Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Section 6 Underdogs no more

Mark’s ‘brother’ was certainly the more assertive and talkative of the two. Kasumi wondered if Mark had been the same way before he had lost his memory. Had he been as confident as Jack was now? Or had he always been shy and reserved? Regardless, the personality of the old Mark did not seem to matter now. Mark was back home again, and he seemed all the merrier for it. It was also good to see that Mark and his counterpart were faring well together, at least from an outside perspective. She had been worried about the potential for argumentation and conflict between the two, and in truth, that worry had been one of her reasons for visiting. She still intended to ask Mark directly about his relationship with Jack once she got to a semi-private area with him, at least.

“That is absolutely wonderful, Mr. Jack Pine.” Kasumi responded in a serene tone, locking eyes with Jack in a graceful manner. “He was always a very competent and adept fighter, and I am certain that he saved many lives that day.” She finished.

When Jack sent them off, Kasumi gave a final nod to Jack and turned to face Mark.

“Come, there is an empty booth over here.” She directed calmly, gesturing lightly towards an isolated booth in a far corner of the room. “It should give us space to relax and converse.”

When she arrived at the booth, Kasumi hovered into the cushioned seat first and telepathically communicated to Mark her desire for him to sit directly next to her, and at quite an intimate proximity, as well.

“Mark…” She started softly, her bright green eyes taking a brief assessment of their surroundings. “You know that I was concerned about how well you would get along with Jack. If only to ease my paranoia regarding the matter, I would like for you to elucidate your feelings to me. How are you two faring together?”
Mark looked thoughtful as scooted in close, admittedly making him slightly nervous, as they had grown close. Sometimes he wondered if closer than he realized, but shelved the thought as he answered.

"Well in all honesty, its still something we're working on. We work well together, we call each other brother, and have the same goals. But, I know we are still far apart in some ways. He still resents how I was gone and not here when Amit was taken. He doesn't say to me outright, but it's there in how he avoids me outside of work and family outings."

"To be honest I hate myself for it, but I hold resentment myself towards him. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I returned with the naive thought that I could just pick everything back up. I should have known it would not be so. Instead I'm just a stranger forced to watch from the outside as he has taken my place."

"My life, kids, wife, house, and the group I built. We maybe be equals at work, but I'm always the second to be approached on matters. We are technically the same person, but at the same time not. I used to be Jack Pine, a man who tried his place in an unforgiving world, growing up in nepleslian back alleys with his buddy Zeke, joining the marines to find an escape. I still remember all the names of those we became close to before-."

"No I won't go back to that. Jack is a man shaped by his past, and it's made him Hard and logical, in some ways cold. He beats himself up over it, and always the soldier. The only thing we knew how to do. Sometimes I think amnesia was a blessing."

"I remember everything now, and I wish I didn't. It hurts, reminding me what my life has amounted to, and just how much I've changed. I can't escape what I've done, but at least I know how to move forward so no one has to make the same mistakes. At least I remember those I love, Both here and on the Kaiyo, and how they gave me a second chance. I may not be Jack anymore, but now I can do more as Mark." He finally finished, his thoughts weighing heavily on him. It was a stack of issues, even when he lacked his memory, they were there with every restless night. He had devoted all his free time to Chlorate, what time he got with the family, and those he worked with. They provided an anchor as he struggled to settle the halves of himself into one coherent person.

"I'm sorry for rambling. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. I have missed you as well.", Mark apologized not having meant to let so much of his thoughts flow from their place in his mind.
In spite of Mark’s somewhat jumbled delivery, Kasumi listened intently as her friend spoke. Piercing green eyes stared into Mark’s visage, taking in his nervous body language, his eyes, and lastly, his handsome, masculine features. She hated the fact that her worst fears had come to life. Perhaps the situation was not as bad as she had inferred from Mark’s words, but if he truly felt resentment towards Jack, then she would have to intervene. After all, she had been responsible for bringing him back to 188604. By obligation, she had to assure Mark’s happiness here, even if she was no longer intimately involved in his life.

But more significantly, Kasumi felt drawn towards him in a way that she could not put into words. If she attempted to mediate between Jack and Mark, she knew that her feelings towards Mark would only inhibit her efforts, and could possibly make Jack see her as an adversary.

But if she had led Mark to this planet, could she convince him to leave as well?

