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RP Victory Day Celebration YE 43

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This was the second time he'd been to Kyoto City, though the circumstances at least in his mind were far happier circumstances, though the celebration had also served as a grim reminder as well. His ground guides were a group of rowdy troopers wearing both Star Army, and a uniform of similar green to his own sentinel's colors-many were drinking or smoking. Wishing to view the celebration-though he had another reason as well, they'd made him a deal-act as their "Sweet Mecha Ride", no doubt to impress what women they happened across, and they'd help get him in. Of course, a group of those...'Nekos' along with others had also decided to clamber on his hull as well, and now they were all chatting, discussing the battle.

Steiner had refrained from involving himself; he was surveying the nearby river, looking for a quiet, out of the way spot-none yet. Some of the louts were cheering and whooping while jumping up and down, some hanging off his armor-he'd almost started shaking to throw them off but resisted the urge; he didn't want to lose his guides. They were at least being semi-well behaved and no one had been stepped on so there was that.
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Kyoto was swarming with police and military personnel, both of whom aggressively confronted the smokers for violating the law. It was clear that the choice was either give up the contraband immediately or get arrested and relocated somewhere offworld.

"This is our home, you don't get to dirty it, even if it's a special occasion," the local police commander sternly warned. "Hey, isn't that the suspicious individual who disturbed the peace at the Recruiting Center a while back?" he said to his lieutenant, who started looking through old reports to try to find the answer.
'Wonderful.' The confrontation really didn't bother him-although the fact they were threatening the smokers with relocation was a bit surprising-a first of many things for him in the Kikyo Sector. Though the aforementioned disturbance had been more of an misunderstanding than anything. Words were exchanged, along with a few choice gestures as they handed their smokes over-though this was from the more drunken individuals, while others more kept cool heads. He watched the exchange impassively, and shook his 'head'. There would be no point in apologizing for their behavior.

A few of the more sober ones had managed clamber back up him, helping some of their more inebriated companions-though he had no doubt some of them would likely be arrested regardless. Steiner moved to signal his guides, intent on finding the particular part of the shoreline he was looking for when bright green suddenly clouded his vision, and reaching up he found himself pulling what looked like an oversized mop of cloth. What the-?

High-pitched female laughter echoed behind him, accompanied by the slapping of hands-no doubt congratulating themselves on their joke.

The sentinel was not amused...not in the least.
Downtown Kyoto

Sanda laughed as her sister Estrella finished her story. It felt good to just sit and talk and laugh with her sister. It felt like forever since they had done this. Estrella took another sip of her coffee then pointed with her lips at Sanda's shoulder. "So what are you going to do about that?" Sanda looked down at her shoulder, as if seeing it for the first time. "Oh this thing? I figure I'd just go get a bionic replacement. Anything has got to be better than wearing this sling for a few months. To bad I didn't think of it sooner, I'd have had you bring be some custom job." Sanda laughed then stopped when she saw the twinkle in her sister's eye. "NO!" Sanda exclaimed, "No you didn't!" Her sister nodded slowly with a big grin on her face. "But how?" Sanda inquired. "Pease, I'm a Joto Heisho's wife, or rather now an officers wife. I've got connections. As soon as I heard you were injured I inquired how bad and what the damage was. I've got your x-rays, your doctor recommendations, your rehab routine. I know you damaged it way worse by not taking it easy and..." Estrella added with a superior smile. "I know you. I knew you would be wanting to replace your shoulder with a bionic, so I had one made for you." She reached into her purse and took out a data slate and slid it across the table to her younger sister. She couldn't really call her little sister as Sanda was 3 inches taller than Estrella.

Sanda took the data slate and looked at it. "I actually got you three." Estrella said as Sanda read through the files. "I wasn't sure if you would want just the shoulder replacement and keep your forearm. Or if you wanted to replace the whole thing. If you want to replace the whole thing, I got you the latest in Nepleslian cybernetics. The arm gives you 5 times your normal strength. The thing is practically indestructible except for aether weapons. Looks just like a normal arm but can be customizes with all sorts of little gadgets depending on what kind of mission your on." Estrella smiled when she saw Sanda's mouth drop open. "Yes," she whispered, "I even went ahead and added the lightning bolt tattoo's down the arms. I'm working a prototype that will actually shoot lighting bolts out of the arm, but I'm still on the drawling board for that." Sanda looked at her sister and stammered, "I don't know what to say." "How about, thanks big sis, you're the best." Sanda laughed and said sarcastically, "Thanks big sis, you are the best." Estrella laughed as well. "I've also got an eye for you if you want it. This thing has the works in it. Up to x20 magnification, low light, infrared, night vision. Built in targeting computer as well. You'll like this, I even programed it to flash like lighting when you get angry. Should go real well with your personality." Estrella was referring to Sanda's lighting bolt tattoo over her left eye and her hot headedness. Sanda rolled her eyes, "I actually really regretted not having a targeting system when I lost my helmet during that last fight. This will for sure come in handy..... Thanks sis. I really mean that. You're the best." "I'm just looking out for my sister. All I can do is equip you with what you need then send you out to fight."
Tokyo Brew Pub

