Star Army

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RP [USO X Heartbreaker] I'm Still In The Murder Business

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Tanks a lot

The remaining junker drones clinking to the open, hexagonal, hull of the Tanks a lot began dissasembling the ship, taking off the reverse thrusters and re-bolting them to the rear of the ship as the entire craft began accelerating. The radio traffic also started to pick up, as Vier would be needing new computer-space very soon.

Transmissions would also go out to the MEGAMI of the Heartbreaker, and Arccos, with the understanding that the more organic participants wouldn't be able to keep up.

At first, the normal handshake protocols requesting a transfer of data were sent,

Then Vier's avatar would render, four spheres rotating around in a circle, followed by text instructions with basic 2d diagrams.

The first of which would show the Heartbreaker moving towards the middle of the I'ee fleet, but still hanging back a bit. A yellow circle would then extend outward labeled 'PSC Field' indicating that proper placement and a high energy output would leave the I'ee fleet with near 90% coverage of against the signals being put out by the Megamishhu.​

Following that were very detailed instructions on how to boost signal strength through building an additional PSC antenna inside of their fabrication bay. Of course, specifications were quite exact as to just how large they could build without using up all of the room inside of the ship. Vier showing off her rather detailed knowledge of the original Yui-class.​

The next image would show the I'ee force pulling back under coverage of the PSC, and focusing its attention on the forward arc of the Megamishhu. The acompanying text would then explain this would minimize the amount of weapons the NMX ship could use to fire at the I'ee and maximize the amount of time the I'ee fleet would have before it was destroyed.​

The final plan showed the 'Tanks a lot' flying into the combat area at top speed, using itself as a giant impactor to destroy the Megamishhu. The math behind that was simple. Between the I'ee fleet and the Heartbreaker there was not enough firepower on the field to destroy the enemy ship, and the Necromancer was still a ways out. The fastest way to be sure the target would be destroyed was direct action.​

"Arccos, can you assist with bringing the I'ee into a proper formation?"

"Heartbreaker, can you please assist your crew with implimenting PSC protection for the I'ee?"


The mercinary starship quickly arrived at the edge of the I'ee home system... but it would still take quite a while for it to close the distance and reach the Megamishhu. The starship launching its own fighter wing as it started closing the distance.

The flight lead would soon be on the radio,

"Alex, Jason, This is Hound 1. We're still a few minutes out. Save something for us ok?" Hazel said, maxing out the throttle on her small fighter as she rushed to close the distance.
SHS Jessitha

Though the fractious nature of Freespacer crews was something most often found detrimental, in the wake of the psychic attack of the Megamishhu, Queenie found it more helpful than not, for as many of those on board the Jessitha were excited or insouciant after the experience as were ready to panic or flee. Queenie herself had mostly found it a headache--or maybe that was everything else--as she was still trying to thank MEGAMI and disseminate information sorted for both priority and clearance levels, which she found to be somewhere well apart from her usual skill set.

Returning her attention to the tactical situation a moment after the shriek at Jessitha Six-Seven's behest, Queenie didn't like what she saw (though Six-Seven would have rather preferred that she did.) "We can't take hits like those, either. Let's support from the rear with our Entropy's Shroud, and see how else we can help out our allies." She left the crew to sort out the details, while she sorted out some of the others.

Soon afterward, Queenie attempted to reach out to what she thought was an I'ee representative. "Hello, do you know any chants, or mining songs? They can help focus the mind to help repel psychic attack. Perhaps you could try it?"

Queenie had no idea whether the notion was complete garbage or not, but she'd gladly taken the suggestion from Jessitha's Oremonger Seven-Six, who was presently leading a song of her own. "Out in the ice mines, deep in the comet's heart; so cold and lonely, the sun's just another star..." Like so many similar songs, the beat was cheerful enough that it was easy not to notice the lyrics themselves.
The perfect storm of reasons for Arccos to not care:

As the ships from outside the system arrived, Arccos' in particular popped in not long after the Necromancer. Only to instantly be obscured by layer upon layer of heavy electronic countermeasures to make her ships disappear from any sensors before they could have any useful data gleaned about them. One thing for certain, though: That fleet was not moving in to help out.

