Star Army

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RP [USO X Heartbreaker] I'm Still In The Murder Business

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As the cannon fired, something seemed to go wrong with the Freespacer controlling the communications. Her arms seemed to tense around Sammy, fingers digging into his fuzzy wasp hair, before her whole body shook for a second or two as if she was having a seizure. And then she was just... Limp. Lifeless. Arms weighing down on Sammy from gravity rather than affection. Eyes open and seeing nothing.

Arccos just looked dead.

What had actually happened was that the remotely operated cheap cybernetic drone unit she'd been using as a virtual presence device was cut off for a second by the interference from the firing of the weapon. She just didn't bother reconnecting, instead returning her attentions to her real body somewhere in deep space. It took her a moment to reconnect in some way to the Queen's Slave, just to get a view of the system. Another moment to bounce a signal to about the only person she could rely upon to actively listen to her.


Fleet's on the way, but we're a way's out. Same time, they said they want to observe our movements and capabilities. I don't want them having any more information on my stuff than needed. Hold back, circle around behind whatever that thing is. It's big and following through on the Misshu's revenge attacks from when it fired missiles towards Ee'ee, and gun that big would have to be built into the entire superstructure of the thing. It won't come about to shoot at one or two small craft like yours.

Do what you like, but were I in your situation I wouldn't lift a finger to help that ship. Let them soften up the enemy.
Queen's Slave - Bridge

The Thi-Thi commander growled as Akemi tackle-hugged her to the ground, squirming about in his grasp. "Get off of me, you idiot!" she huffed in irritation. Her squirms ceased when she overheard the transmissions from the I'ee fleet, before redoubling her efforts to escape Akemi's grasp. "Off! Off of me!" she growled, not wanting to be caught cuddling in the middle of a battle.

"Arccos?" Sammy squeaked in confusion, a frown projected on his mask as he watched his 'spacer cuddle-friend spasm and go limp. For a moment, the Ee'ith was still. Cold and dead. Empty space. Mei's dead face. Sammy let out a piercing shriek of pure terror and anguish, flapping his wings and struggling out of the 'dead' Arccos' limbs and flopping down onto the floor. Lost in a malaise of traumatic memories and the grief of losing a friend, the ambassador scurried from the bridge in a blind panic, searching for a safe place to hide.


Two of the I'ee cogs and their escorts had been caught in the wake of the particle blast; the representatives of the Oo'tut and Eethie families dead in an instant. The remaining I'ee ships were trying to reorganise; the Ithit and Ithee ships took off using their FTL drives without a word, heading in the direction of Ee'ee. The remaining ships, belonging to Thi-Thi, composed of one cog, three corvettes and twelve gunships. Already, they were turning in the direction the blast had came from. "Yamatai, we must attack," the lead cog declared to the Heartbreaker, though the transmission was also extended to the USO vessel. "Ithit and Ithee send for help."

YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

"Oh, my goodness!" Sally had squeaked in horror, seeing the destruction from atop Edtoto's head, which made her cling on more snugly. Yui similarly let out a hiss of warning, shifting her stance restlessly. "Is there anything we can do, Taii?" Yui asked.
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As Alex spun out and the U-1 spluttered, he got Jason's message. When he sent a message back, it was accompanied by a mental sigh.

I can't do that. If I don't attack and keep whatever this is distracted, those Mindy armors will get slaughtered. Each of those might not be as bad as losing a frame, but they all have a pilot as well. If I die, one person dies. If some power armors get killed, more than one person dies. Keep dodging the shots and get ready to rendezvous , I need my weapons.

After Alex sent the message, he noticed another spike and spun away from the incoming shot just in time to avoid getting hit. As his shields began to come back, he shifted into mecha configuration for better maneuverability and kept evading while working his way back to Jason.
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Deciding to be a pal Akemi moved from one promiscuous wasp to the next. He gently unhooked himself from Gut-Stripe and smirked. "You know you liked it," he said before he threw a few Arcmarks and a cloth at her. "Wipe yourself off, your stinger is leaking. Have some dignity." Then he zipped off with his gravity control to grab Sammy from wherever he'd gone and bring him back to the main room. His intent was to restrain the little guy with a hug and carry him. "Dude she's not dead you silly little baby. She probably has more than one body and she moved her mind to another one or she's busy hacking or she's doing something else in the virtual world you can't see so she seems dead. I'm sure she's very much alive."
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Jason watched as the black void of space was beaten back by a heavenly glow like the birth of a new star, the frightening superweapon devastating everything in it's path. He completely lost any signal from the Unicorn as it was swallowed in the weapons wake, and even his own frame took a beating simply from being in the same general direction of the shot. Asteroids and ships vanished from mere contact with the beam, but to his horror, the target was no mere fleet.

