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Approved Submission Vekimen Race

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So, after looking, it seems that their immortality was added entirely on 12/20. In the course of one day, there were few changes... but one of them was the entire inclusion of the "lifespan" section, which was the entire addition of immortality to the species. Before the section was added, it did not imply that the Vekimen were immortal as far as I could tell from my reading through the revisions. It was also in this revision that it seems the Vekimen's VDTF was officiated (as the race was added to the faction), which could tie up to it.

So unless there's something that myself and others missed, this seems like a core change to the species that didn't seem to be approved anywhere, but was added on. It would also make sense why there's even a lifespan if this was the case, as a species that could just eat food non-stop and wouldn't die so long as they had proper nutrition/diets wouldn't even HAVE a traditional lifespan.
Like who are you speaking for?
It matters why? This is about the Vekimen and an unapproved edit that made them suddenly immortal.

~~This post has been edited to remove content that did now follow the Star Army Community Guidelines~~ --Admin Wes
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Also, you keep soliciting things other than the vekimen. You have referenced some silent group of people that you are speaking for, and you have slandered me.
Because you keep saying that. "Me and others"

Who are you referencing?
It's nice to know you can't focus on the facts that the Vekimen are the issue and only want to look to start shit. It doesn't matter who, only that the discrepancy has been found. Why does it include you? You weren't here when these changes occurred. Unless, of course, you're out to bully SARP members or start drama.

Edit: As for slandering, you have no place here in this thread. But you come out to attack the "who" rather than the "what". Your actions in other boards, telling members to leave, is also alarming. This isn't slander. You need to kindly remove yourself from here unless you have proof to back-up the changes made.

Double Edit: You triple posting in anger is also not helping. Please refrain from posting unless you're contributing.
You keep being other things up.

Answer the question.

Who are "other people"
I'm now going to resume refusing to read your posts. It's clear you don't understand the who doesn't matter. In fact, you insist that it does because you have zero ability to comprehend the process of the NTSE. There is no proof to support the species becoming immortal, but you don't address it. You sit here trying to argue with me.

I won't answer your question. You have no justified reason to know who, nor does it reflect the outcome of this. So kindly, stop posting.
See, when I see vague terms like "other people"

I think of mafia movies. I think of the hit man telling the hero "they won't like this. Not one bit" in an effort to INTIMIDATE.

Which is what bullying is. Intimidating others. Ever time I see a new submission here you are. Using vague terminology to imply some sort of legitimacy. When challenged you resort to calling names(you called me a bully for example.

Oh I get the NTSE. I also see you aren't a moderator.

So I am wondering if you aren't a moderator, why are you A CALLING PEOPLE NAMES

B. Using vague terminology in an effort to intimidate.

C. Not letting the moderator do their job.
As for the reason to know, you keep saying it. Over and over and over. In an effort to pretend you have some authority.

Long story short, I do not like you trying to intimidate edto or anybody. I am going to report this.

People should not be scared to be on sarp.

Other people have said this about you.

See what I did there? It's what you keep doing.
I'm fine with that Gunhand. I am just tired of the threats and condescending attitudes and name calling.

Oh and the bully tactics
There's clearly a discrepancy between what was approved and what is currently on the page from later additions that were added without any subsequent approval. That's what Legix is pointing out here, and it's easily solved by a Setting Manager or NTSE mod coming in to either approve the changes or ask that they be removed. Legix is being informative so that some yellow banner can sort things out.

I can't really discern what you're trying to contribute to the resolution of that discrepancy, Ira. There are now more than ten unnecessary back-and-forth posts between you and Legix, starting with something from you.

Let's just wait and see what Wes or a reviewer has to say.
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See, when I see vague terms like "other people"

I think of mafia movies. I think of the hit man telling the hero "they won't like this. Not one bit" in an effort to INTIMIDATE.

Which is what bullying is. Intimidating others. Ever time I see a new submission here you are. Using vague terminology to imply some sort of legitimacy. When challenged you resort to calling names(you called me a bully for example.

Oh I get the NTSE. I also see you aren't a moderator.

So I am wondering if you aren't a moderator, why are you A CALLING PEOPLE NAMES

B. Using vague terminology in an effort to intimidate.

C. Not letting the moderator do their job.
A. I'm calling you names because you're livid. You came in here, spamming 1 line demands to ask "who". There's no intimidation. The intimidation factor is made-up in your head, purely to try and make this into a bullying attempt. You're refusing to understand there is highlighted proof in the revisions.

See here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:vekimen&rev=1480666301
This is before 12/20, on 12/2 when things had no mention of immortality.

This is 12/20's final edit, and SUDDENLY immortal.

Proof speaks.

B: There's no vague terms. You're fishing. Simply answered, simply explained. Pardon me for assuming people won't try to fish for a fight like you have done.

Go ahead and bring it up in the original submission thread Legix, and we'll investigate from there. This thread though, is focused on the station.


Looks like I was asked by the moderator to bring it up here. I guess I just investigated it for them to give them a jump-off point and investigation window.

Now on to the subject of immortality.

Short of being a reference point in rp, I do not see it being anything game breaking. They can be killed so it isn't a big deal. Sarp occurs in real time, so truthfully it won't matter.

As for breeding. Eh. It's still going to take time for his population to even get to over a million individuals
I'm not fishing. You keep soliciting some group of people. For what? Why do "they" keep coming up.

Who are you trying to scare?

Livid? No. Merely annoyed with the way you behave. You spout micro aggressions all day, then cry victim when anybody dares even ask a question to you about what you are saying.
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