Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Interest Check Welcome to Butchers' Block


Well-Known Member
First, please watch this tone trailer I have created, with some assistance, to set the mood for what's to come:

Video Transcript:
Tired Prisoner:
Sure, you didn't do it. I believe you.
Hell, everyone's innocent in here.
Let me guess...your lawyer fucked you, right?
Oh, you were framed? Really?
Yeah, you're gonna fit right in, pal.

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

Welcome to B Block.


Mysterious Cowboy:
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Change of plan, compadres.

I'd like to make you fine ladies and gentlemen a little job offer.
I think you'll find my terms and conditions to be mighty fine.
But, if they ain't up to your high standards...well, there's the door.
Yep, the airlock, right over yonder. Watch that first step's a real doozy.

That's what I thought.

Alright amigos, glad to see we're all on the same page.

Oh, and uh...

Welcome to Butchers' Block.

Welcome to Butchers' Block will be a Nepleslian oriented, small scale combat focused plot about a rag tag team of misfits forced to band together and become a well oiled fighting machine.

And, possibly, a family.

Or else.

We will begin in media res, after you and your friends/co-conspirators have all received life sentences for your heinous crimes. Well, really, it was just the most recent crime that was considered especially heinous. Sure, you'd all had rap sheets before that last job, or else you wouldn't have had the skills to pull it off.

Or, almost pull it off.

You really were framed. Your lawyer really did fuck you. This time, you actually were innocent, and nobody will believe you.

Well, except for the person that framed you.

And he's offering you a job.

But, we'll cover your new job after you finish the old one. Well, almost finish. Remember? You're really going to screw the pooch at the last minute on this one, sad to say. See, you all knew each other before things went to hell. Maybe not for long, but none of you are strangers. You all frequented a certain underground fighting ring in one of the deepest, dankest pits in Funky City. Whether you were a fighter, fan, coach, gambler, friend or lover, you spent enough time in there, and in trouble, to know your way around the ring...or at least how to fight like you belonged in one.

Of course, none of you were big winners, at least not recently. That's probably why you all took on a job that didn't quite smell right from the start. Hopefully you learned your lesson, but, some of you have definitely made this same mistake more than once.

So, we want to see your losers. Your could-have-beens. The almost famous. The young up-and-comers about to make it, and the old timers who were nearly back on top again.

We want Nepleslians, mutants, cyborgs, aliens. None of those fancy flying catgirls. We want your wide eyed hopefuls, your tough old softies, and your bad guys, possibly with hearts of gold. Or at least ones smart and well adjusted enough to understand the benefits of banding together against a common foe.

And you can't just be any geek off the street. You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean. Whether that's your fists, knives, guns or gear, you gotta earn your keep.

And maybe, one day, your freedom.

Post here if you're interested. Feel free to contact Ametheliana and/or Reynolds through PMs here or on Discord, or @ either of us in the Nepleslia channel.

While I enjoy creating plots and characters, it's clear I have some difficulty handling GM responsibilities. The current plan is for me to set up the plot with Ame's assistance, do a bit of work on the wiki, help approve characters, and run episode 0. Possibly episode 1. After that, Ame will be taking full control, while I hopefully remain on as a player and provide assistance.

And,'re not locked in here with them.

They're locked in here with you.

I'd like to thank my buddy Alex for voicing the mysterious cowboy. He's so authentic that he had to repeatedly pause his recording session because of all the bullfrogs croaking up a storm around his house. He assured me he spent the downtime strumming his guitar and staring wistfully out the window. During the commercial breaks in the middle of Wednesday night wrestling, at least.
If Reynolds would still like to run this idea, I'd still like to pick it up when he is done.

I have been really out of the loop lately with most stuff but there's no excuse for not replying until now... As I told Reynolds the tone and hype of what he has started already gets me going and gets me pumped. I hope others join up soon so that I can see more from Reynolds and the players that come around for this sort of plot. It'll be p Neppy in the end, but for now it is ultra Neppy under Reynolds' command and I love the places it is now and where it can go, too!

Go watch that video!! Reynolds and his friend made it for THIS!!! It's rad and sounds epic on so many fronts!!!
V cool and hipster. I'm hip and in touch with the kids and this really jives with my chives bros.

But good luck with the plot and I hope it succeeds. It's always cool seeing more Nepleslian GMs trying to push cool plots.
Whelp, I got a character that's gathering dust and is the perfect person for this plot. Angry little ball of curse words and a love of doing the stupid things.
Thad needs a home. Crazy enough to pull off any job. Maybe break a few rules, or a lot of them. I'd see him fitting right in this plot.