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RP [USO X Heartbreaker] I'm Still In The Murder Business

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YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge

The other projected characters faded away as the Captain regained her composure, until only one was left. The black, inky thing was projected right above her right hand, large enough to be more easily seen through the video feed than the earlier scrawl: 任 nin, duty. Obligation. Responsibility. "Taii Tsukisaki Valesti, of the YSS Heartbreaker." She responded, cold and robotically, as Alex prompted her for her name, the projected Yamataigo character suddenly vanishing. The steady image of the Freespacer on that half of the screen seemed to be the picture of peace and stability, compared to the chaos spreading from one ship to infect the other, as Valesti realized Sally had returned with more crew members in tow.

As the Taii spared a moment to glower at Edtoto and Hasewega, she looked down at her console, fingers flickering over the surface. Suddenly, a large Star Army logo appeared over Akemi's face, blocking it from view. As he continued to solicit the Captain, his voice was lowered and then muted. Everything was still being recorded and monitored by Usagi, who was biting her lip and shaking in her chair. Although, on the other end, none of this could be known. There was another glance at Rin, as Eisei made her appearance. Another search conducted, although Rin simply shook her head at the findings. Tsukisaki quietly looked them over for herself as the situation on the other ship continued to worsen, grunting at realization of where the former NMX Neko had come from.

Flicking the information away from her console, she listened as first Corgan, then Cyrus took control of the situation. "Mercenaries." The word had a touch of venom to it, although she didn't have the look of disgust that had so far been saved for Jason and Akemi. The introduction of Edtoto, first by the I'ee and then the Vekimen herself, gave the Captain time to compose herself yet again. She may not have a high regard for the PMC, but they were professionals, after all. They could understand things like negotiations and chain of command. They could be reasoned with.

"Officer Sivaro is correct. You are a welcome addition to the conversation." She finally stood from her command chair, leaving the sword behind for the moment, taking control of the situation again. "General Marshal, I am Taii Tsukisaki Valesti of the YSS Heartbreaker." She certainly did enjoy repeating that. "We have recently had several encounters with the I'ee. As have you and, it seems." She gestured towards Sally and Yui, and then Sammy. "As formal negotiations of a treaty between our peoples began, we came to understand that we shared a common enemy in the Mishhuvurthyar. As military men, I assume you harbor no love for the NMX either." She looked over the three representatives that had come forward.

"Star Army offered to assist in removing the NMX infestation from the I'ee home system of Ee'ee. Only to realize a...private force...had already supposedly eliminated the main threat while we were negotiating." And assisting the Vekimen with repairs and recovery, although there was no need to explain that now, to these people. "Instead of sending a fleet for a battle that was supposedly already won, we were instructed to investigate the situation ourselves, as the nearest Star Army vessel." She crossed her arms over her chest. "During our tour of the system, the I'ee were very eager to introduce us to their other allies..."
Commotion mostly subsided and some form of peace finally settling in once more, Eisei Eguchi had a better opportunity to awaken and grasp at the fundamentals of the situation. Glossy amber eyes absorbed new information on these mercenaries, the tall monochrome lizard aliens, some kind of tall spacer ladyghost, a silver asteroid elf, a commander of her old ilk, and of course a gaggle of diminutive talking vespidae... A sigh, eyes now closing, mouth forming into a distinctly more compact, reserved grin.

-"As your hired security, I must inform you to please let me preview your calls, Akemi-sama!"- A wireless link, as she gazed at him with her arms crossed behind her back. -"These are dangerous sorts. Killin' and capturin' by orders and their own doctrine, you know... Best method of survival, I suggest escape by shuttle. They will most likely catch us, but being such merry fools, it is unlikely they expect us to board them with force!"-

A warm, sedate smile. The concept actively made her merry. It was the Star Army, after all, who taught them to have little resistance to the concept of murdering their own kind. What this situation potentially represented at it's worst was really just run of the mill to her.

Still, it would be nice to get to know this weird alien folks a little better. Sitting down and having some cake was kinda sorta one step up.
As Cyrus and Raph turned up to take control of the scene, Arccos withdrew her little hand puppet from the screen and returned to her seat at the comms console, still making sure to keep any identifying features out of frame. She gave a harsh little laugh as this Yamataian captain gave the Vekimen verification. Like they needed their permission to be correct about a bunch of nutbars like this bunch. It amused her that this one also wore her inner thoughts on her skin like that.

