Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Vacation on Lor


Inactive Member
(Continued from ... &start=100)

"Well...who all wants to participate in the gem hunt? I'd like to try for the most profitable location of possible..."

Toshiro said, index finger to his chin...he may have thought it a gimmick, had he not been handed a 5 karat perfect diamond that very day...

"Maybe more people could come if we had more Power Armors available...Ken, did you ever decide on if you'd let Kairi use that Pod to make the IronMan armor?"

(This is a chance to plug the Winter if need be. Depending on how affordable it is, he MIGHT buy one...)
"As long as I get to buy a bathing suit, and visit a beach in the end, I'm up for anything. Of course, someone would have to go with me to help pick one out. To critique, and the like." The doctor replied idly staring at the ground.

"And I'm curious as to how a Kylie would perform in such a thing as this gem hunt. Doubtless the forearm projectors and augmented strength would be ideal for excavation if used carefully. But then again, you also can't knock just getting your own two hands dirty."
"Sounds fun... But I'd much rather get started on helping Eve as soon as possible," Shaun said as he walked off the ramp and onto the ground below. He looked around for a moment before turning his head to ask: "So which way should I head to shop for parts again?"
(Posting from work)

Toshiro looked to Remi first.

"Well, that would depend on the environment we found ourselves in, ne, Miyoshi-hakase?"

He then turned to the Princess.

"Is it possible for us to obtain some maps while we are here?"
Obelisk nodded lightly.

"All maps are available through our interface system. As to the location, there is really only two areas. One is off limits, the underground where we have lived since the creation of the four houses. The other, would be the gem coast to the west. It is a large cliff that has the gems embedded in it."

As she heard the comment from the doctor, she scratched the side of her cheek, smiling sheepishly.

"While we have Helashio at the stores to critique, I would not be above helping myself." She looked to the smaller woman and smiled still. She needed a new swimsuit herself anways.
"Well then. If you could show me to one of these interfaces, so I can hurry off to pawn some of my share of the salvage, not the pod, Capt'n, as I'm still pondering that, it would be much appreciated." Ken said, smiling. "And I would love to join you on a gem hunt later. I just want to get some stuff checked off my shopping list."
Remi wore a small ghost of a smile at Obelisk's offer before incling her head a little.

"I would like that, and consider it an honor. And I'll try and make it not too boring an experience for you princess." The doctor replied lightly. Already her mind drifted on the style, and color of her bathing suit. What to pick... She tapped her chin with a slim finger in thought. Ofcourse it'd have to match her in some way, perhaps sunglasses to go with it as well?

The doctor sighed a little. She'd decide all that when they got there.
"Just...don't wear hair ribbons, okay? Bathing suits and beaches are frightening enough...but hair ribbons..."

Toshiro visibly shivered...then replied to Ken.

"Oh, okay...we may need to find you a Power Armor or something, unless you'll let Kairi use that pod of yours to make those Ironmen."
Ken nodded. "I'll still have to get back to you on both accounts. I have plans, you have plans, she has plans, and they are all getting tangled. Give me...the day to sort things out, alright? And what's wrong with hair ribbons?" he asked, smiling. "As it comes to power armors, I'd rather stay IN the ship."
"I like my ribbon from time to time." Obelisk tilted her head to the side and blinked lightly, before she looked to Ken.

"Indeed, the plans are getting mixed up. Why do we not retire for the night. I can take anyone needing a bathing suit out tonight, as well as show our friend where to head for his parts that he needs." She nodded first to Remi, then to Ken.

"But, as I said it is ultimately up to you and your group Captain Toshiro."
Toshiro thought a moment, before looking at the group.

"Agreed. After everything we've been through, we could use a good rest. I'll also have to get some swimming trunks, to boot."

With that, he opened his communicator, and patched himself into the comm system to speak with the rest of the people on the vessel.

"All hands, this is your Captain. We have been graciously envited to stay on Lor for vacation, with royal level accomodations and escort. All who wish to come with us may depart through the rear of the ship. Please do not bring anything that could be misinterpreted as a weapon, much less any firearms. Make sure to lock such things away, and please bring Serenity with you. She does not know the ship's layout just yet. Do not forget her pet. That is all."
Remi claped her hands together as if just remembering something. Because she just did.

"That reminds me, I said I'd also buy Serenity a gift I just don't know what to get her yet." With a little sigh the doctor flipped her hair over a black fuzzy ear. "Well, I suppose I should kill two birds with one stone, and buy her gift while I'm out."

With that Remi looked to Toshiro, an inquisitive look on her face. "Who will Serenity be staying with Toshiro?"
Toshiro shrugged at that particular detail.

"In that area, I have no idea at all. She can't stay with me, hating clothing and everything. She'd likely want to sleep nude. You and Kairi have both been with her, right? It would likely be one of you, if that's okay."
The doctor gave a little shrug.

"I wouldn't mind having her stay in my room. Besides, I'm used to nudity and the like." Remi replied idly, ofcourse she would be comfortable with such things as she was in the SAoY for a number of years. The doctor tilted her head a little to the side, causing black hair to spill over a shoulder.

"I'm guessing you are a modest person captain? That's a rare quality I don't see often. Once you get our plans in order, I would like to use a power armor for the gem hunt if it is alright with you, that is if it is needed ofcourse. The Kylie would be...preferable, it's been a little while since I've used one. Plus it could be a bit of a learning experience for Kairi."

Remi replied thoughtfully, she knew Kairi had no formal training by their conversation when she'd been rescued earlier. The reactions that it'd garnered was proof enough.
Ken smirked. Modest is one way of putting Naive he thought. "Kairi, before we leave, tell me one thing about your PA plans. Do you need the pod permanently, or is it just long enough to create enough suits for the crew?" he asked.
A red blur came streaking from the ship, having been shown the way to the exit. Almost immediatly Serenity had latched herself to Toshiro's back, clinging to him fiercely as she looked around, petrified of the noises she had been hearing since they landed. Shaking as she looked around, her eyes finally fell on Obelisk. The poor girl looked as if she would faint as she looked up at the princess.

~"M-...Mistress! Serenity no run! Serenity no run!~" Petrified of the larger woman she squirmed back to hide behind Remi, shaking as she tried to make herself dissapear.

Obelisk couldn't help but laugh though, smiling a little at the girl. ~"Serenity, you are fine...Mistress is gone, you are with them, they are your new masters and mistresses. Make sure you do as they say."~

Obelisk laughed a little again and smiled, looking to Toshiro. "A tip. Never raise your voice to her...she has a fairly special past. If you wish while you are visiting, I can pull her file for you from the Llamnel household. Now if you will follow me, we can get you settled in. A question for you though. Would you like traditional Lorath rooms? Or rooms for offworlders?" She tilted her head as slowly a transport rolled up, looking every bit a tank save for the six wheels and the absence of the turret.
Remi blinked, and turned herself about wrapping an arm about Serenity. She gave the Helashio a reassuring smile bringing her to her side. The doctor stroked the larger woman's hair gently for a few moments, then stopped.

"Well, I think I'll like a taste of the exotic, I will take a traditional Lorath room if you please." She replied politely eyeing the large vehicle. To Serenity she asked, ~"Who would you like to stay with Serenity? Me or Kairi?"~
Toshiro smiled as he patted Serenity's head...

"Personally, I would prefer an 'offworlder' room...and yes, I would like to know Serenity's history if you don't mind..."