Usada Chikako's grey cat-like ears were flat against her head as she looked around the pub, taking in the atmosphere before letting her eyes fall on a booth seat. Sitting down, her Type 23 uniform's side slit pencil skirt hugged as close to her body as her self molding chest piece and shoulder plates did. They were ribbed with starship ops grey and her chest was crested with the rank of Jôtô Heisho. She tucked into the menu, looking it over with one green eye on the offerings and another on the room.


Rei had been standing idly by save for the stray nod of her head when William approached. Upon hearing Kiyo's request, her long elven ears perked. Once William and Aiko had both admitted to not knowing of anyone else around from the ship, she spoke.

"Deio Asuka and Gravity-kohai, starship operators, are at the Chrome Catgirl. Not far," she didn't offer much more information, but Aiko knew well enough how much Rei didn't approve of the ship-board cook's treatment of steaks and the Chrome Catgirl was known for them.
Ft. Minori

The city-like landscape of Fort Minori's massive apartment complexes gradually gave way to lower rooftops and green areas as Matsuvo watched out of the window of one of the many trains that made up the base's transit systems. As the landscape transitioned before his eyes, the train was moving into one of the many recreation sectors of the base. These were scattered around Fort Minori, essentially small parks and strip malls, placed to allow the many soldiers of the base access to shopping and entertainment.

As he exited the train, Matsuvo looked up at the sky. Many Neko and Minkan soldiers on the base had chosen to fly to their destinations, but in an area with such congested 'airspace' as Fort Minori, with its 50 million or more inhabitants, Matsuvo often found it easier just to take one of the trains. As he began to glide along the ground towards the bar, he waved courteous greetings to some of the familiar faces he recognized in the crowd. Most soldiers never spent more than a few months at Fort Minori unless they were stationed there as MPs or part of the Personnel HQ, and most of them spent time with their units. Still, having been on the base for more than a year, Matsuvo certainly had a perspective on the base that most infantry didn't.

Ft. Minori, Tokyo Brew Pub

As he arrived at this sector's Tokyo Brew Pub location, he made his way to the bar briefly. He greeted the bartender briefly before ordering. "An order of pickles, some soft pretzels, and a Forty-Two Yamatai, please." He waited a moment for the beer to be poured, taking the glass and turning to lean on the bar as he waited for his order. The scene was similar to most weekends, with the main distinguishing factor being that this was in the middle of the week.

The faces in the crowd were familiar, however as his eyes scanned the room he couldn't help but notice, among the Class-A and Class-B Type-35 unforms, the neko wearing an extremely out-of-date uniform. He hadn't seen the make in person, but recalled the SANDRA programs that his parents had showed him while he was young, and knew at the very least that the uniform was from maybe twenty years prior.

The flattened ears should, perhaps, have caused the Minkan some hesitation. However, his curiosity got the better of him, and Matsuvo picked up his food and began to weave his way through the crowded pub towards the Neko. "Pardon me," He asked, "Is this booth full?"
Tokyo Brew Pub

When Matsuvo approached, the freckled skin between the heisho's eyes pleated together. With a dramatically pointed glare at his pickles, she kept her nose crinkled until her gaze lifted to Matsuvo's face.

Still scowling, she answered with a question, "Does it look full? Just eat those acrid logs first if you don't mind. I'm Usada Chikako... and you are?"

Looking towards the bar, she signaled two numbers with her hand when the bartender glanced at her: a 4 and a 2.
The Chrome Catgirl


Gravity smiled that easy smile that only appeared after a few drinks and leaned across the table to Asuka.

Just how in the fuck she'd ended up in an upscale steakhouse alone with Deio Asuka she'd never know. One moment, she was at a tiki bar enjoying a 250 proof neko-strength margarita, the next, she was sitting quietly amongst fine tablecloths and polished wood fixtures.

Between them there were several bottles of fine Hanako brand wines- a fine pregame for the real celebration- and before Gravity, the tiger-themed neko pilot, was a 1.5 pound ribeye, a pile of grilled asparagus, and a mountain of gourmet mac-n-cheese.

