Character's Full Name: Adrian Tsukai
Character's Rank: Peacekeeper Recruit
Character's Species: Jiyuuian
URL of approved biography thread: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3719
URL of wiki article: ... kai_adrian
URL of orders thread: n/a
Current Commanding Officer: None
Current Location/Assignment: None
Current Position: None
Primary Skill Areas: Engineering, Repair and Maintenence, Chemistry
Action(s) Requested:
[x] Assignment/Transfer to: UCS Zenpyou
[ ] Training/School: ____
[ ] Request for Materials
[ ] Medals Update
[ ] Recommend Medal for: ____
[ ] Resignation (officers only)
[ ] Discharge for (Psychological, Species Restriction)
If joining a new ship:
Preferred Roleplay Style(s)
[ ] JP (Play by Chat - Yahoo ID must be on your profile!)
[x] SP (Play by Post)
Player is over 18: Yes
Preferred Plot Ships by order of Preference
1. Zenpyou
2. Akaramu
3. Nothing Else
Character's Rank: Peacekeeper Recruit
Character's Species: Jiyuuian
URL of approved biography thread: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3719
URL of wiki article: ... kai_adrian
URL of orders thread: n/a
Current Commanding Officer: None
Current Location/Assignment: None
Current Position: None
Primary Skill Areas: Engineering, Repair and Maintenence, Chemistry
Action(s) Requested:
[x] Assignment/Transfer to: UCS Zenpyou
[ ] Training/School: ____
[ ] Request for Materials
[ ] Medals Update
[ ] Recommend Medal for: ____
[ ] Resignation (officers only)
[ ] Discharge for (Psychological, Species Restriction)
If joining a new ship:
Preferred Roleplay Style(s)
[ ] JP (Play by Chat - Yahoo ID must be on your profile!)
[x] SP (Play by Post)
Player is over 18: Yes
Preferred Plot Ships by order of Preference
1. Zenpyou
2. Akaramu
3. Nothing Else