Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Uso/Jack/Chiharu] Aren't you dead?



---- Outside the orbit of 188-604, after the crazy shit is mostly done ----
A bright blue shimmer preceeded the image of a y-shaped Type-30 Space yacht as it faded into existence as it exited its CFS. Chiharu had for the most part, accepted that her public announcement of Vice Premiership and reappearance on the international scene had caused a stir. And she had difficulty avoiding unwanted attention. She had an inkling, that despite her best efforts, she had an escort that had not yet made itself apparent to her.

She checked her scans and sent a message to Uso Tasuki who was the woman who had laid claim to this little brown planet, "Uso-san, I'm here, where do I go next?"

"HEY! How close can you get to a landing spot? We're on top of Nath tower... you should be able to nail the landing and get dropped off right on the patio right?" Uso asked over text message, pausing for a moment before adding,

"Btw WE is me and Jack. You don't know Jack, but he's always wanted to meet a god."

Uso frowned right as she sent the message, accidentally having implied that she wasn't a god... all things considered she should be one right? She had statues... people probably took her name in vain all the time...

... it was something to think about.

"I can manage a roof top landing if it spot is large enough. This thing is bigger than a Yui class though, can your landing pad handle something 202 meters long?" Came Chiharu's speculative reply as she saw where the transmission was coming from. "I'm fine meeting your friends, staff, servants? Whatever you want to call them."

Chiharu brought the craft down through the atmosphere towards Nath tower and considered the landing pad. "I can probably convince someone to drive it so I can get out."

"You can always land on the ground if you can't handle the precision landing!" Uso teased. Sure the pad wasn't large enough for the whole ship, but a hovering transport could certainly drop someone off.

Uso herself was just inside, laying back on a sofa, arms spread to either side, watching a volumetric display of goings on,

"Hey Jack! Where you at?!"

Jack was in the lift, [on my way up boss, who is it we're meeting again today? I'm not usually called into your meetings like this unless you got something that needs doing.] He telepathed to Uso. The notification of the facility sensors detecting a ship entering atmo over Osman flashed in the corner of his HUD, [I don't suppose this has anything to do with the 202 meter long yacht entering our airspace of Yamatai make, does it?]

There was some scrambling inside the yacht as another nekovalkyrja took the controls from Chiharu. After a couple of minutes, an auburn haired nekovalkyrja stepped outside the hull of the ship. She waved the ship off wand walked over towards where Uso was laying as the wind from the vessel blew her hair and the edge of her dress around. The hem was long enough to not lift up.

Once the yacht had cleared off, Chiharu spoke. "Uso-san! How are you?"

Uso was just typing her message to Jack, sending it as she got up to go see their guest,

"Old apparently!" Uso said, "But lets start with the story of how you cheated death. I always though it was weird you didn't come back with an ST copy or some such... I figured Yui kept you in her bedroom or something."

Jack had to wipe the utterly confused look off his face as the lift neared roof level. He straightened the black leather jacket, muscle shirt, blue jeans, and boots he wore a minute before the doors opened.

Jack exited onto the roof and took a place a couple steps to Uso's side before giving the other neko a respectful nod, but remained quite for the moment.

Uso put her arm around Jack,

"By the way, this is Jack,

He wanted to meet you, and I decided to let him since he's on the fast track to running much of this place,"

"Not quite like that, though, I guess that might have been better than what had actually happened." Chiharu smoothed her hair back behind her ears and chuckled at Uso's comment before she replied. "It's complicated but you remember how the MEGAMI was damaged when the Seraphs boarded the GSS Yui?" She offered a friendly smile.

Her crimson eyes moved to the white haired man that stood beside Jack. Her form fitting red dress matched her eyes and complimented her skin tone. "Nice to meet you, Jack-kun."

The Ketsurui returned her attention back to the green haired nekovalkyrja next to him. "Have you settled down with a Nepleslian of all things after all this time? I had heard that Heram is engaged to a Gartagen woman so it's an interesting time to live in."

Uso's eyes were certainly taking in that red dress. It was quite a bold choice, and here she was wearing a deep blue bodysuit that clearly already had a few miles on it.

But at least it was comfortable...

and had plenty of places to clip on weapons and gear...

"Yeah, I can't wait for that to blow up in his face. judging by the old man's history it is going to be fucking spectacular. I haven't really settled down... not really my thing I think... probably should mention something about Heram taking your loss not well... but lets skip over that and go right to the 'how you survived'. Someone put your backup back together after all?"

