Star Army

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RP [USO X Heartbreaker] I'm Still In The Murder Business

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Outer Graveyard

The PSC field steadily widened as additional power was diverted to their transmitters, slowly encompassing the nearest I'ee ships. With the Ambassador's counselling, the ships became more receptive to herding by Sara and Ingrid. Of course, the Heartbreaker's maneuverability was sacrificed, as well as their ability to properly utilize their main weaponry. Compensating for their current situation quickly, the Star Army ship finally joined the others in open attack, launching torpedoes towards the Megamishhu and its massive metal meal.

The Vekimen made it across the open space between ships without issue while cloaked, making better time than Skade and the android following her. Her presence hadn't gone entirely unnoticed, she realized, as the red Battlepod fired on her as soon as she made contact with the massive alien weapon. She found herself flicking back into clear view as her shields began to fail, although thankfully the scattered missiles had not all found her. Edtoto's exposed position was not exactly the most comfortable one to be in, even with her fellow crew members and the Nepleslian rushing to reinforce it.

As Alex's fighter changed configurations to enter the hunt, there was a cute gasp of surprise over comms again. "See!? It transformed, it's like a big toy, V!" "...please concentrate, Bettie.'re trying to think up a name for it right now, aren't you?" "Hmm...Mobile Ordnance Operating Special Equipment?" "MOOSE? You couldn't think up something for PONY?" "...hmmm...." This was followed by a loud sigh, as the two Neko trailing after Alex continued shooting down stray Battlepods while having their argument.

"Attention shoppers, we've got a lovely assortment of bogeys today~" Kayoko joined the conversation as her Kawarime fell into formation with Alex and Hazel. "I think you can afford to share. Don't let your ego write checks your body can't cash, eh~?" She assisted with blasting down any stray pods in the trio's path as they closed in on the red ace, who seemed to be at least three times faster than the other Battlepods.

YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge

"We have better things to do today than die." Tsukisaki turned her attention to Sally and Yui, as reports came in from the other I'ee. "If the I'ee can remain in formation with the Heartbreaker and continue to assault the Mishhuvurthyar, we can distract it long enough for the others to destroy it along with the weapon. And your allies are enacting their own plan..." The main screen displaying all of the battle information began tracking the object on a collision course for the Megamishhu as well.

"Jodan, continue the assault on the Mishhuvurthyar. The I'ee appear to be responding, and wish to attack. Set up joint firing solutions if possible."

On screen, a tiny Star Army hinomaru moved through space, dutifully continuing to obscure Akemi's image as his armor joined the others near the giant weapon.

As Skade and the android joined Edtoto, with Akemi close behind and Corgan providing covering fire, the alien ship finally began to react to their presence. The metal began to open along that barely visible seam, golden light pouring out...washing over the small group of armored individuals. HUDs instantly began to light up with warning messages, as they each started to lose movement control. First their main thrusters, then finer motor control...sensors starting to fail and systems crash as the field dragged them inside. Even Takeshi's systems crashing and rebooting as he temporarily lost power...
Outer Graveyard

With the necromancer and its own fighter now committed to the fight, any plans of his to shake what pursuers he peeled off amongst them the debris after he had distracted them from the I'ee long enough for the Star Army to throw them themselves at the behemoth were dashed. If anything, the fact that the Battlepods seemed to be ignoring the Yamataian gunship meant were now risking a significant chunk of their combat assets drawing off NMX from the Yui-7. It only added to the bitterness of losing his drones to a counterattack before they could pull back, making a mental note not to expect their size or speed to save their hides for long if their enemies had missiles and they couldn't immediately cripple them in the future.

Of course with a squadron of NMX interceptors barring down on him, all those feelings took a backseat to basic instinct of self-preservation. He was sure in a normal environment that they would have swarmed him and taken him apart, but luckily he was in the shoals of the outer graveyard. Ever present chunks of debris meant that the battlepods couldn't bring to bear their ludicrous difference in speed, and the cover made it ever header to bring their firepower to bear. Combine that with the fact the type 33As were made of tissue paper compared to his frame, and well...the odds almost seemed fair. Without the need of pushing the vehicle to a significant fraction of lightspeed, he could dim it's emissions greatly, coupling with the jamming to hide him from sensors as he tore through what enemies he came across with relativistic rounds, flares and point defense stopping whatever missiles managed to lock on to him.

Till he got to the one who stood out at least.

