Star Army

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RP: YSS Rave Untitled - In progress - Half edit

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Inactive Member
ON> YSS Rave

"Taisa!" the Rave's avatar called over the ship's intercom. "Report to me!"

Kikyo got up and closed her computer, "What now..." She muttered to herself as she packed it back up and made her way quickly to the avatar as requested.

Raver, Yuuko's customized computer-being was dressed in an orange-paneled uniform. Her face was a shade of very light violet, with a pretty wild mass of green hair that seemed to fly out to the right, in a style usually found only in comic books. She wasted no time, "Taisa," Raver addressed Kikyo, "The transport vehicle bringing Naraku to the prison facility has been ambushed."

"By who?" Kikyo asked quickly, her eyes scanned the area around her to see if she could spot Yuuko.

Yuuko wasn't present. "Not back yet," the computer said helpfully.

Kikyo nodded, "I'm heading down there. Send word for Chui Tyriel Leythes and Heicho Akamatsu Yoritoki, to meet me by the shuttle. Tell them to come armed."

"Yes Taisa," Raver replied purposefully. The Rave went to battlestations. Red stripes of lights flashed along the sides of the halls, and the crew was informed by the ship to move out, with a enthusiastic "Off your buns and grab your guns!"

Kikyo rolled her eyes at the comment and walked back to her quarters to obtain her weapons before heading for the shuttle.

Tyriel sighed and put his GP-12b1 Assassin into the holster on the other side from his GP-13 and knives. "Wonder what it is now?" he muttered as he got his things together and pocketed a small device. "Rave, where's the armory at?" He asked, intending to grab something bigger than a pistol to use.

The control panels lining the sides of the halls presented a big, obvious green arrow pointing the appropriate direction and labeled "Armory," but at the same time Raver asked why he needed "more weaponry than a high-powered rifle and a pistol."

Yoritoki was lying on his back staring at the roof of the nest when the alarms sounded. He jumped up after a moments hesitation and muttered "I thought this would never happen!". Walking quickly to his locker, he pulled out his reaper autorifle and pocketed a few spare cells then jogged out into the corridor, paused and asked the Rave, "Rave, what's the emergency?" and jogged along the corridor, waiting for an answer

Kikyo walked into the room and grabbed her two GP-3 pistols with the laser sights and looked at Tyriel, "I'm with Rave on this one."

"A prisoner transport has been ambushed. Report to the starboard shuttle."

"Well Rave, not really weaponry, more like one of those portable ADN devices. Oh well." He said and headed out toward the starboard shuttle with the high powered weapon.

Kikyo shook her head at being ignored and followed after him towards the shuttle, the more she spent time in the man's company the more she disliked him.

"Hey! Tyriel! What's the emergency?" Yoritoki jogged down the corridor toward him looking confused

"Not sure." He said looking over his shoulder at the man jogging up to him. "Just got told to report to the shuttle."

Kikyo heard the man coming up behind them and casually took a step off to the side so he could pass her.

"Okay,,,Taisa!" Yoritoki stopped and saluted as he saw the unform of the officer following Tyriel. "Begging your pardon Taisa but do you know what is wrong? Why are we getting kitted out for combat?"

"Because I ordered you to. We have to stop that prisoner from escaping." Kikyo picked up the pace, "Come on, lets hurry..."

Tyr sped up his pace as well. "Who's the prisoner?" He asked Kikyo. It could make all the difference in his approach to the situation.

"Her name is Naraku, you may have heard of her." Kikyo said, she was now walking at almost a jog, she wanted to get there as soon as possible.

"A person named "hell".....interesting.." Tyriel said as he kept up with her pace headed for the shuttle. "But no, I don't know details."

"She's very dangerous." Kikyo said, "I suggest you watch your back." She rounded the last corned and climbed down into the shuttle.

Utsumi was already in shuttle when they climbed up into it. She had a GP-5 (the standard weapon of the Star Army) with magazines across her lap and a flak vest and helmet on the floor of the shuttle's cockpit. "I here it's a tough city down there," she smiled.

Tyr stepped out of the way to let Yoritoki in between himself and Kikyo. "You ready for it?" he asked.

Kikyo sat down and strapped herself in, "Once everyone is secure make your way down there Utsumi at all possible speed."

"Yokai! (Roger!)"