Uso's eyes slowly moved over to Jack,

"... come on Jack... get in here..." She whispered.

"Miss Tasuki and I do not have that kind of relationship, and I am happily married already. I am Director of Section 6 and Commander of the special operations unit, Saber. The two large battle carriers you, no doubt, saw in orbit are ours." Jack added professionally as he ignored the assumption made of his and Uso's relationship.

"I have not contacted Heram yet but I hope to in the near future," Chiharu's expression was thoughtful as she continued. "The condensed version is that my ST got stuck on the GSS Yui and I eventually got broken free of the system so here I am now. That bodysuit can't be good for your vents, aren't you overheating?" She tilted to her head to one side as she considered this before her eyes moved back to Jack again.

"What is Section 6? And Saber? I have been out of sync for a while so please forgive my ignorance. I only know the vary basic things about what Uso-san has been doing here as confusing as it is from Yamatai's perspective." The crimson eyed nekovalkyrja smiled apologetically at the Nepleslian. "I did see the carriers. Are you at war? Should I call the guard down after all?"

"We are not at war, not officially anyways. But we have had several incidents regarding a group of late. Uso's adopted son, Alex Tasuki, leader of the skyguard. His girlfriend ,Araxie Serai, was brutally murdered on an independent station. Then a few weeks ago, the same culprit performed a home invasion where my sister, Sarah Pine was murdered, ending her life and that of her two unborn children. My son, Amit was also taken by intruder that night. So war is not here yet, but it looms on the horizon. As for your earlier questions, Section 6 is a government entity that does independent research and development in multiple fields from medical to weapons. Saber is a department of S6 that both tests new inventions from the labs and workshops, as well as, carry out tactical high risk operations and acts as miss Tasuki's personal guard." Jack said neutrally as he stood straight, but if one could read his eyes, they would see the emotions that brewed within.

Chiharu seemed puzzled by all of this. "Skyguard? So you are her servants then?" She frowned gently at the mention of all the deaths and problems. "Is it a corporate war again, Uso-san? Did you need Chiaki to help resolve this?"

She tapped a finger against her chin as she considered it and looked back to Jack again. "I am sorry about your losses, Jack-kun. We have a history of brutality that comes with corporate wars and wars in general. But we know people."

"The man who did this was my clone, but....weaponized with various augments and enhancements. He wasn't alone either, one of his comrades was a student attending the school S6 runs. We have increased security measures significantly since the incident. And thank you for your condolences, me and my sister especially look forward to bringing the group to justice." Jack said before giving a pained twitch and pulling out a bottle of pain medication, "Excuse me, my injuries have yet to heal fully. I take the meds so I can continue working." He added before taking two.

The Ketsurui looked at Jack with increasing curiousity. It was a lot of information to take in. "Duplication happens more frequently than it should in our country." Her ear twitched at the mention of the sister being alive again. "Oh! So you were able to recover her, that's reassuring but still tragic that she died in such a way." She ran a quick bio-scan of the man as he took his medication, unsure of what to make of it. "If you are injured, you should rest so that you may recover properly. Is Uso-san such a cruel mistress?"

"More like I have more important things to do while that knock off is out causing trouble and I have a son out there somewhere who needs me. The doctors say I'm lucky I made it out of the ICU at all, and that I need to rest as well. I can do that when I'm dead, so for now I keep things going so we're prepared when the time comes to get even. To be honest Uso has told me the same thing." Jack said giving a bitter chuckle.

Chiharu's scans would reveal numerous healing wounds. Minor fractures that had mostly healed, several large caliber wounds, with .455 sized healing wounds to the shoulder and thigh as well as twin 12ga slug sized wounds to the abdomen. Two puncture wounds to the side, with one having punctured his lower lung, which had been synthetically patched. With a wound to the left hand from something jagged like a decent sized shard of glass. It was clear unfinished efforts at recovery were present, to think the man was standing was a wonder.

"Dealing with such things is on the to-do list." Uso replied, "I think it would be inappropriate to discuss our plans...

Luckily between S6, FSC, Skyguard, and the old man, we have ST-like tech availbe to us, and we've been trying to spread that around to the locals.

We also happen to be really good at this whole killing-people thing."

Uso wanted to brag, She realllly did... it hurt a little having to maintain infosec, but she wasn't about to blab all of their growing list of enemies and outline every resource of theirs that was stretched thin.