Kebrenasse was just fucking gone.

He didn't need any of his files on Mishuvarthyar ship design, or anything else in the encyclopedia of starships fitted into his mindware calling up a blank for him to immediately realize this wasn't a normal NMX weapon. The M5 immediately set the M5's thrusters to full speed, desperately trying to get the relatively fragile titan compared to what it had just destroyed out of any danger zone of its main gun. It was a move as much out of a sense of self-preservation as it was an attempt to follow through on Arccos advice to circle around to the back of the craft.

Sure thing. I just watched this thing take out a planet, so I'm[ not in a rush to pick a fight with the forces we have on hand or do the Starmy any favors."

Unfortunately, it seemed as if his comrades weren't quite as eager to hold back, considering the message that Alex had sent him as soon he U-1's system came back online, his brush with near death apparently not dampening his fighting spirit. Briefly, the pilot considered simply not tossing his progenitor his weapons and all but forcing the guy to go along with his plan. Unfortunately, he knew there was a good chance he'd do something crazy and ineffectual like trying to punch it out of spite, plus carry his kit and the sword Jolie gave him was fairly cumbersome. Tossing Alex's weaponry through space, he settled for trying to appeal to his twins sense of morality.

Setting aside that you have absolutely no basis to predict how Mindy's are going to fair against their PA defenses or that your frames shields just go totaled, this is the star arm, they keep soul transfer backups for their soldiers. No one would lose their lives. On the other hand, plenty of I'ee could die if taking this thing comes down to us and we waste our resources. Cut around to it's rear with me, let your shields recharge and let the Yams throw themselves at it, make some Hit and Run passes with torpedoes instead of TRYING to make ourselves a target. Or you could drop the holier than thou act, charge in, and admit it's not about saving lives. It's about you needing to feel like a hero.
Queen's Slave

There would be a single text message on the terminal for both Cyrus and Raphael.

- This ship is not rated for combat. I would prefer it if you left the system.

And then one just for Raphael.

- Perhaps you should wake up Uso.

Vier would then quietly turn her attention towards the rest of the USO fleet. The Tanks a lot had already assembled what would server as its weapon package... a small grouping of reaction-mass tanks with a blob of Junker drones strapped on. It would be able to launch this make-shift missile by letting the Junkers push off and then aim the nozzle from a re-purposed engine to fly towards the battle area.

Vier would also start providing tactical data to the Necromancer, showing the location of the enemy weapon.


Hazel didn't bother getting dressed... a sports bra and some guy shorts being all that made it with her as she rushed towards the hanger deck of the Necromancer. The few remaining pilots of Hound squadron following suit, all eager to gear up and join the action. It didn't take long for her to get her helmet, and get on the all hands channel.

"What do we got?"

Vier's response would largely be text.

- Unknown weapon discharge in I'ee system. Weapon output is similar to a high end Aether Shock Cannon and was targeted at the I'ee home world. Beam-comp is similar to I'ee particle cannons. As we did not detect ingress of ships to the system from FTL, the weapon was likely already here when we arrived. I speculate the weapon is not NMX in design.

- Suggest not attempting to match speed with target. Fire rate of weapon is unknown, and enemy force strength is unknown, but expected to be small. Best approach should be from behind and at-speed.

- 'Tanks a lot' will position to intercept weapon fire towards Ee'ee. Likely number of successful intercepts: 1

- Be advised, Mecha team and SAoY units are already on site.
Alex took a moment to stabilize his craft and then caught the torpedo launcher and rifle, one in each hand. While the weapons were powerful, they looked diminutive in the hands of the larger mecha. However, Jason's message puzzled him. He pulled alongside Jason and transferred into fighter configuration, the arms and legs folding down underneath the body, the weapons coming alongside into position to be fired while in this configuration.

