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Vacation to Neplesia


Inactive Member

The YSS Starry Night was buckling under the fire it was recieving. Communications and sensors were the first to go, jammed at first, then the entire array blown away. Whoever was attacking them didn't want anyone to know. The crew managed to make it to the escape pods before the hull collapsed and allowed the vaccum of space to come spilling in. The pod's launched from the hull of the ship. Immediatly they came under heavy fire.

The escape pods hurtled into the nearest habitable planet's atmosphere, Delsauria. After flying through the atmosphere in a blazing trail of fire, the escape pods hit the ground.

The escape pod played a message to the crew inside:
Escape Pod said:
Please exit the pod immediatly.
Due to extensive structural damage the pod may detonate at any moment.
Please exit the pod immediatly.

[[ooc: feel free to post]]
"Sheez..." Nearboy, Santo Juni Ron Thomas Jacobs, an import from Nepleslia (as he liked to call it) kicked his way out of the pod and moved clear, along the way pulling out a Neko BAR and a Type 28L NSP. He looked around and moved to one of the other pods, knocking on the front of it.

"Uhh... Anyone home in there?"
The Traveler watched the escape pods crash on the barren surface. The open desert is a place few tread without fear. The oncoming sand storm promised to make things more interesting. He shook his head, those in the pods would need shelter if they got too far from the pods. With the way the storm was forming, Traveler knew that it was going to be a very bad storm. Even the lizard-ling would not be willing to get out in it. He started to wards the pods, someone had to help them.
As Ron walked up to the nearest escape pod he could clearly tell that it wasn't in any better shape than his own. As he knocked on the pod's door it popped open, the same audio message being played over the speakers inside the pod. Inside, four NH-29's could be seen collapsed in a pile on the floor of the pod.

As the sunlight entered the pod, one of the nekos on the bottom of the pile shifted and slowly managed to turn her head toward Ron. It was then that Ron recognized the moving neko, Ritsuyo-Hei one of the medical officers. "Jacobs-Juni?" she mumbled, "What is going on?" The neko asked with a dazed look on her face, obviously trying to assess the situation.

[[silver, not ignoring you. You can decide when you get there, just mention your arrival when you post.]]
Jacobs attempted to pull the front off the pod unassisted. Between grunts of exertion, he tried his best to explain what had happened. "Sometime... a few minutes ago... Something... Attacked the... Starry Night... We escaped... Dunno where the others are... We're in some kind of desert... Probably Delsauria... Or something."
For a moment the Neko looked a little confused, then she registered the audio alert that was playing in the escape pod. "Komo-chan wake up, we need to get out of here!!" the neko said, frantically pushing one of the upper bodies on the pile. "Nnn, Chiaki I'm sleeping." Komo said as she rolled over, attempting to fall back asleep.

"Wake up!! We don't have time to sleep!!" Chiaki said as she shoved the neko off of the pile. For a moment Komo's eyes fluttered, then she propped herself up on her elbows. "Evidently we have crash landed somewhere in Neplesia, grab whatever you can." Chiaki said before looking back to Jacobs, "Jacobs-Juni, help me with the other two, I have a feeling we won't have time to wake each of them independantly." Chiaki said as she rolled one neko off of another. "If you carry them on your back it should allow us to get out of here faster."

Chiaki sat one of the nekos against a wall, kneeled down and pulled the neko's arms over her shoulder and began to stand up. As Chiaki stood she pulled the neko's legs around her waist. "Hold on tight" she whispered to the extremely groggy neko.
"Got it." Jacobs moved into the pod and grabbed the uniform collars of the two remaining nekovalkyrja and dragged them out of the pod.

"Now what?"
A tall male wrapped in heavy coverings walked up. "Storms coming, you need to get to safety." He motioned to the horizon which was clear at the moment. "The sands are saying there will be a bad blow. You must get to a protected area. I think your pods will protect you, but they are large enough to be caught up in a blow, and light enough to fly far." He moved cautiously making no gestures that could be taken as threatening.
"That and they're gonna self destruct any time." Just in case, Jacobs widened his footing and drew his NSP.
The man looked out at the desert. "Rock to west, old base to east. Move quickly or be lost in storm. She said it going to be bad." He settled down on the sands, his military issue boots looked barely recognizable. He pulled a water-tube from his coverings and took a sip. "She tells me the storm is coming slowly but very very harsh."
Jacobs looked to his crewmates. It seemed they had two choices: Stay, and either be caught in the sandstorm and/or the explosion of the pods, or follow this wierdo.

"It's up to you guys."
Chiaki was coming out of the escape pod when the stranger approached.
Jacobs said:
"It's up to you guys."

"Both have advantages, but the base has the highest chance for us to get back to Yamatai, the rocks probably wouldn't even shield us too well from a sandstorm. On the other hand, we don't know if it wasn't the Nepleslian military that shot us out of the sky either. Either way, we can't stay here any longer." Chiaki said as she walked out of the shuttle with one of the nekos on her back.