Opposite of Alex's pursuit Jason caught wind of the crimson unicorn, the conditions of the battlefield leaving the two clones unable to perceive each other dancing through whatever fire was sent his way. The seraphim charged forward in a deadly game of chicken, desperately trying to line up a shot while preventing his opponent from doing the same, each nearly catching the other in their sights...only for the Mishuvarthyar to twist in a final dodge that revealed an anti-ship torpedo where it just been, to close for the pilot to dodge.

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YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

"I-I'll tell them that!" Sally squeaked, intimidated by the Taii's powerful words, and went back to work. Yui remained by her side, examining Ochiko's avatar with bemusement. The I'ee seemed to regard it with a sense of uncanny valley; unsure whether to treat it as a living thing or not.

Outer Graveyard

With the aliens working to rally the Thi-Thi, who appeared to at least be able to read and write in Trade, the I'ee ships began to assemble in formation and under the protection of the Heartbreaker. The larger cog bore a large, scorched rent across its underside where a beam had carved into the hull, but seemed to have taken the blow fairly well. It's maneuverability and size made it hard for it to find a good position to shoot from without bumping into anyone, however. While the last of the I'ee gunships had been destroyed in their efforts to reach safety, three of the corvettes remained operational, lending their firepower to destroying the Misshu.
"Anyone care to help over here?" Akemi shouted. "The things one does for a maiden most fair! I shall return for you Tsukisaki, heart of my heart!"
Outer Graveyard
The Red battlepod and the half dozen pods following it only had the briefest of moments to harass the power armor team before the other fighters drew their attention, their formation being obscured by the blast of Alex's torpedo.

In the next moment, Jason's mecha was sent tumbling, the shields depleted, the armor on the front melted. Sensors, weapons, and anything that had been on the front of the machine was no longer functional.

The Red Battlepod had fliped over, pointing itself right at Alex, Hazel, and Kayoko.... Jason's damaged mecha right inbetween the group of fighters as they all rapidly started closing the distance, half of the Red battlepod's escorts fanning out on either side, releasing a small barrage of missiles at the ad-hoc fighter escort, the small projectiles streaming around Jason's mecha without hitting it.

As they closed to weapon range, they started darting side to side, trying to keep Jason's mecha between themselves and their target, firing a wide pattern of cannon fire to try and trap Hazel and Kayoko, looking to drive them away from the fight.

Meanwhile, the Red Battlepod and one escort flying in extremely close formation came right at Alex. It blasted past Jason's wreckage right behind the swarm of missiles, and aimed its lance like cannon at Jason. The cannon itself fired a bright white, thin, stream of metal at an impressive fraction of the speed of light, a small engine on the rear of the cannon turning on just to keep the thing from ripping itself right off the battlepod. The cannon then twisted and turned, the ribbon of metal dancing left and right, forming a swooping pattern that stretched out to either side of Alex's mecha while the wing-man-pod used its own cannon fire above and below to bracket in their target.

Hound Squadron

"And here I thought you rich Yamatain types would be taking them all!" Hazel responded, turning her craft away from the oncoming battlepods so that she could start outrunning their missiles. "Try not to kill any of my nuggets."

Her small, lightly armed, AF-15 wasn't exactly a military craft. Its only weapons were a pair of missile launchers ill suited for point defense... which meant she had to stay on the edges of the fight, much like the rest of Hound squadron. Her fighter would carefully start kiting the battlepods away. When those pods got tired of chasing her, they would turn back towards Alex... only to get a pair of missiles fired at them by Hazel.

Tanks a lot

The freighter, Tanks a lot, was fairly new... made of two hexagonal starships that were half-finished that ended up bolted together. During the last combat operation it had been armed simply by sticking Deathcrawler battletanks onto the exterior of the ship. These tanks were now releasing themselves, jumping free as the Tanks a lot made its final approach on the Mishhu ship.

The Megamishhu's main cannons took aim at the craft, their first shot easily taking down its shields.

Its secondary beam weapon then opened fire, a wide, white, arc covering the front of the craft and simply making it dissapear.

The Megamishhu then released its grip on the massive weapon for just a moment, pushing itself to the side as the back half of the freighter barreled in at top speed! Chunks of engine and hull pass right between the superweapon and the Megamishhu that had been holding it. The side of the freighter just barely clipped the Megamishhu's shields, vaporosing what was left of the Tanks a lot and creating a massive blast that knocked the Mishhu further away, causing it to toppel end over end for a few seconds...