When she got Vier's transmission, Arccos (the elusive real Arccos) opened up a box beside her seat labelled 'open in case of emergencies' and extracted a silvery package. This was a dire situation. Wrapping one metallic composite hand around the package, she gave it a squeeze until it burst open. In the nullified gravity of her ship, the little puff of air from inside ejected the potato crisps from their imprisonment to float freely about the air.

Switching channels from Vier, over to broadcast on what she understood to be I'ee frequencies, Arccos gave her address to the panicking I'ee fleet.

"So... Uh..." Crunch crunch, noise on the line as she plucked one chip from the air and pushed it into her mouth."I know you're scared by what's going on here. But it's just a noise it can send out. A bad no--" chomp munch, "Bad noise. But problem is that if you don't turn around and get ready to attack that thing then it'll be shooting at your mother next."

The line was left open for a few seconds. Almost like she'd forgotten to shut it off. Then her voice drifted back in.

"Uhm. What I'm saying is pull yourself together for your mothers... Or something..."

The line went dead after that. She'd tried. She tried despite not having any motivation whatsoever. She'd tried even with the full knowledge that the vast majority of I'ee didn't understand the language she spoke, and thus had to rely upon the language of the heart and love. She. Had. Tried.
Necromancer Bridge:

"Transition successful! We have contacts!" The sensor operator reported. The Captain stood from his chair and looked at the carnage... with a sneer he began to bark out orders.

"Helm! Turn to heading 115 and bring the engines to maximum! Tactical prep all torpedo tubes for snapshot, load all the rail guns for fire, and load all the missle launcher for a full barrage. Systems deploy all drones and set them to attack the enemy ship. Comm, inform our allies that we are beginning our attack run, and unless they want to get squashed in massive explosions that they need to move... GET MOVING!" He yelled as he watched the I'ee wreckage.

"Aye aye!" His crew replied

The engines of the Necromancer roared to life and the the C2 escort carrier, turned battlecruiser was moving at full speed towards the enemy ship.

"Sir! Tubes prepared for snapshot." XO Kovac said as looked up at Werner.

"Fire at will..." Werner ordered. All four of the front torpedo tubes fired, plus the two tubes from either side of the ship fired, turning towards the enemy. Next the missile banks across the dorsal side of the ship opened and fired several massive salvos of cluster missiles towards the massive NMX ship. Lastly the Necromancer was rocked as the massive Quad rail gun, and its two smaller dual railguns began firing out their armor piercing ordnance towards the enemy.

If all else failed... at the very least the Necromancer was gonna put on one hell of a light show.
As Hazel came over the radio Alex was slow to respond, for while he knew instinctively what to do in battle, interacting was a different story.

"Glad to have some he-" Alex was cut off as he was buffeted around by the wave of exhaust from the incoming missiles. He was pushed into several sharper pieces of debris, which overloaded his still recharging shields, and ended up near the approaching Hound squadron, even bumping into Hazel's fighter slightly.

"Whoa! Sorry about that."
Outer Graveyard

In contrast to his wingman in the U-1, Jason had elected to stay out of the initial engagement. As soon as it was clear that the I'ee battlegroup was intent on testing the mettle of the colossal winged cannon the Seraphim drew back into the debris, repositioning itself to watch given it doubted to meaningfully damage such a massive ship without an opening. In the back of his mind a small part of him had hoped that despite whatever world shattering power that the mysterious vessel had access too, that at the end of the day it was just some hastily put together, fragile superweapon that the NMX could only hope to get a single shot off of before it was destroyed in a retaliatory strike. Unfortunately, even the massed fire of the local systems strike force couldn't even elicit a reaction from the instrument of Mishuvarhyar vengeance.

The torpedoes on the other hand...