I'll go with your plan then, but what is a soul transfer?
YSS Heartbreaker - Cabin 3

Ingrid's snoring was disturbed as the Heartbreaker upgraded its readiness condition. The blaring klaxon summoned her out of her bunk and she stumbled blindly into the door as lightheadedness from getting up so quickly and the subtle sway of the ship performing military manoeuvres conspired against her motor control. She regained her orientation and then bolted for the armour bay to suit up.

She called upon the ship's MEGAMI to bring her up to speed. The brief quickly informed that the expected meeting with the I'ee's assortment of allies had taken place as planned, and it told her the unexpected news of a planet being broken. She ordered her SPINE implant to wake her up faster as she careened into the armour bay and prepped her Mindy as others came streaming in. The scramble left her little time to contemplate her mission loadout, so she was forced to arm with her science kit. She grabbed an Aether-Beam Saber Rifle instead of the LASR, however. It wouldn't quite cut apart a planet, but it could definitely dig a hole.

"Bridge," she hailed, "this is Blesi-hei. The armoured team is assembling in the bay. What are our orders?"

Don't flake out on this one, Ingrid, she told herself. The stakes keep getting higher and you can not afford to mess up this time.
Heartbreaker, Engineering

So, Skade thought as she slipped into her AMES, as red lights flashed and klaxons wailed, this is what it’s like to be on the wrong side of the big gun. No fun at all.

“Have you ever seen anything like that before, Sunny-heisho?” the technician asked, preparing herself for damage control. “That’s bigger than the aether shock array I saw one time.”
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Heartbreaker, Bridge

Hasewega nodded to the captain before stepping forward and resting a hand on Edtoto's shoulder. "Officer Sivaro, if you would please follow me." Despite asking, she didn't really wait up for the vekimen to follow her as she hurried her way towards the power armor bay.

As soon as she entered the room, Hasewga darted towards her armor and quickly prepped it before removing her belt and hopping in. She didn't notice if she'd left Edtoto behind or not yet, her mind was mainly focused on ensuring the Heartbreaker was safe.
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Queen's Slave - Bridge

Corgan was watching on a screen from behind Cyrus as the planet called Kebrenasse became a molten ball surrounded by a cloud of dust. "Now that is a big fucking gun." He said in amazement. "We need one of those. Too bad the kittens are here. No chance they'd let us get control of something that powerful. It's pretty damn ugly, though."

He sighed and looked around the room. "So we're probably going to do something stupid and try to engage that thing, right? That Yamataian ship can keep their attention. Maybe we can get close to that thing and board it. Probably takes forever to charge a weapon that can do that. But we have to stop it before it fires again. If they destroy the I'ee homeworld it's on us, and I couldn't live with that."

As soon as he'd finished speaking, Corgan walked out of the crowded bridge and headed towards the cargo bay, where his Impulse armor was at the moment. He started running system scans and making sure everything was in working order.


Heartbreaker Armor Bay

The Heartbreaker's resident android made his way to the armor bay. He was looking for Skade, although he would never admit it. She was the only crew member that didn't treat him like.. well, a machine. He didn't feel like just a tool anymore. Until a few month ago he hadn't even realized what these feelings were. The android had originally suspected faulty programming. After several hundred scans he had found no errors. Researching other androids produced by Yamatai, he had learned that this was relatively normal.

Takeshi would have frowned when warnings started going off if his mouth wasn't just decoration. He started to head to the Wardroom. Before he reached the door Hasewega burst through and didn't notice him. He followed her to her armor. "Hasewega-hei, what is happening? I just finished recharging and went looking for Skade-chan. No combat was expected today. Is this a drill?" He asked her worriedly.
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Heartbreaker, Bridge

"Funabashi-Hei, damage report. Get me Engineering. Linn-Heisho?" There was nothing for Tsukisaki to say about what had just transpired. Her jaw was set, eyes as cold as any of the crew had seen before, as she observed the destruction displayed on the main screen. "What do our sensors say? What type of weapon is this?" The Captain was pulled away from the data as Sally spoke up. "Remove yourself from Officer Sivaro's person and contact your kin. They plan to rush directly into the path of that weapon and attack."