The creature's shields were down, and a large gash had been torn along its side, completely removing one of its eyes and many of the tendrils along the side... However this only seemed to slow it down. In moments it had clamped back onto the weapon itself!
The White Devil vs The Red Comet

As Alex saw what his missile had done he froze for a moment before leaping back into the action, twirling in place as he fired his rifle at the incoming metal ribbon, hopefully the plasma discharges from its shells would disrupt its trajectory enough for it to miss.

He then jetted away through the debris, hoping that it would hinder the movements of the enemy battlepods, or even destroy some of them. After reaching a sufficient distance from the other preoccupied groups, he turned and fired on anything that came out of the debris field.
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Traveller Shuttle

As the Jessitha sailed around the battle at extreme range, showing the commitment to cautious gunnery combat that USO had come to expect from the Hive, the signal of an arriving FTL craft, a small shuttle, arrived opposite, just outside the system, broadcasting the same affiliation, and winding itself into the battle on the solar wind, with some help from the nearby blast waves.

"I'm here to pick you up!" was the cheerful transmission Groundbreaker Eight-Four received, before she was even aware of the new arrival. Now? she thought with exasperation. The only explanation was that someone had been sent as soon as the negotiations went sour. A quick check confirmed it was so. Do they not understand what it means that a battle is going on? She only finished her thought with an actual transmission. "We are engaged in maneuvers and unable to dock with you at the moment, T-39."

The new arrival was undaunted. "That's fine! I'll just get to work right away. Is everyone meeting in there?" The arriving shuttle casually looped past the mechas and battlepods, accelerating, unharmed, when caught at the edge of the burst of Alex's torpedo. "Wow, this is a really great show!" She was a bit taken aback when the Tanks a lot exploded, and asked the Jessitha, "Was that supposed to happen?"

Jessitha Six-Seven responded immediately, and with much fervor. "Traveller Shuttle, we are engaging this Megamisshu in battle. It is an NMX vessel!" To the surprise of every crew member present save Queenie, T-39 did not interpret this as the warning it was intended to be. "Oh, we are? Okay, I'll get to it, right now!"

T-39's shuttle changed course from the Jessitha to the Megamisshu, and aside from a few lines like "No, don't!", "Trendersetter, this is not what--", "Pull o--" and "Hey, I'm-- ... --ard time--icking--ou up," the Hivemind's local communications were altogether largely unintelligible for the time being, as the tiny shuttle followed the powered armours. Soon after, they were eerily silent, until Oremonger Six-Seven decided to joke, "Did anyone remember to wish her luck?"
Outer Graveyard

Alex would find that the Red Battlepod was quite nimble, easily keeping pace with his U-1. While turning to run did take him away from the first volley of fire, it certainly left him open to the second. A heavy metal ribbon would end up piercing through the U-1's shields, and when he turned around he would find that the Red Battlepod was nearly ontop of him, the craft turning off to one side and firing off another heavy metal ribbon, looking to slice his U-1 in half!

To make matters worse, the battlepod's wingman was close behind, heading straight for Alex and firing its cannons.
Outer Graveyard

Kayoko found herself pulling away from the main dogfight as well, as the Battlepods did their best to get the various allied fighters to accidentally target or run into each other. "I've got no joy here, coming back around." The Kawarime gave up on the main fight much like the AF-15 had, circling around to get a better bead on the swarming Battlepods, soon pointed the proper direction with her turbo aether cannons firing. "This nugget's in the refrigerator-" ZAP "-the door's closed-" ZAP "-and the lights are out!" Blasting through the last of her share, Kayoko returned to assisting Hazel with a friendly wobble of her wings.

This left the two Uesuno Neko shadowing Alex, trying to keep up with his rapid dodges and evasive maneuvers. Their much smaller size, impressive acceleration and ability to instantly stop were letting them keep up with the dogfight and avoid running into each other, or the two allied fighters. They'd been doing their best to pick off stray Battlepods, and this wingman was no different. It only got off a few shots before multiple beams of aether lanced through it, letting the strange fighter concentrate on the red pod attempting to slice it apart.

YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge

Ochiko simply held that cheerful smile on her face, behind the beekeeper's mask, as she held Sally in her lap. She didn't seem to notice Yui observing her, but by now this projection was mostly a fancy seat for the I'ee Ambassador while she used that projected screen to organize her kin.

"Tsukisaki-Taii, this latest, um...allied ship. They're in our way!" Usagi sounded irritated, as she reported the progress of the Tanks a lot across the battlefield. Passing right in front of the Heartbreaker and its weapons, not to mention the small fleet of anxious I'ee. A few moments later, it had continued its path past the Megamishhu, temporarily dislodging it from the giant weapon. The largest chunk remaining of the once massive asteroid began to float away as well.

