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RP [USO X Heartbreaker] I'm Still In The Murder Business

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Well-Known Member
Beginning of the New Year, YE 39 - I'ee Home System, Ee'ee - Near Kebrenasse -
YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge - 1300 Hours

"Ambassadors, we appreciate the escort. And tour. Your home system seems quite...unique. And free of Mishhuvurthyar. Excluding debris, of course." Sally and Yui had been admitted to the Bridge of the retrofitted Yui once again, as the Heartbreaker was guided through the system by the small fleet of seemingly mismatched I'ee ships, apparently all from various different factions and families. All wanting to either show their new friends around, or keep very close tabs on them. "It appears your...allies...performed the job you paid for quite admirably." The disdain in Taii Tsukisaki's voice was easy for the crew to pick up, although the aliens were likely oblivious. "I cannot wait to meet them." She sounded positively delighted.

The Star Army ship slowed to a halt near the small, uninhabited planet Kebrenasse, not yet cleared to approach the main homeworld Ee'ee. First, they had business with representatives of a certain Organization that had supposedly wiped out the NMX fleet harassing the I'ee. And now claimed to have information relating to the current status of some survivors that were holed up in the Outer Graveyard area of the system, likely gathering their strength for another assault on the unfortunately outmatched I'ee.

While they had been defended from the NMX fleet by mercenaries, Freespacers and other unsavory sorts, with the arrival of Star Army much of that support had dried up. Even one small ship was enough to ward off some of the more overtly criminal elements, while others were discouraged by the promise (or threat) of more Yamataian involvement in the area. And still more simply thought Star Army could easily handle this problem themselves, seeing no reason to waste their time, especially without the promise of loot and plunder.

So, the few mismatched ships that arrived, with their own escort of I'ee, did little to impress or reassure the Captain of the Heartbreaker. "Funabashi-Hei, open channels and hail the...I'ee's...allies. Main screen." Valesti seemed reluctant, or unable, to refer to the group by name. Her hand gripped the hilt of a sword attached to the side of her command chair, face locked into a scowl that was a familiar sight to the Heartbreaker the image of an unfamiliar face that accepted the hail appeared on the huge display, rebroadcast to another screen the ship's MEGAMI had created for the crew in their Wardroom.

This thread is open to all members of the Heartbreaker and 188604/USO plots. If any other characters wish to join, please PM me or post in the OOC thread to make sure there will be no complications. Later in the plot, the thread will be opened up to even more involvement from other factions and plots. I hope we can all have a good time together!

Map of Ee'ee System:
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Alex was the only person in the room when the hail came through. As he pushed a button that was lit up, presumably an indication that it answered the hail, an image popped up onscreen.

Displaying a small, tidy bridge, the most prominent feature of the image was the figure at its center. A neko sat in a chair on the bridge in uniform, with white hair to match her frosty attitude and frown.

In contrast, all other end of the hail would receive was an image of a tall, skinny young man wearing a grey and orange pilot suit, with frumpy medium length dirty blonde hair. He wasn't too harsh on the eyes either.

Alex shyly grinned at the chance to meet new people, waved and said "Hello!" Before settling in a comfortable stance.
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Troll mode Arccos:

A few moments after Alex answered the call, Arccos stepped into the room. Clad in a pair of tight fitting shorts and a tank top, with a towel slung around her shoulders, her hair was wet giving it an odd sheen to its normal lusterless white. She was careful on walking in that she didn't enter the camera's field of vision, instead she just seemed to the various Star Army personnel on the other side to be a disembodied voice speaking from out of frame.

"Alex, if you're calling those comm-chatlines where they get a nekovalkyrja in uniform to talk down to you? You're paying the associated fees."
Ee'ee System - Kebrenasse

The I'ee fleet was a modest assortment: Four cogs, six corvettes trailing far behind and a large number of gunships. One of the golden Ee'ith patrol crafts was also following the Yamataian craft, though all of the I'ee vessels kept a respectable distance from the Heartbreaker. Kebrenasse was a lonely, rocky dwarf planet with only trace amounts of atmosphere detectable, pockmarked with craters and coloured a dull brown. In general, it was your average, quiet space rock. The only real item of note was a small I'ee satellite orbiting around it, presumably used for communications.
In addition, near the USO vessel could be seen another I'ee corvette in escort position.

YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

With Yui standing off to the back, quiet and reserved as per usual, it was up to Sally to bring some life to the Heartbreaker's compliment of steely servicemen. "You are welcome, Taii!" she had chirped happily in response to Tsukisaki's observations, blissfully ignorant of her tone of voice. "I am glad that the occupation has been lifted so swiftly! I just hope no one got hurt! I'm looking forward to meeting them as well!" The I'ee ambassador watched curiously as the hail went through and Alex appeared on the screen, staring blankly at him with her head tilted. When Alex smiled, though, a bright smile of her own appeared on her mask. "Hello!" she squeaked back to him impulsively, raising an arm and waving to him. "My name is Sally! It's nice to meet you!"