It was an errant thought, but for a moment, Kasumi gave it serious consideration. She could take him to Yamatai and perhaps he would enlist in the Star Army. He would make an excellent power armor pilot, even without a body transfer. Moreover, his experience with piloting mecha would make him an exceptional Keiko pilot as well, although he would need a body transfer in order to gain clearance to pilot the machine.

However, she forced the idea from consideration almost as quickly as she had thought of it. Kasumi sensed that he was at his happiest here, in spite of the conflict with Jack. It would be selfish of her to ask for him to follow her path in life, especially when her own path was quite firmly set. No, she would have to let Mark live his life on 188604, even if she wanted him alongside her.

“There is no need to apologize, Mark.” Kasumi began, shifting her body closer towards Mark and inhaling more of his cedar scent as she did. “I am glad that you have established your own identity, but...I fear that the tension between you and Jack could escalate into a power struggle, if we do not tread carefully.” She paused for a moment, letting her words hang in the air as she considered her thoughts.

Kasumi inhaled softly before speaking once more. “Mark, are you content with living in Jack’s shadow?”
"I don't know anymore. I almost wonder if Mark aboard the Kaiyo is happier right now. I took the offer to leave an ST copy with the crew. He enlisted too.", Mark said as a solitary tear rolled down his cheek.

"I know even despite his confident exterior he's broken inside, holding on to anything that will anchor him. Maybe I need some time away, it's just hard to know so much has changed. I could gladly live in his shadow, but it hurts. Everytime I see him, the kids, Isabelle. It hurts, to know what I've lost, and how I'm just a stranger."

"Even though I have the memories of my wedding, finding Amit on Vice, Zeke, the opening of the warehouse that would be Section 6. They aren't mine, not Mark's, there Jack's. I want to go back to the Kaiyo. With Hoshi, Eden, Sacre, Nerai, Abart, Shasse, Miles, Walter, Mat, and Miko. But I can't", Mark's voice trembled as more tears came, "At every turn I've lost everything. This doesn't feel like home anymore. Kaiyo isn't home anymore. Nowhere is home anymore."
The piercing sensation of regret began to pang within Kasumi’s emotional depths, and almost immediately, she began to question the wisdom of the actions she had taken to bring Mark to 188604. Not only did she feel regret, but she also felt guilt. Quite simply, she had inadvertently manipulated Mark onto the verge of tears. Arguably, her question had been quite a leading one, and that had not been intentional on her part. But perhaps the leading nature of that question had been an involuntary manifestation of her wish for Mark to follow her own path in life, as a soldier within the Star Army of Yamatai. Although she had not made her feelings known to him, it seemed like Mark had at least caught onto her silent desires.

Kasumi pulled away from Mark, but only slightly, just enough to give herself space to think. If she had not been so prying and invasive before, then this Mark would have still been a part of the Kaiyō, and the man sitting next to her would have been much happier. Instead, her actions had led Mark directly into a power struggle, and there was only one, desperate and perhaps, immoral thing she could do to reverse her mistake.

She could stage a coup.

By all rights, Mark deserved to be the director of Section 6 and Jack should have been the one living in his shadow. By pure technicality, Jack was the illegitimate clone of Mark Oaklen, and therefore, he should have relinquished his power upon Mark’s return. Instead, Jack had selfishly clung to his position, in spite of Mark’s return to 188604. It was obvious that Jack would not give up his power willingingly, and unfortunately, that left only the most dire course of action available to her.

Kasumi paused as Mark cried next to her. Would resorting to such desperate and dangerous measures make him happier? Would he willing to betray Jack? Did Mark have the willpower and ambition to carry out such a thing? Most significantly, was it worth it?

She only had to ask.

“Mark, I want to help you make this place home again. However…” She paused. ”I need to know how much you are willing to sacrifice to accomplish that end.”
Mark paused as several ideas passed through his mind. One entertaining the idea he was pretty sure she was suggesting, another figuring it best to just leave, and one he'd wished he hadn't come to mind. One where he simply ended it and removed himself from the picture completely. It wouldn't be the first time that particular one had crossed his mind, or acted upon it.

No, he couldn't do it, wouldn't do it. Despite what gains it could bring, the pain it would cause those he still loved would be too much.

End it completely was too of an easy way out as well, and he could not bare to leave Chlorate who was most dear to him, alone. That would be cruel, and he was not a coward.

So that left one final option.

