Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Art Uncle Beb's Paintstravaganza And Compliment Fishing Thread (Warning: Image Heavy)

For those of you who do not know, I paint. Not on canvas, but in scale models.


Like so. My primary specialization is tanks and tracked vehicles, but I can paint other stuff.


Like metallic death spiders


nazi robots (sieg zeon)


and civilian vehicles for comfort and luxury

I have been a scale model painter for going on... I can barely remember, but I enjoy painting and will probably do it until they have to pry the paintbrush from my cold, dead hands.

Here is a comprehensive list of completed works I have on imgur:

Here is as well a list of uncompleted works I have:

if you talk to me regularly on IRC, then you've seen most of this. If you don't, then here it is.

Do I do painting commissions? Yes. Inquire in PM if you are interested, rates and times are entirely decided on an as-needs basis.

I hope you enjoy my work.
This is the real deal, the armored battlegroup list featured in Forge World's excellent Imperial Armor Vol. 1. The core of the list is six Leman russ tanks, and I also have two chimeras with guardsmen squads, as well as a Cult Mechanicus detachment that I just ordered. I've always wanted to run an armored company almost ever since I started playing 40k regularly (sometime in early 4th edition), but never had enough money or enough free time to accomplish it.

in a really corny way this army is almost a dream come true for me.

the only reason I haven't shown you the rest of the infantry is that tanks are my first love and I will literally procrastinate any infantry I have until the tanks are done. I just don't like working with the minis as much (another reason to run a tank company, the big problem with IG armies is that a completely painted infantry-heavy army like that is practically a pipe dream, and this is coming from someone who painted 2000 points worth of Catachans a long time ago). That catachan army was something like... 130? 140 minis?

It was a slog and I have no desire to go back and fix their paintjobs or do it all over again

so, I got a few - 'bout 16 guardsmen that you haven't seen (two of those autocannons will be in the army), and some of the kataphron breachers from the admech list.
Used to have a renegade army, so I feel your pain about the blob infantry bit, heh. This has totally inspired me to looking into an armored list myself, through. Haven't even played in ages.

Looking forward to more anyhow.
I appreciate it. Which renegades list, if I may ask? Were you doing a counts-as of the guard codex, one of the forge world lists, or the true blue Eye of Terror 3rd ed. lost and the damned list? A renegades and heretics army is another pipe dream of mine, one that will probably never happen unless I become an eccentric millionaire

because if regular guard shooting wasn't bad enough I gotta subject myself to it at Ld 3+d6 and BS 2
Original Eye of Terror book. Yeah, it's been that long. I was thinking of starting it up again with the new renegades and heretics list for a while, since the "pay less to have crews that can't shoot" thing is hilarious, but yeah, expensive. I don't think I can use my defilers anymore, the two sentinel models count as different things now, e.t.c... Kinda just awkward.

Probably just going to kitbash some chimera/leman russ/bretonnian parts and make some weird WWI-esk stuff.
you'd be surprised. the allies matrix and making 'unbound' armies makes things a lot more flexible in terms of army creation. basically you can throw the old force org out the window and just field anything that can fit into your points allotment at a slight disadvantage to your ability to capture objectives. Most of your stuff will probably still be usable, if you ever want to delve into the stuff and figure out what it all counts-as.


though as dave taylor proves, bretonnian men-at-arms as guardsmen is the fucking sex, so you're the winner either way.
Nah, nah, I just left them unglued for ease of painting/transport. painting gunpla has really educated me on the virtue of not gluing anything on until the absolute last possible moment - the stubber got left off to make it easier to paint the TC (tank commander) and the dozer blade was left off to make getting at the lower glacis easier. If i'd left those on it would compromise the quality of the paintjob, AND take longer, and that's no good.

work smarter, not harder, that's my creed (tm)
It surely is. making one from some old, busted chimera components and plasticard I had laying around

plus the ubiquitous vehicle accessories sprue

used blu-tac to space everything I wanted on the interior and exterior of the salamander's fighting compartment. also laid down some little steel squares to break up the flat white of the plasticard, they're not quite even, but once it's all painted and put together it shouldn't detract much from the model.

the reason I do this is to have a plan of where everything should be once I get to the model painting, because none of this stuff will be glued into the fighting compartment of the mini until it is painted - there is absolutely no way I could fit a brush into all of the nooks and crannies this model will have once it's ready for paint.

if it seems like a lot of fuss and work, it's because it is, but the results should speak for themselves.

it continues

as you can tell, the crew is posed like they're riding in the vehicle - the salamander is open topped and kind of a reckless vehicle to drive around it - no seatbelts! so the guys inside the fighting compartment are holding onto stuff to keep themselves from being knocked about.
one day i'm gonna come down there and slap your little lascannon

also got done with the salamander today. even with weathering it went a lot quicker than I was expecting, which is cool. I might not be so hesitant to do so with future tanks then.

at any rate, this was a blast to work on and thank you for viewing
Liking the use of the white lightbox for better photos ... though I admit, I kind of enjoyed seeing your craft table too.