Queen's Slave - Bridge

Shortly after Sally spoke, sounding over the top of Arccos' voice, was an elated squeal as Sammy came on screen, blocking the camera view. "Is that one of my sisters?!" he squeaked, a grin displayed on his mask. "Oooh! Sally! Is that you?!" Sally's reaction was just as obnoxiously excited; even Yui tottered forward, squeaking happily. "Sammy! You're ok! I'm so glad! Sammy, we saved the alien and the rest of her people! She's my friend now!", Sally jabbered, at which Sammy hopped up and down in front of the camera, both wasps letting out childish 'yay's of delight. In the background, behind Alex and Sammy, Gut-Stripe lurked, her yellow body markings painted over with blood-red, as per her usual style.
Edtoto sat in the Wardroom, watching the screen. She had no idea what was going on, but there was little she really knew. Even with the treaty between her kind and Yamatai set in place, she was still an officer only by rank, not by position. It was fine for her, she didn't exactly mind and while she was given freedoms around the ship like any other person stationed aboard it, she knew there was the ever present MEGAMI watching her at all times.

When she saw the boy on the ship, she covered her eyes with a hand and sighed, shaking her head. "This.. Cannot be a thing. Why is there a child on the bridge of a star ship? Why is there only a child on the bridge of a star ship? I do not see the Taii being to pleased with this kind of greeting. I don't recall her being too especially happy regarding the meet up regardless" She added, looking up at the screen.

Then the woman appeared. The alien actually snorted at the comment, using both hands to snap her muzzle shut despite not needing it to be open to make sounds, a strange chaffing sound emanating from the lizards throat. "Oh by the black this is going to be interesting" She managed to say, shaking her head. "This, will most certainly be interesting. Cannot wait to see the reaction of the Taii to this ram shambled group. Makes me upset the VDTF had such a hard time dealing with the Mishhu on the Station."
SHS Jessitha - Bridge

Groundbreaker 'Queenie' Eight-Four entered the conference, seated in the titanium-framed, black carbon chair that sat before the cameras in the broadcast studio of the SHS Jessitha, a nomad-class corvette. Her pose was a bit more reserved than the average starship captain, though she still had one hand on the arm of the chair, leaning in. Walls of corundum glittered in the background, under a careful play of light, and in the background, ceramic wind chimes could be heard ringing faintly over the fading sound of a small gong.

With her silvery skin, delicately exotic cybernetic eyes and ears, and magnificent mane of cybernetic blue hair, and even the bodysuit she wore, programmed to display a celestial vista, perhaps it wasn't surprising that Queenie could be confused for a princess. The Hive was a democracy, though, she was just a diplomat, and her whole set-up just seemed to say, 'I'm here for a chat.'

Smiling as she entered the call, she sent a side transmission to the Queen's Slave, first. "Don't worry, I'll pay for him. It's something to do." She addressed the Heartbreaker's crew, verbally, next. "Konbanwa, YSS Heartbreaker, on behalf of the Shravana Hive colony. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Seeing as the I'ee had turned up and identified this as some sort of official waspy business, Arccos gave a little groan and crossed the room. Ducking to bob underneath the camera, so as to only give the Heartbreaker's various crew the view of the top of a head of snowy hair and nothing else. Taking up the communications systems to monitor for electronic intrusion, and see what she could see, Arccos took a position and didn't say anything else.

Over the Polysentience however, she responded to Queenie.
With Arccos's suggestion, Alex cocked his head in puzzlement.

"Why would anyone want to be talked down to? That's rude."
Heartbreaker, Bridge

Tsukisaki seemed a bit confused by the unassuming, somewhat plain face that responded to her hail. That was not who she'd been expecting at all. The Captain opened her mouth to respond, but was beaten to the punch by the friendly I'ee. She returned to frowning for a moment, waiting for Sally to finish before attempting to speak again. "...greetings, I am-" She was immediately cut off by the appearance of another equally excitable I'ee on the other ship. Valesti's mouth closed and twisted into a grimace as she watched the two creatures happily cavorting while jabbering back and forth. The comments from off screen caused a flush of anger to appear on her normally pale cheeks.