Screw it! She'd literally survived the entire Kuvexuan war! It was time to party down! To hell with all that officer etiquette and stuff!

But this also presented a new dilemma. One she'd managed to conceal to the best of her ability until now, considering her surroundings.

"Asuka?" The blue neko whispered conspiratorially to the girl across from her. "I am extremely fucked up right now, and I am in the mood to incite some shenanigans."


"After I finish this steak, though."

Somewhere on a beach

Meanwhile, Jackson Howard, head engineer aboard the YSS Resurgence, gently sipped a mojito as he relaxed on a sunny beach. He briefly thought about maybe seeking out Pidole to smooth things out, but decided that was better suited for office hours.

He didn't really want to spend time with the crew.

He'd had a crew once. He'd loved them like family and vowed to defend them to his dying breath.

But now, his family was gone.

Tsuguka was MIA, Candon was losing his mind by the minute, Umeshu hadn't visited in a while...

Deep down, Jax knew the empty feeling in his gut wasn't hunger, but biting loneliness. He knew the reason he was avoiding the others was to avoid creating bonds that could be lost in a post cycle (whoops, couldn't let that particular thought loose, else the Great Creator might shut down the entire operation).

Ho-boy, Jax was pretty drunk too.
Luna was all smiles as she saw Aiko smiling at her, then William lifted her, which caused her to giggle. She looked down at her mother and the rest of the crew from the ship from her new perch on William’s shoulder. She watched as her mother’s question was answered by Rei before the Heterochromia-eyed Neko was asked a question that was proving difficult. “I don’t know, aunt Aiko, this is my first time here, so if it’s ok, I’d like you two to show me around, that ok?” She asked with one f her best smiles, which as a little one was the most powerful weapon, making it difficult to resist.

Kiyo's watched the interaction with her daughter. “I like her idea,” she said with a chuckle as pleasure filled her heart at the interaction.
William smiled at the giggling Luna and listened to everyone. When Rei spoke, he turned and faced her. "Sounds like a plan to me." He said, turning back to the others to gauge their reaction.

He had not been to the Chrome Catgirl before. However, if Gravity and Asuka was already there and partaking in the festivities then William figured he would enjoy himself.
Matsuvo gave a polite smile and a slight nod before eating one of the two pickle spears. The portions were, as one would expect from a Yamataian establishment, small relative to some cultures like Nepleslia, which prided themselves on heaping portions and calorie counts. The fried batter on the outside had a satisfying crispness, and it's savory seasoning contrasted with the vinegar flavor of the pickles. A moment later, the second was gone, though Matsuvo felt a touch self-conscious at rushing to eat.

Slipping the pickles' basket underneath the one with his soft pretzel, he slid into the booth across from the Nekovalkyrja. "Matsuvo Shinomori. Hajimemashite, Chikako Heisho."
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"My experiences here are fairly limited, too, Luna-chan," Aiko admitted with a sidelong glance to her bodyguard. "The last time William and I ventured out to explore Kyoto a few years ago, Rei-san felt we got ourselves into trouble. I disagree, but have refrained from getting to know the city for her sake. We will have to learn more together."

With the skyscrapers of Downtown Kyoto looming ever-closer as a hard wall of vertical urban awe in front of Aiko and the others she walked with, Rei's suggestion seemed like a perfectly logical next stop for the day. Luna's adolescence had passed by now, so going to a bar — especially one so well-established and famous across the Empire; even Aiko had heard of the place in spite of her long absence from the homeland — was well within the parameters of a good plan. Especially because Gravity and Asuka were already there.

Aiko was getting hungry in any case. A morning spent pinning hundreds of medals on the chests of Yamatai's finest took its toll, even for a Nekovalkyrja.

"Show us the way, Sensei," the princess said to her samurai, agreeing with William. "I have heard the tables there have statues of my mother, Irim, and other war heroes in chrome to match its name."

Aiko thought about the prospect of seeing a statuette of herself for a moment, entirely livid at the idea. But the grim face she made didn't last long because the thought of sushi and steaks and other fresh cuts banished all ill anticipations for other possibilities involved with their new objective. And with any luck, she could redirect most attention from The Chrome Catgirl's patrons onto her comrades. Excited requests for war stories — which Aiko had also learned the restaurant was a known venue for — must be occurring in great frequency on today of all days, and would be better handled by Gravity, William, or Kiyo.