"... and besides, this is all just fun-ware for around the home-front. Venting isn't an issue unless I'm moving around a lot or using stealth...and neither works too well when I'm clothed... though I've got some mesh pannels on here that do kinda help with venting in an overheat situation.

It is no worse than those old SAoY Bodysuits."

She raised an eyebrow at the results of her scans of Jack but did not comment further. "If you say so. I didn't think the 7s were meant for this long of a run, does everything still work? You could come back and get a tune up or something?" Chiharu smiled, teasing. "You are a long way from home, ever think of coming back?"

"What's that thing at the back of Jack's neck anyway? That's the second one I've seen this week and I don't recognize it as any thing NAM or otherwise, is that something you guys make?" Chiharu added with growing curiousity.

Jack raised a eyebrow at this comment, "Have you been scanning me? As for your question, it's called the Geist. It's a neural implant created by S6, that allows the user to control technology. As well as the ability to possess vehicles as a host." Jack's organic irises began to glow crimson before telepathically communicating, [I am more in tune with technology on a deeper level]

"Interesting. Bridging gaps. It can be worrisome as many nekovalkyjra and Yamataians are digitally minded. It would be unfortunate if a less ethical person got a hold of it," Chiharu commented thoughtfully.

"Jack... honey... don't go giving away information if you don't have to.

You can expect anything Chi sees or hears is on record. Digital minds mostly don't forget anything."

Uso paused for a moment, holding up her fingers and going point by point,

" - I still got a few miles left on this body
- Everything still works
- Being my own boss is fucking amazing
- and really what is there to tune up? I may actually be the single greatest combatant ever created."

Chiharu chuckled, "And you don't have to worry about sweating. You know how to do your own maintenace which is always good. How do you deal with the fuel thing? I don't remember if it breaks down after a while or if the body is supposed to reabsorb it?"

Jack crossed his arms, "Right, because it's not like don't need any help finding it."he said sarcastically.

"I'm still a penny-eater, I can form or break down anything I need," Uso replied, "And what about yourself? The cult of Chiharu has gotten pretty big..."

"Running for Vice Premier but otherwise, I've been on Virginia building refugee towns. Same old Star Army stuff. I was rolling around the fleet fighting Mishhu for a bit too. I'm still getting used to the Shintoism. I keep hearing people call my name or declaring submission and I don't know what to do but smile and bless them. Confusing stuff. But you use these guys as guards? From what? You can handle most anything and can fly.. mostly." Chiharu grinned as she smoothed a loose strand of hair behind her ear again.

"I started the group because I didn't like how things were, so I did something about it and worked to make the change. All for a better world, and a better home right. We're her guard because I respect Uso and quite frankly don't want anything to happen to her. If the USO lost her the other groups would most likely be at each other's throats for the seat." Jack grinned as well, not really sure what else to add.

"What's thing thing about economic collapse that has everyone in a tizzy? Why not get recognized as a Major Yamatain corporation? Or colony, for that matter? Then you could be backed by the KS and the empire," Chiharu watched them curiously. "There would be other benefits of course, as you might remember, Uso-san, if you made the request and declared yourself. Or course, there is always Nepleslia too but I am unaware of their laws concerning citizenship and corporations."

"But I am only a Kami. The Ketsurui Chiharu and for all of my infinte 'divinity', I can only answer prayers and give cryptic encouraging words to the people that seek it."The crimson eyed nekovalkyrja met Uso's purple gaze for a moment and smiled gently, awkwardly with a light blush on her cheeks. Chiharu had always been a reserved and private captain. Her reaction 15 years prior to being told that there was a ship named after her, the ship she ended up dying on, was turning a deepshade of red. "Anything more political at the moment requires Yuumi-san."

"And on the matter of answering prayers," Chiharu's silvery voice was filled with concern. " I heard that you do have Yamataians out here with IIS and at least one that is an intern. Are these people safe here or do I need to take them home with all the trouble and the man that kidnapped a child? I just wanted to know how we might be able to help out your people here."
"Ok, just to clear there air here. I CAN actually fly. Like actual flight. Not this fake-flight with gravity manipulation. You know you're technically just falling right? That's hardly flight....

Getting rid of the CRT's was a huge step down for your kind.

And needless to say we can handle a few roudy locals. You know Wazu's child-thing is running an army of killer robots here? I wouldn't bet on anyone else being able to punch their way in." Uso said.