"Wrong, they're our way in." The Captain's scowl lightened just a touch. "Divert power back from the PSC, prepare to fire all weapons. Begin charging the aether shock cannon." She looked over at the Ambassadors. "Now is your chance, tell your kin to attack. We only need a few moments more. Advise them to avoid our line of fire." The same information was forwarded to Ingrid and Sara, to assist in assaulting the Megamishuu and herding the eager I'ee away from the danger zone in front of the Heartbreaker.

Meanwhile, the golden light washed over the seemingly oblivious Traveler Shuttle, pulling it inside a few moments after the armored group. The light faded as the alien metal sealed over again behind them...
YSS Heartbreaker - Bridge

Having apparently finished with her inspection of Ochiko, Yui squeezed into the holographic avatar's embrace alongside her sister; the two of them squeaking as they shuffled about in an effort to get comfy. They paused when the Taii addressed them both, nodding their heads in sync. "Yes, Taii!" Sally squeaked, and began communicating the Taii's advice to the remaining I'ee ships.

Outer Graveyard

The three I'ee corvettes, keeping out of the Heartbreaker's line of fire, advanced eagerly, firing a slow, but steady barrage of energy blasts upon the MegaMishhu. The cog remained behind, choosing to keep its bulk out of the way, trailing along so as to stay protected by their Yamataian allies.


Even before the Ee'thie warning had arrived, the I'ee had detected a disturbance around the little planet of Kebrenasse. It was only now, however, that Thi-Thi had been able to mobilise her fleet and send it out. Now, roughly eighty assorted I'ee craft floated in loose formation past the damaged dwarf planet, heading straight for the conflict within the Outer Graveyard.
One Last Gambit

Alex pulled off a last second dodge, whipping his whole fighter around and to the side to avoid the metal stream.

Whatever was controlling this red pod was good. It dodged all of his attacks, but maybe he could use that to his advantage.

He fired his rifle, spreading the rounds out around the battlepod to leave it with only one way to dodge lest it be hit with a bullet. With each subsequent dodge, the red pod would maneuver itself into more of a situation where it had only one choice, until it was completely boxed in.

Then he fired his second to last antimatter torpedo straight at the battlepod, now unable to doge for fear of being hit.
Outer Graveyard

Hazel was quietly furious at the Yamatain pilot. The neko had easily racked up a few battle pod kills, while Hazel herself only had two under her belt AND had nearly exhausted her supply of missiles.

To make matters worse, Hound squadron was already down another pilot. Their Mecha Squadron wasn't fairing much better either. The battlepods were easily overwhelming the small fighters that the mercinary group were able to field, and were chipping into the supply of drones launched from the Necromancer.

"COME ON NUGGETS, DON'T LET YAMATAI SHOW YOU UP!" She shouted over her team's comm channels, before switching over to a direct line to the necromancer,

"We've got pilots down, send out S&R"

She'd then turn her attention to the Yamatain fighter craft, reluctantly aasking for help.

"Looks like our boy is in trouble. Lets go help him out..."


Elsewhere, the Red battlepod was barreling down on Alex, its main cannon firing another ribbon of metal, cutting the incoming torpedo in half and causing it to explode early, the battlepod's shields knocking aside the small bits of the torpedo as it passed through the after-glow of the blast.

At this point the battlepod was at point-blank range. There would be no time for Alex to dodge either, the cannon continuing to fire, sending a fast moving metal ribbon right through Alex's mecha, cutting off the right leg just below the hip! The blast from the material hitting at high speed knocking the U-1 around.

The battlepod's wingman was closing in as well... ready to finish Alex off with a burst of cannon fire, only to get hit by one of Hazel's missiles! The pod being knocked off course, and turning to face the other two combatants, leaving the red pod alone with Alex!



Chunky, Green, globs were floating out of the large gash in the side of the Megamishhu. Its telepathic screams being blocked out entirely by the field put out from the Heartbreaker. The steady pounding of fire from the I'ee, the Heartbreaker, and the Necromancer was now certainly starting to have an effect, the creature moving itself to try and hide behind the large weapon itself, which was better able to absorb the impacts...
Alex was buffeted around by the blast, and bit into his tongue after a blow jarred his jaw. Spitting out blood, he took quick stock of his situation.

He was down a leg, at close quarters with an enemy that had superior firepower. Fortunately, he had a bit more flexibility at close range than a battlepod.

