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What are Nekovalkyrja Younglings?


Retired Staff
Okay, so nekovalkyrja younglings are these 8" tall little nekovalkyrjas with a few inbuilt skills that allow them to talk japanese and beat up giant space hamsters. They usually take 3 weeks to form in their mother's womb and take a couple of months to grow - that much I understand.

However, what I don't understand and want to - since the youngling brithing function of the NH-29 is supposed to be one of the things that make it stand out - is to know how younglings are born in a bit more details.

This has to have been roleplayed before - there's gotta be a In Character occurence of younglings popping up considering the number of identical daughters Yui has. I'd appreciate having the process explained more at length if possible along with perhaps quoted examples of youngling births.

How is it from the mother's point of view? How is it from the youngling? Does it come out all goey? Is mastery of japanese and basic combat skills the only thing they possess in terms of experience and then they act as little kids... or are they actually serious (like Hanako's mishhu hatchlings)? They can use the M1 Lamia while they are small, but what happens to them if they are too tall to fit in a Lamia but too short to fit in a Mindy? What sort of appetite does it have when it's growing? Are nekovalkyrja breasts actually useable for breastfeeding in this instance? Do they have any sex drive even when that small? Are they born with genetic tattoos? Nekos younglings may have belly buttons, but are they just a cosmetic addition or was it use for something while it was growing (considering nekos can absorb stuff through their skin).

Sorry for the big chunk of question bundled up in a unyieldy paragraph, but it only emphasizes how little I think nekovalkyrja younglings are detailed while they stand as one of the most important element of the alien concept of communal familly the nekos have.
Reactions: Wes
I remember Wes telling me that the Neko mother just lies down, and then the baby Neko crawls out of the birth canal on its own.

I don't believe it to be a painful experience for either party. (Amazing but true.)

As I recall from old story arcs, the baby Nekos are born with fully developed minds, so they're mature in that respect. I'm not sure if they're born with much more than basic survival and language skills, however. I guess it depends on whether you define "maturity" as something based more upon intelligence or more upon experience.

The mother can select the child's genetic tattoo patten, which, being genetic, is present at birth. Nekos are forbidden by law to create clones of themselves that cannot be visually distinguished. This is ensured by the barcode tattoos, but those are usually hidden from view. Since the mother would probably want to be able to easily tell her children apart, and they're all clones of each other, the later generation Nekos can get some pretty prominent and funky tattoo patterns. (Of course, most Nekos are vat-grown, I guess.)

Don't know about the answers to other questions.
I'd appreciate having the process explained more at length if possible along with perhaps quoted examples of youngling births.
Not sure if I have any quotes, but basically the little neko kind of crawls out head first over a few minutes. It isn't painful (and can even be a bit pleasurable).

How is it from the youngling?
Younglings tend to joke about it. "Mom, you're awfully tight! You need to find yourself a Nepleslian."
Does it come out all goey?
There's the mom's natural lubricating fluids and perhaps a small remainder of HS blood, but they dry pretty quick when the youngling is exposed to air.

Is mastery of japanese and basic combat skills the only thing they possess in terms of experience and then they act as little kids... or are they actually serious (like Hanako's mishhu hatchlings)?
I'd say they were about as mentally mature as high-schoolers. But, instead of being rebellious teenagers, they're curious budding adults.

They can use the M1 Lamia while they are small, but what happens to them if they are too tall to fit in a Lamia but too short to fit in a Mindy?
They either stay on the ship, or have the Mindy's interior fill up with gooey fluids and hook up via SPINE and an umbilical cord.

What sort of appetite does it have when it's growing?
They tend to eat a lot, especially near the end of their growth period.

Are Nekovalkyrja breasts actually useable for breastfeeding in this instance?
Absolutely! Neko moms can feed their youngling until they are fully grown (and beyond, if desired) but once the neko is big enough to eat human-sized portions she'll be able to do fine without it.

Do they have any sex drive even when that small?
Nekos younglings may have belly buttons, but are they just a cosmetic addition or was it use for something while it was growing (considering nekos can absorb stuff through their skin).
There's a HS umbilical cord that goes there, for direct blood transfer.
I realize this gets back to the 'do nekos have bellybuttons' question... but if they have a HS port there, why isn't it used while they pilot the Mindy armor to feed them instead of using a tube at neck level?

Also... figuring Yui had younglings - this has to have been roleplayed somewhere. Can we have an excerp written of how those births could be, if there are no quotes to be had?

I want a roleplaying guide on this Wes, please. Answering the questions above help, but only serves to raise other questions. As players, how do we achieve that sort of event adequately? I seriously think this is an understated portion of what nekovalkyrja culture could be about and should be fleshed out - a lot.
I don't know if this is a silly question, but what form do these tattoo's come in? Are they like a bar-code, or much more like an actual tattoo?
Tyler said:
And all nekos can have younglings normaly?