"Wazu's child thing? What do you mean?" Chiharu asked, slightly confused. "It's good to hear the people are safe."

"He builds computers that he is oddly close with. Has a human body, calls him father, does the whole robot overlord thing in her spare time." Uso explained.

"Ah, I see. Is Harem going to have a heart attack if I contact him? I've already met his fiancee which is... interesting. I did not expect to hear his name from her lips," Chiharu shook her head and chuckled again.

"Pretty sure he still thinks you're dead.

I feel like there should have been like... a news something.... 'Chi's not actually dead guys'."

Uso thought about it for a moment, "He's survived worse."

"We announced it during the Premier run announcement on New Year's Eve. Dramatic reveals, I guess. I'm stick in dresses for the time being for appearances. I'd rather be in a bodysuit or pants with a gun on my hip again but, have to live the legend, I guess?" Chiharu shrugged. "I don't think after Ralfaris, any one would have believed it unless I actually talked to them. I heard Alexis was running around Kyoto for a little while from Michiko." Her eyes moved back to Jack with a kind smile. "I apologize, I imagine that must not be what you were expecting."

"To be honest I don't know what I was expecting. I've met figures like miss Bhelith in person, and government officials of the I'ee, and union. All were different experiences, though people forget those we see as VIPs, important, officials, and other figures of high standing are still people. Who's this Ralfis you mentioned? And I don't know about any corporate war." Jack replied giving thoughtful look as he evaluated what was said.

"That one is from a while back," Uso replied, "Probably before your time, you were... what, on nepleslia a few decades ago?"

"Yamatai actually, as wasn't moved to Nepleslia's orphanage system till their succession from Yamatai. Some times I feel the other way would have been better." Jack gave with a slight sigh.

"Cool, you should remember some of that then. The 4th fleet rebelled against Yamatai for the second time right? QIS was behind that, another planet not liking the deal they had made with Yamatai and decided to break away. Teleported the whole planet out of there.

Wazu had a hand in that. Vier's predisessor helped run the place, and he built the teleporter that moved the planet... used the thing to save them during the NMX war eariler.

They then kinda all teamed up with the NDI against the ancients a bit later... its a whole thing. Long story short, the NDI aren't really a thing anymore, nor is Ralfaris, but Wazu blew up a star as part of that. What else do you want to know?"

"What's this about a corporate war?" Jack asked giving Uso a raised eyebrow.

"I was out of the loop on what happened there but our friend, Harem's mother was murdered." The red eyed nekovalkyrja explained as she tried to decide on how to word it. "QnS was working with the Kitsurugi Fleet Yards on ship designs for the Grand Star Army, Uso probably has a better understanding on what actually happened. I had been given command of the 2nd fleet by that time and I was killed over the planet, Ralfaris during the 4th Elysian War."

"Ha, Wazu's an engineer, not a politician. Offically no one knows who ordered the hit but unoffically there are maybe 2 or 3 people who have the motive and the capability to employ Eve as an assassin.

It was pretty fucking clear who had her killed, and Wazu took the hint to step down.

After that the Qel'Norans started running QIS and the 4th. Needless to say you put some cold blooded lizard in charge of the whole thing and they start taking mama Yui's intervention a lot less well than Wazu did." Uso said, pausing for a bit,

"You know... then comes the pew pew shooting parts."

"I have still yet to meet this Wazu, but you talk about him a lot. Having got to know Vier, the man is a prodigy with tech. This is a lot of Yamatai history your dropping on me. Did you actually participate in these events?" Jack says scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm... GSS Yui for the start of all this, briefly in the 4th fleet, went independent after that so I missed most of the rebellion bits, joined back up with QIS after the split and ended up serving with the SAoY when they all teamed up with the Nermians.... then back to independent stuff for a while... then mercinaries, then this planet, then you Jack." Uso replied, "Oh, Chi was on the Yui too. Back in the early days. That's pretty much how we all know eachother."

"Oh, right, I'm also a better power armor pilot than any of these new kids in their mindies...." She paused for a moment, "But I think that's a whole different conversation. Remind me to bring it up later." Uso still felt the need to explain,

"Pretty much EVERYONE learned how to fight by watching the Nermians. They've got plenty to teach you too."

""Then you, Jack", you actually make me sound as if I'm important. And what exactly about fighting do they have to teach me?" Jack asked.