Maybe only the ones this repressed could make it that high up in the ranks.

"Well, the I'ee are pretty naive. And I doubt they know all the history and rivalry as to why it is that we wouldn't get along." She said again, off camera. "And trust me, I'd like nothing more than to get along."

"But it sounds like we have no official business whatsoever to discuss. And you've made it pretty clear that this is something you're only doing out of... I think that was the symbol for 'duty' you let slip on your hand, maybe because you have to remind yourself why you're forcing yourself to do this against your own better judgement... You don't want to talk to us, most of us don't want to talk to you, and without military cause to keep a discussion with Cyrus and Raph... Why are we continuing this punishment? The horrific disorder of our organisation raining down upon your head, blow after wretched blow..."

"It's just distasteful. To your sensibilities, at least."
SHS Jessitha

Queenie shook her head, and interjected; a bit shortly, despite herself. "I suspect they and I know what their business is here. This is about the remaining NMX nearby, is it not?"

Queenie spread her hands, vaguely, and a ghostly representation of the star system appeared superimposed on the lower half of the image sent by the Jessitha, depicting the planets in their orbits, the star glowing at the center, and a few points of interest labelled in small blue, red, or yellow text; which described the sites of recent battles, and the objectives of those fighting.

Notable for some, the map displayed no data on the remnants she mentioned, nor anything else less than a month old.
"Naw, we'll be fine," Akemi answered Eisei smoothly. "I'd love to board and plunder Valesti and make her take on plenty of water while I bury my treasure in her, but I think we'll be good. Thanks for dealing with that rascally rapscallion though. We're just supposed to meet some giant wasps for hugs and repairs. It'd sure be nice if these guys would come to our planet for some fun though. We could do much better diplomacy there. I guess if you'd like you can save the day and wake Uso."

While the Neko waited to see what would happen next he wondered what his native friends were up to. In case they were bored he called Smithee and Olena to tell them they could watch people flounder while talking to a representative of a very powerful space empire. He also gave them audio and video of what had transpired so far.
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YSS Heartbreaker, Engineering

Skade looked at the screen in confusion, listening to the other ship’s messages. Who in the heck to these people think they are? She thought. They’re just embarrassing themselves. Nepleslian marines have better manners.

Rolling her eyes, the leopard-spotted Neko turned to look at the Chief Engineer. “You think they are really that stupid or do they actually know something we don’t?”
Edtoto listened carefully, walking over to Usagi to look over her shoulder at her screen. She could see the conversations running much better here. When she saw something she didn't hear in regards to the Captain. She looked the message over furrowing her brow a little before turning to the Taii.

"Taii Valesti. It would seem the... Yamataian Male would like to board and plunder you. He made comments of making you take on water and burying his treasure inside your body. I may not be aware of something, but from my experiences, I am sure you cannot survive if someone where to bury large objects of value in your person. Should I prepare the Mindy's?" She asked, turning to Valesti. "It would be no problem..."
Moving silently, Gut-Stripe toddled over to Akemi's side and wrapped four arms around his face, covering his mouth and eyes. "Be quiet, Akemi." she scolded him, keeping his face covered in her embrace. With Cyrus and Raphael speaking to the Yamataians, Sammy had moved off-screen to Arccos and gave her a more friendly hug of his own. Similarly, aboard the Heartbreaker, Sally clung onto Edtoto with affection, squeaking softly to her while Yui stood off to one side, observing in silence.
Heartbreaker, Bridge

Tsukisaki glanced down at the comment from the unseen Arccos, unconsciously adjusting the way her arms were crossed to ensure her hands were covered up as she returned her attention to the screen. "I'm afraid the intricacies of the Mugen'Yoshu Senko would be lost on you." She then nodded at the Freespacer's remarks. "The representative of the Shravana Hive is correct. It is unlikely that their forces were entirely wiped out, and the Star Army knows better than to let any traces of the NMX linger. Indeed, the I'ee have already shared reports of sightings within the 'Outer Graveyard' region." She uncrossed her arms to gesture towards the proper section on the projected map...hands winding up clasped behind her back after.