Just enough to show how outclassed they were as soon as the thing go riled up.The I'ee fleet demoralized and brutalized, a ship devoured without a chance for him to send a shot into its innards, and he had just watched the monstrosity integrated into his target literally bit. At least there was a shred of good news. "I'll see if I can leave you a few stragglers." He replied to the leader of Hound Squadron as he bobbed and weaved through the debris. Dozens of mini-missiles left the m5's racks, some heading to the enemy ship. Filled with particle clouds, he hoped to erect a sensor obscuring wall between the I'ee fleet and the Nee'garock's anti ship turrets.

Meanwhile, barrages of a more lethal kind were sent in the direction of the new squadron battlepods, while all 8 Kirin Feathers launched and began to harass them with missile or laser in the hopes of getting them to pull off towards him instead of ravaging the I'ee escorts. Assuming he gained their attention the pilot and his drones would fall back, arm mounted gauss turrets and Kirin Feathers covering the smaller amount of approaches through the Outer Graveyard while the frame hoped to bait them into range of the Tacits along with the necromancer's point defenses.
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Heartbreaker, Bridge

The projection of the ship's MEGAMI left something to be desired in the soft and cuddly areas, but it was solid enough to hold the scared I'ee firmly for a few moments. "Everything will be okay, yes? Oh...hugs are what sisters are for, yes?" Ochiko began to look around for Yui, although she obviously knew exactly where the other I'ee was.

Meanwhile, the MEGAMI was quite pleased to interact with Vier, although Arccos didn't seem as excited to join the conversation. The Heartbreaker had first been stranded from Uesu's Fleet many years before, and then shipped out alone on this long mission. Sure, it had all of these crew members on board now, but that wasn't quite the same. Nothing would replace having a nice, friendly interface with her peers. While the Heartbreaker's PSC field usually only projected a few meters outside of the ship, Ochiko seemed certain this could be increased with a bit of adjustment on their end, now that the situation warranted it.

Sunny was quite surprised to see arms and other machines whir to life in the Fabrication Bay, before the MEGAMI appeared to reassure her. On the Bridge, Tsukisaki noted another instance of the MEGAMI's unusual behavior, as power levels began to fluctuate. It wasn't as bad as firing without her orders, which had occurred during the first meeting with the I'ee, but it wasn't entirely acceptable either. Begrudgingly Usagi received the orders to begin moving towards the frightened I'ee, to attempt to corral them into the protective shade the Heartbreaker offered.

"Here, try again, yes? Everyone is trying to help, Sally-bachi~" Ochiko gave her familiar smile to the alien as she nudged the communications projection back into place.

Shuttle Bay

"Veronika-Hei, Bettie-Hei, accompany Kayoko-Hei to assist the allied fighters as Gedan. Blesi-Hei, Hasewega-Hei, Kiko-Hei, assist the I'ee vessels with their assault of the Mishhuvurthyar as Jodan. Masahiga-Hei...and Saba-Hei, you will escort Officer Sivaro as Chudan. What appears to be a shuttle bay or hangar of some type has been detected. Investigate. I believe you will have more than enough covering fire.

You should all be aware of the allies the I'ee have brought to this battle. Expect their involvement in your activities, aid them if possible, but do not allow any unknown or alien technology to fall into their hands, if possible. Or Star Army equipment, for that matter."

Outer Graveyard

Kayoko was soon joined outside by the two Uesuno Neko, as fire rained down on the enemy superweapon and the Mishhu attached to it like a parasite. While Alex recovered, the Kawarime zipped past him and Hazel, followed by the two Mindys. They seemed a bit confused by the strange vehicle, as he soon heard giggles over comms. "Look, they brought a new friend for ARCHY!" "Not now, Bettie, this is serious!" The trio attempted to repel the Battlepods alongside the others.

After crunching all of the numbers, and seeing how the Mishhu reacted to its meal beginning to crumble into scattered pieces, the Heartbreaker was finally confident enough to return to the conversation with any of the ships that were still listening. "Our calculations, from the data you have shared, show the weapon would need approximately one half hour to recharge for another attack of similar impact at the controlled rate. Or, more worryingly, only several minutes to regain enough power for an attack devastating to the surrounding area, if the energy transmissions from the Mishhuvurthyar continue. Destruction of this extra energy source should be our priority." The Taii's voice was stern but composed, as she detailed their findings as efficiently as possible.