"Dood, everything. Onion model, Power armors, manuver warfare... I can't stress enough how just about every concept for warfare comes from the Nermian Marines. We really should do some ground combat exersizes sometime soon." Uso replied.

"Ah so we.have them to thank for revealing Candon's weakness to datapads." Jack joked with a chuckle.

"... is that actually a thing?" Uso asked, "Can always use dirt on our local superspy."

"I think he has a scar still. Next time he pisses me off I'll through a pad at him. Void knows I don't need them anymore." He said still jokingly.

Chiharu had listened to the excahnge curiously and politely quiet. "Uso served aboard my ship, the GSS Yui during the 4th Elysian war. She has been a part of much of history, more so than myself because, she has endured through it, miraculously, in her original body, vents, fuel production and CRT, and all. There is something to being of an older generation, but the trick is to not let the kittens see too much of your hand." She smiled at Jack.

The Ketsurui shifted her attention back to her old friend. "Uso, you said Jack will be taking over for you one day? Are you retiring some where? Younglings then?"

"Ha, Nope. Running out the clock on this body on my own.... though yeah, Jack's running things around here more or less. Everyone has their own little empire of sorts but for a few more years at least they are all working with me."

"It's nice you have confidence in me boss, but are sure anyone else would follow me. Are you sure we can't find a solution to your body situation? I respect you too much to let that go easily." Jack said now looking at Uso with an expression of worry.

"And what? Spend the last few years of my life struggling to get some genetic tampering done by PNUgen? Or worrying about the future? Sounds lame." Uso said, crossing her arms and looking away from Jack.

"And you want me to just accept you dying? Because I'm already worrying for the future. Worrying about you is not something I want to add to that list. Boss, I owe you a lot. If I hadn't come here, id probably be dead. And if you hadn't given me the ability to start what section 6 is today, I'd still be a cold hearted bastard who didn't care about living, and I'd would have still ended up dead. I don't want to see you go." Jack said crossing his own arms, but faced the turned Uso.

Uso turned her head slightly to get a sidelong look at Jack, "Learn to let go of things Jack. After all, do you really want to live forever?

When I die, throw a big party." Uso said.

"It's a rare thing for a NH-7 to live a singular life to the very end. I think, that perhaps, the end isn't so near. PNUgen is gone and we're a species now. We are not hardware. I do not want see my friend end in such a way but if she wants to just wait for the sands in the hour glass to run out, I want to support her," Chiharu added softly. Her gaze shifted back to Uso. " I would prefer it if she lived but it is her life. I understand well what happens to people that are left behind when you are gone for good."

"I'm not eager to die either, but but it isn't like they make an off switch for my bodies' kill switch." Uso replied, arms still crossed.

"Let me dig through the archives to see if I can find one in the programing. KZ absorbed the old files and the project, perhaps, on Yamatai I can find something that can help that doesn't result in you having to upgrade," Chiharu suggested.

"Thank you miss Chiharu, and I understand. I was just hoping to break the pattern. Almost every man, and woman I ever called friend, or respected have died. I'm tired of people dying with me to continue on. Besides, if your gone boss, then who am I gonna pull off crazy plans with huh?" Jack asked having given Chiharu a bow of respect and thanks, before turning back to Uso at the last part with a grin.

"If Zeke were here, We'd have insane plans and booze covered. That is if I could keep him from flirting with ya." Jack added.

"Hm, maybe this isn't really my scene anyways." Uso said, on the defensive for once. "Jack, do make sure that Chi gets a good view of whatever she wants, I should take care of some other stuff... maybe we can meet back up to eat soon?"

"Sure, need me to call a ride, or are you good?" Jack said inwardly worried still.

"I got this," She replied, heading for the door.

"Of course." Chiharu watched Uso walk away before she returned her attention to Jack again. "Okay, Jack, what is there to see? I haven't been away from Yamatai in a bit, so I guess, show me the sights?"

"Yeah, we got parks, restaurants, facilities, a school, and Nath tower. Any particular preference in transportation?" Mark asked Chiharu after giving the back of his neck a rub.

She shook her head. "No preference in transportation. I guess, you can show me the facilities and the parks? I'm not horribly picky."

"I guess we'll take the car.", Jack said as his organics irises glowed crimson, "Which is now on its way. It will meet us out front, so shall we head to the elevator now miss Chiharu?"