"Gotta be kidding me man! Action is what I live for" Said Yoritoki, connecting up the straps of the harness. "You got everything you need?"

"Does everyone have their seat belts on?" Utsumi asked.

"Of course." he grinned at Yoritoki and strapped himself in. "I'm in and I got my belt on."

"We're all ready Utsumi." Kikyo said.

"Good to go Nito Heicho" Said Yoritoki

Tyr elbowed Akamatsu a bit. "It's hei-SHO, not -CHO." he said

The hatch snapped shut like a guillotine, very sudden and very fast (As most Star Army hatches mechanisms and doors tended to do), and there was a slight bump as the shuttle detached from the scout ship. They raced towards the surface.

"Heh, I know. It gets her mad though" grinned Yoritoki

In a few minutes the shuttle came to rest on some solid surface. The back door opened for them, revealing a very dirty cobblestone road. There were several vehicles around already.

Kikyo unhooked herself and stood up, "Let's go, be prepared for everything."

Tyriel unstrapped himself and stood up and headed out of the backdoor and stretched his large black feathered wings. "Ahhh, feels good to do that." He said and compacted them again and waited for the others.

There was a dark gray armored van near the shuttle, prominently labeled FCPD.

James had only arrived planeside from the Celia just under ten minutes ago. With a book bag filled with stuff over one shoulder and a data pad in one hand. He barely had time to send a message to Yuuko, promising that he could talk to her soon when he got planeside and was expected to conduct his SAINTly duties around the crash site of the ambushed ground transport.

Kikyo exited the shuttle and looked around, she made her way over to the armoured vehicle and started to examine the area.

Tyriel simply stayed close by keeping a sharp eye out for possible trouble, but enjoyed being on the surface to have room finally. The dark angel almost wanted to spread this wings and go for a short flight, but his duty was here; he also started examining the surroundings

Once the team from the Rave got outside, they could see the burning hulk of a Star Army BW-6 battle tank that had been carrying Naraku's coffin-like restraining cage. They were in the "suburbs" with hundreds of small shacks and slums around them, all sunken into a rancid, stinking swamp/cesspool. The dirt-covered road they were on cut a path thorugh it. The FCPD van had a bunch of tough-looking, heavily-armed men in blue jumpsuits, also labeled FCPD. There were also some in shining blue.

Kikyo walked over to the men, "What happened here?"

The men oogled her. Females were rare. "Mercenaries, probably."

James walked over to the group of FCPD men but let someone else start to ask the obvious stuff. While he wasn't in a uniform per say he still had a rank pin on. "Where did they go when they finished here?"

Tyriel scoffed, to him all reactions to nekos were the same and it disgusted him tremendously.

A Ki-T2 shuttle from the Celia landed nearby, when green-shirted medics emerging from it and racing to the vicinity of the burning tank and its mangled escort jeeps.

Kikyo looked at James and her eyes drifted to his rank pin, she then turned her gaze to watch the man and wait for the answer of the direction they left.

"Into the slums," a man with a missile launcher conjectured at James' question.

"Have you found anything that might suggest they used vehicles? A flyer of somesort?" He asked.

"Doesn't look like those medics are gonna find much to treat - that fire will have cooked the crews of those vehicles... the ones that survived anyway" remarked Yoritoki to Tyriel in the background

"They were probably using mecha or power armor. There's no tire tracks," another policeman answered.

"Footprints?" James asked.

"Yeah, it's not going to be fun for them. That tank looked liked something turned it inside out and baked the shit." He said looking over at it.

"Nothing. Nekos float, though," the cop answered. His face was heavily scarred.

"Was anyone around at the time this happened?" He asked, hoping for a witness.

The scarred policeman pointed toward his accomplices, who were man-handling potential witnesses. One of them was uncooperative so they shot him in the knee.

James opened his mouth as if he was about to say something about that, but he didn't. A few moments later he spoke again, "What have they told you?"

"They was..." a hobo counted his fingers "shix of the women, all dresshed up like they was police!"

"Nekos." Tyr muttered as he heard the hobo speak. "Six women dressed like cops... Sir.." he said to the scarred man. "Are there any women on the police force?"

"Do you know what type of weapons they were carrying?" James asked, he didn't think the hobo would know, but it was worth a shot.
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