"We have been given clearance to create a joint task force with the I'ee to hunt down and exterminate any lingering NMX threat. We have also been given orders to refrain from assisting certain organizations with any of their activities. would be prudent to be aware of the movements and operations of any of the I'ee's...unnamed allies, in order to prevent any unfortunate accidents, assist the I'ee to the fullest...and hasten our departure from the system. I hope I have made myself clear, General Marshal." Work together, without actually working together...or at least share enough information to stay out of each other's way.

Edtoto had moved across the Bridge while the Taii spoke, followed by Sally, who latched onto the Vekimen. That was watching the feed over Usagi's shoulder. The Neko sat up straight as Ed began talking, trying to cover the console with both arms. The almost pleased expression on Tsukisaki's face became a grimace, as the alien began repeating Akemi's words, which she'd obviously muted for a reason. "Thank you, Officer Sivaro." Now a frown, as Ed continued. "Thank you, Officer Sivaro." And now back to the full scowl, as she turned from the screen to focus on the Vekimen. "Thank you, Officer Sivaro." She cleared her throat and adjusted her uniform. "That will not be necessary."

Heartbreaker, Engineering

"I think they don't particularly like the Star Army, or Yamatai in general, and they're gettin' their kicks while they know we can't do nothin' about it." Sunny looked up from her work, offering the other technician a shrug. "They ain't gonna attack us, they'd have the whole fleet breathin' down their necks in no time flat. But they can hurl their insults and still be safe and sound." Turning to look over another screen, the ship's head Engineer frowned. "What in the...Funabahi-Hei, you seein' this?"

Heartbreaker, Bridge

Usagi uncovered her console, as Linn contacted her. She began looking over the incoming data, which Edtoto and Sally could also see. "There's a strange reading coming in from....the edge of long range scanners. Some kind of power fluctuation, or...radiation surge?" A few moments later, the other ships in the area began to pick up the unexplained readings on their own instruments, emanating from the distant edge of the system.
"Oh, I don't expect to know your rhetoric; but if you really thought I didn't understand, you wouldn't be holding your own hands right now." Arccos said from off-screen, as she pulled Sammy into a warm hug. Petting the fuzzy fur on him softly, and nuzzling her nose into that great spot between his big buggy eyes.

"You're actually not so bad, you know? 'tis pity you are who you are outside of what they made you to be..."

A few moments later, and Arccos' head swam with sensor info. A little sigh escaped her. She swiveled in her seat to look at Cyrus, still petting the wasp in a very easy posture. In actuality her body was just running on automatic cuddles mode at this point. Her mind was elsewhere, doing more important things.

"Sensors indicate some sort of large spike in energy coming from the edge of the system. Too steady to be an explosion, and too static to be a projectile. Probably some sort of weapons emplacement." She said flatly, "The Starmy is here to save the day, they have to save face after our rabble wiped out both Misshu fleets in about three minutes, and their commander is aggressive in temperament in accordance with standard procedure for Yamatai Military Doctrine. She's also been primed for giving us a solid reason to fear and respect her now that nationality, prestige and title alone has failed. This is combined with an I'ee escort, another incredibly aggressive bunch."

"They're most likely to charge in and address any potential threat with full force, the energy spike is massive and if they hang back for pride after hearing this it'll be shame upon them if inaction results in loss of life. I recommend letting them investigate and engage enemy forces while we bring in fleet assets from the midway marker to back them up, and in the interim request the Thi-thi to mobilize their upgraded ships to see what they can do. We don't want to have to fight any more fights for the I'ee, after all. They should have the power to kill Misshuvurthyar on their own."

"Chances are the grand starmy can handle this alone. However we should be poised for the unlikely scenario that they fail. Senting data to you all now..."

In the meantime, the others in the Queen's Slave would receive a quick message in text accompanying sensor daya. Sent to various datapads and mindware implants.