While the Heartbreaker was now holding back slightly to attempt to shield the I'ee, displays showed their fighter and Mindys on a course towards the twin threats. One trail curved off from the others, towards another area of the weapon. The footage of the inoperable I'ee craft being stolen and secreted away was included, in case any of the others had not noticed and latched onto it like the Captain had. "Possible ingress to the interior of the alien craft has been located. Away Team Chudan will attempt to provide escort to any...individuals who may possess talents related to the disabling and/or destruction of starships or other heavily fortified targets." Possible criminals that were good at hacking, wrecking or blowing up expensive stuff, is what the haughty Taii seemed to be implying.
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Outer Graveyard

The I'ee ships appeared to be recovering from the shock of the psychic scream as help arrived. The few remaining gunships, three of them, were attempting to acquire battlepod targets and fire on them with their coil guns. The cog continued its slow roll, now flipped 'upside down' in relation to the Mishhu-controlled derelict, and continued to bombard the asteroid with its broadside cannons. As for the corvettes, they had darted back into cover and were also lending their firepower toward breaking up the asteroid; recognising it as the weakest target.

YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

Yui, who had tottered over to Sally and Ochiko, reached over to give her sister a friendly pat on the head, squeaking to her. The extra company seemed to help: Sally gave Ochiko a projected smile and squeaked back at Yui before making another attempt at contacting the Thi-Thi family's ships. A long conversation of rapid chattering and squeaking ensued. "They're ok now, but, um..." she paused. "They are angry. They want to kill the Mishhuvarthyar. They don't want to retreat. They're offering to attempt to distract the enemy away from your ships if necessary. They, um, say they're willing to die, if necessary." The little ambassador seemed a little put off by the zeal of her warlike relatives, shuffling uncomfortably in Ochiko's lap.
YSS Heartbreaker - Shuttle Bay

Ingrid nodded into the air as she received her orders. "Hai! Jodan, the second you're ready, get out there!" She moved to the exit and looked over her shoulder at the alien power armour piloted by Edtoto. "Watch your backs in there, Chudan."

Ingrid leaped out of the bay and into space and took in the situation. "We need to get the entire I'ee fleet under the PSC field. Hasewega, herd the group of corvettes at 1 o'clock high. Kiko, bring in the gunship at 4 o'clock low. I'll guide the gunship at 10 o'clock even. Just provide a nav point their helm officers can focus on if there's another psychic attack. Your SPINE should protect you, but have your own nav point locked in mind in case you can't power through it."

She veered off towards the gunship and put power to her CFS to get there as fast as possible. She watched the incoming battlepods on her scanners. She powered up the Saber Rifle in a long range fire mode and put the AIES on point defense. As she approached the wayward Thi-Thi gunship, she read its IFF transponder and copied it to her suit's memory and began replaying it back at the ship. It was a bit of wisdom she picked up from the I'ee.

"You'll never be lost so long as you can find yourself," she hailed the gunship. "Come to cover!"
Outer Graveyard

The megamishhu seemed to be wising up to the I'ee fleet not posing much of a threat, its shields absorbing the worst they had to throw at it, the massive cannons on the underside turning towards the I'ee Cog and firing intense beams, looking to slice the ship in half as one of the tendrils took hold of the large clump of metal the I'ee had broken off from the Asteroid it was feeding on.

The tendril holding onto the chunk of asteroid wound back, and then snapped forward, slinging the chunk of asteroid towards the Necromancer, followed by a barrage of small missiles from its back. The Necromancer's own rail gun shots would slam into the rocky chunk, breaking it apart and sending shards of metal scattering in all directions, the mini missiles following that tracking and destroying the missiles launched from the ship, the overlapping blast waves knocking more of the asteroid shards around.

