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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Vacation on Lor

Shaun who was back at the Yggdrasill was in the control room keeping an eye on things. He was at least until Eve started back up "Shaun....."

"Whats up Eve?" He replied. "The vehicle the others left in appears to be returning in the direction of the ship" She replied.

"The hell is going on?" He said as he made his way out of the control room and down to the landing ramp.
"Unfortunately not. For now, all of Lor is being evacuated off the planet and eastward, twoards the more uncharted area. I believe we are being aided by the fifth fleet, from what my Xiaah tells me. Again...I am terribly sorry for this."

Obelisk bowed her head as the vehicle rolled to a stop a little under fifty yards from the Ygg. Serenity was purring from the scratching, her eyes half shut contently as she shivered.
Ken nodded, tapping his ear piece. "Shaun? Eve? If either you are on board, get the ship started. Time to leave." he said, nodding. "I don't think our dear captian would be against helping out if needed."
As the tank came to a stop, Remi was jarred awake. The doctor's hands shot up, poised to attack some unseen foe. After blinking away her sleepiness, the doctor lowered her hands and murmured a quick apology.

"What is going on?" She asked peering about her ears twitched a little out of the emotion that seemed to hang in the air.
Toshiro nodded at Ken.

"You got it right, Ken, I wouldn't mind at all...are there any you need our vessel to carry, Princess? It sounds as though there are some inter-house issues, and a house-neutral civilian transport might be of use, at least until we escape this...the Yggdrasill's top speed is 67,000c, so while not as fast as a standard Star Army or Qel'Noran FTL capable vessel, it's faster than most other civilian models."

(Big opportunity to put Sana on the Ygg, along with anyone else)
Shaun answered the call "Roger that" He said rushing back into the control room. Shaun pointed at his console "Eve get the weapon systems ready. We might have to fight just to get out of orbit. "

Shaun slid into the main pilot's seat and began preparing the vessel for launch.
"No, that is ok but thank you for the offer regardless, it would be impolite to impose upon guests." Obelisk shook her head, her braids twisting about with her.

"Please, feel welcome to visit us at our new planet when we are able to settle, I know the Xiaah would not be opposed."

With the bow of her head, Obelisk opened the door for the others.

When Toshiro got onto the bridge a message would await him, with the sender being Obelisk. It would be what he had asked for, the music, the report and a small note.

Ken ran out as soon as the truck stopped, and up the landing ramp. "Landing Control, this is the SRSS Yggdrasil requesting permission to leave as soon as possible, and vectors." he said into the comm, patching into the radio.
Remi meanwhile took a somewhat casual pace, although fast. The doctor wished to absorb what sights she could of Lor before her departure. From the ground, landscapes in the distance, buildings in the city, to the sky itself.

With a reluctant sigh, Remi stepped up the landing ramp, and into the ship once more, giving Lor one final look.
Toshiro took the Captain's Chair, and quickly sent messages to Obelisk thanking her for everything, and to the Salvage Department, notifying them that obtaining a ship at this time was not possible, and that an alternative form of reward may be required. He kept the messages brief, expecting to lift off into battle at any time...hopefully the 5th XF's defenses would hold until the evacuation was completed.
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