Chiharu nodded. "Of course. I'd rather not jump off a building," she chuckled a bit. "Your company invented that Geist unit. It's a chip that acts a direct neural interface with all technology?"

"Well, saying we are a company implies we are about generating a profit. It would be more apt to say we are a government entity geared towards a common goal. To build a better home, through R&D and tactical actions. The Geist was one of Section's larger creations. Only five people who have obtained one." Jack answered as they headed to the elevator.

"In Yamatai, we have laws to promote the economy that prohibits us as a government from producing our own technology. We do recognize major corporations and buy our technology from them under technological restrictions. We haven't had a corporate war in a decade... but I think we cheat considering we are technology," Chiharu smiled a bit. "Most companies don't generate a profit at first. It takes time to get out into the market. My half-elfen friend seemed to find you well enough from the other side of the sector to get that chip from you."

"Yes, well, I make it clear to those that request one that it's a big decision. All implants are put into a pre-ST body. The scarring, and something I will, personally, never forget. I am glad to have heard that she dealt with her intruder. I blame myself, and all security and anti-hacking measures were upgraded. We had also sold her arms, armor, a vehicle, and an advanced custom cybernetic leg. Thanks to Lukina, we were able to establish relations and were granted a merchant charter. The Lord she serves was kind of an friend of mine, and now he's a lord. I still remember the day SABER rescued him on their first mission, back when we didn't have our own developed gear and was only a five man team. We have grown greatly since then. He is not so much a friend anymore." Jack looked emotionally pained as he spoke of the Glass incident, then a slight smile as he remembered the early days of Section 6, but was agitated slightly as he spoke of Creature's loss of friendship.

"Why do you say that he is no longer your friend? If you have ties that were forged that strongly, surely, they aren't so easily torn asunder?" Chiharu considered him and the wealth of insight she was getting from this one encounter with Jack. The measure of him and what he valued. "Lukina walks a path similiar to her matron but the way forward will always be covered with blood, if things continue as they are. Your path is complicated, it doesn't have to be soaked with blood. You are willing to fight to protect your family and your planet's future, sometimes, the choices we have to make as leaders make us question our morality."

The red eyed nekovalkyrja gave Jack a reassuring smile. "You sound as if you are shouldering a lot of burden, and responsibility of things that are just beyond your control. It means that you are a good person. You are beyond whatever you think people have made you to be. I think, even the darkness of your heart made flesh isn't beyond hope of redemption. No one is all light or darkness, it's not that simple."
"My past was a flood of blood, I have things that I regret and haunt me to this day. I do not call him friend anymore since he actually considered giving my son away to that monster, and shot me to boot. I have no illusions of being a good man, I will still fight my enemies with zero regards for their life. I am nothing more than man who thinks he can out run his sins, and is trying to make sure the bloody pages of the past don't bleed over to the new." Jack finished as the elevator ride ended, to casually walk across the semi-busy lobby which had the statue of Uso at its center. They made their way outside, a emrys hover car waiting, "I'll take the wheel miss Chiharu. As the only passenger, any seat would be appropriate." Jack added as he took the empty driver seat.

Chiharu followed after Jack, taking a moment to appreciate the statue of her friend before she entered the car. She demurely settled into the passenger seat in the front, adjusting the hem of her dress over her legs as she slid into the car beside Jack. She fastened the seat belt and thought about this new fragment of information. "There might have been a reason for why he did those things. But war... we all do things that haunt us. It's not nice and neat, it's quite messy as you know. There is no outrunning the past- it is always with us. The only thing we can affect is our future and the path we take to get there. The book of my life is also stained with blood." She added softly as she watched the man beside her.

"It is my hope, that my nation can learn from the mistakes of the past and move forward into a better future. Yuumi and I are relics of Yamatai's bloodier and more brutal past but we both want something better than a nation of graves. I have hope for us. There is something in regret for your actions, as much as you might deny it, such a heavy heart indicates otherwise- you have a good heart, Jack Pine, otherwise, it would not hurt you so much. A bad person is not haunted by the bodies left in their wake." She placed a soft hand on Jack's forearm for a moment, warm and reassuring. "Please trust that I have seen enough death and war since my creation in YE 03 to understand the weight of your heart on this."

"And that is why I built Section 6, to build a better world. First step is to get my son back and bring Psychopomp to justice for their crimes. Then we build, any and every way to make life better."

"It's a good step to take. Psychopomp took your son? What is that?" Chiharu asked softly.