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What are Nekovalkyrja Younglings?


Retired Staff
Okay, so nekovalkyrja younglings are these 8" tall little nekovalkyrjas with a few inbuilt skills that allow them to talk japanese and beat up giant space hamsters. They usually take 3 weeks to form in their mother's womb and take a couple of months to grow - that much I understand.

However, what I don't understand and want to - since the youngling brithing function of the NH-29 is supposed to be one of the things that make it stand out - is to know how younglings are born in a bit more details.

This has to have been roleplayed before - there's gotta be a In Character occurence of younglings popping up considering the number of identical daughters Yui has. I'd appreciate having the process explained more at length if possible along with perhaps quoted examples of youngling births.

How is it from the mother's point of view? How is it from the youngling? Does it come out all goey? Is mastery of japanese and basic combat skills the only thing they possess in terms of experience and then they act as little kids... or are they actually serious (like Hanako's mishhu hatchlings)? They can use the M1 Lamia while they are small, but what happens to them if they are too tall to fit in a Lamia but too short to fit in a Mindy? What sort of appetite does it have when it's growing? Are nekovalkyrja breasts actually useable for breastfeeding in this instance? Do they have any sex drive even when that small? Are they born with genetic tattoos? Nekos younglings may have belly buttons, but are they just a cosmetic addition or was it use for something while it was growing (considering nekos can absorb stuff through their skin).

Sorry for the big chunk of question bundled up in a unyieldy paragraph, but it only emphasizes how little I think nekovalkyrja younglings are detailed while they stand as one of the most important element of the alien concept of communal familly the nekos have.
Found on the old forum:
Today, a two-year study ended, proving that normal sexual relations between pregnant Nekovalkyrja and other nekos and Geshrin is neither harmful to the mother neko nor the youngling. The study was originally intended to last only one year, but was extended because the participants volunteered to continue even with reduced compensation (they liked the humping).

A neko can become pregnant at any time, providing that her body has reproductive features enabled and she is in a "motherly mood," which is frequent thinking about reproduction and taking on nesting habits. Once an NH-12 youngling is grown inside the mother neko's womb, she can either remain inactive until the mother feels the time is right to give birth, or she can be activated and stay inside under support of the mother. Some nekos insert non-youngling NH-12s into themselves and use them as personal assistants.
The NH-17 can become an NH-12.
It works the other way around, too.

When an NH-17 is pregnant, the youngling in her is actually an NH-12. When the youngling "grows up," it is really transforming into an NH-17. The NH-17 has more capabilities than the NH-12, but sometimes small size is needed. With that in mind, any NH-17 neko can shrink themselves into an NH-12, with the use of te HSCS system. Returning to NH-17 requires no assistance.
  • Can the NH-12B we have in Star Army ships serving as their many Lamia pilots actually all grow to become the NH-17R type?
  • Having a nekovalkyrja store a small duplicate body in herself and 'mentally' swapping to it should there be a need could make some amount of sense... but I find the 'any NH-17 neko can shrink themselves into an NH-12, with the use of their HSCS system' extremely wasteful and inconsistant: the neko disminishes herself at the cost of eleminating a lot of her own organic matter (including the brain too!).
Ok, Sorry to drag this back into the lime-light and all but are the NH-27 Models able to reproduce at all? Just a question because a character of mine is considering creating a sister in a effect.
well, it'd be more like creating a daughter... but yeah, a NH-27 can create younglings. The NH-29 just has more customization functions instead of making a straight-up clone.
Wes said:
Is mastery of japanese and basic combat skills the only thing they possess in terms of experience and then they act as little kids... or are they actually serious (like Hanako's mishhu hatchlings)?
I'd say they were about as mentally mature as high-schoolers. But, instead of being rebellious teenagers, they're curious budding adults.

How does that work, anyway? Even with their ultracompact brain, they're not all that much bigger than rats at birth. How on Earth are they born that smart with a brain that tiny? I mean, the closest analogies to them are marsupials as far as the birth sizes go, and they have to live in pouches for a good chunk of their babyhood, because they're basically just fetuses.

On the NH-17s... couldn't they still give birth, if someone hacked their codes?
The vast majority of the neko brain is memory storage, so the small nekos just have limited long-term memory.

Nekos could get the reproductive codes from PNUgen, up until the NH-17 type was replaced by newer models.
Just the important stuff.

But hey, isn't that the same with humans? ^_^
Well that's an interesting bit of information. Given that, at what point would a neko's memory become solid and gain the ability to be retained, more or less? For example, you could say most human beings are able to clearly remember events from about age four or five, with the memories deteriorating overtime (though I doubt that nekos would have this particular issue given that their minds are data-based).
Very, very soon I imagine. Neko only take 2 months to mature to full size so it'd only take them a few short weeks before their memory kicked into full gear. Though I don't have a clue what the exact time would be.