Suddenly, Ochiko appeared, the MEGAMI seated upon enough cushions to reach Edtoto's head. Her projection appeared to be wearing a beekeeper's suit, complete with the big, screened hat. She plucked the I'ee down, cushions rapidly disappearing to lower them towards the ground. "Now is not the time to charge in blindly, yes? Convince them to delay their attack, yes?" She smiled through the screening, settling the creature in her lap before opening her gloved hands to unfurl a scroll. Yamataigo writing shifted into a projected screen and console, to let the Ambassador contact the other I'ee.


"That's gotta be the biggest boom I've ever seen. Must be a proper cannon. I know a few Neps that'd be tickled pink." Sunny grinned at Skade while stuffing herself into her own AMES. "I'm good here, grab your kit and get to the Bay. I've got a feelin' they'll need a Tech soon enough." She turned back to her console, responding to the Captain's call for reports, reassuring her that the Heartbreaker was fine.

Shuttle Bay

Veronika and Bettie arrived together, as crew members began rushing through the Shuttle Bay to the smaller Power Armor Bay. Kayoko went straight to her Kawarime, beginning to warm up the Heat of Fire. As their resident android questioned Hasewega, they heard the alarms change tone as the Captain's voice spoke throughout the ship.

"Readiness Condition 1. All away team members, report to the Shuttle Bay and prepare for assignment. Do not deploy until ordered. The extent of the threat is still unknown. Wait for further instructions."

Outer Graveyard

The I'ee ships had rushed ahead, already catching up to Jason and Alex, while the two paused to plan their approach. The Heartbreaker was following more cautiously, with the Queen's Slave lagging even further behind. Although communications had been cut once the attack had been detected, soon the Star Army ship was hailing the USO vessel again.

"We are attempting to discourage the I'ee from blindly attacking the unknown weapon. Your assistance in this effort would be appreciated. I believe none of us wish them to suffer further unnecessary losses." There was a pause, as the Taii was obviously considering exactly what she could or should say. "...this particular vessel does not appear to be combat focused. Returning to assist the I'ee on Ee'ee may be a wiser choice of action. However, if your...scouts...already deployed could relay their findings to us, that would assisting the I'ee."

The I'ee ships continued to close on Jason and Alex as the two began to circle wide to the side of the alien craft, mainly attempting to stay out the line of fire of that massive beam. It was easy enough to locate the danger zone, as it was completely empty of debris, compared to the rest of the area. More details became clear as they closed the distance...mainly that the strange craft appeared to be alone. No NMX ships escorting it, no Battlepods zipping about it. Simply the one huge asteroid that seemed to be sheltering it almost protectively, nearly wedged against the 'top' of the craft. As if something was holding it there....and, a few moments later, closer, it was easy to tell what that something was.

It was the biggest damn squid they had ever seen.

The bizarre creature was pressed tight to the alien weapon, rear tendrils wound all around the forward section of the craft, the massive creature almost fused to the oversized gun. And while the weapon's business end seemed inactive for now, the giant business end of the Megamishhu was quite busy. Tentacles that weren't holding fast to the structure were pulling the asteroid close, shoving it up against that gaping mouth. Chunks of rock hungrily consumed, disappearing inside of the living starship.

While the weapon had seemed almost dead after that huge burst of energy, a few signs of life were beginning to reappear. Faint at first, recharging at a trickling pace. But, the readings would jump a few hundredths or tenths of a percentile as each chunk of asteroid disappeared into that hungry maw of the beast attached to it.
YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

Sally squeaked in surprise as she was plucked off of Edtoto's head, appearing quite confused by the corporeal nature of Ochiko. "Um, yes! I'll do that!" she said, setting about contacting the Thi-Thi ships speeding away. "U-uum, Taii, the Thi-Thi refuse. They are determined to attack..." The ambassador paused, listening to the chattering coming from the other end for a moment. "They report that this weapon has claimed I'ee ships in the past, and do not want it to grow more powerful than it has already. They are afraid it will attack our home. They say that there is no retreat."

Queen's Slave - Bridge

Sammy squeaked when he was caught by Akemi, squirming blindly until he managed to get a good grip, at which the I'ee clung on tightly to him and buried his face into his chest. Gut-Stripe, ignoring Akemi's teasing, stomped over to Cyrus. "We must destroy that weapon before it can fire again." she declared.