"No, I will not do that. Despite my resentment, that would lead to more pain. For both me and those I love. I may not be able to be with them, but I will not do such a harm to them. It would only hurt me more in return.", Mark said drying his eyes a moment, "This world still needs Jack, he will do what I cannot. He is not afraid to do what is needed to make this place better. Such a harsh desert will require a harder hand to make a home. Picking up a gun to him is natural, always living as the soldier. It is no longer so for me, I hesitate to pull the trigger."

"Maybe one day when he reaches that goal, he put down the gun, but for now they need him. There is no place here for me any longer. It's best if I move on, and who knows, maybe there is someplace out there where I can be of use."

Mark took a breath before speaking, preparing to say he was going, "I need to get the key for Sarah's apartment on Yamatai. Maybe spending some time at my parents old home will be good for me."
"HEY!" shouted Adria, overhearing Jack's comment about watching the "kids". "I'm not a kid!" she exclaimed. "I'll behav- and where the frick are you anyway?! I can't see you with these stupid wings in the way and I can't move my wings because of this stupid booth!" she said as she tried to turn her head, trying to look at Jack only to be blocked with a face full of her own butterfly wing in the way.
Jace nodded "sounds like family can be a bit of a hassle" he said as he electronically got a menu for the place and ordered spiced whisky "would you like anything?" he asked her, he was looking into her eyes with his cat like purple eyes the tattoos around them bringing them put and intensifying his over all look
Crimson Foxhole Club
A clanking could be heard outside the doors as Chlorate approached. She entered the club carrying Essex. Fortunately for Essex, the only part of Chlorate that had "flesh" (and even then it was skin overlay, not real flesh) was her head and neck, which meant she was being carried by metal non-fleshy hands. "We have arrived," Chlorate informed Essex like a walking GPS.
"I noticed." She deadpanned. "This is it?" Essex didn't sound impressed. "This is the ruddy party?" She appreciated the music, and the general atmosphere, but most of the guests just seemed to be sitting around drinking. Neither of which were things she could do, so they didn't really interest her. "Oi, Jack, your party's a bloody shambles, mate! It's bollocks!" Her hidden speakers briefly cranked up to be heard over the blaring music, making the massive handgun vibrate against Chlorate's metal hands. The weapon was just laid out across both of the robot's palms in front of her, like she was presenting it to everyone. Or maybe she just wanted to keep staring at it, which had caused the trip to the club to take a bit longer than Essex had expected.

"Must be takin' the piss with this dodgy bot you assigned me. Thing looks like someone bunked off in the middle of her last upgrade. Or downgrade." Chlorate had been treated to many similar comments on the way here. Essex had been a bit disappointed in the responses she'd been able to provoke so far, though. Which is likely why she was now yelling at Jack instead. "Could be worse, I guess. Like the poor munter chattin' up the talking fur coat over there." She was sure to remain loud enough for Jace and Neera to hear her comments as well.

"...well, don't just stand there. Go to the dance floor, that's the best part!" Essex lowered her voice a bit, no longer rattling in Chlorate's hands. After a moment, her volumetric projectors started up, a tall, pale woman appearing next to the robot. She had a short blonde bob, blue eyes and bright red lips, which matched the Section 6 colors of the outfit she'd popped into existence with. A red shirt unbuttoned enough to show off a black bra and more pale skin, black 'leather' pants with red trim, and clunky black shoes. The projection looked Chlorate over, clucking her tongue. "This'll never work, luv. Runnin' around starkers." She snorted.

Calculating things on the fly, a similar projection appeared around Chlorate, making it look like she was wearing a matching outfit. Although the shirt was buttoned up, with metal and plastic still protruding from the sleeves and midriff of the somehow too short dress shirt the two were sporting. "There. Now it's a proper party." She chortled. "And stop holdin' me like a bloody take away box! I said you should've brought the holster." She grumbled, the avatar crossing her arms. Although the oversized leather sling might not have even fit Chlorate.