"Perhaps Sifsdottir-chui will have some choice spots to see in Kyoto after we find her," Aiko said, remembering a conversation she'd once had with Gravity during the pilot's mid-war leave that involved bikini selfies and vacation spots. Gravity, Aiko assumed, was in the know when it came to worthwhile destinations. "She certainly will know the city better than most."
Kwabba-an closed her eyes and listened. The cold winter air was full of sounds of celebration. The rooting tooting of her fellow Star Army musicians blended with the indistinct cries of revelry and the noise that accompanied large groups of people milling about. Here and there, the insectoid picked up voices she could identify, but she wasn't focusing hard enough to hear what they were saying. Instead, she filtered out the overtones and listened for the rhythm of the city underneath. She heard ventilation units rumbling, each of which with its own signature pattern of composite elements, she presumed from uneven wear. From far above, the sound of wind buffeting against buildings descended onto her. She listened to the gusts move fluidly around corners and down the narrow passages between buildings, causing an array of ensuing clamouring as signs creaked, awnings moaned, and clothing rustled.

As she listened, familiarity slowly dawned on her and her sonic perception of the world coalesced. She had been here before. Not this exact spot, perhaps, but nearby. She opened her eyes and walked across the street, then closed her eyes and listened again, letting the sounds of people drift away again and focusing on the city. The second vantage gave her more information, and she started triangulating familiar reverberations until she was sure. Five years ago, an insectoid music student hauled her crude home-made instruments down this street or one nearby to her first gig. The sound of unrefined but heartfelt music resonated in Kwabba-an's ears and she smiled, feeling at once embarrassed and nostalgic.

After a minute, she opened her eyes and looked around, feeling like she had just woken up from a dream. The cold air started to get to her again, and she scanned the gathered crowds for her friend Kozakura.

OOC: @Yandere
The Chrome Catgirl

"Oh pilot-chan, the incitement of shenanigans is the only thing on my mind," Asuka said before taking a long swig from her beer. She had a chirashi bowl in front of her, half-eaten, and her type 22 seemed less formal than appropriate for such a day while being perfectly suited to a night of revelry as she had planned. It had been years since she had been out properly, let alone been in her homeland, some taboo unsaid rules about being prim and proper just didn't matter tonight to the sensors operator. Just as Asuka was about to add on to her reply to Gravity, she saw the cluster of crewmen come through the door and near the empty hostess' stand.

"Hey, gang's all here!" Asuka said to Gravity as she stood up and waved her arm at Aiko, Luna, Kiyo, and William. "Heroes! Welcome!" Asuka called with a yell just loud enough to break the victory day din of excitement in the restaurant but not too loud to seem somehow uncouth. Then, loud enough to be obnoxious to other guests she added, "Pilot seat's taken but there's room! Come on, join us!"

Muttering a quiet Yamataian "Yabai..." Rei suddenly grew surly and stood stalk still, necessitating someone else acknowledge they were the ones being yelled at while some eyes of the restaurant had turned towards the door.

Tokyo Brew Pub

Usada Chikako smiled, "That's Usada-heisho to you. Maybe we'll adopt these acceleration courses and it'll be Chui Usada." Her pale ale was set down at the table and she nodded in appreciation to the waitress that had brought it, then looked back to Mat to ask, "Just get back from the war, Matsuvo Shinomori? Settling into the quiet life here before you ship out for another one?"
The Parade

Senator Iemochi tugged at the collar of his Star Army uniform. It had been a long, long time since he had first worn these colours. The past few years had been stressful, even after leaving the frontlines to support his people. Virginia had gone through turmoil, originally accepting refugees into its standing accommodation, up to the point that the front rapidly approached and a hasty evacuation and rehousing had to be executed. Ultimately, they had escaped the fate of worlds like Essia and back on Virginia, everything was beginning to return to normality. The war was finally over and people could go back to their lives.

It had been time to send the PAINT shuttles that he had requisitioned for evacuation earlier in the war back to their depots. Now the system was functional again, it seemed almost magic. Two hours later and bang, they were at the Kyoto Victory Parade. Right on time, before the presenting of the medals. Various political figures had been giving addresses, and Mochi had made it just in time to give his. Opening the carefully written speech, Seinosuke would place it upon the podium with the crinkle of paper. His uniform, with his own awards, was completed by a pin which bore Virginia's flag. A couple of microphones and cameras were pointed in his direction, which were no doubt broadcasting the whole ceremony across the galaxy. His brightly coloured wings twitched nervously.

"On behalf of the citizens of Virginia and so many others, I'd like to extend my thanks to all who have served in this lengthy and painful war. You are the heroes that stories and fairy tales are made of. The stuff of legend, which the annals of history will honour until the end of time. Your sacrifice, and that of your comrades, has led us to where we are today."