The overlapping clouds of explosions forced Hound Squadron to break off, trying to head around to the sides and remaining just out of range of the NMX ship. A small group of battlepods would break off to give chase, while the majority would stay in between the Necromancer and the NMX ship, launching their own barrage of Mini-missiles at the the USO fighter escorts, the Barrage quickly overwhelming the Kirin feathers that had been sent on the attack, and quickly expanding outward toward Hound Squadron and the Mecha team.

The Megamishhu then turned that massive weapon towards the 'Tanks a lot', taking aim and preparing itself to fire, planning to knock the suicide ship off course with a relitively small blast from the cannon.

"Mecha Team, if you could disrupt the targeting of the enemy ship we would greatly increase the changes of sucsess for our direct-impact strategy." Vier said.

Vier would also take note of the Yamatain's plan, adjusting the aim of her suicide ship to try and strike at the Megamishhu so as not to kill friendlies when it arrived in about a minute.

"Ground team, It looks like the Yamatains wish to ingress into the weapon system by power armor if you wish to join."
"I don't know if I'll be much help but I'm going to hop in my PA and see if I can do anything to assist," Akemi said as he gave Sammy a few more rubs before moving to unhook the I'ee from him. "Arccos is definitely alive. You should go hug Gut-Stripe. She likes getting hugs like everyone else."

When the Neko was finished separating himself from the giant wasp he floated off to get his PA and launch notifying everyone before he disembarked. Once more he was encased in what he called a GIRTH which was simply an EARTH and a FIRE put together which he saw as an enhanced version of the former. It was basically an EARTH with a FIRE's weaponry, a more powerful engine and more armor plating. Again he was equipped with an Assault Ordnance Projector firing GREEN rounds and a Positron Beam Launcher. In between shots with either large weapon he had two forearm plasma chainguns and a stock of minimissiles to pew pew with.

Wanting to impress the lovely lady Tsukisaki Akemi flew to where her crew's PA were and sought to assist whoever most needed help with the Battlepods once he was in range. Even if he barely accomplished anything or nothing at all and ended up cut in half again at least Kiri wasn't around to laugh at him.

"The humble lord Koga is at the service of the most beautiful lady Tsukisaki to use as she sees fit."
Heartbreaker, Shuttle Bay

Here we go again, Skade thought, as she got her orders. Thankfully we don’t have a SAINT agent with a stick up her butt to ruin things. Of course, I don’t think there is too much to ruin, but whatever. And we’ll have to deal with our ‘friends’, which ought to be…interesting.

The Neko shrugged and said, “Yes, ma’am. Chudan is on the way,” and then started jogging to the hangar’s opening, waving Takeshi and Edtoto on. “Come on, let’s kick some Squid rear,” she said, nervously chuckling. Hearing Ingrid’s remark, she gave the Minkan a thumbs up. “Good luck, Jodan. Hope you won’t need it.”

Wait, the technician thought, as she jumped out into space and streaked towards the gigantic cannon, the Captain wanted us to go in the mail slot that ate a ship?! Joy. She readied the various missile systems that her Mindy had installed and test ignited her aether saber as she flew. Guess we’ll see if it likes power armor as much as it likes spaceships.
Outer graveyard

Alex weaved a path through the incoming cloud of missiles, his evasions looking deceptively elegant, like a dance in which a single misstep could cost him dearly. When Vier's message came in, he diverted his attention to the giant cannon aiming at the Tanks a lot. There must be a way to win without sacrificing a ship and risking the lives of the Yamatians.

Vier. I'm going to try to stop the gun from charging.

As he flew around to the back of the megamishuu, Alex saw the gigantic tentacles pulling chunks of rock into the maw of the great beast. They would be vulnerable, because there could be no shielding back here without preventing them from dragging rock into the mouth of the creature.

He flew past the Yamataian power armor teams and braked with the large thrusters on the leg of the U-1. He then raised his rifle and sent two high energy plasma rounds toward each tentacle, hopefully enough to sever them. With the threat hopefully at bay for now, Alex turned to the Yamataian teams and saluted before inquiring if there was anything he could do to help out.
Edtoto didn't like the idea of going into space. Never had, likely never will. Still, as her vision went black and her sensor data showed up on her hud, Edtoto followed Skade out into space, kicking her CFS to go as fast as it would allow her too. That was pretty far, but she could "see" the ship. She started getting the various tasks started, her Aether SMG still stuck to her armour instead of in her hands. She knew Skade and Saba were far better in space combat than her, but she did have one trick up her sleeve.