I recommend creating a strike team and sneaking around back in case it is a threat. See if we can steal that kill out from under them. If the Star Army treaties with the I'ee then the I'ee will be forbidden from formal contact with us. With that Vekimen on their bridge it's likely the reason we don't have functional mines anymore.
Edtoto just stared at the Taii for a moment, as the I'ee clinging to her gradually crawled up her body in a piggie back fashion to rest her chitinous head between Edtoto's horns. "I was merely making an observation for you safety Taii Valesti. The comment appeared threatening. However, I do not see the benefit of putting a wooden box filled with precious metals and geodes inside of you. It is clear it would not fit" She said, turning back to the screen, clearly unphased by the stern tone. She took a glance at the readouts on the sensors, examining them. Unidentified anomaly in space. She dug into her own knowledge, but given her kinds lack of physical FTL drives she didn't know what was going on.
While Alex was out and about flying his new variable fighter, he received a message from Arccos.

I recommend creating a strike team and sneaking around back in case it is a threat. See if we can steal that kill out from under them. If the Star Army treaties with the I'ee then the I'ee will be forbidden from formal contact with us. With that Vekimen on their bridge it's likely the reason we don't have functional mines anymore.

Alex was the closest to the threat, so sent a quick message back to her.

I'm coming back now.

After sending the message, Alex switched into fighter mode and sped towards the Queens Slave.
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The I'ee fleet escorting the Heartbreaker appeared just as confused by the distant radiation burst as every one else. Multiple transmissions zipped from one family's ship to another before finally, the fleet of I'ee vessels began to scatter in all directions. "Yamatai," one of the I'ee cogs addressed the Heartbreaker. "Detected signal is familiar. Possible long-range weapons' discharge. Advise shifting position." A similar message was directed at the Queen's Slave, whose own corvette escort was moving back to join the I'ee fleet in their evasive maneuvers.
Luckily for Alex, the Queen's Slave had plenty of space to store mechas and fighters so long as you didn't mind a short space-walk.

Unfortunately, weapons had yet to be installed on the machine.

Vier would then start exerting some of her own authority, moving the Queen's slave away from the energy source and back towards the edge of the system where it could use its FTL drive.

"Alex, please close range and investigate the suspect energy source."

Vier would then feed Alex the most direct path towards the readings, as well as begin positioning the 'Tanks a lot' in a static orbit between the I'ee home world and the reading. Junker drones that had previously been working on equipment for the I'ee began putting together what missiles and Fingle's Revenge rifles they had in preparation for a fast trip. She would then send a communication to follow Arccos'. For now this was sufficient, as she did not feel the need to introduce herself to the SAoY.

"It could take up to an hour for the Necromancer and Pumpkin Eater to get in position. We also did not detect any FTL exit or exhaust plumes. This implies that the detected object was already here prior to our arrival. We can arm Alex's mecha in fight, however Jason should also launch now."


Meanwhile, Uso was stretching out, towel wrapped around her body, her warm shower having come to an end.

A nice nap was awaiting her back in her bedroom.
"I could always arrange for natives to mine stuff," Akemi replied mentally while Gut-Stripe tried to silence him physically. Not one to simply allow himself to be ordered around Akemi spun about to aggressively tackle and hug the shit out of Gutty. Once he'd fastened himself to her he even levitated so he could get his legs in on the action. "No one tells me what to do you little slut."

Hopefully he'd bring the wasp to the floor without hurting her.
First Flight of The Unicorn

Alex wished that people would make up their mind about what he wanted to do. He was already within visual distance of the two ships.

Alright, but Arccos wanted me to come back first. In any case, my rifle and torpedo launcher are in the hangar. Could you send them out as well as a bit of extra ammunition?

Alex transitioned into mecha form for a moment, using the powerful leg thrusters to turn around and shoot a quick salute to the two small ships before flipping around and transforming back into fighter mode and shooting off on the path that Vier had sent him.

The path to the anomaly happened to go through massive debris field in the I'ee home system. Alex navigated it with ease, despite the complexity of the task, and corkscrewed along the path in order to throw off any potential incoming fire, dodging pieces of debris in his way with barely any room to spare.