"...'old on a tic, do you see that lanky streak of piss?" She was immediately distracted from the dance floor when she spotted Sindy, who had arrived shortly before them. "Oi! Capital knockers, madam!" Essex shouted out, her projection cupping her hands over her mouth, before giving the much taller woman a smile and a thumbs-up.
Amit had showed up in the red coat he had stolen from that place, he had other clothes on under it but nothing eye catching or fancy. The man had his gaze narrowed and not too sure on what to think with all the people around. He never had been in a part before and now well, it certainly made his feral instincts stir. The sounds and the loud noises, it was all displeasing. Giving a annoyed growl, he sought some quiet corner to seclude himself in. NOt even looking for anyone familiar as he walked on.
Chlorate stared at Essex's projection for a moment, stunned by how she looked like as a full-sized hologram, and even more stunned when matching clothes appeared around herself. "I-I..." she sputtered, "Affirm-ma-mative?" She carried Essex to the dance floor, not sure of where to put her gun form.
The avatar looked away from Sindy as the robot stammered out a response. "No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people bloody talk. You don't say 'affirmative' or some shite like that. You say 'brilliant'. And if someone comes up to you all cheeky, you say 'sod off'! And if you wanna shine 'em on, it's 'get stuffed ya tosser'!" Essex's projection walked alongside Chlorate as she shared these words of wisdom, speakers cranking up again to be heard over the music as they got into the thick of things.

"Oi, can you hear me, luv? Are you getting this?" She began communicating wirelessly as they moved closer to the middle of the floor. "You do know how to dance, right?" Her avatar rolled her eyes. "Course not. Here, crash course." For someone lacking a body, she seemed surprisingly confident in her ability to not just dance but teach the awkward robot as well. After the terse warning, a deluge of information began, beaming over dozens and dozens of reference videos that Essex apparently deemed important and influential to her preferred style of dance.

Of course, she hadn't accounted for her actual self, still resting in Chlorate's hands. The cumbersome weapon might just hamper the robot's style. Essex didn't seem too concerned, as her avatar began to dance along to the loudly thumping music right in front of the encumbered, overloaded, overstimulated gynoid. It was...something to see, alright.
"Affirm- I mean sod- I mean get st- I mean... brilliant?" Chlorate responded. With her advanced muscle structure, holding Essex wasn't much of an issue, though she was shifting her center of mass off. Chlorate watched the videos- all at once, processing the information. She attempted to dance, but it was the most awkward dance... ever... She made clanking noises as she tried to move her legs around, but her inexperience with dancing combined with holding Essex in her hands combined with the fact that her feet were metal-soled, toeless, and not flexible caused her to stumble about and fall down instead of doing anything discernible as dancing.
"Now you're getting it! You're getting it!" Essex grinned, shouting back to Chlorate's eventual response. Then the robot attempted to join in on that dance, and promptly tumbled forward onto her face. "'re not getting it!" Her projection glitched out, distorting sideways and twisting about as the gun itself was knocked from Chlorate's grip, skidding a foot or so away. "Hey, two hands for beginners!"

The outfit around the robot also warbled and twisted, until it popped out of existence along with the avatar. A few moments later, one of the side panels of that gun opened, propping the weapon up a bit. Her avatar appeared with a concerned expression on the video screen. "Oi, did you break anything? I uh...I can't tell." That fake face did seem a little smushed to one side, but she wasn't actually sure if that was normal or not.

"Alright, alright, pick me back up and we'll start nice and slow. How 'bout something nice and stompy, I think you've got the boots for that, eh?" The little avatar grinned, running possible scenarios in the background. "No middle of the floor for us, then. Just set me, uhh..." A red arrow appeared in the air, pointing towards the booth with the butterfly wings sticking out of it. "On that table. They won't mind. We'll practice our routine there!"
Had she been a more expressive woman, Kasumi would have sighed. She was relieved at his refusal of her indirect offer to assist him in a coup. In truth, she did not want something like that on her conscience, and the preparation such a plot would require…

Kasumi let the idea fall out of her head, like a rock down a waterfall. However, she was at a loss as to what to do from this point. She needed a plan, one that would not weigh herself or Mark down with guilt and responsibility.

However, what Mark had proposed was acceptable to Kasumi. If he lived on Yamatai as a civilian, she would be able to visit him periodically during her shore leaves. There was plenty of opportunity for him to pursue an education or to find civilian employment there, as well. He could also get a Yamataian citizenship and a body transfer, if he no longer wanted to live with the Geist implanted in his skull.

An idle thought crossed Kasumi’s mind, and she wondered if the implant was spying on them. She was glad that she had not directly mentioned her old plan, instead having relied on subtly implied meaning to convey her intentions to Mark. Perhaps whoever or whatever was watching would miss her meaning. Regardless, the thought of living with such a mechanical device in her brain quite thoroughly scared Kasumi. She could get all of the benefits of such a device through a SPINE connection, without the invasive surgery and the risk of infection.