Outer Graveyard

The I'ee ships sped past Alex and Jason, ignoring them completely, moving to attack the blue-hulled derelict and the large Mishhuvarthyar creature attached to it. While the cog and its gunship escorts moved in to attack directly, the corvettes each moved to take cover amongst the space junk floating nearby. Each of the small, long-ranged craft began firing their cannons, launching orange blasts that looked quite similar to those used by the super-weapon, albeit of a much smaller scale. The corvettes were targeting the asteroid being fed upon by the Mishhu, while the cog and its gunships began to shoot directly at the derelict cannon it had merged with.
For the most part, the attack was merely aimed at distracting the enemy and buying time for the main I'ee fleet to arrive, while hopefully causing some damage.
SHS Jessitha

"The Heartbreaker is hailing us, once more. Shall I respond?"
The transmission came to Groundbreaker 'Queenie' Eight-Four from Jessitha Six-Seven over the loudspeaker, not privately. What crew that were not at their battle stations were strapped into their seats in the common room, perhaps in the hope it might help if they ran into debris, for seatbelts were unlikely to be of much use if they came under fire from a weapon of the magnitude that they had seen. Several of the crew turned and looked at her for an answer, scrutinizing her reaction, which was likely the reason Six-Seven had asked her aloud.

"I'll speak to them," seemed to be Queenie's least dangerous response. Not that she didn't trust Six-Seven... but if anything went wrong, Queenie would be the one held at fault, regardless of whether or not it was she who made the gaffe. Besides that, she suspected the Star Army would prefer a familiar face over a literally faceless computer.

There was a brief delay before her camera drone was in position, which she used to free her upper body and set her bodysuit to display a simple Hanako nebula pattern, before smiling again as the connection was made. "Jessitha is armed, though this battle may be somewhat out of our league. We'll cover you, if we can, and are broadcasting an advisory message." She wasn't sure said message would be effective; it was nothing but dry predictions suggesting possible vectors that might help the I'ee ships avoid coming under fire. Still, so far, the Shravana Hive's 'experts' on I'ee relations were still banging rocks together and studying emoji theory. Queenie was firmly in the camp who believed they weren't ready.

As more data about the nature of the weapon and its operator streamed into the Jessitha's long-range antenna, Queenie noted that the crew had decided to stop providing live coverage, and were instead sending home encrypted data files, staccato. While she approved of their caution, it seemed to imply she wouldn't like to find out what had brought it on. Even she didn't have direct access to the ship's sensors, a few moments of reviewing the network chatter was enough to give her the gist of the matter.

Queenie suspended the call a moment to make an effort to bolster the crew's morale. "It's not after us, we--" Jessitha Six-Seven beat her to it, however, her synthesized voice echoing both naturally and unnaturally as she expressed her enthusiasm throughout her ship's corridors. "Ahahahaha! This is going to be the best battle we've ever seen!" By 'we', she meant the Hive as a whole. "Just keep recording, grab your snacks, and enjoy the show!"

As far as Queenie could tell, she was the only one who found Six-Seven's tone unnerving. Perhaps she just didn't have as much exposure. "--we'll do that, yes." She turned the feed back on. "Our sensors read an organic spaceship attached to the energy signature... are you familiar with these?"

Even if she had known the name, 'Megamishhu' would have offered up no results in the Hive's databases.
When the I'ee ships started to attack, Alex knew that all semblance of planning had gone out the window. He sent out a radio message to the SAoY units in the area, and relayed the data that he was getting. He then shouldered the torpedo launcher and fired a torpedo of the anti shield variety to knock out the shields above what looked like a sensor array.

Alex then reloaded the launcher and fired an antimatter torpedo at the great beast.
YSS Heartbreaker, Engineering

Not the only thing that would tickle a Nep pink. I swear, Skade thought as she half listened to and half watched Sunny, they just make porn easy, the way they make these things skin tight. Shaking her head, she replied heading out of the door, “Will do, ma’am. Good luck.” Also explains why Edtoto gets along with everyone, including me. She shrugged as she jogged to the armor bay. As long as we all enjoy it, we’re all good, I guess.

Armor Bay

“Good to see the gang back together,” the technician said, her suit stripped down to the waist as she walked into the armor bay. Stepping out of it and throwing it to the side, she floated a few centimeters off the floor as she approached Sara and Saba, enough for her to give the android a peck on the metallic cheek. “Look for me in engineering next time, Takeshi-kun. And yeah, definitely not a drill,” she said, stepping to her armor and making sure it had shoulder and leg mounted SOOW missiles on it.