He let out a whoop of joy at the freedom of flight. The U-1, dubbed the "Unicorn" by Uso, was perfectly in tune with him. Not surprising, considering that it had been designed with him in mind, but still it was impressive. He wouldn't have been able to do this in his old Gekido.
To the captain of the Heartbreaker's credit, besides the severity of the tone she had when addressing him and the look of utter contempt that the woman had in her eyes as she gazed at him, Tsukikaki didn't seem o lose her cool from the obvious baiting that Jason had attempted. There was no snide comment for him to make a rebuttal to or some stereotypical put down of wherever she assumed he hailed from for the blonde to act indignant about. The lack of getting that sort of rise out of her was a bit disappointing, but probably not something that he shouldn't have expected. She was the highest ranking officer on a lone ship sent to patrol the area of from what he could tell, given how long they knew the Mishuvarthyar occupation had been going on and the fact this it was his countries instead of a star army fleet that had ended it, was a fairly new addition to Yamatai's diplomatic partners.

Of course, she wasn't going to be the type get into a petty argument or a dick waving contest with him.

To the frame runners own credit he wasn't the type to wilt under the Nekovalkyrja's withering stare while she addressed the parts of his response that couldn't be entirely interpreted childish insults, acknowledging that being in Eeith space was quite possibly the only reason she wasn't involved in disappearing. On the other hand, she also made it clear NMX were Hostis Humanis Generis, and whatever threat that they thought their organization posed to the empire designs on the system were insignificant compared to the force that had once laid siege to Yamatai itself. At the end of the day, it didn't really matter what sort of force was throwing itself against the Mishhuvarthyar hordes. As long as you were willing to spend the blood and treasure to kill squids and kept to themselves, they were willing to look the other way.

Any fun he was having was immediately cut short by Arccos' reprimands, and at the mention of Lor his expression got serious. He didn't think that the heartbreaker would actually go that far, but it was always important to remember the golden rule. "Talk shit, get hit." Without prompting from his twin Jason removed himself from the room, presumably in the hopes that the removal of his presence would normalize relations between the two vessels. Oddly enough Alex didn't follow him out to give him a beating, all though the boy did leave down the hall seeming fairly disgruntled, saying something about not being able to deal with what was going in there. Any happiness at being allowed to get away with fucking with a Star Army Taii immediately disappeared as Arccos message transmitted explaining the situation as well as the over goal, following shortly by another from Vier telling him that she wanted his ass in the Seraphim and sortied as soon as possible.

On the one hand, I'm fond of any plan that lets the Star Army take all the losses to deal with this, not just because we're under gunned here and there the sectors most powerful military, but because we're still recovering from the last time we threw down with the NMX. We just saved the system, and our circumstances give us a pretty good ass covering for why we can sit this one out. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind swooping in to take advantage of all their hard work if we see an opening."


There were no theatrics when the second frame runner had finished his prep, torpedo launcher in tow and Gauss Cannon magnetically locked to it's back. He simply used the EMD to shift power to the thrusters but slowed down appropriately in the debris field that Alex had sped through, eventually coming to stop within it and shifting sensors with ranges measured in astronomical units in the direction of the disturbance.

So Alex, I know you're going to do what you're going to do, but hear me out. Pull back here and don't present yourself as a target yet. Yammie SOP means they'll have Mindy's on board, and those out-speed your fighter mode, are way agiler due to using combined field, and can fucking teleport. Their's also a lot more of them and they aren't as heavily armed as our frames, so losing them isn't as big as deal even if our only concern was winning this. Realistically speaking, even if they don't share info they gather with us they'll do it with the I'ee who will relay it our way. We should let them make the first probe, find out what sort of PD this packing before we settle on an angle of attack, IF we even need to do so."
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Heartbreaker, Bridge

"That is more than enough, Officer Sivaro. Hasewega-Hei, please accompany her to your proper station." Tsukisaki returned to her seat, looking over her console as the data was processed. She seemed to be ignoring the derisive comments from Arccos, focusing on the possible threat at hand. She looked up for a moment as one of the other I'ee ships shared their findings, wondering why their own liaison had not been on top of this...frowning as she realized Sally was instead on top of Edtoto's head.

"Readiness Condition 2. All hands to their stations." Red lights began flashing on the Bridge, klaxons blaring in the background, the scene repeated all over the ship. "Shields at full, adjust position...and end communications." She gave the screen one last scowl before the connection was cut, video and audio feed ended, the main screen now displaying pertinent data instead. Sensors showed the I'ee ships scattering, and the main vessel they'd been communicating/arguing with turning to leave the area. The modified Yui began to reposition as well, not quite following the other ship as they also began to leave Kebrenasse behind. Even further behind loomed Ee'ee itself, where other ships were rapidly becoming more active as well.

