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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Up and comer

Afton raised a brow, though the man jumped slightly as he took in the site of all the armored me. Shaking his head, the tortured man looked away and just went back over to the buggy that he had been brought here in. The malnourished man merely leaned against the metal, keeping his gaze away from the large amount of armored and armed troops.

"Lovely...." Afton muttered to himself. "More lambs to loose their marbles..."

Welp, this wasn't going to be fun to sit through.
"So that's what this had been about." Rose commented quietly, sitting up. She had practically tripped over one of those guys coming in and she'd activated her IFF tag reader in order to not do it again. Finding her seat, she had turned it off and forgotten about it, being much more concerned with the soft lap and surprisingly more showingly pregnant Sarah. Granted, Sarah was Gesherin, and thus would take a mere three months what her body would take six or seven to do. But it still bugged her just the tiniest bit.
Aras watches the scene occurring in front of her intently. Though already impressed by the sea of soldiers in front of her, she had a feeling she hadn't seen the best yet.
Jax, who was staying off to the side for now, blinked a couple times at the new space army. He wasn't really here for this. He mostly wanted to have a word with Jack after everything was said and done, but he had to admit, that was pretty sweet.

"Not bad." he said from his seat, bending the edges of his mouth downwards in appraisal.
“It’ll be nice not having to buy armors off the open market anymore,” Uso added, “But I expect you want to show off more than your new suits...”
Jack grinned at Uso's words, "Oh it's not over yet. Reaper actual to S6 fleet, execute planned maneuvers, exit cloud cover now."

Soon 60 U-1s, there hulls black with red markings would arc down from the clouds to form into 12 flights of 5. They passed by overhead, their engines together a roar. Next five Indigo guided missile frigates did similar as their black hulls became clearly visible on exiting the clouds. They were soon joined by a 3 unit V shaped flight of Broadsword light cruisers to either side of the Indigos' formation.

A moment after the clouds parted almost completely as two massive Albion class super carriers appeared, the particles and dust of the clouds still trying to escape from the underside of their hulls, slowly running out from under to bleed back to cloud cover level. The two ships soon blocked the sun entirely over the audience as they cruised by slowly over head.

"Those are our latest editions, and the two largest ships in the fleet. Enough capital weaponry to tear most sizeable fleets a new one. So what do you think boss?" Jack asked with a smile proud at Section 6 and SABER's progress.
Rose grinned, lounging back across Sarah to feel the rumble of the Albions' engines as she waited to be called for some of the more minor technical breifs on the smaller modules coming into play.
Brinjor whistled from his seat as a few people helped themselves to his contribution to the party. He ran a hand through his longish hair and straightened his casual attire a little.

"Never thought I'd see a sight like that over old 188.." He mused quietly to anyone who would listen. "I remember when I was a boy under the Osmans, looking up at the sky and wishing for change. Looks like things are changing faster than ever." He sipped his whisky slowly, admiring the ships far above.
Adria's jaw dropped, opening her fanged mouth in surprise. "Wait... what? Where did those come from...?" She asked. Adilis stared up at them, shocked that these ships descended from the clouds. Had they really not noticed the soldiers or a large fleet of ships idling above the sky?
The cyborg wasn't very impressed by the troopers all lined up like life-sized toy soldiers in their fancy new costumes, showing gusto as though the crowd needed some sort of reassurance that S-6 knew what it was doing. Though he would give them credit for their coordination. However, it isn't until the rumble of jets is heard and the scans of multiple large craft appear in his HUD that he perks up, watching as the U-1s swooped overhead in swathes of five like supersonic geese in formation with one another.

Then came the frigates and the light cruisers, two spacecraft he had not witnessed before in the past, but had heard of in reports. Beaumont whistles and chuckles, finding the feeling of each supersonic wave crashing over him to be oddly pleasant as they shook him to the core - though he did of course have to turn down his hearing to prevent any major damage.