“We’ve got a giant squid humping a planet killer, so whatever is going on, it’s probably Mishhu related.” Taking a moment to get in her armor, the Neko then turned and picked up a Saber-Rifle off the rack. “Anybody else ready to make some sushi?” she asked, grinning to hid her anxiety. Let’s just hope we don’t get shot out of the sky.
Edtoto did not understand why the Taii was so upset with her. She was only trying to look out for her safety... Or maybe that was the reason why? The Taii did seem to have an arrogant streak that could rival the distance from the ship to Yamatai proper, so maybe having a "Simple Logistics officer" looking out for her safety was a point of contention? Still, it did not warrant such a reaction, at least to her. Not that she had any right to say so.

When Hasewega told her to follow, she knew what she was going to be doing. Another trip out into the black, joyous. Well, thankfully, she and Skade had spent time reprogramming her armour to better facilitate her fear of space. She had alluded that she did not have as many problems with space when she was anchored to something, but free floating in space was a problem. That problem, easily rectified by having an object around her. with ease, they had modified her new set of armour to allow her to pilot the Mindy MCAS in space using only sensor data from the suit, blocking out her view of space, which in turn solved the major issue she had.

She was quick on Hasewega's heels, and ran to her suit in turn. This one was different. She was no longer restricted from using Yamatai technology. She was free to use and train on all the weapons and systems that the Yui-7 had to offer, and Edtoto had certainly taken a keen interest in it. She had spent quite some time reading up on all the technology, the proper operation of everything. Much to Edtoto's delight, is seemed very much so like a fighter in how it operated in space. She fell into the operation quite nicely, having already gotten plenty of practice operating in gravity and on surfaces.

Stepping into the suit and going through the initial unpleasantness of having her breathing tube shoved down her throat, she felt the armour close in around her. Her suit was heavily modified to fit her, but one could look at it and see that is was a Mindy MCAS. Sensor data and start up scripts flashed in-front of Edtoto's eyes. Not because it had to but, because she enjoyed it. She liked knowing what was happening, and, if she really concentrated she could even read it. All systems had been translated for her to make operation as intuitive as possible. Not the pitiful little translations she had done for the crew to communicate with other Vekimen, but a total, complete translation with all the depth of her language. That task alone took her days and days to code, but, she relished in the accomplishment.

When it finally finished closing around her, she shook herself off, working her jaw to make sure it was appropriately connected and fixed. Everything was perfect. She felt oddly at home in the armour. It was tight. Fit perfectly to her body. It could take a massive amount of damage, and it was surprisingly warm. She was thankful for the heater they had put into the lining. She walked up to the group, her eyes glowing red instead of the classic blue. Her horns were covered completely by the suit, but it had three gold rings painted onto the one that bore her rank so that she could be identified by other Vekimen if they ever saw her again. She was just similar enough to blend in, but just different enough to stand out in a group. It was wonderful to her. The natural grace that Yamatai enjoyed, with just enough savagery to compliment the Vekimen.

"I suppose this will be the perfect time for me to put that weapons training I got to the test" Edtoto stated, looking the Aether rifle over. She wasn't quite used to it, and it wasn't something she could modify to better suit her, but that didn't matter. She would honestly try to avoid it at all costs. She rather liked using the armour as a weapon. Still she knew the importance of being able to attack from distance and did not push it to the side. This time, the enemy wasn't going to be a hoard of unarmoured, unarmed, feral, Mishhu infected Vekimen. This was going to be something different. Much different indeed. "What is the plan?" She asked, looking the group over. "Destroy with extreme prejudice?"
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Heartbreaker, Bridge

Ochiko simply held the I'ee still in her lap, assisting her with the communications as Sally attempted to dissuade her relatives from blindly attacking. The Captain also seemed to be busy readying the ship for combat, directing the Bridge crew, and attempting to contact the private military elements she had briefly spoken with. She was unable to respond to the Freespacers, although someone else did helpfully respond.

"You recently met this fleet of NMX, yes? Ochiko would're very lucky you didn't meet one of these, yes?" Another representation of the MEGAMI appeared to answer Queenie's inquiries. This one wore scholarly robes and a matching hat, along with a large pair of glasses. She began using a pointer to refer to information on a display surrounding a cartoonish illustration of the creature. "This is a single Destroyer-class Mishhuvurthyar, codenamed 'Megamishhu'. Powerful weapons, shields, sensors, and the ability to create its own Battlepods...quite fearsome, yes?" The simple looking display was actually packed with all of the non-classified information the Star Army could share with them, which the Freespacers would likely have no problem deciphering.