Usagi detected the two fighters heading into the Outer Graveyard and directly towards the disturbance, instead of maneuvering out of alignment with it, but merely forwarded the data to the Captain without commenting on it.

Outer Graveyard

One fighter rocketed through the debris field at the edge of the system, the second following at a more restrained pace. The energy signature was steadily growing, to incredible levels. Eventually a glow became visible, marking the location of the disturbance in the midst of all the scattered rock and metal, some debris far larger than any of the ships present. As the light grew stronger, it illuminated what seemed to be an asteroid obscuring the view of...something that resembled nothing more than an extremely large cannon with wings.

And as the cannon fired, everything went white.

The blinding light poured from the business end of the obscured weapon, instantly vaporizing any debris in its path. Alex saw his sensor readings go off the chart as the light approached, and although it wasn't aimed at him, his craft was close enough to feel some of the effects. As the energy streamed past, some sort of wake caught him, sending his fighter spinning away from the beam of light. Shields collapsing, electronics crashing and rebooting, while debris scattered by the same effect bounced off his shiny new machine. Further back, with slightly more time to react and better positioning, Jason was somewhat luckier. His own fighter pushed aside, shields and electronics complaining and sputtering, but barely staying online.

The beam of light left a trail of empty space, cleared of debris, as it raced towards the interior of the system. A few stray I'ee craft that had unluckily shifted into the path of the weapon were obliterated instantly, as the beam continued on. The only thing to finally halt the energy's path was Kebrenasse itself. The light carved into the surface of the rocky sphere, already marked with craters, its progress finally halted by the mass of the unfortunate little planet. Radiation exploded through the little atmosphere it had, earth and burning liquid rock erupting from the surface...chunks of the dull brown planetoid drifting off into space...

The smaller and less shielded I'ee craft were experiencing problems similar to Jason and Alex, while the other vessels simply watched their sensors go crazy attempting to measure the massive discharge of energy.
SHS Jessitha

Queenie had noted the Outer Graveyard region and focused her map on it, and added in the anomalous sensor reading as a purple cloud. In the meantime, Jessitha had started accelerating on the solar wind, travelling toward the anomaly along with the others, excluding the Queen's Slave, though the Jessitha was not outfitted for a high cruising speed, and continued to fall behind even after it had fully accelerated.

There was much going on behind the scenes, not just on the Jessitha itself, and not just after the call was cut short, the studio went dark, and Groundbreaker Eight-Four rejoined the ship's crew in their common area. The sad fact of the matter was, the feed the Shravana Hive had received of the 'negotiation' had already been seen by at least three dozen people, and most of them were forming opinions.

Though the Hivemind was far more conservative than the Polysentience, and checks were in place to ensure that not every member would be able to view the unsanitized footage themselves--Indeed, Queenie hoped it would stay in the ballpark of three dozen--it was not nearly restrictive enough to prohibit all forms of gossip and agitation. Instead, they had to address these the old-fashioned way... by coming up with an official statement before the rumours could get out of hand.

"Rest assured, we'll have no more dealings with USO until their discipline and personnel problems are solved," was the first of many such statements Queenie felt necessary to contribute. "We'll monitor the I'ee security situation, and keep an eye on the Star Army's involvement," was the consensus from Jessitha 67.
Queen Slave

As Raphael was about to answer, the weapon fired...

Cyrus shouted. "All hands to battlestations!"

Raphael looked to the sensors station and shouted. "We have signaled the Necromancer. Move to support the Heartbreaker.

Necromancer Bridge:

"Sir! We have received an SOS from the Queen Slave. A massive energy discharge was detected we have been requested as back up!" The communications officer reported.

"Damn..." Captain Ulysses Werner murmured. "Helm set course for I'ee system! Tactical prep all weapons. CAG prepare the fighters and drones. Systems prepare the shields." He ordered

"Aye aye!" The bridge crew replied. Werner nodded to the communications officer and she pressed a button at her station.

A klaxon sounded followed by... "General quarters, general quarters, all hands man your battle stations. Repeat..."
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