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OOC West of the Starmap Planning

SX-03 and SX-05 and SX-06 seem to all have been explored in RP.

03 and 05 are already on the core map. And in the western cluster map SX-06 is placed properly in respect to 03 and 05.

The Saiki Nebula is the only other object that I think we'd need to put on the map. It is 20LY north of SX05 which puts it Right ontop of 188604!

Dang, This is why we do planning threads. I suppose I could move 188604 in any direction really. We've only established that it is kinda out west of Nepleslia.
While we're on this subject of explored areas I was wondering where exactly on the map the areas explored by the Heartbreaker are supposed to be. @Reynolds any idea?
Yeah, they're roughly off to the SSW of the big map. I keep meaning to ask for them to be added on, but forgetting. With nobody else out there (except for the I'ee perhaps @LittleWasp ?) there's not much of a rush.
The distances for the Saiki Cluster are not correct. Not sure who expanded them. SX-03 is only 100 LY from the Yamatai System, and Daichi the capital is 10 ly SW from SX-03. SX-06 is 24 LY West of Daichi, or about 134+/- LY from Yamatai.

That is canon as it is what I put on the system pages at the time of approval. So unless we are shitfing things by a particular factor. Those values remain canon.
Would it be acceptable if I made a new Saiki cluster map with more accurate distances, and then placed the 'Saiki Cluster' area marked on the western cluster map? I think this would be the easiest way to square all the data on the Saiki Cluster page, because as it stands the information from the Star map, the wiki page, and from Nashoba all conflict. I also think we all agree the wiki page has the information that needs fixing.

This is the Saiki cluster map scaled so that the planet marked on the map match up to what is already on the map:
View attachment 6622

This is the Saiki cluster placed on the map where Nashoba says it is, to the scale listed on the wiki page:
View attachment 6623
So basically it needs some adjustment to not overlap? Do we need to take the other SX-y systems off the Kikyo Cluster map (main map) so they don't appear twice?
The distances within the current cluster map are accurate. If we need to shift the whole cluster slightly more westward to avoid overlap. I'm find with that.
The distances within the current cluster map are accurate. If we need to shift the whole cluster slightly more westward to avoid overlap. I'm find with that.
That's what I'm thinking too.
The Saiki cluster map is 200ly x 200ly. Just shifting it to the left will result in it overlapping with the area Raz wanted for the Kuds.

I think you guys may have gone over this before which is why the Saiki cluster is listed as being so far to the north west on the wiki. If we want to go with moving the cluster then we'd need to take the SX- series systems off the core map and decide where you want the cluster to go.
As I recall, the attempt to move toward cluster maps redefined some stellar cartography by necessity. This is why, for instance, Daichi and some of the SX-series appear in this "Saiki Cluster," even though we know they're part of the main sector.

So we have two maps considered full canon that, by design, used slightly different measures. I think the main map should be considered more canon because it's constantly updated and the cluster system was abandoned. Even in the "line up the dots" attempt a bunch of systems appear on the main cluster map, which obviously wasn't intended. The "line up the dots" version is really nice, though, other than the Saiki Nebula being somehow on the main map while the rest of the cluster gets condensed.

Mostly for your sake, could you attempt an overlay example that chops off the stuff currently on The Map while placing the rest of the systems "accurately" in terms of canon LY distance?
That would be this map:

Using Nashoba's cannon distance puts the SX- series star systems about where they already are on the core map.

However, if you add in the Saiki cluster map, then you end up with Kyasshu and the Saiki Nebula ontop of Kudistan like above.
That's not exactly what I was suggesting, but that's okay. I can use my imagination.

What's clear is that the cluster map has some scale issues, as it was never intended to be overlaid on The Map. It might be more useful to manually approximate some of these dots.

Either way, it seems like the area you want to make a playground sector already kind of exists as a playground sector.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking for.

The current core map is already a best attempt at adding the Saiki sector dots to scale.

We could just add in the Nocture Gate, Saiki Nebula, and Kyasshu but from the information on the wiki page those nebulas overlap with other stuff that is already on the map.

If we want to use Nashoba's measurements, then we need to drop the Saiki cluster map along with the distance from Yamatai listed on the wiki page.

If we want to keep what is on the wiki page, then the core map needs to have the SX-series planets removed.
Ok, Based on what I've seen here I'm going to move on with the assumption that the wiki page for the Saiki Cluster is wrong, and everything else on the wiki is right.

This basically means throwing out the Saiki cluster map so that everything fits on the original map, leaving us with:

View attachment 6732
That seems okay to me.

After some thought I've decided to officially say that the left of the main starmap is also going to be the coreward direction in the Kagami Galaxy.