"I will provide what cover I can from the ship. Maybe the battle pods will get confused with me behind them," Edtoto said, eluding a little to her plan. Getting through all those battlepods would be a pain... IF she actually had to fly through them. She passed the two Mechs that were dealing with whatever they were dealing with, before realising she should probably make one last comment.

"Please, do not shoot the ship," The alien said to anyone who could hear her, before vanishing. Almost instantaneously, her IFF tag appeared at the ship, her metal plated feet slamming against the hull of the ship. "I would rather you not shoot me," the alien added, blinking as she monitored what was around her. Everything, but the looks of it, but she was far more confident in her allies ability to shoot, than her ability to fly through a swarm of things. Dangerous things.

Knowing this, she activated one of the many handy abilities of the Mindy Core. Once again, the Vekimen vanished, but they could still see her IFF tag as she slowly moved over the deck, trying to find the shuttle port. Such handy, handy abilities....
Alex's shots would cause some of the tendrils to snap off, recoiling for a moment before reaching back out to their severed halves to begin reattaching to themselves. Small, glowing, blocks would start to ooze out from the creature's mouth, situated in the middle of all of the tendrils, helping to extend its shield over the flesh-like arms as they gripped the asteroid.

As Alex flew off, he'd miss the Megamisshu's underside bulging and splitting open, dropping out a bright red Battlepod. The small craft would orient itself towards Alex, and then dash towards him at high speed, a small group of battlepods forming up beside it. This pod seemed quite unlike the others, instead of being armed with rapid-fire cannons on either side, it seemed to carry one large looking lance on its left side, and a big, flatish, dome on the other. As it dashed towards Alex, it started firing a continuous barrage of small missiles, one at a time, with only a few moments delay between each... right at the cloaked Mindies! The missiles would be in firing range first, followed shortly by the battlepods.

The missiles didn't seem to be anything special, but shooting them down would mean not shooting at the battlepods when they entered range.
SHS Jessitha

Receiving no response from the I'ee, and seeing the Star Army vessels had developed a very different and incompatible strategy, Jessitha Six-Seven abandoned the plan to protect the I'ee vessels with an Entropy's Shroud, recharged her shields, and powered up her main weapon.

"The enemy has deployed battlepods. We'll provide covering fire."

Even without the Shroud, it seemed unlikely the message would carry beyond her own crew, but she had higher hopes for her Starjammer laser, which sent a narrow, twinkling, and extremely destructive beam of light shearing through the battlepods fallen the farthest out of formation with their megamishhu mothership, with results not entirely unlike those the megamishhu's own main gun had inflicted on the I'ee ships caught in its path of fire some time earlier.

"Splat. Splat! Splat," Jessitha Six-Seven said by way of informing her crew of their progress, while Groundbreaker Queenie held a hand to her forehead and thought about what sort of spin to put on the story for the benefit of the rest of the Hivemind.
YSS Heartbreaker, Shuttle Bay

The android was completely immune to the psychic shock. His expression didn't change upon learning what the threat was, he just deployed his faceplate. It slid into place, changing his appearance drastically. Blazing blue eyes shined behind a demonic mask. He looked like the oni that the Heartbreaker crew had originally thought he was. Takeshi followed Skade's lead silently, launching into space with the rest of Chudan.

Once they were in space he broadcast a message to the open channel. "I will destroy any Mishuuvurthyar that we find. Their disgusting species should not exist. I do not understand why they have been allowed to live." The last statement sounded almost like an accusation. Before he could respond, he detected a missile volley coming at the team. His palm lit up and took aim, releasing a burst of scalar energy directed towards the incoming missiles. He may not be able to disable all of the missiles but he could reduce the number of them and assist the team's countermeasures.