She remained silent for the moment, although there was an audible creak from the firm grip she was taking on the sword hilt jutting out near her command chair. The image being projected shrank to one half of the screen, as another ship joined the conversation. The appearance of the Freespacer was not exactly reassuring, but at least this was someone that spoke somewhat properly. "Greetings...representative of the Shravana Hive." That seemed safe and neutral enough. "I am Taii Tsukisaki Valesti of the YSS Heartbreaker, representing the Star Army of Yamatai. If you are allies of the I'ee, then-"

The Captain cut off with a grunt of annoyance as Alex piped up again, as the view of him not already blocked by Sammy was obscured further by someone's head bobbing past the camera. Usagi and Rin exchanged looks across the Bridge as the Taii worked to dial her expression down from a snarl to her standard scowl.
As Alex noticed the expression on the face of the white haired captiain, he frowned.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, "Why do you look so angry?"
Heartbreaker, Wardroom

Hasewega walked into the ship's wardroom to take a break from making sure all was well on the little piece Yamatai sovereignty and see who exactly they were dealing with. There had been some rumors circling around that they was apparently some group of thugs and bandits who formed their own little nation state and were helping the I'ee for some reason.

Noticing Edtoto, she made her way over to where the vekimen was sitting before looking up at the screen and seeing the kid. "This is a joke, right?" She asked to reptilian friend with a mix of disappointment and bewilderment. The kid looked like he barely hit puberty and yet here was seeming to be the one talking with the Taii. "I was expecting someone a bit more... taller and menacing, seeing as how we're dealing with some ramshackle despotic fiefdom of criminals..."
Freespacers and other unsavory sorts

"It's a part of the appeal. The stern, haughty Neko fascist disciplining the naughty, uncouth savage from a lesser civilization? Some people go absolutely fucking apeshit for that." The voice that traveled through the comms channel was all but identical to the teenager in the chair despite the fact he hadn't moved his lips, all though the innocent, clueless tone that Alex held was replaced a smug, mocking inflection.

A second later someone the spitting image of the blonde boy occupying the center of the screen sauntered up, leaning over the chair that his duplicate was occupying. Wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, the sheen of sweat that glistened on his body indicating he had probably just got back from working out. Eyes the color of a terrestrial sky on a clear afternoon locked with the Taii's, his face plastered with a smirk that matched his tone.

"I bet she wants to tie us up and give us a thorough dressing down for glancing at the NMX flee without the Ketsurui's written permission." Despite the suggestiveness in the freespacer's voice, the look in his eyes was nothing if not hostile. "I know you guys tend to prefer severe, collective punishment when the NMX involved Tsukikaki."
Akemi silently floated into the room so as to avoid disrupting anything with his presence that he might enjoy walking in on. "Daaaaaaamn," was the essence of what he thought when he noticed Arccos in her outfit or her lack thereof.

When he saw Alex at the screen he hovered over and looked over his shoulder. Seeing that he was speaking to a high ranking officer the Neko swiftly mentally tried to call up a large volumetric display of what was on the monitor and asked the ship to focus a camera on him to take over broadcasting visuals. "Hello there captain, my name is Koga Akemi," he said in a brisk, authoritative voice with his arms crossed in front of him. "As the head of my royal house I apologize for this lowly serf being the first to address you. I hope he hasn't caused you any irritation. Being a former soldier of Yamatai I naturally hope our two kingdoms may establish very healthy and robust relations."
"I think we'd all like to see Yamatai establish healthy relations with our resident king of a brothel."

The automationist interfaced with the camera with his mindware, bringing the camera back, sliding behind the chair, sitting in the opposite direction to obscure his body.

"You seem like the perfect fit for the mission. I'm sure you spend a lot of time in places like that."
Alex spun around and pulled Jason from out behind the chair. He sighed and began to explain the situation.

"I'm sorry, I never introduced myself. My name is Alex, and I'm a mecha pilot for the USO. And this..." At this he gestured to Jason. "Is Jason, my... brother. I think that he's been trying to make me look like I've been saying things that I haven't."
Akemi simply remained composed and stately. "Neither of these two represent the honorable house Koga. Regardless of what Jason says empress Uso has granted me kingship and thus I am confident I am of sufficient rank to speak for her. Why she keeps them around I do not know. Perhaps they are meant to serve as jesters and oddities given their identical appearances."
"Storming NMX carriers without getting cut in half, mostly." The pilot replied to Akemi with a wry grin. "Besides, slave is a pretty time-honored position in Yamatai too, don't knock it, Koga. I hear they let Neko's into it right out of the tube." Letting out a yawn, Jason stood up to stretch, recalling the title he had 'earned' the day they first met. "And as chancellor of Uso's court, I feel between the two of us we're using just the right amount of asskissing and pleasantry that the empire is accustomed too. So, on to business..."
Alex looked at the two in confusion. "What are you two talking about? Aren't we supposed to treat them as equals? Isn't that what people do?"

Alex was confused now, and began to become nervous. Was he supposed to be doing something different?
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