Just a few seconds later and Kumo came out of the escape pod with 4 Star Army Backpacks, that looked like they were stuffed with additional ration packs and a med kit. "I got everything I could fit in Chiaki-ne-san." Kumo said, briefly raising the packs to show them.

"Alright, then we should get going. Jacobs-Juni, would you take the backpacks from Kumo-Hei?" Chiaki paused while looking at the new arrival. "Will you lead us to the base then?" Chiaki asked the new arrival. I don't quite trust him, he seems awfully friendly for a Nepleslian... she thought to herself.

Before much more time could pass a noise began to come from one of the escape pods, a high squeling noise. Komo's ears twitched for a second, "Chiaki-ne-san!!" Komo said her voice rising out of fear as she spoke.

"RUN!!!!!" Chiaki screamed "Jacobs-Juni grab the last neko. Komo move!! Now!!" Chiaki started making a wild dash in a straight line away from the pods.
"Right!" Jacobs moved decisively, shoving his way into the escape pod and moving the Nekovalkyrja over his shoulder. He got clear not a moment too soon as the pods exploded and a wave of heat washed over him.
Chiaki said:

Kumo started to run, looked back and noticed that the other man wasn't moving. He's gonna die if he doesn't move!! Kumo screamed inwardly. I've got to save him. she thought as she turned around and accelerated to her maximum speed using her gravity manipulation, flying right at the man. Kumo managed to catch the man, just as the pods started to explode into a brilliant ball of flame. The brilliant light from the explosion was the last thing Kumo saw before darkness descended over her vision. I....hope.....we..........
Traveller caught the leaping female with ease. She leapt into him. He twisted to block the brunt of the explosion. A shard of metal ran though his arm with ease. His outer cloak was instantly burned away. His desert suit absorbed the heat blast and provided a bit of energy for his gear. The old suit beeped its last but provided enough cover from the heat to save their pair's life. He looked up after examining the female in his arms. "You really not need to tackle me. I am hardy." He indicated his desert uniform. He reached around to test the scrap of metal. "Damage, minimal. Not enough leverage to remove. Storm comes quicker. Must move to old base. Safer. Repair parts available." He stood up, his right leg giving a little scrape of metal on metal. "Base that way." He indicated an easterly trek.
Jacobs looked the desert traveller over. He seemed hardy enough; but something in his gut said he wasn't to be trusted just yet...
Despite Traveller taking the brunt of the explosion and debree himself, the sudden change in temperature had overwhelmed the Nekovalkyrja, forcing her into temporary unconciousness.


Chiaki ran over to Kumo who was now laying on the ground and began checking her out for injuries. After finding only minor cuts and scrapes Chiaki turned to Jacobs. "He is right, we need to get moving if a storm is coming." Chiaki paused as she noticed the backpacks that Kumo had carried were lying in various locations, their contents strewn about.

"Kumo should be up any minute. Jacobs-Juni, since you are our commanding officer I leave the choice of where to go up to you. I'm going to go collect our bags..." Chiaki said as she stood up.
Jacobs weighed his options in a very Nepleslian way. He produced a small coin from his uniform pocket. One side sported a visage of Grand Admiral Robert Davis, the other a Nepleslian enblem.

"Alright, this is just a little game of chance. Heads, we go with the traveller, tails we find somewhere else." Jacobs flipped the coin, which rotated quickly and landed in a practiced, war-hardened palm. Davis faced Jacobs from his silver mounting.

"We follow the Traveller-person."
Traveller turned and started east, making a good pace as the winds slowly started to move. His face turned towards the horizon. "Less than hour. Winds not good. Keep pace."
It wasn't long before Chiaki returned with the four bags, however, two of the bags had gaping holes in them. "We lost about a fourth of the rations in the explosion, most of them have either melted from the heat, or were cut by bits of shrapnel. Besides, two of these bags look like they won't be able to hold anything anymore." Chiaki said as she held up the two bags, rations spilling out from within.


Just after Chiaki had left to grab the bags, Kumo started to wake up. "Nani?" Kumo asked, as she pulled up information on her systems. It looks like I am ok- before Kumo could finish the sentence she remembered the man she had flown into. "The old guy!! Is he okay!?!? " Kumo yelled as she shot up, her head wildly swinging back and forth. It didn't take her long to notice the Travellar standing off to the side. Thank goodness. she said to herself as she let her back fall onto the ground again. By the time Chiaki had returned Kumo had stood up and begun wiping the dust off of herself. As Kumo listened to Chiaki talk about the bags she groaned, "Mou, we won't be able to last too long on such a small amount of ration packs."


"So it's decided then, we follow him?" Chiaki asked. "Very well, Kumo grab these two bags, they will need to last us I guess. Jacobs-Juni, would you carry the other neko while I get this one?" Chiaki asked as she walked over to the other neko and lifted her onto her back. "It will be okay....we'll get you back in no time..." Chiaki sent telepathically to the unconcious neko. "Let's get going." Chiaki said as she began following the Travellar.
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