Summoning the last of his strength, Alex reached up and grabbed the lance of the red pod, in what would later be considered a display of skill, he held onto it tying to tear it away as he brought his rifle to bear and began to unload his clip, point plank into the pod.
Alex would soon receive a lesson in Physics. The battlepod was closing at incredible speed. In the fraction of a moment that the battlepod flew past him, the U-1 wouldn't even have time to close its fingers. Instead, his hand would graze against the side of the lance. If he could see what was happening in slow motion, it would look like they were both made from water, the lance and the hand practically splashing against one another, rapidly heating up and sending dropplets of metal flying out in a deadly blast.

As the battlepod continued onward, its shields would start absorbing the blasts from Alex's rifle. The tip of its lance was now just gone, much like everything below the elbow of Alex's mecha.
Alex grimaced, this wasn't good, but now that it's weapon damaged, he had the upper hand. He continued to fire at the pod, unloading the last of his magazine in a last ditch effort to eliminate the threat.
Outer Graveyard

Ingrid moved just inside of the PSC field being emitted by the Heartbreaker and continued to signal to the gunship to try and coax it under the protective field. She flew slow and steady to give them a stable navigation beacon. Sweat began beading on her brow as the gunship failed to respond. She tried hailing again to get them to follow her, but no luck. Were they that incapacitated? Was she missing something? Just as panic began eking its way into her chest and getting its tendrils on her heart, the gunship changed its heading towards her and transmitted something in the whistle-snort language of the I'ee.

"Yes!" she triumphantly cheered, "I'm an idiot! Come on, come on! Yes-yes-YES!"

A tone went off in her helmet as she was alerted to hostile missile lock.

"No-no-NO!" she said, her exultation immediately dissolving as she took in the wave of battlepods approaching their position far outside of the protective fire envelope of the Heartbreaker and the other I'ee craft. She brought the aether sabre in her hand to power and began laying down fire. Her targeting controls locked on the missiles and provided fire solutions and the servos and manoeuvring systems of the Mindy capitalized on them. Ingrid took a back seat and watched as the swarm of incoming missiles were slowly picked off by her AIES. The gunship joined in and even though it lacked the brilliant Yamataian targeting suites, it offered enough volume of fire to do some work against the missile swarm.

The combined fire dwindled the incoming volley. Ingrid ran numbers in her head as the missiles bared down on them. Incoming velocity, outgoing acceleration, maximum range, gonna load up on SOOWs for my standard missile loadout from now on, only got time for one launch, time it just right aaannd... She launched a full volley of MSAP missiles from her shoulder launcher at the few remaining missiles as they made their final approach. The missiles twirled out to the last few projectiles about to impact the gunship. As the gunship's fire continued to hammer on the incoming Mishhu missiles, Ingrid's missiles zigged and zagged, reacquiring targets as the enemy flurry continued to be thinned out.

The squid volley was heavily depleted, but it wasn't eliminated; I'ee metallurgy was tested by Mishhu chemistry as detonations scored against the gunship. The hull held, but the battlepods that had fired the volley were rapidly approaching firing range. The gunship bared its teeth and spat at the battlepods. Ingrid tried to watch its back, but without any more missiles to launch she lacked the necessary firepower to protect the alien ship. Its carapace absorbed blow after blow while its guns stung back. Battlepods went up in flashes as Ingrid and the gunship exchanged blows until at last the gunship fell silent. It floated in space, broken. Ingrid was so preoccupied with taking down its attackers that she didn't even notice.

Ingrid's ear was filled with a transmission of whistles. Their tone was sad, yet undefeated. Ingrid checked over her shoulder and watched as a battlepod put a burst of fire into the gunship which simply, quietly, resolutely broke apart. Warning tones sounded as the Mishhu targeting suites locked up her power armour. She put full power to the CFS and hurtled back, dodging and weaving the fire of the pursuing battlepods and moving in to protect the trio of corvettes that advanced against the Megamishhu.

Adrenaline flooded her veins and swept away any rooting doubt she felt over her failure to protect the gunship. She locked in on a battlepod and fired her sabre, pounding its shields, and she fired, piercing its hull, and she fired, blowing its reactor. She flicked a shot off her left arm cannon and a missile sparkled briefly, another star amongst the backdrop. A battlepod charged her, firing its cannons. She twisted and dodged, launching a SDMM from her leg as it neared. The missile streaked the short space as Ingrid fired the hull cutters on her aether sabre and left arm projector. The missile contacted, disrupted the pod's field and she sliced at it as it flitted by in the blink of an eye. She fired a shot at it from her sabre as it tumbled away to finish it. Like a highland dancer, Ingrid stepped over swords that streaked across space, flaunting her finesse as her foes—in droves—fell.

