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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Up and comer

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
Jack sat lounging back in a lawn chair on a stage out in the desert, a number of chairs arranged before the makeshift stage, as likewise a number of people sat in some of said chairs. Jack checked the time displayed in the corner of his vision as he waited for Uso to arrive.

"So, you guys doing ok? We brought plenty of water, rev undersuits and portable fans, but the boss is taking her sweet time. Is it me, or do nekos seem to like to move so slow despite their feline features?" He said over the comm even though he didn't wear a comm piece. The twenty one year old white haired human man scratched at the scar that ran down across his right eye out of habit. It was artificially recreated along with the double helix that curved around his left eye, which had to be done after his ST backup revival a few weeks ago. He wore a Revenant undersuit to beat the heat, a leather jacket over the back of his chair, and a pair of dark jeans with combat boots. With a sigh he ran a suit covered hand down his goatee.

@Zack @HarperMadi @Trainscanflytoo @ElfensFinest @Noodlewerfer @Readlliea @Kim @AirAdmiral @EhWha @Ethereal @WhiteWolf
Rose looked up from her wrist, the text displayed from an atrophysics text vanishing in a cloud of AR particles with a wave of her hand. A quick link to her comm array and she checked a few lab reports absently. "Doin' okay. I mean, there's not much to do until Uso arrives."

Her lab coat was its usual pristine white as she lounged across Sarah's lap, a simple tee shirt too thin to hide her skin tone and the one piece swimsuit of dark green underneath. "What's this meeting about?"
Aras sits in one of the seats writing on a datapad. She's to absorbed in her writing to notice the question or the heat despite the obvious sweat on her brow.
Just a Short Distance Away...

Nothing could be heard except for the roar of the engine, intense music blaring from the speakers, and his own, adrenaline-fueled breathing inside the helmet.

"Right prop is off-sync with the left after hard turns," Jackson Howard noted into the small microphone in the helmet as he curved the Zen R3-08 sharply, feeling the right side wane a little bit and kicking up a wall of dust in his wake. "Probably the drive shaft. If not, we need to tighten the connections to the power source a little more."

"Yes, sir." came the response from one of his employees, who were monitoring the trials from Howard Station high above.

The bike had been stripped down to the bare essentials and brought into Nepleslian Airbike Circuit regulations. Then, it was given the proper Havok touch. Once Akemi sent in his designs for the paintjob and uniforms, she would be ready. In the mean time, Jax had taken the bike down planetside for much-needed stress-testing. His favorite part. He always rode fast given the chance, but it was rare he had a whole dessert to really let loose.

Also, he'd heard that Jack Pine was holding some sort of event out here. Uso had advised him to meet the head of Section 6, so, you know, this outing actually worked out pretty well. Aligning himself on a course for the presentation area, Jax hit the throttle and braced himself. Carefully eyeing the RPMs as the bike rocketed forward, he felt just a slight loss of power as he neared 2300 RPMs, and cursed.

"Also, it's doing that thing again!" he snarled in frustration. Still hadn't found the cause! They'd tried some basic fixes after the last run, but as he'd just figured out, it hadn't done shit!

"Seriously?! We took apart the ENTIRE gearbox!"

"Yeah- I know- Look! Just, uh, take five or something. If you get Nekoburger, I want a double with a chocolate shake. I gotta go." he sighed and shut off the link, coming in to view of Jack and his crew, pushing 200 mph and leaving a trail of dust behind him. He slowed up so that he wouldn't shower them with sand, eventually coming to a stop.

Shutting off the engine, the catboy swung a leg over the chassis and began walking towards them. He was dressed in full racing leathers and body armor that were the color of the sky. Jax pulled off his helmet and raked his fingers through his hair. He gave a small wave and called out:

"Heya! How's it going?"
Uso certainly did take her time to arrive, driving her dune buggy at high speed toward the meeting, kicking up plenty of sand in the process. The machine coming to a stop not all that far from Jack's staging area, "SO WHAT'S UP!?" She shouted, taking off her goggles and tossing them aside as she hopped out of the side of the vehicle, taking a seat up front and then clicking her fingers together, a smile growing on her face as she got to watch her planned opulence come into affect. Starships in orbit would begin with a massive volumetric projection to alter the sun heading towards the planet... multiple ships bending light to create a slight spot of shade where Uso had taken a seat.

She was really happy with herself.
Good lord... thought Jay as he saw the USO leader sit down. I'm never going to get over that one.

Jay had taken a seat next to Jack and was wearing the revenant undersuit plus the torso pieces out of caution. Despite the lack of information, he had a feeling this would at least be something of personal importance to Jack. Despite his dislike of the two recent arrivals, he remained characteristically quiet, observing.
Aster sat in the front row of the audience, near Sarah and Rose, wearing a white tank top with her black and red uniform skirt, deciding to go for a "less is more" approach to dealing with the heat. She looked up at the stage and at the nekovalkryja of the hour herself, with growing curiosity. What is this all about and did she really just move those ships to give her shade? She smiled up at Jay for a moment and returned her attention to Uso.
Adria and Adilis sat in the front row as well, though per Adilis' wishes they sat far away from anyone else. Somehow they were in their blue SWEATERS in this heat! Despite their short height their wings could prove obstructive to the vision of anyone behind them and their bobbly antennae were just plain distracting. "Im fine," said Adria, "I love the heat. But why exactly are we here... dad?"
"Well that was interesting. Nice of you to join us boss, and I even got a seat setup for you up here on the stage. I want to show you something very important as it marks a milestone for the USO. I just figured, why not make it interesting." Jack said at first with a slight shake his head, "We're here to show miss Tasuki what we have accomplished honey." Jack added to answer Adria.

