Beside him, Bob was laying on the ground, hold a pair of imaginary binoculars to his eyes, as Gerry spoke he turned his mock field glasses towards him. Putting the imaginary device down he began his brief monologue.
“Well, there are two things we need, and three we'd like to have.” He started “First, we probably be needing to either rescue or 'silence'” a small pause “ them two inside, and we'll be needing wheels, we can grab Betsy, or maybe one of them military rigs and hope they wave us at the gate.”
Taking a second to swallow “It'd be real nice with we could sniff out our friend Leigh's contact, although the chances of that are...” he shook his he and flapped his lips in dismissal “We could use some beans and maybe boom-sticks, although both are likely be'in under lock and key. There's also be maybe some information as to why the military's even come'in here, not much likely to ever get near anything like that, but folks be leave'in papers on them desks all'a time.”
Bob rolled back onto his stomach and peered through his “binoculars” again. “I'm not the think'in type, but we can either split, or try going together. Although, how much I trust my back to you, I dun know.”
((Sorry for Bobs poor grammar, here it is a little easier.
A) Find the two prisoners and either release, or “silence" them.
B) Get transport, expect pursuit.
A) Try to find Leigh's original contact, don't expect much success with this one.
B) Find supplies and weapons, probably under lock and key, but could be useful for later.
C) Find Intel about the military's original purpose in coming here, probably guarded, but you never know your luck.
I think I accidentally mixed a country accent with pirate in this one. >< ))