Queen's Slave


The Mishu's psychic attack hit Corgan and he dropped to his knees. Once he realized what was happening, he gritted his teeth and stood back up. It was just like a bad headache. He could deal with that. The Nepleslian put on his helmet and picked up the HPAR 33 with UMD launcher he was fond of. He had purchased six GREEN and six WHITE canisters which he placed in a bandolier around his armor. "I'm moving to assist the Yamataian team boarding that.. giant squid cannon thing." He replied over the USO channel. "I'll try to bring back some souvenirs."

He walked to the ship's airlock and waited for it to cycle, then jumped out, flying towards the Chudan team. "Wendy, give me information for that Megamishu, and whatever you have on that ugly flying cannon. Likely weak points, turrets, that kind of thing." Corgan ordered the suit's AI.

"Already on that, sir. Would you like me to play Aethersperm for you?" Wendy replied in a sultry voice.

"Not right now. I may need to talk to the kittens." He answered.

Despite the upgrades to his Impulse, he couldn't keep up with the Star Army teams. He switched to the open channel. "Colonel Garret, here, ladies. Can't let you girls go in all alone." Corgan said as he neared Chudan's location. A warning flashed in his HUD. He watched as a volley of missiles streaked towards the Heartbreaker squad. The battlepods drew his attention instead. They could handle the missiles. Corgan took aim with his HPAR and launched a green(antimatter) UMD canister at the group of battlepods.
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YSS Heartbreaker - Shuttle Bay

Hasewega nodded at her orders and switched out her service rifle for the more powerful aether-rifle. As soon as she checked her gear, Hasewega made her way out of the bay and into the open space. She gave herself a few moments to get used to moving in space before turning towards I'ee "Dragoon" corvettes and activating her CFS to zip to their location quicker.

As she advanced towards the I'ee corvettes, she trued to observe what was going on around the battlefield. The rest of Jodan and Chudan seemed to be moving towards the objective, albeit with Chudan seeming to attracting some attention. The criminal ships seemed to opening fire on the megamishu along with the support of some oversized humanoid vessel dealing with mishu fighters. Hopefully they wouldn't cause too much of a nascence than they have already.

As soon as Hasewega close enough, she broadcasted from her suit towards the I'ee Dragoons. "Attention allied I'ee ships," Her voice remained calm and professional, mainly to keep the I'ee from panicking but also show how a real professional conducts themselves in case one of the other 'allied' ships were listening. "Remain calm and steadfast; Rally on this position and prepare to counter-attack." She said as sent a nav-point to guide them towards the protection of the PSC field. "No mater what, hold fast and head to these coordinates."
Outer Graveyard

Skade nodded as she listened to Edtoto’s plan. “Stay safe, love,” she sent privately, then turned to look at the saluting mech. “If you could cover us while we look for the shuttle bay,” she said, shrugging and returning the salute, “that’d be great.” Finally, she sent Takeshi a message, saying, “Two wars says that we did our best, Saba-kun. We’re here to continue that work.”

Before the Neko could moralize more, the battlepods came flooding out of the Megamishhu, though her attention was on the red one that was spitting missiles at the Vekimen. Oh, come on, she thought, as she piled on speed and flew at the missiles. “Actually,” she said, as she released countermeasures and fired at the missiles with pulses of aether energy from her weapon, “Mr., umm, Mech person, if you could take out that battlepod, that would be amazing.” She followed her remark up with a volley of five SOOW missiles at her target, hopefully softening it up for the larger mech.

Hearing a new voice on the open channel, the technician glanced back long enough to see the new person fire at the smaller battlepods. “Glad to have you, Colonel. Keep ‘em off our backs, would you?” she asked, returning to firing at the missiles.
Alex began to persue the red battlepod, but was unable to catch up to it in mecha form. Switching into fighter configuration, Alex took of after it, barely able to keep it in his sights.

Weaving through the multitude of small and large rocks, Alex attempted to get the best lock he could before firing a torpedo at it. Unlike his rifle's shots, these were capable of tracking the enemy with ease, and would be able to catch up by going faster than light before dropping out to detonate.
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