Jack gestured to the cushioned lawn chair that sat on the stage as well.

Sarah was rather comfortable in the undersuit despite the heat and Rose in her lap was a bonus, "Has he told anyone why we're here? He hasn't even told me what it is he's showing off."

Neera sat beside Beaumont in a Revenant undersuit and a pair of denim shorts over her lower half. Her long white bangs that like the rest of her shoulder length hair, swayed slightly in the wind, "Dad is starting to be just as showy as Uso."
"That's odd. Usually when he has something new he'll tell everybody who listens." Even on light duty, Rose usually kept in the loop by letting Jack get nerdy. "Oh, hey, you hear about Jay and Aster?"
Beaumont had fallen into sleep mode in the process, with vicinity detection smacking him awake to fine Neera sitting in the seat next to him. He never found the Revenant suit very comfortable, and had opted for his usual getup of blue jeans, a t shirt, and a labcoat, minimizing activity to prevent an increase in temperature in his systems. Plus, he was exhausted from helping Jack haul and set up this massive stage in the middle of who-knows-where. He had tried asking Jack why this was the destination, but he was only greeted by a sort of cryptic answer like "You'll find out."

As a straight-and-narrow person, this left Beaumont a little on edge. Though the nap did calm some of those nerves. "H-huh, yea, yea." he replies before yawning. "Did that slowpoke get here yet?" his head swivels from one side to the other like a cooling fan only to catch the sight of Uso on stage. Another yawn leaves him as he relaxes back into his seat. "Guess so."
The fatherly salt-and-pepper haired Brinjor Kimya strolled over from nearby, a crate of mixed Nepleslian spirits, Yamataian wine and of course the 188 specialties and well-known brands of local beer in his arms. Wandering over from the direction of the lab, the IIS CEO gave the group a broad smile and a nod. Crouching with a groan nearby the loungers, he set the hefty box down on the well-maintained ground, straightening up while holding the small of his back.

"I brought some stuff I've been saving - heard there was a party going on..?" Brinjor grinned in that cool-uncle fashion, glancing around for a place to sit before pulling a small bottle of whisky from the box.
Uso would look back at her dune buggy for a moment, waving at the timid creature inside, "HEY AFTON! GET OUT HERE! SAY HI TO PEOPLE!" Uso shouted as she got up from the chair she had chosen, and made her way to the cushioned throne that Jack had provided. Her little spot of shade following her as she made the move,

"Certainly building the hype here Jack." Her attention shifting from Jack, to his growing family, and then back to Jack, "You've come a long way in a short time."
"Trying to make yourself a eclipse?" Afton commented, the man having the last remaining bits of his sandwhich in his mouth against his cheek.

He was watching the sky move with whatever the hell Uso was doing with..ships? Yeah, probably ships. He did take not of the shade that was forming under them. Swallowing the bits of his sandwhich, the 'man' looked over to the group of people. His one eyebrow lowering slightly at this. Welp, this would either end good or badly...for him.

When the vehicle paused, the man with the metal ram horns, torn up shirt, and various stitching and burn scars over him would jump out of the vehicle. His one gaze took notice of two children looking creatures before removing his gaze from them. Giving it to all the people who were standing around. His sewn up eye made no movements as he looked around.

"Tell me again why I've tagged along with you?" Afton questioned Uso as he watched her sit down.
"Crashed further our here....so already seen this." Afton mumbled as he glanced away from her.

That was true, she threatened to strap him down to the buggy after all. He had enough sense to not loose his marbles at that threat and voted to just sit in one of the seats. Good thing he already had a breakdown before talking to Uso. However, he gave a uncertain but wary glance towards all the other people.

"Easy for you to say.." Afton told her before walking away from her.

People would notice that his feet were bare and in the hot desert sand, yet he wasn't reacting. That was due to the nerves in the bottoms of his feet having been fried too badly to feel the heat. That and the skin had already been burned to where that formed a layer of burnt tissue that made more contact with the sand. Grasping the opening of his shirt with his right hand, he tried to hold that closed a bit better; failing at it.
After a while of writing, Aras raised her head from the datapad and observed her surroundings, a concerned look decorating her face. Her look quickly changed to shock as she began to recognize some of the individuals around her. She tried to wrap her head around the idea of her being invited to an event with some of the most important people around attending.

"Why am I here again?" She muttered to herself.

As Aras marveled at some of her fellow attendees her datapad fell onto the desert floor. She cursed as she scrambled to pick up the device. "Damn it!" The datapad is coated in sand, rendering it useless for the time being.
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Noticing Aster in the front, Jay returned the smile along with a subtle wave. Noticing the many new arrivals, Jay turned to Jack.

"Who are all these new people?" he asked quietly as he pretended not to hear Rose.
"Um, some new hires, and the one with Uso is an eccentric....I'm not sure." Jack replied to Jay as Uso joined them on the stage and taking a seat.

"I'm glad you think so boss, though today i want to show you how just far not only Section 6 has come, but our ability to give back to the USO." Jack said before gesturing behind them. His eyes began to glow as he synched to the stage controls and comm unit. The stage itself would lower to give the crowd a view past it, as Jack, Uso, and Jay's chairs automatically rotated to face towards the expanse of desert behind the stage.

"What do you say men?! Think we've grown a bit?!" He shouted to what seemed to only be empty desert as first, but a mass of 200 Saber troopers equipped in the black and red Revenant power armor armed with RKAR-A1s in color guard style hold disengaged their ECS. They moved in wave like unison to salute, "OORAH!" their united voices shouted back.
Aster returned Jay's little wave and sat patiently as she watched whatever this speech was. Unsure of what they were trying to do.