Nekos can only become pregnant by activating their cloning ability with a special code, or by switching their reproductive system with a Yamataian one. In other words, they can't do it unless they're civilian / private citizen or if the Star Army gives them permission.

Zakalwe said:
I don't know if this is a silly question, but what form do these tattoo's come in? Are they like a bar-code, or much more like an actual tattoo?

The barcode tattoos are required by law. They don't have to be on the left breast, but they better be somewhere. Of course, other tattoos patterns are allowed as well. It's not too uncommon to see a Neko with a small pattern on her cheek or forehead. Remember Commandar Chakotay's tattoo from Star Trek: Voyager? Kind of like that.
Well now I've suddenly had a rather fun idea for a Neko character. Complete body tattoo!

Well I think it would be cool ...

Nekos can only become pregnant by activating their cloning ability with a special code,

So what's to stop them using that 'code' again and again and again? What form does the code take. Is it changed regularly or is there only a single code?

Really? Wes said all they need to do is think about the idea of having a child hard enough. <_<
Cora said:
Really? Wes said all they need to do is think about the idea of having a child hard enough. <_<

Actually getting pregnant requires both:
1. The pregnancy feature is activated. (It deactivates when the Neko gives birth, and needs another code to re-activate it.)
2. The Neko actually want to conceive a child (a clone, to be precise).

A Neko requesting to activate her pregnancy feature is probably wishing to have a child anyway. Most requests are probably granted, unless the Neko is serving in a war zone or something.

As for the actual code itself, this wouldn't be canon or anything, but I was thinking that it could be a combination of a personal password that the Neko chooses, and a dynamic password (changes daily) assigned to her that the Star Army controls. Let me know if anyone wants me to bore them with the technical details.
Please bore me with technical details. ^__^

Seriously, I consider anything that can be outlined here useful roleplaying tools either for use or reference.

Again, this isn't canon. This is just how things are done currently with secure email systems. I think.

There are various ways of generating random numbers (see below). Any random number generator based on an algorithm (in other words, anything done on a computer) is really a pseudo-random number generator, since algorithms are deterministic. So if you have the starting parameters of the algorithm (the seed), then you can predict the exact sequence that the pseudo-random number generator will generate. Not very random.

For more info on the generators, read up on the linear congruential generator. It's the simplest one. In a nut-shell, it's:
next number = (current number * X + Y) mod Z

But determinism isn't entirely a bad thing. Imagine the following scenario:

Neko A wants to create a clone of herself. She asks her captain (call her B) for permission, who agrees to it.

Both A and B enter their personal passwords into MEGAMI. MEGAMI identifies them (visually as well as via the passwords) and verifies that Neko A's pregnancy mode can be activated if A and B gives their permission.

When Neko A enlisted, both MEGAMI and A's internal organic system have been given a seed, and both have been running psuedo-random number generators at the same update rate ever since (say, every hour). Since both generators started with the same seed at the same time, they're generating the same sequence.

(Note that, even by today's standards, psuedo-random number generators take up very little CPU usage.)

MEGAMI grabs the current number being generated and hands it to A. A has less than an hour to use the code before it becomes invalid (since the code then becomes the next randomly generated number). So she can't save it for later. If she asks MEGAMI for the code at, say, 1:59PM, MEGAMI will probably ask her to come back in 2 minutes and ask her again.

A feeds both the code and her personal password into her organic internal systems. Her internal systems will check her password and check the code against its own psuedo-random number generator. Assuming that she didn't delay too much, her pregnancy feature gets activated. She then initiates the pregnancy by thinking about having a child.

Security features:
1. A can't get pregnant without her captain's permission.
2. A can't get pregnant without her own permission. (So no one can force her to become pregnant.)
3. A can't save the code and use it at a later date.

Now aren't you glad you asked?

I think this is how things work. At least, that's how I'd implement it. Actual details might vary. Additional security features may be in place. (You probably want to encrypt everything for secure transmissions.)

Let me know if you see any gaping holes in logic.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ps ... generators

Okay, I didn't expect something so involved. Thanks for taking the pains to explain Yangfan. It does outline, crystal-clearly, that a neko can't have a youngling without the approbation of a higher power.

Though, does this still apply to the NH-29 standard nekovalkyrja? I was under the impression that the Ketsurui Zaibatsu wanted them to be independant so that if one of the NH-29 became stranded on an unknown planet it would be able to self-clone and create it's progeny that way.
This was a prompt to perhaps discuss the NH-29 standard nekovalkyrja, as it seems to be the 'common neko' over the NH-17s now. Yangfan's input was, like I said, much appreciated. There was no need to be stingy and point out the obvious, Uso Tasuki.

Wes is not presently around. We do have, however, two fonts of information we can refer to.

- NH-29 Nekovalkyjra brainstorming discussion
- NH-29 CCG page

One early post in the brainstorm sort of confirm Wes' idea with it:

Another bit from Wes in a latter post was:
No codes are required for NH-29 Nekos. Because NH-17 nekos are obsolete, no further codes are being issued for their reproduction.
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