"I remember battling the Kuvexian menace aboard the Kaiyō. It seems like a lifetime ago, as I'm sure many of your first engagements do too. Perhaps four years, for some of you longer. And finally, we have peace. That is down to all of you here today, and all of our brothers and sisters in the stars who wear the uniform we share. The awards you receive are mighty, but the only award I can convey is the eternal gratitude of the ordinary men and women of the Empire."

"We have all grown, and I'm sure you've come out of this war stronger and more than you were when came in. So, enjoy this day and live it to the full, our champions. Today the Empire revels in joy, knowing the rebuilding and mending can now begin. Thank you."

Carefully folding the speech, the Iemochi would retreat from the stand and slip back into the crowd, followed by a close protection specialist. If one was watching, the Senator could be seen returning to a small group of people at the centre of the plaza, surrounding a picnic table by a gold-laden river. They seemed to be taking in the sights of the troops that marched and paraded, resplendent in their immaculate uniforms.

@Arbitrated, if you want to join
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For once, someone else had been assigned to get footage of something and Kozakura could just kick back and relax. Well she could if it weren't for needing to stand in formation for a long while to receive her ribbons. All in all she was pinned with three of them before the ceremony was through. Then she was left to her own devices to celebrate victory day how she pleased. Which after receiving her medals she was roped into spending some quality time with her mothers who quickly scolded her for finding out that she had been in combat via her SANDRA broadcast. Of course hugs soon followed, as did a little picture session. Eventually though she had to say goodbye as prior plans had already been made with a certain ant woman.

However the streets were packed and she wasn't quite sure where the spot Kwabba-an had wanted to meet was. She knew the general area as she'd lived in Kyoto almost all of her life but it was so much harder to navigate on a day like today. As she neared the intersection that marked a nearby location to their meeting point, she tried to keep her eyes peeled for her friend and sister in arms.
"Ah." A look of brief disquiet crossed Matsuvo's face as the nekovalkyrja corrected him. "Sumimasen, Usada-heisho." Matsuvo said as he bowed slightly in the booth, fighting the urge to withdraw himself from the situation. "I did not mean to be overly familiar, it seems that I've yet to lose some bad habits after spending time in Elysia. I spent some time there before the Kuvexian War escalated further. I've been here and there throughout it, but it seems like I always end up back here at Fort Minori."

He had picked up the habit of using given names when spending time in Elysia with Meissa, and still occasionally used the wrong name, half out of habit and half out of confusion. He wondered what she would think of him now, "Stop apologizing so much" probably. He thought to himself. Eager to change the subject after the faux pas, Matsuvo took a generous sip of his beer before speaking.

"Usada-heisho, I must admit I'm curious about your uniform. It's incredibly well preserved, where did you find it?"
After a few minutes of standing, shivering, and scanning she tentatively leaned up against the building behind her. The chilly insectoid immediately regretted her decision, as the cold surface seemed to sap away what warmth her body had. She practically jumped in shock, nearly running into a particularly unsteady reveller. As she began to apologize, she saw someone across the street with antlers and all thoughts of her social transgression left her mind.

From across the street the musician, whose powers of observation were decidedly lacklustre, couldn't tell if the person with antlers was Kozakura or not. After a brief glance each way down the street, she speedily closed the distance between them. Her pleated skirt flapped as she ran, probably giving any onlookers quite a show and certainly exposing her legs to even more cold air, but thankfully she was neither particularly modest nor did her cold legs bother her very much. For whatever reason, she only really noticed the cold in her upper body. As she neared, she saw more and more details that she recognized of her friend's body such as her tail, her pink bangs, her pointed ears, and the markings on her forehead above her eyes. When she was sure it was her she started waving her arms and called out.

William walked into the Chrome Catgirl and stopped as everyone in the place turned and looked towards them. The Nepleslian looked around then put on big stupid grin as he got an idea.

"Yup the hero is here." He said pulling Luna off his shoulder and tossed her lightly before catching her again. William then walked over and sat Luna down and looked over to Asuka and Gravity. "Long time no see you two. Who wants to buy me a drink? I'll take some bourbon."
Chrome Catgirl

Gravity gave Will a woozy thumbs up and a very lopsided grin. Things were only going to go downhill from here.

"Where's our waitress?" Gravity hissed to Asuka, not quite as quietly as last time. Two of the tables near them heard her ask: "You know, the one with the phat ass?"

"Oh, there she ish!"

"'Scuse me cutie! Hey! Could we get a bourbon on the rocks for the eight foot tall, man-eating IDSOL please?! Thank you!" Gravity called over to the minkan girl, who to her credit, despite the uncouth calls from the pilot, did have a fine posterior.
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