Satisfied with Mark’s suggestion, Kasumi looked towards the brown-haired man and gave him a nod.

“I agree, I think it would be best for you to go to Yamatai. I can vouch for you on your citizenship application, and you can get an education or civilian employment.” Kasumi spoke. “Do you want to go Yamatai with me, when I leave?”
"Brilliant," Chlorate stated. She clanked to the booth Adria and Adilis were sitting at and set Essex on the table. "How do I begin?" Chlorate asked.

"Hey- what the?!" Adria squeaked, watching Chlorate randomly set Essex on the table. "Uh... Excuse me, defective robot, I didn't order this," she grouchily said. "U-u... um... sis... I d-don't think it's a good idea to-" Adilis tried to interject, looking at the gun. "Shut up Adilis," Adria rudely cut him off.

The club doors opened once more. This time a tall crest-haired Elysian entered, Kikios Leka, who had gone on leave for a few days.
Essex's avatar nodded sagely as Chlorate responded properly. And even made it to the indicated table without stumbling again. When the little girl began complaining, she bristled, preparing a list of insults to launch. Before breaking into a smile. "Oi, remember how I told you to handle tossers like that runt? You've got this, luv."

This time a leather jacket with studs and spikes adorning it appeared over Chlorate's metal frame, along with a red and black plaid skirt and combat boots. A moment later that blonde avatar popped into being beside and behind her, backing up the little robot. She had on an identical outfit, although the jacket was open to reveal an excessive amount of holographic flesh again. Her hair also appeared to be spiked up rather wildly.
Chlorate looked at Essex, then at Adria and exclaimed "Get stuffed ya tosser!" Chlorate then looked to Essex as if to ask if she did it correctly.

Adilis whimpered quietly, seeing their new outfits and lowering in his seat.

Adria stared at Chlorate, completely confused. "...what? What's that supposed to mean? I'm not a calzone, last time I checked... You must be more defective than I thought- and where did you get that outfit and that... person? Did you just turn into a biker or something?"
Jack ignored the insults, instead focusing on the drink in his hands. But watch from the corner of his eye as the android and gun ambled about. By the void, that gun was a terrible influence. He turned back towards the entrance as the Elysian entered. He didn't recognize her.

"I'm sorry miss, can I help you?", Jack asked, who would be clearly noticed to her as looking identical to her brother.

Mark thought for a moment, "I have no idea what I would do as a civilian to be honest. I've spent so many years with a gun in my hand, I honestly don't know what else to do. I don't know being a permanent resident, but visiting that apartment might have some answers. The other problem is I need to figure out what to do with Koroleva. Ever since we picked her up, she stuck to me like glue. If I go anywhere, she'll have to come with so I can keep an eye on her."

Neera was feeling thirsty, "I guess I'll have a Southern Peach.", She said before looking at him. Damn those eyes, they made her stare. Slightly reddened, she turned her eyes forward again, "So, how was your first mission, gunshot minus of course?"

A 6'2 curvaceous Elysian woman with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a very generous bust, and large white dove like wings would enter just behind Kiki. She wore a black T-shirt with a short denim jacket, a red skirt, black thigh highs, a pair of shiny tear drop shaped crystal ear rings, and white sneakers. Seraphina Cerulius was here to enjoy the party, but after dropping of the papers Rose had needed taken to one of the directors.

One of them was more involved with the science side of S6, and that was who she was looking for. Moving past Kiki with a "excuse me, sorry", and a gentle touch of the shoulder to let her know she was there. She waved kindly to the other director Jack, giving "evening sir" as moved further in. Eventually she found the booth that had Mark in it.

"Sorry to interrupt you sir, Rose wanted me to give these to you. She would have done it, but her and your sister are watching over the triplets until a sitter is found. I recommended Casdan, but it might take a bit to get a hold of her.", Sera said kindly with a smile as she set two papers on the table. They were nothing major, just progress reports.

"Oh, when did they get back?", Mark asked as casually as he could.

"Just today."

"Ah, well I'll make sure to stop by and welcome them..home. Enjoy the party Sera.", Mark replied curtly even with the noticeable pause.

Sera gave a nod and moved to the dance floor after giving Kasumi a polite wave.