think I want it to, ever.'" He said recalling it from memory, smirking now at the thought.

"Oh, Ulysses. I have never been so wrong in my entire life than how wrong I was in that moment. Thank you for pursuing after your love for me. Thank you for helping me to see how I feel now. Though I had no idea I could feel it back then," Aashi told him.

He smiled and pulled her in closer to his body, kissing her deeply. "Thank you Aashi... for accepting me and my love, even though you didn't understand it at the time. Thank you for laying in that hospital bed with me, thank you for all the movies we watched together. Thank you for everything."

Aashi moved so that her head was resting on his shoulder and smiled as she watched the Ragnarok engineers work, thinking about all of the time they had spent together while her familiar flew above them both.

"Ulysses?" Aashi said with a questioning lilt to her voice.

"Yes my love?" Ulysses answered, looking over to her.

"I was going to tell you that I love you very much," she said, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

He kissed her forehead, and placed his head against hers. "I love you too. So much."