She checked the Heartbreaker. Its shock cannon was glowing and ready to fire. She moved out of the fire path. Sally had seen to the corvettes. She was too busy fighting to watch out for Hasewega. Hopefully she found her way out as well.
Outer Graveyard

Veronika and Bettie were doing what they could to help Alex with his duel, but now they were finding more and more Battlepods to deal with every moment. They had to pull away, rejoining Kayoko as her fighter formed up with Hazel to assist. Maybe if they were all organized they could clear things out more efficiently and lend him a hand. "Ryokai!"

As Ingrid and the I'ee ships pulled aside, that telltale glow increased in intensity. A moment later, a tightly focused beam of scalar energy ripped through space, aimed for an exposed section of the Megamishhu not concealed by the larger structure. Ingrid and Sara knew this meant the Heartbreaker would need another ten seconds to recharge before firing again, much less raising that improved PSC field again. They'd mostly succeeded in corralling the I'ee out of harms way, but the Mishhu was sure to make some noise after this.
Outer Graveyard

Alex's Cannon fire would chip into the rear of the battlepod as it sped away. The red craft releasing its damaged lance weapon as it headed back towards the Megamishhu, quickly getting out of range of Alex's weapons.

The remaining battlepods near by would also start to pull back, as Kayoko formed up beside Hazel quickly racking up more kills on the small craft.

"Alex, Jason, make your way back to the Necromacer if you can, Do you guys have air in there?" Hazels aid over the all hands channel. A small, armored, shuttle was already attaching itself to Jason's craft, pulling him back towards their carrier while another did the same for Alex, approaching close and extending a set of mechanical arms that could gently take a hold of the craft without doing further damage.


The battle pods seemed to all be pulling back to the Megamishhu, forming a defensive cloud of craft to pick off the small projectiles the I'ee were sending their way. They seemed to be busying themselves with bringing asteroids in close to the Megamishhu... while the creature itself aimed the ancient weapon it had under its thrall back towards Ee'ee, grabbing any of the asteroids it could and trying to digest them as fast as possible.

Of course, the battlepods were fairly useless against an energy beam. The Heartbreaker's shot piercing through through a pod that just happened to be in the way before cutting a neat hole right through the exposed upper parts of the Megamishhu. The thick protrusions on the top that held its upper engines were cut clean off, and were sent tumbling into space. The creature now struggling to keep its position using just the few tendrils that were holding it on. It couldn't even take aim at the heart breaker without exposing itself... instead deciding to fire on a nearby asteroid, causing it to explode violently and send a spread pattern of molten metal towards the Heartbreaker and its escorts.

The roar that followed used every bit of energy the creature could muster, its transmitters putting out a massive amount of energy on any wavelength it could, heating up the exterior of the Mishhu craft and slowly melting its antenna.

For Hound squadron, the high pierced shriek would cut into their own communication equipment, the sound cutting deep like it was in their own heads, forcing them to pull away from the Mishhu craft and disable their communications for the time being.
Outer Graveyard

The Necromancer continued to maneuver allowing the other ships and fighters to draw the attention of that megamishu. Finally, she was ready. The Necromancer finally slipped past the enemy and off to the port side of the megamishu.

Necromancer's Bridge

"Sir! We are in position." The Helmsman reported.

"Good. Let's show them the might of the Necromancer. Let's kill that ugly bastard." Werner said standing up. "All forward batteries, commence bombardment! All torpedos away! Fire everything!!!"

Outer Graveyard

The Necromancer's hull was illuminated by the trails of fire from her missiles, torpedos, and the massive blasts from her massive quad railgun and two smaller dual railguns. The rounds of the railguns shook the hull as the thundered away, round after deadly round towards the mishu.
Outer Graveyard

The shock cannon's blast was an impressive sight for the Thi-Thi vessels. Even the resulting scream from the Mishhuvarthyar did not phase them like it had before.
"Very impressive." came a series of off-handed compliments from the I'ee, directed at the Heartbreaker. "Yes. Burn it." "Ensure it suffers."
Once they had finished marvelling at the glorious destruction inflicted upon their enemy, the I'ee craft resumed bombardment upon the creature. The bulk of the I'ee fleet from Ee'ee was arriving as well, though it skirted around the edge of the battle for now, not wishing to interrupt or get in the way.
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