Outer Graveyard

The I'ee ships rushed past Jason and Alex, as the latter prepared his weapons. It was obvious that the I'ee weapons were having little effect, deflecting off the strange craft with minimal impact, but it was worth a shot. The first torpedo...seemed to have little to no effect. Was the thing not shielded at all? The second showed more obvious signs of impact when it struck home...scattered bits of the structure eroded and nibbled away by the antimatter burst. Some would find this reaction familiar, if they could witness it.

These attacks finally caused a reaction from the ship...turrets dotting the upper and lower surfaces twitching to life, swiveling to target Alex's fighter and the I'ee vessels. Again, the weapons were similar to the ones the I'ee were using, although noticeably more compact and focused. Thin, sharp beams of orange light fired silently, slicing through space in an instant. Alex barely had time to react, while the I'ee fared even Cog suffering a glancing hit, while the Gunship was struck right in the cockpit. It drifted towards the massive weapon, mindlessly continuing the rush to attack even after the crew was lost. Weapons quiet, engines sputtering out...

The Heartbreaker finally began receiving data from Alex's fighter, as they continued to lag behind the more eager combatants. The weapon was obviously recharging, but slowly...and the creature attached to it was speeding up the process by converting matter into energy. This effect was made even more obvious, as the I'ee Corvettes began blasting off chunks of the giant rock. The Megamishhu's meal was being interrupted, causing it to pause long enough to let out a loud psychic shriek. Most of those engaged could 'hear' it, and those without proper psionic shielding likely did not appreciate the head-pounding effects. The hungry maw of the beast leaned away from the rock, yawning wider to begin belching out a cloud of shapes familiar to most involved. The Battlepods swarmed away from their host, weapons locked on the remaining I'ee.

Meanwhile, as the damaged I'ee Gunship nearly crashed into the massive alien weapon, something strange happened. A golden-orange light was emitted from an opening near the I'ee craft, bathing the lifeless craft in a warm glow. While the fighting began around it, the small, powerless vessel was quietly pulled towards the alien ship...and inside of it. The glowing light vanished as the grey-blue metal of the ship's surface sealed back over, only revealing a hint of the opening the I'ee craft had been pulled through.
Outer Graveyard

The lancing particle blast left a thin, red-hot rent across the port side of the I'ee cog, which attempted a belated evasive maneuver, showing its more heavily armoured underbelly to the enemy. The psychic scream seemed a more potent weapon against the I'ee, whose ships, including the more distant corvettes, all began acting erratically. Weapons fired sporadically at nothing, gunships spun wildly through the air, and one of the corvettes sped from cover to crash head-first into a piece of debris, destroying it. Panicked messages broadcast from the I'ee craft, written in garbled text, with the general message appearing to be one of terror; regarding the Mishhuvarthyar as 'wrong'. With the majority of the Thi-Thi ships incapacitated, save the cog, which was sluggishly attempting to target and fire upon the emerging battlepods with its dorsal weaponry, the I'ee seemed helpless for now.

YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

"S-something's wrong!" Sally squeaked, peering with concern at the messages coming back from the Thi-Thi ships. "They're scared! I-I'm scared!" The I'ee turned about in Ochiko's lap and hugged her, ignoring her prior confusion of being held by an artificial intelligence. Hugs were hugs, after all!
Unexpected Complications

The psychic shock took Alex by surprise, and it was a good few seconds before he was able to throw off its effects enough to move. He barely evaded another blast from the turrets, his head still pounding.

Alex weaved through the web of fire from the behemoth, and was able to fire off one more torpedo, this one at what looked to him like a sensitive spot on the giant cannon, before he lowered the torpedo launcher and stowed it on the side of his arm.

He then switched his rifle, took aim at the incoming pods, accounting for their current velocity and movement vector, and loosed a burst at one, quickly switching targets, and firing again. Alex repeated this action several times until each pod had a number of high energy plasma rounds headed toward it.

Alex then relocated to a new location in order to keep from being fired upon by the turrets, and fired three short bursts of fire, each aimed at a separate turret.
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