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Art Uncle Beb's Paintstravaganza And Compliment Fishing Thread (Warning: Image Heavy)

That tank commander looks really grumpy. I bet it's because he's got a heavy stubber instead of a lascannon on his cupola.

awards paperwork finally came through for bob semple's and sump rat's warlord kills last saturday, thus authorizing both tanks a kill ring to be painted (by hand) around the barrels of the main gun(s).

bob semple killed a necron lord in a single shot, displaying excellence in gunnery, and sump rat killed a tau crisis suit commander after the xeno had blown up a chimera troop carrier, its crew displaying a cool head under fire and a refusal to retreat despite the tank having thrown a track.

Any vehicle henceforth in the Necromundan 73rd that kills an enemy vehicle or an enemy warlord, will henceforth be authorized the award of a kill ring. the emperor protects.
Can't you replace the autocannons on the Tunguska with lascannons instead?

this is actually a situation where I'd want lascannons. there are so few flyers and so few opportunities to hit them that having a quad lascannon would make my life a lot easier as versus to autocannons.

so, no, there is no lascannon anti-air tank for the guard. kinda sucks.
FYI: You can CTRL+V paste images directly into the threads here.
FYI: You can CTRL+V paste images directly into the threads here.
Appreciate it. I mostly keep the images linked to other sites to make it easy on users with slow internet connections though - I post a lot of large images and some providers don't give out internet good enough to load twenty something 4000x4000 pixel images when a thread page really gets goin', and I don't want people to open this thread and instantly kill their whole house's bandwidth.

It's big enough to carry a lascannon.
I'll carry you to your grave you keep talking like that
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