"Well... isn't that lovely..." A maniacal smile curls on his lips as an eclipse comprised of two immense masses appears before the crowd like gods peering down at their subjects below, their size and capability awesome in every sense of the word. It were as though two cities were strung up to the sun, and Jack was only dangling them overhead so that we may witness his new titanic marionettes. His mask would lift to reveal his expression. "So that's why we're here. Jack wanted to show off the new toys." He mutters as he rests back in his seat, curling an arm around Neera's shoulders.
As the missile frigates came into view Uso would speak up, "Oh, those don't look locally made did you bu...."

She was cut off when the supercarriers cut through the cloud cover.

"oooh, those are new looking. Quite a bit bigger than what Vier can produce. Where did you get them?"
"The frigates were bought from our friends in PACT, and those carriers are S6 and Alex's joint design. They were built in IIS shipyards with S6 technician instructions, though I have been trying to get in touch with Candon about FSC building them. As said before, major fire power. Has room for 200 U-1s and additional craft, onboard manufacturing capabilities, armories, power armor bays, and main gun that is a ship killer. USV-Hammer, and USV-Anvil ready and waiting. It's now the biggest ship design at the USO's disposal. Still procuring the fighters and pilots to fill those bays. Big enough that the entirety of Section 6 can fit in one and still have room." Jack explained, happy at Uso's hopefully pleased expression. He respected her, and hoped that she would be at least some semblance of proud at his success with building something useful.

"Jay, Rose, do either of you care to add anything I missed!? Don't be shy!" He shouted back mostly to Rose, given Jay was already next to him.
Rose stood up, rolling off of Sarah as she approached the stage. "Yeah! IIS also did a recent teardown and rebuild on my sister's ship, and several technologies she employed were used in some of these new designs. For instance."

Rose's eyes glowed for a moment as she linked to one of the Revenant comm arrays and sent a wordless signal to the Anvil, which seemed to ripple for a moment, before turning an inky, light eating black, so dark it was impossible for the eye to distinguish any detail aside from an amorphous blob. "Chromatophoric overskin prototype on the surface of the Anvil. Radar absorbant and absorbent to 99.998% of all light. Slightly more advanced than the skin onthe Eye. But no less impressive."

Another signal, and the Anvil returned to its normal dark grey. "Not as good as xirilium, bit plenty to make a supermass carrier harder to see. We're also working on improved hyperspace fold and atmospheric FTL jump capability. Aster's expertise has been invaluable in these endeavors."
Jay was relatively unimpressed by the display, having known of the project for some time. If anything he was quite critical, though he kept those comments to himself. The mention of Aster, however, piqued his interest.

"I wasn't aware she was working on that project. Regardless, you have my compliments Pine."
Aster whistled as she looked up at the ships overhead. Oh! That's right, we've been working on this. She nodded as she watched the pomp, and beamed as she was publicly praised for her contributions to Section 6. She was also quite pleased that her involvement in the Section 6-PACT-ONI talks had gone well. It would have been awkward if her mother's company and Section 6 had a falling out. She watched her boyfriend up on stage with her bosses and smiled brightly. There were so many projects and ideas that they had been working on in all of the labs. Her main hobbies had been inventing, designing, playing shooting games with Jay and otherwise spending time with Jay when he wasn't knee deep in work. The vast majority of her time was work but she enjoyed it.
"That is certainly a complicated project." Uso said with a smile, hiding what she knew about the project. There had certainly been some smoothing out on her end between S6 and the FSC, but that was beside the point, "You should feel proud that you were able to put all of this together. Not just the ships, but your crew as well.

Keep this up and I'll have to get you your own planet... or maybe some kinda Jack-statue in the middle of the city...

... Speaking of, do you have any more of these carriers in the pipeline?"
"Well that is why I've been trying to get in touch with Candon, to have more built, but I have considered putting an order in for more with IIS. The SkyGuard could definitely get a lot of use from this, and it's sad the warden isn't here to see an achievement he helped bring about." Jack answered with a furrowed brow.

Sarah leaned back and kicked her feet up on the seat in front of her, "Loving that sexy brain."

Neera perked up as she felt Beaumont's arm around her, and leaned in to him, "Bold are we? You keep this up and I might just start calling you knight."
Adria scratched her antennae-topped head, confused. "Were those... Can those cloak...?" She stared into the hole in the clouds then watched the ships. "How long have they been up there...?"